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Everything posted by 45HG

  1. spurs 4 chelsea 4 WOW
  2. It helped that you used an abundance of facts to back up your argument...
  3. quite sure that would make him THE best player in the comp fullstop
  4. i'm checking out the new website now, and at first glance it seems pretty good!
  5. even year will strike again and we'll go top eight after a big push in the second half of the year, and will sneak a win in an elimination final. Wheels will play every game and finish top 5 in the Bluey
  6. CHF! We can't keep using quality forwards in the midfield simply for the sake of it. Especially when they have fast leads, strong hands and a booming kick.
  7. i'm pretty sure i saw the mohawk dude out at cranbourne, with no mohawk! well, no crazy red and blue spiked mohawk anyway
  8. if only it wasn't libba who said it, this statement would have more credence. unfortunately his last 6-9 months worth of comments have tarnished his name for me at least.
  9. i think the issue is great. great to have anyway and a good read! by the way mousey, are you in brissie? i just booked fights for the lions game. can you give me any help in planning for the game, i.e. ticketing etc. i never use my dees membership as i'm an mcc member, how annoying it won't get me entrance!
  10. no, and i don't think they'd report me either
  11. so it comes down to the last 9/10 games, who is going to finish top? will arsenal hold on? or will man u finish all over the young gunners? or, and hate it as you will, will chelsea find a way to scrap back into the fight? they have two games in hand compared to arsenal, and should they come up as wins, they will be only 2 points behind them comparatively. Also holding home games against man u and arsenal in the run home, chelsea may not be the spent force this year that everyone believes they are. FWIW, i reckon man u will finish on top...bah!! but i think it's far from over
  12. this from the same board that continuously states that robbo never has 100% focus or commintment. the guys has been playing in bands the whole time he's been at the club. he doesn't miss training for this, so honestly, who cares.
  13. good point! i wish he spent the middle of the week in king street getting high and [censored] before shooting at people. who cares
  14. and last year the cats were laughed off. or more pointedly, abused, for their start to 2007. after a pathetic 2006, and an up and down pre-season, the cattery began '07 with a laclustre display against the dogs, going down by 20 points. Begin- Dogs top 4, cats miss finals. The cats followed this up with a thumping of the blues and an injury-depleted melbourne, before losing to the hawks in tassie. the next week, for anyone who cares to remember, resulted in their loss to the kangaroos at home. (kangaroos, remember the team that was supposed to finish with the spoon because they were 'laughed off' by commentators.) Thompson's head was placed on the chopping block, the passion of the cats was brought into question and everyone in the know accused the longwinded off season process taken by the cats in regards to their footy department/list management etc. After round 5, that is, five rounds INTO the PREMIERSHIP season, Geelong were 10th on the ladder, the same position they occupied come round 22 the year before. Now by no means am i claiming Melbournefc circa 08 to be the Geelong of 07, but surely supporters must stop reading so much into pre season talk shows in a non-football week or games that don't affect the season at all.
  15. wow!! ANOTHER thread like this. far out it's getting ridiculous. can the mods set up a new part of the forum for preseason mindless whinging. then this board can be used to simply talk of facts, interesting observations, memories etc.
  16. 6-8 with only a groin strain sounds doubtful. but we can still hope
  17. also says that morton will get a game for sandy
  18. i think wheels looked a few weeks away. still got a few touches and did some nice things, but never really hit full speed. there is no need to rush wheels back for round 1. beating hawthorn in round one is not the be-all and end-all match of the season for us. i think they'll get wheels back onto the training ground for a couple of weeks to get the body ticking again, then maybe play him at sandy and step up his match time. all going well i'm sure he'll cruise into our team. fingers crossed on the injury front
  19. i specifically remember the troy symmonds injury in 2000 and listening to a doctor give an interview about the incident. He said that had symmonds expected the bump, he would have tensed the muscles through his back and neck, and possibly would have broken a bone in either location. However, given that he was unprepared for the bump, the contact left him injured, but not to the degree he would have been had he expected the contact
  20. hahaha gold! never thought garland looked so much like maric, but there you go. jamar also looks to have lost about 4 foot
  21. laidley did also say after the game about his near full-strength team that he wanted them to play with 'the utmost commitment' that they could harness. tail of two teams, more reason not to take this game at face value
  22. on the other hand a lot of supporters are simply pointing out we're in for a bad season, and offering the reasons for this. i do not believe this to make them [censored] weak, nor does it mean that they are incorrect. a bad season seems on the cards because of our youthful team and the recent sudden changes etc. It doesn't mean people aren't supporting the boys, or that they will turn away, and it also does not mean supporters are having a go at dean bailey. Most of the negative talk is simply reiterating what you're saying BR. Having a young list that may come to be as good as hawthorn (who have still done nothing) does not mean supporters lose a right to have a say on how they see their footy team travelling and what they believe should happen
  23. torres, sorry to mention this again, but is anyone else just marvelling at his skills/awareness/everything!? spurs great victory of chelsea! same goes for barnsley!
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