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Uncle Fester

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Everything posted by Uncle Fester

  1. They'd be tanking if they played him.
  2. It was a crap draft. Our lot in life, unfortunately. In most other drafts he and McScum would have been mid to late first rounders at best. But he's gone. We aren't paying him for his cameos anymore so let Freo rue him for a bit.
  3. At 88kgs, and with gold at A$44,773.51 per kg, we're looking at $3,940,068.88 for his contract. I think we should look at a less precious metal.
  4. I hope not. He left the Saints in a hole and showed himself to be a man of little charactor in the process. I can't see him leaving Freo any better. Give me someone that has an eye for what he leaves behind rather than a glory hunter like Lyon.
  5. Geez I'm sorry. I forget that we are not in the 70's anymore - even if we still play the same. I'll start calling 70% of our list 'special needs players' from now on. Will that make your widdle feelings less hurt?
  6. Heh. And again the answer to the question nobody asked has to join in. You do realise that you are allowed to let the occasional thread go by without putting in your acidic and superficial remarks in to it, don't you?
  7. I might lack class, tact and all the other social niceties the Twenty first C demands, but I'm not sinking that low.
  8. Somebody struggles with a reply of substance. The word play seemed apt. Feel free to debate what I said, or be a snarky and boring poster that doesn't read, doesn't see, doesn't think. Whatdayasay, Trembles. Are you up to the challenge of a debate, or do you just want to showcase that you are [censored] with no real idea of the game?
  9. You'd rather I lied to you? We're a basket case. I love my team, but over the last decade it has been the love a parent has for a retarded child. 'Yay! You kicked the ball and didn't fall over! Give me a hug!' Just like the 70's and early 80's we have about 4 players that can be relied upon, 6 that might have a good day if things ran their way, and the rest were generally lost. We draft kids with super skills and watch them miss targets 30 meters away. We get coaches that were part of successful teams who look bewildered at what we do on game day. Why not save a mil a year and give it to a piece of broken brick? Or the crack pipe trembling Ethan dreams about. It won't matter. We died inside a couple of years ago, and regime change after regime change hasn't made a difference.
  10. Why? Who the @#$% is Brett KIirk? He's an untried coach. Didn't we get bitten on that? Not that it matters. This team would kill Norm Smith the moment he looked at it. 85 percent of the payers need to be delisted or shot, for their own mercy, and to stop them infecting the rest of the world. It's not the coach. It's not the admin. It's not even the players. It's the MFC. It's as rotten as it gets. It's full of such a stench of defeatism and incompetence and is the sad place that good kids come here to die.
  11. Terrible pun, but it made me laugh.
  12. That stupid appendix is what has been holding him back. Good riddance stupid appendix.
  13. I admit that while I despise how she treated us I get a fair amount of schadenfreude from her attacks on Essendon. However that doesn't stop me thinking of her as a vicious gossip columnist, with no real insight on how the game is played, and solely reliant on other viscous and self serving people to feed her information. And in case anyone missed it: vicious. A pit bull with lipstick.
  14. Look, it's pretty simple what the game is missing: poster extra sudden death time! If a player kicks the ball and hits the post then bells, whistles, sirens and fireworks go off, and for the next three minutes 5 balls are in play, while new goal posts rise out of the ground on each wing to prevent goal square congestion. If the post is hit again in this time then 2 extra balls are added and the interchange benches run out to join in the fun. If the post is hit for a third time during 'poster extra sudden death time' then game will stop and the player that was responsible will be booed and pelted with oranges, and scores will be reset to zero.
  15. And if the ball is kicked over the top of a post?
  16. I would have suspected that if we had #1 last year it would have gone straight onto the table. I don't see how we'd now pay top picks/players for a kid that only has 'potential' next to his name. I really can't see us chasing him over older and established mids
  17. What was the Saints attitude to us getting one last year? Does anyone know?
  18. Ahhh. That's the definition of chutzpah. We are seeing plenty of chutzpah from the EFC these days.
  19. Pedos hands. Now there is something you'll rarely hear in polite company.
  20. It's their's to give is it? Remind me again who's ground it is.
  21. I'm in the stay, go, whatever camp with Chip, but I don't see why people want to border on the obscene when it comes to trashing him. There was a comment a page or so ago about him being a cum bucket. If I was a mod here that would be the last post that person ever made on D'land.
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