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Everything posted by 45HG

  1. I see what you mean, but i don't think the second half was tha different. It was just that when the handball came, players were then more inclined to run with the footy. Let alone there was no handballing to stagnant players, which i think was all about confidence. Centre clearances have been shocking all year. The last quarter, suddenly we have the run, players are all moving, we suddenly start winning some. Quick handballs to moving targets who were then able to kick long to space, or where forwards had been able to move to
  2. How is kicking it 50 metres straight to Sandilands when there were no Melbourne players within 20 metres of him the right idea? No one being there is a seperate issue to that being a good idea. If there was a player there, it would've been a good idea, but there wasn't so it was stupid.
  3. Everyone, feel free to join the facebook group, ONE WEEK SINCE WE BEAT FREMANTLE. Celebrating on the 11th of May wherever you may be! Good chance to bask in the glory!!
  4. 6 Mclean 5 Bruce 4 Miller 3 Aussie 2 Davey 1 Rivers Hooray for over 1 in the weighting!!! Poor Jonesy, puts a shocker in the one time it'd help him!!
  5. THE MELBOURNE FAITHFUL! 6, 5,4,3,2,1 Anyone who says members can't get it going has never sat there. I spent all last quarter chanting the dees, and got all around going. Anyone see that weirdo with the tie for a headband, that was me, love it, go dees HISTORY! RESPECT! PASSION! RED AND BLUE
  6. Haha cheeky that was my idea! But yeah, definitely anyone who can do it, should do it. Could be the dif between 16.5 and 17. Which is all money to help the club
  7. absolutely! And i heard in MX that Jesus is a melbourne fan, so that's another reason.
  8. Which thread? I'll challenge them then given you don't seem to believe what you quoted
  9. Top post Eastie. So in 20 years since Flower we've banked on one player, a President and a possible draft pick? Sums EVERYTHING up doesn't it. This is clearly what our club has based itself on in recent history. Insightful and engaging.
  10. Mate, don't let it bother you! At the game i started chanting, 'where were you, where were you, where were you when you were bears?' some guy turned to me and said "at carrara mate, where were you?" i told him at the g mate, where we've been for 150 years. a lot of clowns out there, just support the boys p.s. happy birthday!
  11. what in the hell happened here
  12. not warm to play on either!
  13. dunno how many memberships you own...
  14. Cheeky idea here, but if you have an mfc and an mcc membership, scan in with both. Furthermore, if anyone knows a member that can't make it, just borrow their card and swipe it in as well. Might help a little bit..
  15. Great idea, and great effort. Aside from the obvious benefits, i reckon it allows a bit of insight into the players as you got to see a few in ways you wouldnt usually see them, mucking around and being a bit silly. Very positive and uplifting, especially with the results, hopefully it continues sunday!
  16. I'm convinced, it's like watching Melbourne play
  17. didn't stevens hit someone in the face?
  18. As long as our spirit never drops to the level i just saw West Coast's in that quarter. WOW Even when they've played "well" this game, they've still looked slow and awkward
  19. very interesting... the bank account could suffer now. any details on it? thanks heaps
  20. who is this y8ter guy? is he for real? none of it is making sense. Far out. Man U system is exactly the same as most of the US franchise system, and if we move out of melbourne we LOSE our history and therefore cease to become melbourne.
  21. i don't get the point... am i missing something
  22. would still like an answer to my question
  23. Love the kid, his goal was right in front of us which has solidified cult status, but why was his efficiency only 50% from his ten touches? Anyone watching on tv or notice at the ground why this would be so?
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