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Uncle Fester

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Everything posted by Uncle Fester

  1. Sad, sad day for all that loved Phil and love the game.
  2. They were billeted together on the GC for the draft. Other than that I don't know.
  3. I reckon we've got ourselves a new locker room pest in Brayshaw.
  4. Thanks anyway. I guess it will turn up sooner or later.
  5. I've been able to spell TOMATO backwards since I was six. Now I own and run my own multi billion dollar business, have a Lear jet, a 500 foot long yacht, a 38 million dollar mansion, 503 staff, and 65 beautiful mistresses at my beck and call. OTAMOT. It's how the big boys roll.
  6. Liked this one the best: PICK 6. GWS GIANTS Jordan De Goey (Oakleigh Chargers) H: 187cm W: 82kg De Goey was against going to GWS until he saw what Tom Boyd managed to achieve there. Now, he’s trying to work out whether to get a Ferrari or an Aston Martin Vantage in 2016.
  7. Keep thinking of the movie 'The Club'. I hoped to find a vid of the scene, but the best I could find was a quote: Jock: [referring to Geoff] He's been up his mum and his legless sister and he thinks he's killed his old man!
  8. If Sylvia got more BOG's and kicked more goals all of us would ignore the laddish stuff he got up to. I don't care what our players do if they can back it up on the field - criminal stuff excepted. If Petracca's hobbies include getting smashed and acting like a moron, I don't care, as long as he gets 30+ possies a game and two goals. But the has to get the touches and goals to get away with that.
  9. That's a pretty judgemental thing to say.
  10. I get the feeling he drove through those crossroads at 200 kph with his bare arse hanging out the window.
  11. I'm from a town of about 5k people and it's making a huge mess of the kids here. 20 years ago we didn't lock our doors. These days we do and we make sure we know where the shotgun is. In the last year we've had home invasions, a lot of burgs, armed robberies at the petrol station and a bunch of stabbings (one fatal). I don't care if people get [censored] up but this is over the top. It's wrecking really good kids and killing the community.
  12. I've got this really sick feeling these bastards will walk away with a slap. By all the gods man has ever prayed to I hope I'm wrong.
  13. Yellow 5ltr HQ Monaro. I was such a bogon. Now I drive a red 6ltr VE SS. I'm still a bogon, but with a little more cash
  14. Good for him. Good for the Crows. The meat market of AFL gets tiring to watch.
  15. If they were then they must have missed yours by a long way.
  16. I'm sure his new BMW and investment property will ease his concience.
  17. Sorta, but he was really steak knives for Hogan
  18. As long as it isn't one of those 'I quit because I'm a tender flower and whoops I accidently go signed by Hawthorn/ Geelong ./ Sydney' games
  19. I think he said 'best talent available'. In fact re-reading his post makes me sure of it.
  20. I think that if we win a lot of games we will be high on the ladder. But if we lose a lot then we won't If we win some and lose some then we'll be somewhere in the middle All this crystal ball gazing is making me hungry. I'm off to make myself a bacon sandwich
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