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Everything posted by 45HG

  1. Garland, like Frawley i think, needs confidence to play his proper game, i.e. the typ of game that got him drafted in the first place. Now, getting spanked by a Crows forwardline at AAMI stadium may not do much for the confidence, but i think the more important part of this equation would be the confidence gained by the coach backing him and giving him responsibility, which is much more important in the long run
  2. Completely up to the player, no point using generalizations at it achieves nothing. Ben Beams, case in point. Valenti will make it, IMO, if he continues to display the intensity that he always has, and applies this to the as well as on the field
  3. Poor Wheels, what in the world is going on
  4. Stick it up them! We beat Brisbane by 20 points this year (by my handicap) and i think we can now beat Adelaide at the line, 54 points this time, which would be our best result in the past 9 games there. Go the dees! Go Valenti. In all seriousness i don't care if we lose, as long as i see a committed, unified team willing to work for each other
  5. Mike Sheehan would coach, surely
  6. I didn't think it was a statement, i thought it was a question. Did i miss something DD?
  7. Anyone see Judd blocking Moloney for Stevens in the Carlton game? Judd just ran behind Stevens basically zig zagging up the whole wing, Moloney chased hard but never had a chance, not only because of Judd's speed but because of his smarts. You definitely need foot speed, but through smart movement of the ball, and good blocking, a team looks a lot quicker.
  8. I'll have a go, "It's a Grand Old Flag..."?
  9. I think it's a pretty pointless question given that if any club has a player worth the number one pick, they would obviously need him for their own structure. And any club willing to give up a star for pick one would only give up an older player which doesn't help us one skerrick
  10. It will be interesting to see how the backline goes this time with a forwardline that does not allow the ball to springboard away so quickly. I think that was our biggest problem in round one, with Newton, Robertson and Neitz unable to lock the ball in the forwardline/slow it's movement downfield. With Davey, Aussie, Miller leading hard, Bate moving back and forth with Green up there as well, i think our backline will be helped immeasurably by slower ball movement to the Hawks' forwards
  11. Will Grimes be back this year though? Because if not it doesn't matter.
  12. No, i'm saying we probably had confidence that they would collapse like they did the week before
  13. That's assuming that Grimes can get his body right and be back then, which i have doubts over
  14. Freo's last quarter the week before might have something to do with that
  15. In: Johnson!!! Wow that just makes me happy Also, heard hodge could be out for 3, not that it helped last time
  16. Mind you, how good was the '01 win!! LEO!
  17. Reminded me of the MELBOURNE crowd at the power game last year. Very proud of the Melbourne faithful, as passionate as any core supporter group of any team, without the extra 20000 bandwagon
  18. Losses by 58, 89, 54, 62, 73, 72, 73 the last 7 times we've been there. Hrm. Why not!
  19. Join my facebook group i created today! Purely for this conversation!!! I was there...
  20. 45HG

    Love this

    Can anyone tell me if there's any way to get like a 3AW or Triple M broadcast of the match? Please please!!!!
  21. 45HG

    Love this

    That's mad! Loved Cometti in the last quarter, "Melbourne in the first half were like one of those nervous African dictators, they were always taking a different route home"
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