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The Wizard strikes out


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News from today is that Jeff Farmer has been a naughty boy again. This is from Marjorie on DOCKERLAND


Thursday, July 19th, 2007 at 1:09 pmBY BRAD KLIBANSKY

FREMANTLE forward Jeff Farmer is being questioned by Western Australian police after being involved in an altercation outside Perth’s Burswood Casino.

It is alleged 33- year- old Farmer had an altercation with bar staff and was escorted out of the casino by security guards where he proceeded to damage a vehicle parked outside at around midnight Perth time.

This is not the first time Farmer has found himself in trouble with the law. Earlier this year he was investigated by police and suspended by the Dockers for a drunken attack on a patron and a security guard outside a Perth nightclub.

It seems to me that Jeff's in a bit of trouble over there and he might want to return to where it all started and the place where he was a far more relaxed individual before he was lured across by Cameron Schwab. Based on the Akermanis deal, I don't think it would cost us that much (and I don't believe he's 33 years old either). I reckon Jeff's behaviour would improve in this environment.

Perhaps it could be a straight out swap with the Byronator going west and the Wizard coming east. They could even change jumpers though I suspect Pickett might have some problems fitting into the one that Jeff would be leaving behind.


Turned 30 a few weeks ago, not 33.

Nothing like confusing jumper number with age.

In other news the 45 year old demon defender Matthew Whelan....

Guest unstable punt
Turned 30 a few weeks ago, not 33.

Nothing like confusing jumper number with age.

In other news the 45 year old demon defender Matthew Whelan....

... and 9 year old captain David Neitz were caught ...


Fremantle suspended him for ages last time he did something stupid.

I would say that they would sack him this time. If we could pick him up for nothing would you contemplate picking him up.


He has completely lost the plot since leaving Melbourne.

His judgment has always been suspect, but he was relatively well behaved while playing with us. He has gone completely downhill since, which is a shame because he is a very talented footballer, whos career now appears to be over.


On the subject of Farmer, the fact that he's an imbecile who consistently makes poor decisions off the field overshadows his on-field talent, in my opinion.

I think we would be taking a step backwards by picking him up, even if it was for a very low price. It just wouldn't be worth it - how many more years do you expect him to play?

He would ultimately be taking the place of one of our up-and-comers in the final 22.

For me, it's a big fat NO.

In other news the 45 year old demon defender Matthew Whelan....

Speaking of which, where is Matthew Whelan?!


If we assume the NEW coach will be a no nonsense type I would be very surprised if he would want to adopt a problem child such as the Wiz.

Wiz'z best footy is behind him...our best performances are ahead..It's not a match !!!

If we assume the NEW coach will be a no nonsense type I would be very surprised if he would want to adopt a problem child such as the Wiz.

Wiz'z best footy is behind him...our best performances are ahead..It's not a match !!!

To that. Betcha Medhurst is pissing himself laughing though. :lol:

Betcha Medhurst is pissing himself laughing though. :lol:

The Wizard made the wrong move when he left us and now I think the only club at which he could succeed as a player again is Melbourne. I agree however, that it can not come at a cost. A straight swap for Pickett if he wants to go to WA or how about -

Murphy + Farmer = Ferguson + Pickett

The Wizard made the wrong move when he left us and now I think the only club at which he could succeed as a player again is Melbourne. I agree however, that it can not come at a cost. A straight swap for Pickett if he wants to go to WA or how about -

Murphy + Farmer = Ferguson + Pickett

Just what Freo need, another loose cannon. No-one will touch Pickett or Fergy, so that trade is not going to happen. I reckon they'd warm to Miller though cos he had a good game against them last season.

Just what Freo need, another loose cannon. No-one will touch Pickett or Fergy, so that trade is not going to happen. I reckon they'd warm to Miller though cos he had a good game against them last season.

and of course you're hoping they won't have watched any of his other matches.... :blink:

and of course you're hoping they won't have watched any of his other matches.... :blink:

Exactly Graz.

On Jeff Farmer, its sad to see any person with special talents self destruct. And Farmer has been doing that over a long period of time. Hes an angry, disillusioned character who is fast signing off his own career on the lowest of terms.

Regardless of potentially no cost transfer through the PSD, Farmer comes with so much baggage that I would not want MFC to touch with a barge pole. You cannot carry such dysfunctional players in your side and hope to be successful and sustain success.

On Jeff Farmer, its sad to see any person with special talents self destruct. And Farmer has been doing that over a long period of time.

What do you think the "Perth factor" is in his self-destruction? Would it have happened as badly, if at all, if he hadn't been in a two-team frontier town?

In other news the 45 year old demon defender Matthew Whelan....

Ah, that explains why he's injured all the time ...

What do you think the "Perth factor" is in his self-destruction? Would it have happened as badly, if at all, if he hadn't been in a two-team frontier town?

I am not sure if he is mates with Cousins and Gardiner! B)

I understood one of the reasons he went west was that his wife/partner was already living there with their young children as she did not like Melbourne. It would seem that his relationship there is problematic given past misdemeanours.

I dont think its that simple as the Perth factor and I dont want to speculate on his private issues.

Its just sad for Farmer, his family and friends that his life is so troubled.

I loved him at his best at MFC but was aware he was volatile back then.

He is not part of MFC's future.


I've heard or read somewhere before that Jeff was very, very keen to stay at the Dees... he even had a press conference to say as much. His partner then told him come home or it's over.... So torn between having a career and no family or having both he made the logical choice to join Freo. For a variety of reasons it hasn't worked out. I am not sure we would take the risk with him, but it would be sad to see him end his career this way.

I've heard or read somewhere before that Jeff was very, very keen to stay at the Dees... he even had a press conference to say as much. His partner then told him come home or it's over.... So torn between having a career and no family or having both he made the logical choice to join Freo. For a variety of reasons it hasn't worked out. I am not sure we would take the risk with him, but it would be sad to see him end his career this way.

If Collingwood hasn't dumped Didak for what he's alleged to have done, what's a car mirror between friends? I reckon the Wiz would be have back here where he wouldn't have the pressures of his large family. We loved him when he was a Demon and as long as it doesn't cost an arm and a leg, why not take him back? He's good enough and he should have three very good years of footy in him.


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