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Everything posted by 45HG

  1. it was on sports tonight last night, looked reeeeeally bad. though was hard to read, not surprisingly
  2. cahill, nutter!!!! couldn't happen to a nicer team at a better stage...well it could have been the winner, but you can't get everything you want ey
  3. arsenal proved again that an attacking team is never out of a match. steven gerrard proved again that he is a freak. interesting game, especially considering man u and chelsea's performances the night before, wil be interesting to see their progress in the next few weeks. spurs league season officially ruined, bring on the cups!
  4. the jamie shanahan goal cult!!
  5. must say, watching the gunners play is quite ridiculous at the moment, they are just such a dangerous team going forward. certainly made bolton look a rabble...even more of a rabble. i didn't think spurs would be top 4, though i also didn't see us being this bad. toons will be a tough match. everton were unlucky i thought, another good performance and very unlucky with that last penalty shout. though reds look much better with torres methinks. arsenal will have to keep a close eye on man u, they just keep ticking off the points
  6. i don't think a captain can be called a "cult" hero
  7. oh yeah, forgot about richmond...nothing new there
  8. out of interest, if we have pick two and we're interested, how could essendon be considered above us? it's my understanding that if richmond don't get him, we simply sign him then..or is there more to it?
  9. judd is such a talisman he's inspired whitnall to stay fit even though he's not at the blues! judd must be a true inspiration
  10. bell = grgic you're in for a long '08 my friend. well actually, you're in for a beautiful ride, enjoy
  11. if whelan manages 22 games, i'll die a happy man, not to mention run out of blank dvds
  12. if reading the boards has made you feel this way dd, then i challenge you to find how melbourne supporters that are irate over johnstone's departure are in the majority. from what i've read 90%+ view it as a positive for the club, if not still sad to se him go Jamar, you are spot on to say it hasn't just been TJ who has underperformer and underachieved, but that is not the point. he has been a player who has underperformed and underachieved that a new coach could not see as part of his team, that was the problem with TJ. if you want to start to turn the tide against inconsistency and mediocrity, then you have got to change the players who precipitate it, TJ being one of them
  13. i don't understand, there it has pick 30 going to adelaide and the dogs
  14. i guess eagles have their eyes on someone they feel will go early in 2nd round. fair enough premiers, thought it'd just be easier for you
  15. i disagree, i think they've got something in return for players they would have otherwise simply delisted, callan, playfair, gardiner, king. they might not have got much, but it is more than nothing. we are yet to see their intentions for these actions i think
  16. wouldn't want to speak to blake now!! he must be thining 'wow, i missed a premiership so that half of pick 90 could play'
  17. does anyone rate gardiner though?
  18. steven king and charlie gardiner for 90
  19. richmond trade another pick for mitch morton. at least he's only 20 i suppose, still don't see what's going on down at punt rd.
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