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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. No reports from today's training. I'm suffering withdrawal! TDI, help!!!!
  2. Ghastly! That bloke is EVERYWHERE!! He's in MY bathroom, too! Every time I look in the mirror, there he is!!
  3. Yes, DC, that's the bit that puzzled me, too. Surely, if his lawyer knew Jeff was supposed to be in Court, HE would have ensured Jeff was aware and, indeed, there...
  4. Very sad, indeed! Very sorry to hear it.
  5. Is that right? How about that! I never knew Ken's Dad played for us! Thanks, DeeVoted. That's nice to know.
  6. Just noticed in the 1939, 1940 & 1941 teams a guy in the back pocket named Emselle. Does anyone happen to know if he was related to Ken Emselle, who played with us in the 60s? Not a very common surname.
  7. Funny, ManDee, I was thinking exactly the same thing a few days back, when yet another thread crashed & burned...!
  8. And he's been playing THUGBY up until now? Gazza should be ashamed of himself allowing his son to degrade himself in that way!
  9. Vagg

    Team Photo

    Is that right, TDI? Afraid it's a bit far for me to go for the Family Day, so have to rely on catching it in the Hun. Need it to stick up over my Bar...! LOL
  10. Let's hope they replicate that sort of thing on match day!
  11. Just noticed the Suns' team photo published in today's Gold Coast Bulletin, which prompted me to wonder when the Hun might be publishing the MFC team photo. Does anyone on here happen to know? Thanks.
  12. No Garlett in your Forward Line, TDI? (Just beat me to the punch, LDC! LOL)
  13. I'll add my voice to the chorus. Great selections, all. And, stoked for Dunny! (Every Palace needs a good, solid Dunny...!! LOL)
  14. Saty, I sure hope you have a very thick skin because, I for one, want you to keep up the great work of your regular reports. Being stuck here on the Gold Coast (yet, poor me! LOL), I really appreciate the time and effort you put into the reports for us pathetic, unappreciative sods! Constructive debate on this site is great. But, I cannot abide the constant sniping by some.
  15. I'm shocked to see no reference in the above account to the fact it is also the theme song for the mighty Sale Footy Club! (Except, being black & white, their version goes: "every heart beats RIGHT for the black & the WHITE"...!) LOL
  16. That's the spirit, P-Man! Well put!
  17. Some of you turkeys like nothing better than to pour cold water on every feel good story. I feel sorry for you! Lighten up and smell the roses!!
  18. Has he done any 3km time trials on his scooter, yet?
  19. I reckon there's three great stories out of this year's draftees: 1. Petracca & Brayshaw, great mates and both drafted to the same club, 2. Stretch & Neal-Bullen, great mates and both drafted to the same club, and 3. Our fifth draftee, McDonald, being drafted to the same club as his brother. I suppose the first one (Petracca & Brayshaw) was always a fair chance. But, the odds of the other two was pretty remote, especially given both Neal-Bullen and McDonald were expected to go a fair bit earlier in the draft. To be drafted is clearly a real thrill. To end up at the same club as your good mate must make it even more special! It's happened a few times before. Jetta & Bennell, and Trengove & Tapscott are a couple of other recent examples. Seems to recall Watts was also good mates with one or both of Blease and Strauss. Just a bit of a feel good story, I guess.
  20. Some people might debate you on that, Binman! LOL
  21. Was rather tempted to make the 2 1/2 hr trip Nth. Alas, the temperature is rising at a rapid rate, and forecast to be a stinker. So, the pool wins out...!
  22. Agree totally, JVF. I, too, am interstate, and very much appreciate Saty's regular reports and comments re his banter with the players. Absolutely nothing wrong with it, and the constant sniping at him frankly pisses me off.
  23. 14 HOURS and 50 MINUTES?? Time you gave up those long Pub crawls, Jack! You're getting past it!
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