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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Wheatley roosts it from the kick-in, White takes a mark, handball to McLean, handball to Jones, goal. 4 possessions, no turn overs, goal. Why not do that more often?
  2. Wonaeamirri is a positive, at least. I don't think I've seen Aaron Davey kick goals like that for about two years.
  3. I haven't seen Brock McLean have a touch. Totally out of the game.
  4. Jonesy's playing a blinder. Couple of good goals, eh?
  5. Brucey wins the toss. Have we lost one this year? Not that it matters much.
  6. What if, in 1965, somebody had told you we would not win a Premiership until at least 2010, when we would begin to have a chance again. Would you have stuck with it all that time, quit, or only become interested again now? I know it would have dimmed my enthusiasm - not to say I would walk away from football, but I would have become a little less passionate over the years. Up until 2010, at least.
  7. I'd take this in an instant. Not that Davey isn't good, but that trade would be fantastic for both clubs. He absolutely suits their running style, he has a relative who plays for them, as well as a few friends. Would fit in at Essendon very easily, plus they would likely get another fast, skilled player with pick 17. We, on the other hand, would get a monster rover and a grasshopper of a ruckman. Am I crazy, or does this sound perfect to anyone else?
  8. If we won, I would be sad - not for winning that game, but for winning the ones before it. I would prefer that we treat our past champions well - and that they do the same - rather than winning a Premiership. Perhaps I condone mediocrity, but if it is mediocrity with honour, what's wrong with that?
  9. A total guess, but I reckon he means Cale Morton.
  10. Sure. Who doesn't like juice?
  11. What do you think he's thinking about all this. Playing on, bad form, injury, and a Club in crisis. Is he regretting not retiring, is he sad to see the club like this? It would be interesting to hear an interview with him in which he actually tells us what he's thinking, rather than just the stock-standard responses.
  12. Sorry. Mind-slip. I meant to say Bate.
  13. This is blasphemous, but I believe we will be more competitive with David Neitz out of the side. With Dunn to come in next week, we may develop quite a versatile and potent forward line over the coming weeks
  14. 1. The Melbournefc 2008 team is performing worse in the first 5 rounds then any other team in the last 10 years. True. We have lost every game this year - including the NAB Cup and Challenge matches - by an estimated average of 55 points, and have won, in total, a half of football in 5 games. 2. Chris Judd would have saved this club, on and off the field. False. We would, however, have been better off. 3. Judd would be a Demon had Kevin Sheedy been coach False. Chris Judd wanted to move to Carlton because of the facilities and its players' potential for improvement, neither of which have anything to do with its coach. 4. Paul Gardner is an idiot False. He is a man with no brand, no money, no team and no time. A victim of circumstance. 5. Dean Bailey is implementing a gameplan suited to quick, fit and confident footballers, ala. Port Power 2004. We do not have quick, fit and confident footballers. True. If we had any of these things, we would not have lost to the Blues. 6. If Melbourne's performance doesn't improve after 6 rounds, as said it would, Dean Bailey will get the sack/resign False. He has at least two more years. If Melbourne is in the same position in round 6 of 2010, Dean Baily will get the sack. 7. MelbourneFC will be a completely different club/brand/image in 3 years time. False. If it was going to happen, it would have already. 8. 150 years of history means nothing when you have 40+ years of mediocrity False. If it did, we'd already be dead. 9. The AFL was sitting back in its big, expensive leather chair last week at the site of 23k at a match played by two Melbourne clubs, and thinking "Goodluck, guys! You're on your own from here on in." False. There is too much at stake for the AFL to let 1/8th of the Competition die. 10. North and Melbourne will eventually join forces aka. merge. False. The Melbourne Demons will be the Melbourne Demons until Rapture. 11. Most Melbourne members would support such a move False. I wouldn't. Would you? 12. Melbourne's performance this year, on and off the field, is exactly what the AFL wants. They don't want 10 teams in Melbourne. The more the bigger clubs distance themselves from the smaller ones, the more oppurtunity there is for relocation and folding. False. No Victorian club will move, merge or relocate without full support from its board and supporter-base. 13. Cameron Bruce is the most overrated player in the AFL False. Jonathan Brown is. 14. David Neitz is finished True, but will play out the year. 15. Adam Yze is finished True, but will play a send-off match for Melbourne. 16. The Melbourne FC is finished. False, but that depends upon people like you and me. We can make a difference. Fantastic post. Go Dees!
  15. A Fevolution is the act of a commentator speaking without realizing what a tool he is.
  16. God yes! I am so sick of that. There was a play where Murphy and Kreuzer were handballing to each other which resulted in a goal, and the commentators were rabbiting on about Chris Judd like he scored the goal, even though he was 50 meters from the ball! Bloody Hell.
  17. Okay, first of all, where is everybody? Are you aware there is a match going on between the absolute most corrupt team in the universe and the only team that matters? Come on, guys. So, I missed the first quarter. What's been going on? Who's good? Is Neita as old as he was? Does Robbo look like he cares? Good pressure? Give me something, please. Carn the Dees!
  18. Doubtful. He probably wouldn't get a game for them.
  19. You're right. I just wonder how much of a difference it really makes to have the media on your back 24/7 look at that "we're worse than Fitzroy" thing that Carlton guy said. So what? Even if it's true, what good will it do to create a huge ruckus about it. The only thing I'm really concerned about is that the Media tends to exacerbate any infighting that may go on during situations like this - and that's the last thing a dying club like us needs.
  20. Because every idiot with a newspaper column overreacts to some bad losses.
  21. What, like in an official role? If so, I am definitely interested.
  22. Hey, if he can give us anywhere near the kind of win/loss record that Chocko has, I'll be happy.
  23. You're absolutely right about what my intentions were, and it seems that a fourth topic would be good. Anyway, a lot of people have put in their two cents about our past players as well, so I guess I will too. Because I'm only 18, I haven't seen anywhere near as much footy as a lot of guys on this board, but I always liked Jim Stynes and Adem Yze when I was growing up. Plus, I always had a pretty good chance of seeing them play week in, week out.
  24. But is it really hindering it? And if it were, would it matter, given how crap we are anyway? Give the guy a break.
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