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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Did you even watch the game? Every time he got the ball, he passed it off to a player running around the back, knowing that if he did kick it, he'd turn it over. That's smart. Knowing your limitations is a fantastic quality. The only time I can remember him butchering the ball, is when he didn't have a player to palm it off to. Instead of getting the support he needed from his team-mates, he kicked it out on the full. If he'd had help, he would have been responsible for yet another positive forward thrust - as he was all day.
  2. Or he is good. Why can't we leave it at that? If he was a giant with all the right attributes, you'd probably be lamenting his not living up to his potential. As long as Wonnaeamirri isn't stealing goals from other players, I'm happy with however many he kicks.
  3. Can I just say also that that Bruce goal must have been a grand total of two centimeters from touching the post. As soon as he kicked that, I knew we'd win.
  4. Could not agree more. Colin Sylvia was pick number 3. If people agree that Brock McLean is good, then surely they must hold some hope for Colin, particularly after a 4 goal game. Not to mention 3.3 vs. Collingwood. I seem to remember him being one of our best players in the pre-season comp, as well as the first few rounds of this year. He will be good.
  5. Crazy. Imagine if it was Brock McLean or Cale Morton. How would we feel? Poor guy.
  6. Well, you are a demon. Last time I checked, Demons had horns
  7. I love Wheaters, but I personally thought his disposal, along with Whelan's, almost cost us the game.
  8. 6. Brad Miller 5. Brad Green 4. Colin Sylvia 3. Chris Johnson 2. Paul Johnson 1. Mark Jamar
  9. The thing about Jamar which I love is he absolutely knows his limitations. His only kick went out on the full, but every other time he ever touched the ball, he handballed it on to another - usually much more talented player. I would much prefer a Jamar taking a contested possession which he offloads to another, than White taking twenty dinky little uncontested ones that have come from - and go to - nowhere.
  10. I've never bagged him. Ever. In fact, I'm one of the few crazies who believe he should captain us next year.
  11. We Will Win This Week. I have never had more faith in my team than I do today. DazzleDavey, care for a threesome?
  12. © Miller (VC) McLean 3. Green 4. McDonald 5. Bruce 6. Moloney 7. Jones Yes, that is Brad Miller you see tossing the coin. Passionate, hard-working, charismatic, consistent, not injury-prone. Five things every captain must be.
  13. You know what? Neither have I. For that matter, I've never seen Judd play in the flesh either, and I miss 3 home games a year, at most. Wierd.
  14. Ditto. BTW, the minutes after he kicked that goal were the most gut-wrenching of my life. Also, this is the kind of awesomely pointless topic I love. Keep, 'em coming!
  15. Sorry, but could somebody explain what the rules of the circle thing were, what it was for and why it totally neutered Whitey? Thanks in advance.
  16. Knowing our luck, instead of a brilliant tap ruckman with good skills, we'd get an absolute klutz who couldn't ruck worth [censored].
  17. Exactly! This post should be framed and Grinter given a medal.
  18. This is all well and good, but the even more entertaining thing is the crap being slung in the comments section of YouTube. Bloody Hell!
  19. 1. Caroline Wilson 2. Mike Sheehan 3. Robert Walls. 'Nuff said. And I'm a bloke.
  20. I'm not going to post each player's actual number, but here are the averages that I've arrived at for the Dees. Average* = 43.37 Average (best 22) = 37.46 *David Neitz not included, as he has retired. May not mean anything yet, but Carlton's Average = 42.27 Carlton's Average (best 22) = TBA Will edit tomorrow after further sleep and analysis.
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