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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. We have progressed if he improves his output. I would back McCartney and co. to do this... but that's if he stays. Imagine him being able to be a third tall for Hogan with Garlett and Kent running around at their feet? It's not half bad. We just need to get him up and about.
  2. It has been reported that he is exploring his options for 2016 and the opportunity for more guaranteed playing time. There have been rumours, strong ones but not confirmed, that he has met with the Druggies, Handbaggers and South Melbourne this week over the possibility of a move. The second forward/ruck debate has been a good one and something we haven't been able to fill properly as yet - is he someone worth looking at, or is he the sort of player who is only useful as the number 1 ruckman?
  3. I get that feeling too sometimes. We are clearly on the way up, will pay him a fair deal and he is playing regularly. Pretty poor for him to be looking to find a way out.
  4. I actually get the feeling more and more that he is gone. You could be right re: the offers though - it is clear we value him differently than he does, but the offers for that aren't forthcoming which leave him in limbo a little. I also got out of the interview that Howe hasn't been happy playing down back and sees himself as a forward. I don't agree with that - his games up forward this year were games he went missing in, where as down back he was able to impact games more often. I think the moment the right offer comes in he will accept it quickly and go. It's just getting another club to bite that seems to be the tricky part the minute.
  5. I saw him mentioned in an article about his contract situation and instantly hoped no one would be stupid enough to start a thread on him. I should have known better...
  6. One of the first times for a while that I agree with you Steve! We've already got Watts, we have ZERO need for a player like Jarrad Grant.
  7. I'm not all that keen. Been through 2 clubs already and doesn't really fill a need.
  8. And that's the way it should be. I've always been a Watts fan, even though I can readily admit he has plenty of shortcomings, but we are in a position where we need to continue to build the list. If he can be traded for something that improves the list then we should do it. It's just a matter of prying something good lose from one of the other clubs.
  9. If I was Melbourne I'd pull the offer and tell him to go. No time for this sort of BS. Thanks mate. Sounds as though someone like Watts can be had... for the right price. Not surprising really.
  10. Can you elaborate? What was the question and did Roos give the Ross Lyon googly eyes?
  11. We know how keen Roos is to get serious talent into the side - as much as it's annoying that we may not be chasing Bennell, on the flip side it means the club believes that he is not the right person to bring in to the culture and standards we are setting. It's hard to argue with that.
  12. The speech from Daisy was a ripper though. The link between our club pioneering so many things was terrific and she really is a tremendous spokeswoman for women's footy. If she continues to play a part then it can only be a good thing for the code going forward.
  13. We don't need to do that, you're making a fool of yourself all on your own.
  14. And so he should. When Goodwin takes over he will have been schooled in everything and be ready to go - Roos came in to fix the culture and to improve the list. He's done both. Goodwin will take over a team on the up at the end of 2016... and that's down to Roos.
  15. It depends on what sort of money he is currently on at GC. He still has two years to run on his deal and, if we were to get him, we would take on that contract. It may not be 700k, but it wouldn't be cheap either.
  16. And he'll regret that in the coming years...
  17. To be fair that happens with all clubs supporters. Everyone here would trade Matt Jones in a heartbeat. All of a sudden there is interest in him from a club and some posters are trying to package him in to some sort of deal to land one of their star players, as if he is suddenly worth a whole lot. Happens every year.
  18. North are so boring. If we don't land Bennell then I'd rather he join a club that was interesting, not the bloated, over rated fluff that North Melbourne is.
  19. I asked HL to do that before. Clearly it's a little harder to fit him in than he expected.
  20. You answered your own post, mate. I'd love to see how you fit him in to a best 22 side for 2016 by the way. It's not possible.
  21. With all due respect, Steve, you've based the idea on getting him on the fact he is a previous top 10 pick (which all Melbourne supporters should know means nothing) and that he is, potentially, an 'upgrade' on the list cloggers who shouldn't be getting a game anyway. He is soft, his disposal isn't great and he's a plodder. Not the greatest mix on the planet. I hope our FD have their sights set on other players who will truly improve our depth. I do find it slightly ironic that, for a bloke who bags out someone like Garland, you're happy for us to pursue someone who is nothing more than soft, depth player, but one who may be banned from playing football in the near future. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
  22. Well why didn't you say that? You mentioned the supporter you were with and then formed a basis of an opinion from that. Unfortunately I can't assume what's going on in your head from my computer.
  23. Good finish for Col in our best and fairest last night. Good recognition for a bloke who plays his role well week in, week out. Hopefully this translates into a new contract within the next few weeks.
  24. Clearly our club values his place within the team and his contributions throughout the year. Guys like Lumumba, Dawes, Watts, Dunn etc all finished well below him, yet played close to the same amount of games as he did. The roles he is given within the system Roos implements are ones that he meets week in, week out. The man is no world beater, but you can't have a team of 22 world beaters. He does his job and has done for years. I know you don't rate him so what I'm saying will have no bearing on how you feel about him, but what I've said is fact. He is, possibly, a slight upgrade on the players above. Nothing more, nothing less. There are PLENTY of players out there we could get who would do far more for our team than he would. Childish. Nothing wrong with putting it out there, but to suggest that he isn't a whipping boy based on one Essendon supporters opinion is a drawing a bow of great lengths.
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