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Everything posted by 45HG

  1. Could this not have fitted in with any of the other 7 "robbo on it takes two" threads?
  2. thanks mods! that's much better Look i for one really don't see the problem. Players need outlets, and this is a much healthier one than pubbing. It's the only positive media press we are getting at the moment - I work with kids and can tell you he is pretty much the only player they know from melbourne because of the show and they love him for it. Not to mention the fact that he has always sung during the week, through the bad weeks and the good ones so i think much of this is an over-reaction, and not an original one either
  3. Defenders will always get more 1%s than a midfielder though because of spoiling. Especially our midfield where none shepherd
  4. Darren Kowal is etched in my childhood memory, but that's not what this thread is about hey? Defintitely Schwarz and Jako during the positive formative years
  5. Goal difference could turn out to be crucial If you can beat Everton, they also face Arsenal and Chelsea, so it is fair to say that that win, plus victory over birmingham and wigan would put you above the Toffs. Massive last game against the Hammers though. Portsmouth has possibly the easiest run of all against Man city, blackburn, Middlesbrough and Fulham so i'd have to say they'd be in the box seat. Heskey's goal was so crucial in the title race, unfortunately ending it early i think, but thankfully pushing chelsea away
  6. 1. Neitz 2. Rivers 3. Morton/Jones/Petterd
  7. Junior and Rivers co-captains
  8. If it is to announce he is relinquishing the captaincy, i'd have thought it'd go to Junior as he is in the leadership group and has won our last 2 B and F's, further that he is possibly in one of his last couple of seasons.
  9. yum! that is fantastic! thanks heaps mate!
  10. the article said it was his left didn't it? If so, it will also hinder his ability to practice his skills unfortunately, though he's still got a right foot!
  11. for frank to be a nickname, surely it needs a y! gotta give me that much
  12. Miller...Hrm i just still don't know. I feel every 1 or 2 games i watch he does something that makes me sit up and think, 'hey!,' but then i'm not sure if that's just because the bar has been set lower or what, still willing to give him more time because after all, what else is this year about
  13. Maybe they offered Demetriou some land down in Sandhurst
  14. should probably change your username then
  15. Out at Cranbourne heard one of the players call out to green "GREENDAY!" both true and truly shocking
  16. Just when he gets into it! at least he can still keep his fitness up to a reasonable level. Did it in the first half, what a nutter!
  17. HAHA CLASSIC! mind you, by the logic, with 40 on our list we have .4% of a highlight player on our list, uh oh!
  18. poor wheels, if only he could get his body right. He's only 28 and given he doesn't play an overly hard-running game (in terms of distance covered) if he could just get his body right he really could play for the next few years as he reads the play so well, big if though it seems. but absolutely right Franky, the biggest issue with people voicing their opinions in that fashion is that it is so disrespectful that the message gets lost along the way. Hyperbole and slander only hinders ones argument
  19. 68 goals in '06, what a shocking return hey! Even in '05 he averaged 2 a game when our forward line looked potent and multi-pronged. Sure last year wasn't great but if you think injury had no part to play, then you're a fool. His past three completed seasons have yielded one very good year, one above average year and one injury ravaged year. There is little to suggest that a fully fit Neitz wouldn't be a prominent member in our forward line, and i think this is why he has been playing a little further upfield of late, to get a bit of run into his legs.
  20. problem is, we were 0-3 last year as well. to have senior players come out and spruik of possible finals action... 4 years in a row we've been 3-0 one way or other
  21. Loving the way PJ is playing! True reflection that i think, keep up the good work
  22. got to love the irony in the exclamation that other people "are are" dumb. i personally see a lot to gain from bruce going back to the same role that built him up as a 'superstar' in the first place
  23. i'm first to have a go if he had a bad game so only fair i praise him on a good game. he was very good today. thinking he's very good as a tagger because he seems to set himself for the target very well and we all know can run all day. further more he may be able to use the ball better if his mind is focused on the opposition as he is pressed more to do so. will be intrigued by his next 3 weeks
  24. ha, our super 1998 list that had such a stellar 1997 season
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