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Everything posted by 45HG

  1. respond to my post then stuey if you want an answer to your question...i don't see the point in challenging a post you don't think to carry weight
  2. but we did lose by 88, 85, 85, 95, and 98, not to mention quite a few by 70+ i know it seems like a massive difference, but i don't think there is a big one between getting done by 16 goals, and getting done by 17. and comparing a coach with 10 years, another with 25 years, to a guy with an up and down side in his first game is a bit harsh. not like he can really instill hardness of attitude and spirit within one summer. mind you if it happens again i'll be more worried by the way, sheedy lost a game by 163 points, one by 160, another by 114 and a grand final by 84. Another by 94 (a prelim) another by 99 and others by 88, 96, 96, 97 and one in 2006 by 138 points.
  3. "Melbourne Supporters are weak dogs" is hardly an insight into the future of the club and a call to arms for supporters to stick with the club through the re-building phase. i agree that many supporters lose perspective, but i think that is a given in most football teams, probably in most sports. it is an impassioned environment with fickle outcomes, and paid up members have a right to vent frustation at the organisation that they help maintain, even if this is not always done in the proper fashion
  5. i'll be curious to see our list next year, can you even turn over 11 plus players as some of you wish. and many of the 'trade options' are irrelevant because either no other club would take it, or we would receive a very low draft pick which probably leaves us in the same position. we're in a difficult spot with our list/club at the moment because we're at a changeover period with so many to make room for. however with the probable departure of around 4-5 of out older brigade and the passing on of a couple more, i think we can have an ok balance provided that the bracket of guys 21-24 are coached in the right way and are able to mature, otherwise it doesn't matter who stays or goes
  6. is youth overrated? i can name about two teams that don't see themselves as a 'young side' and it seems to be every team either wins in spite of having such a young team or wins because of the exhuberance of their youth. Fine, play the young guys, but put them into a team that shows faith in them, not playing them for the sake of it, and put them in a team where the men, MEN, they play alongside play with passion, aggression and love for the jumper so that they can show themselves in a strong and proud environment. Blooding kids for the sake of it achieves nothing for many players but stunt careers
  7. and the softness has most likely played a factor in our skills deteriorating as we have not been able to pressure the opposition enough nor allow ourselves the confidence of knowing that in a tough situation, we'll usually come out.
  8. wasn't the same for me in the city last night...
  9. yeah i remember that in 98! i was 11 and actually wrote to daniher informing him that we had lost our two previous matches by 180 points (like he was unaware of it) and i think offered some tactically ingenious moves, yze to the midfield probably. we responded by travelling to perth and beating the eagles in an inspirational performance.
  10. My first post was last year after the port adelaide game at the g, and occured after i'd finally had enough of bruce's 'actions' on the football field. many agreed then, some disagreed. Interestingly enough, many of the posters who disagree with the arguments against bruce always go on about him being turned into a 'scapegoat.' Bruce is not being turned into a scapegoat, but rather is being rated for his exploits and exposed for the performances he has put in for the best part of the last two years. For a player with the amount of experience/leadership status that he holds, bruce does not take nearly the amount of responsibility he needs to, nor does he seem to bleed red and blue. Mind you, there are many others in this same boat.
  11. oh that's right! geez forgot about that entirely. i got back from nepal the next day, henve the reason it didn't stick! yeah the afl didn't really give us a chance, but i guess there wasn't a whole lot to work with... bloody collingwood, playing in an ANZAC day match when they kept playing during the war! even won a premiership whilse other teams, us included, were away
  12. freo play geelong on anzac day this year. and i'm pretty sure melbourne only played sydney anzac day weekend, never on the day.
  13. why not a bit of tongue in cheek ey? after all, the bunnies played on good friday in the NRL
  14. it's good fun, although because we're the away team we'll be behind the goals won't we? i find it massively hard to see the game from behind the goals
  15. oh man, can't wait for the dees to thrash those nancy boys and shove it up these bloody journos, who will in turn write about how rosy everything is for the dees, probably the reason we need a win
  16. 10 metres to the right of the players race in the mcc, as always
  17. bode and frawley are both emergencies, do we think there'll be any late changes. i can see there being at least one late change to that team.
  18. maybe carlton were tanking! Especially if the game notes were to be believed, because in both the second and third quarters they apparently 'went to sleep'
  19. well apparently the melbourne football club were the first to land on the moon, so that's pretty cool
  20. Yeah and i prefer it too. How bad would a simple list of players be?
  21. mine's edges were a little too sharp and i dropped it because it was a little bit heavy and then it nearly hit my foot. lucky it missed hey
  22. you also titled the thread "david schwartz (sic) is a tool," of course inferring that you meant much more than to complain about stuff he said in the space of 20 seconds
  23. wheels! wow how pumped are we that the season is only 8 and a half hours away, or more to the point a little over three days very interested to see maric got named in the squad. did he play the last two rounds of pre-season with the dees or sandy? pretty sure he played the last with sandy, so bailey must be pretty impressed with him to see him get at least a mention. yze gets a go? great to see names like bartram moloney rivers whelan in the team, even if they don't get up this week GO THE DEES
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