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Everything posted by Mach5

  1. I'm not trying to diagnose. Instead im questioning the legitimacy of the diagnosis due to other pertinent factors that would indicate a lack of legitimacy.
  2. Paul Gallen last year sure went out of his way to make a mockery of any claims of mental issues or depression.
  3. I don't think that's the issue at all. It's moreso skepticism that he is experiencing depression or anxiety, and a belief by McCarthy & his management that he thinks he can force GWS' hand.
  4. Probably will spend the majority of his career suspended; I hear he has a propensity to beat the living suitcase out of his opponents. And... I'm done.
  5. He's past it, and we've already recruited Bugg to fill his role. We'd also then be short a runner, and a development/rehab coach. Do we really need to replace Melksham on the list? Upgrading White or Wagner will do just fine.
  6. The picks Freo were offering were worth less to GWS than a handful or 2nd and 3rd rounders from another club, because it was a given they'd need to be included as part of the bidding for academy players. The picks were next to worthless as it would just mean that GWS would end up with surplus 3rd & 4th round picks they would pass on.
  7. https://audioboom.com/boos/3221069-cam-mccarthy-on-the-run-home?t=0 Took me a little while, but I found it - his interview on SEN after receiving the Rising Star nomination. After throwing him to wolves a bit, Ox tries to rescue the naive kid a little bit. DS: Cam, David Schwarz, who did you barrack for as a kid? CM: I was a Fremantle Docker, die-hard. DS: How die-hard were you? CM: Well, I was born on their first ever game... DS: Nice stat, yep. CM: Yeah, and then I went to the Grand Final that year that they unfortunately lost. Their first one, so I flew over for that. MA: That's not so obvious. DS: Ok, what about - whose poster did you have up? CM: Whose poster? Nah, I was always a big Matty Pav fan growing up, and then towards the end Nat Fyfe sorta took over. He's a bit of a gun. DS: So what about when you come up against them, how do you feel playing against Fremantle? Do you still have a soft spot for them? CM: Yeah, definitely, I still watch them on the weekends and stuff like that. I always flick on the TV and I'll barrack for them, whoever they're playing against except the giants, of course. If I ever come across playing against them, I reckon it'd be an unreal feeling, that's for sure. Running across the oval next to guys you supported as a kid, that'd be pretty surreal. SL: You know if you have a quiet game or you kick 1 goal 5 there'll be an investigation into you against the Dockers... CM: Yeah, I guess I shouldn't be giving too much away there. **Mark Allen waffling about riding a skateboard & McCarthy saying he's a free spirit** DS: Sunday August 2nd, it's 4:40pm, Dockers vs Giants over in the west... what are you gonna be doing? CM: ...hopefully kick a bag against... DS: Exactly right! That's the answer we wanted! Obviously you know their side, who would pick you up? CM: Maybe Michael Johnson, maybe? DS: How would you play him, because he's tall, he's got good leg speed, he's got a fair few tricks up his sleeve... SL: He'd have to take his badge off. *laughs* CM: Over the years watching him, he loves dropping off, and taking the game on, and taking intercept marks, so probably try to make him accountable for most of the game, and try not to let him drop off as much, but he's a great player, definitely a challenge, that's for sure. Not hard to imagine his lust for Freo turning into the current situation. "Just say he's got anxiety and depression issues, then no one can challenge or question him..." I will treat this whole affair with a healthy dose of skepticism.
  8. Homesickness. A truly debilitating condition... Honestly, listening to him, the kid wouldn't be all that bothered by missing a year of footy, in my eyes.
  9. Not sure if anyone heard his interview with SEN last season after winning a Rising Star nomination, but he was quite funny and a unique character, but openly talked of still barracking for Freo. I've never heard anything like it, but the writing was on the wall. Call me a skeptic, but this talk of health issues has a smell about it, after an ultimately failed but aggressive campaign to get to Freo last year.
  10. It's like trying to read hieroglyphics...
  11. I think Mitch White, Trengove and Clayton Oliver will be major beneficiaries of Melksham's absence. Grimes just makes too many blatant mistakes and will be given a chance, but push his way out of the side.
  12. Why was he there? Is that a serious question? Players are routinely given time off to attend weddings and other key life events. Or do you think Lumumba should be punished for his poor form last year? FFS.
  13. Some will travel much much further than others by virtue of who is in your conference. It also means the same teams will get 2 games against big-drawing clubs like Collingwood every year, while others only get 1 max. It's difficult developing a system that isn't imperfect.
  14. Happy (only for Petracca's sake) to see CP5's response to the desperately unlucky Damien Cavka's early retirement from the game. More harsh reminders like this of how precious and fragile his opportunity is, can only bode well for us in my eyes.
  15. Fevola's psychological profile became an issue because he was horribly mismanaged and coddled by Carlton. I'm confident the club understands the dangers involved and won't make similar mistakes.
  16. Shockingly most people open up a thread to read about the subject topic and don't check threads 18 times a day to monitor every slight movement away from the topic at hand.
  17. I think we saw exactly what Selwood would have been like in a crappy team last season - he regularly lost his rag and was soundly beaten multiple times, notably by Viney in our win down there He has been great, but has had a significant advantage on others of similar quality.
  18. I know Ben Newton has been injured, but he looks like one of the support staff...
  19. He was a strong candidate for a mini-draft pick prior to the leg break.
  20. I think that was wholly down to uncertainty as to how he would recover from an horrific broken leg.
  21. The producer needs to do something about the volume levels for Frank & Ox. It's like Frank's volume is set on 3, but Ox is on 10 and the "funny" sound effects are turned up to 11.
  22. Is it? I don't wish for him to be forever known as a drugcheat (although it'll happen regardless) but I think it's highly likely he wouldn't have won that brownlow without the drugs.
  23. We essentially traded a 2015 2nd round pick for Melksham to come onto our list on a 3 year deal for 2017 season onwards, with the possibility of him coming across for an early bonus year in 2016. Doesn't sound like a horrible deal, especially remembering that you need to pay overs to bring in established talent from opposing clubs, and we sorely needed to increase our quality depth. Focusing on the opportunity, rather than what has been potentially lost.
  24. Had dinner with an Essendon staff member tonight. Unsurprisingly the playing list has been given two days off & were hitting the grog hard tonight. Those inside the club actually were expecting a good result and were floored by the 12 month penalty.
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