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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. Yep, we have our ruckman now. Gawn underwhelms as a forward and thrives as a ruck - much like Kreuzer. He doesn't strike me as the type of player we need. What we do need is a player who can play mostly forward and pinch hit well in the ruck.
  2. Cheers mate. I suppose Bucks can't do more than that at the minute. Until Treloar says he wants out and nominates his destination it would be unprofessional to say more than he did. Nice to know we are at least having a crack at Treloar as well, although I feel we aren't really in contention for him.
  3. Sorry to put you on the spot dazzle, but can you give a short run down of what was said re: Treloar? Didn't get a chance to watch it. Cheers.
  4. Vintage Roosy. His straight bat would rival the one Geoffrey Boycott used for decades!
  5. Well we couldn't have auditioned for him better than we did yesterday. What midfielder wouldn't want to kick the ball to Hogan for the next decade? But I agree, I don't think he will end up anywhere else but Collingwood.
  6. I actually think it will make it much, much harder to pry someone loose from the Suns now. With Dixon and Bennell, two quality players, already leaving it's hard to see them allowing any more to leave unless they are out of contract. If a player does want out and they are under contract I can see the Suns playing extra hard ball which won't help us at all.
  7. If, and it's a big if, that's true then I trust Roos, Mahoney and the rest 100%. They would have done their due diligence and made a decision that, despite his talent, his character and off field issues aren't something we need at the club going forward.
  8. While I'm happy for him to stay, I think the club has shown their hand from the start - if they thought he was important to our future then they would have probably made more of an effort to meet the 'demands' he has asked for. Clearly the club views him as expendable and have offered him a contract that reflects this. You didn't see Salem, Brayshaw, Hogan et al waiting until the end of the year - we offered them the right deal that reflects their importance to us going forward and they signed up quickly.
  9. I'd be wary of taking him with his history, but, he is just the sort of player we need and I feel as though we have a culture now that could handle him. There is much to play out with this one but I'm certainly hoping we are taking a good, hard look at getting him to the club.
  10. Don't quit your day job Freak... if you have one.
  11. Well done to those players. I feel as though we managed the kids very well this year - outside of ANB they didn't really have any injuries and were rested at the right time. It made a real difference.
  12. I always feel sorry for supporters like you. Every poster here knows there is still plenty of work to be done, however, for the first time in ages we can see some REAL light at the end of the tunnel... yet you can't bring yourself to enjoy it. What a shame.
  13. That's just proof of how quality his touches are. Imagine how good he will be when he does get his hands on the ball 20+ times on a consistent basis!
  14. This tweet sums up how I'm feeling about today - everyone has mentioned all the terrific positives from our performance, but when was the last time we finished off a season with a win? The boys will be feeling pretty good about themselves and will take that feeling with them as they take a break and then come back for pre-season. It can only be a good thing!
  15. Fair point there Chaser. I think we would all agree that something we haven't had enough of is competition for spots. We are getting better, slowly, in this area but if we can improve it again further next year then it can only be a positive thing for us going forward.
  16. Big deal. When the season was still alive we rolled some very, very good sides. The Lions come good in the last round against a side that had a creche down back and were hoping to get through unscathed. Not much to get your knickers in a twist about.
  17. Carltank are now primed to win the spoon. Love it.
  18. I've got him on ignore. Makes reading threads so, so, so much easier.
  19. I still think, in theory, that we shouldn't overlook the opportunity to add some further experience to our side. We still have some kids who will need time and getting a 'rental', like Daniel Cross, for a few years isn't necessarily a bad idea. It just has to be the right player. Steve Johnson isn't it. We need guys who will come in, provide good leadership skills and be an excellent role model for the kids. Johnson can get away with slotting in to a Top 8 side without much trouble, but he wouldn't be good for us. Someone like Jed Adcock has the potential to provide what Cross did for us, and is an example of the type of experience we should be looking at getting.
  20. It's a moot point anyway. If he plays anywhere next year it will be for a side that's in with a shot at a flag. That won't be us in 2016.
  21. Why do they have to explain it? I would have thought 'omitted' says enough. As I said before mate, if this was anyone else there wouldn't be an entire thread dedicated to it. We've brought in 4 young kids for a run this round to go with the many others we are already playing, and Watts simply may have been the one to miss out this week in a game that means nothing.
  22. I'll tell you 'Watts' going on - too many posters here are talking dribble. If this was anyone else in our side it would barely rate a mention. Watts? Oh, it must mean he is going to be traded. Ridiculous.
  23. Your trolling skills are beginning to slip, bluey. What happened?
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