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Everything posted by junk

  1. Milking the EFC drug cheats might not be a good idea,players may be stuffed in the head as a result of the ongoing saga. Those players suspended may be able to walk free of charge ( no compensation to the EFC }
  2. Dees will win by 27 pts Gawn 3 Nat Jones 2 Hogan 1. Goals Hogan 5 Garlett 2 Pedo 2 Jones 1 Frost 2 Kent 1 Oliver 1 Harmes 1 others 2 score 17- 12 - 114 to 12 - 15 - 87 ladder position rd 1 6th
  3. At the end of the year,it will be scully who!!!!! How does he get paid so so much beats me.
  4. Tom will be an all Australian F.b or C.h.b in 2016 without a doubt.
  5. We should never underestimate the player in waiting or co. ruckman for/to Max Gawn, people do surprise. Many supporters out there assumed Harmes was a dud, yet he proved the opposite. What will be will be. The Dees are going to be better than 2015.
  6. Why do we bother with such threads,if he end up better than a Watts,a Dawes or a Grimes,good on him otherwise he will be shown the door.
  7. The MFC girls will win the flag against the WB,always have to have a back up. Well question was not gender based.
  8. Why should drug cheats get payed for a year's holiday and the non cheats have to work. Isn't in a footballers contract,you take a banned substance you no get paid.
  9. The Dees are the best for bullsh.t when telling supporters how long a player is going to be out due to injury. Just look at last year's list. Remember seeing is believing.
  10. Moneider96, your'e a demon supporter like the rest of us,when you expect things to happen they don't. That's the way it is. (hopefully not)
  11. I wonder how many boys and girls out there will get exited if we beat Port in the mickey mouse cup. The Dees beat the reigning Premiers and Runner up in pre season practice matches only to receive the wooden spoon.
  12. 17 clubs should gang up on the AFL and Essendon.Drug cheating whether it is deliberate or not is still an offence.The AFL need to have rules in place to discourage cheating and not reward. ASADA was a waste of time as WADA could over ride their decision. We as a club should get a refund from Essendon i.e one of their draft picks. Jake in a year's time might not be the player some of us would expect to be. He could end up being damaged goods,then what ?
  13. Many players in 2015 showed potential at times and some broke down. Kent was good until he was injured,Frost showed potential,White was useful,Harmes surprise some.O-Mac was serviceable. The person I would say that will have a break out year is HUNT providing he has an injury free season.How is anyone going to determine who is going to have a break out season. Perhaps the parimeter could be if player does not finish in the Dees top ten at the end of 2015 and then finishes in the top 3 in 2016. Just a thought!!!!
  14. Mach5 what is the point of worrying about the next batch of kiddie stars. We won't be getting a first round pick at this stage. Essendon and Calton should get the 1 & 2 draft picks. I am more concerned about this year.aren't you ?
  15. Ethan,committing to DL depends on my mental health,if we are zero 4 I will be going nuts. Also depends on who I will be sleepy with. I know that I am already nuts dazzle.
  16. Oliver will crush Parish if itis a one on one. Doupas shouldn't should never be mentioned in the same sentence as wines. My do the people who run this wbsite censor your comment "to say". A midfield of Spencer ………….. would give MFC supporters nightmares. These comments were not mentioned on the above topic. I commented on Parish v Oliver yesterday seem to have disappeared. Why do comments get censored when there is no vulgar language used yet people can call other silly,you must be drunk etc? Has anyone else had the same sort of prolems,perhaps the moderators can answer the question.
  17. Why don't we have a thread the next batch of players to get the sack. Give me a break the season hasn't started and someone is concerned with the next batch of wonder kids.
  18. Hello this guy is taken leave with pay. Drug cheating does pay a lot like crime !!!!
  19. I won't commit to the club if HOGAN leaves.
  20. All diets get rubbished soon or later. I bet you someone is trying to get a Phd out of disproving the Paleo diet. Drinking too much water a zero calorie substance has been known to kill people,why not rubbish water.I don't drink the stuff only RED WINE especially the O.P brand ( other people's). If the Dees are crap let's blame the Paleo diet.
  21. More coaching staff might end up being too many cooks spoil the broth syndrome. Perehaps the coaching staff could become our reserve side!!!!!! Perhaps Jennings biggest accomplishment would to get Hogan to sign for 10 years.
  22. dellusional demon 82,simple solution for the dees to be a success…….. change the name to leceister city !!!! then put a squillion dollars on them,win then buy Greece or Portugal or Iceland. More to a serious note we need WATTS or his future replacement (Hulett or new King) to have a breakout year.White needs to be a success ASAP,this will give us more versatility up front.Not sure if Pedo can hold down CHF.May have to consider Hogan at CHF much more reliable. Petracca and or Oliver need to make an impact.A back up ruckman who can play forward is a must. Pedo at 193 cm is a bit short for ruckwork. We should end up winning 10 matches which would put us in 10th or 11th position.Another good year of trade is required for us to be a regular finals side.
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