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Everything posted by 45HG

  1. If Geelong beat us they would still have had an (outside) shot at making the finals, so i don't see how they had nothing to play for, but i understand the thinking.
  2. i agree with a 5 man bench too, all the help we can get!
  3. who in hell started that rumour?
  4. how'd you go nugget? and the other two who said they'd call?
  5. i have work, but i'd love to read feedback from those who do call up
  6. wow, yet another senier player coming out in the media, talking rubbish. far out, every week
  7. yeah, bloody weddings hey! getting in the way of everything! found out my cousin's wedding is the same day as the kangas game, so will be first g game ive missed in a few years. and i'm annoyed about this!! you'd think i'd be relieved haha
  8. 45HG


    is he still on this? he'd bloody well want to start playing better if he wants to get into adelaide
  9. sorry dude, can't beat that torres
  10. Bruce, again, did play well on Brad Johnson. But guess what, our 'premier' midfielder needed to play in the middle if we were going to have a crack, as simply trying to hold on offence would always have left us for dead. As noted, he did well on Johnson, then moved to the middle of the ground and did crap all. Not to mention shirking two contests within a few moments in the first quarter as the Dogs began to get on top of us. Probably doesn't need to be dropped because i don't think this would get through to him, nor do i think he can seriously lift his game, but rather i think Bailey or other coaching staff need to sit him down and talk of a more consistent role he can play, because it is not in the middle
  11. top post, agree entirely. not sure about his pre-match roughing up tactics, but when the siren goes i always feel he's giving 100%, basically because he knows he has to. I just wish the rest of the team felt that same necessity
  12. i have been an mfc member for about 8 years, minus one in the middle because couldnt afford it. have been a full mcc member for the last 4 years and still have been a full mfc member. interesting poll. 3 of the first 8 or so said they weren't members and none since, interesting
  13. i reckon it also needs a; you are a full mcc member and full mfc member option, to see how many mcc members also contribute fully to the club
  14. clearly you weren't present on the night of August 8th 2003. Not a massive margin, but we were atrocious and it was a thrashing in most senses of the word, not to mention the elimination final 05
  15. i say if you are that desperate to, you can put your membership number in your signature, but i don't see the point or purpose. Not only could people simply make it up, but it also does not make their opinions any more glorified than a non-member, nor does it even mean that they go to games
  16. i agree, if the dees dont play to at least 90% of their full capacity there's a chance we might not win...
  17. woohoo! even found myself barracking for the cats at the end so we aren't the biggest losers of the round, and because it's essendon, but quickly remembered that we will be absolutely mammothed next week. just like we were to be thumped in '05 after a belting from the crows...too big a bow?
  18. watching the cats now......oh pooh!
  19. you can do it online, i.e. right now, if you really want to
  20. i must say i disagree with those criticizing buckley's run. Sure, it may cause turnovers, but hey, some other hack would probably turn it over up field any way. Why not attempt to play the game the way he should play it, and in the process learn a better way to execute it, rather than go into his shell and lose confidence
  21. how in the goddawmn hell do you drop three players, none of them bruce, and two of them YOUNG players?!??!?! i'd lover to know what the plan is
  22. tell me about it! mate told me to walk the other way for ten minutes before correcting. then i had to run the remainder, took a while! sweated for a while too!
  23. so we lose 18 games by 100 points, and win 4 by over 30, jones comes 4th in our player of the year, Bruce wins it...hrm
  24. on track after 3 games? that's not really a huge point to make on one's CV now is it? and hey, if we're going back to 2005 to say he's been our best player, why not include a few years before that to get some scope. Neitz Coleman medal, robbo b and f, heck Yze started 05 off well too. Quite sure Mcdonald would have something to say about Bruce being called our best player. Even Trav won a B and F. Bruce = ....
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