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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Quarter-Time We are six points behind thanks to a couple of late Geelong goals. Having said that, we have been impressive - great intensity but poor disposal. Promising. Good players so far have been Paul Johnson, Brock McLean, Aussie, Wheatley, Carroll and Neita. Brad Miller has done some good things in the forward half, while Cale Morton and Nugget have both been let down by their poor disposal.
  2. Nah, he was selected on the extended bench.
  3. Absolutely. Melbourne often play well against the Cats and the addition of Jared Rivers is absolutely monstrous for our team. A victory is not what I am looking for, but improvement - both in intensity and decision-making - is. I think, however, that in order for us to come even close to Geelong, Russell Robertson needs to kick at least five goals - otherwise I just can't see where our winning score could possibly come from.
  4. Give the guy a break. Jeez . . . sometimes I think my fellow Melbourne supporters actually actively dislike the guys who play for our club.
  5. Actually, that was the fist thing I noticed! But it won't happen, especially once we have Rivers and Whelan back in the side.
  6. Absolutely! I thought he was good, too. He was fifth in my top six, but when I posted that, I kinda got shouted down. I really thought his entry inside 50 was good, as was his intensity, at least compared with that of some of our other players.
  7. Sorry, but I thought that his intensity and delivery into the forward line were both way above that of almost every other Demon out there. Having said that, however, I reckon he is a forward who can rotate through the middle, not the other way around.
  8. 6. Nathan Carroll 5. Paul Wheatley 4. Nathan Jones 3. David Neitz 2. Colin Sylvia 1. Cale Morton
  9. Definitely the worst game I have seen him play. I watched him for 10 minutes in the final quarter and could not see anything positive about his performance. I used to think he would Captain the Club to a Premiership, win a Brownlow and save us all from the Abyss. Not anymore.
  10. Because then nobody will. And that would be worse than anything.
  11. Chook


    Arise, Sir Cale!
  12. So I guess the real question is not whether we should have picked up Kevin Sheedy, but how on Earth we overlooked Yze Magic as coach.
  13. I just get the feeling I'm going to be on this forum in 20 years time answering the same question that you guys are answering for me. To quote a certain former Melbourne coach with bad knees "Footy sucks sometimes, doesn't it?" But I guess it doesn't matter, I will always support the team I love. Should old acquaintance be forgot, I will keep my eye on the Red and the Blue.
  14. Chook


    The thing about Carroll is that with all the goals being kicked against us, he's getting a lot of practice. That's got to be a good thing, right? Right?
  15. Yeah, I sort of never really cottoned on to Dean Bailey. He speaks really well, but obviously hasn't done well on game day. It's going to be an interesting year, isn't it?
  16. I wish he would. But, to be honest, he didn't to too bad a job today in the role that he was given.
  17. I'm only 18 and thus have no real experience in the matter, so, how 'bout it?
  18. But back on topic, I was watching the game on Foxtel today (I saw myself in the crowd, by the way) and every time 'Buddy' touched the ball or kicked a goal, he threw his hands up in the air and smiled, quite obviously thinking "I'm so good, God doesn't even deserve to polish my shoes." Total jerk. I bet he picked on everybody when he was at school. Seriously, fantastic player; bloody turd of a guy.
  19. Mate that is a bloody fantastic idea! I mean, at the very least, how many MCC members are uncles, aunts or grand-parents of young Melbourne Football Club supporters with nowhere near enough money to buy a membership or go to the games. I would love to see this initiative undertaken by the Demons and the MCC.
  20. 6. Brent Maloney 5. Nathan Jones 4. Paul Johnson 3. Brock McLean 2. Paul Wheatley 1. Brad Green
  21. Were you happy when we made the Grand Final in 2000? Or when we were top of the ladder in 2004? What about after that win against the Bulldogs in 2005 to get us into the finals? If you didn't care then, then don't become a member. But if you did, please support the Club now, when we need it the most. It's people like you that must support the Demons when we're down.
  22. I'm a Demon, and it doesn't matter how we play, I'll always be there.
  23. Robbo got four possessions, but kicked three goals. I'd call that dangerous, wouldn't you?
  24. McLean was in our top 3 possession getters, even after having very little game time last year. Keep him in.
  25. Behind the goals, with the cheer squad, as I always have and always will.
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