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2 minutes ago, binman said:

The videos of Pert's and Bartlett's speeches (but not Goodwin's) are up on the MFC facsimile of a website.

Glen doesn't exactly glow with good health. That said he might want to have a chat to the AV crew - the lighting is not particularly flattering. He looks a bit grey. 

Not surprised Goodwin's contribution is not up binman. It was all of 1 minute and he looked totally disinterested.

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15 minutes ago, Better days ahead said:

I don’t believe Casey is the best option. In fact i think it is a terrible option. It’s desolate out there. It’s even got that bleak prairie wind blowing across the tundra feel to it. No public transport you need the car to get anywhere. I suggest to anyone advocating Casey to head along to the next ALFW game there and have a look around. You might change your mind.

If MGC precinct falls over then we have to look at other sites closer to the city.

Agree on both counts.

Surely the Fisherman's bend development (which Covid seems to have stopped in its tracks) would provide an opportunity to build a purpose built football oval and training facilities, with community amenities such as those at Arden Street.  

And would be much easier i would have thought to get State government financial support. A win win, as they will need parks, playing fields and community spaces in that area - unless of course they want to build the docklands mark 2. 

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14 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

Out in the boondocks? No thanks


Snobbery like this is what holds us back. Our membership base and the club itself are littered with it, and it will continue us on the same path we’ve been on for decades.

We simply won’t get any govt funding for any community based facilities in the city where we are; we have already lost that battle to Richmond and Collingwood et al. We can continue to try but we’ll continue to fail. 

And while we’re at it, those same clubs will continue to cross the invisible lines to usurp us in the unsexy (but richly fertile) areas, and grow their membership bases bigger and bigger again with resources we refuse to commit.

So many missed opportunities.

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29 minutes ago, old dee said:

Not surprised Goodwin's contribution is not up binman. It was all of 1 minute and he looked totally disinterested.

There’s something badly wrong here.

These people are going to negotiate millions of dollars worth of facilities for our boutique club? No way!


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34 minutes ago, binman said:

Agree on both counts.

Surely the Fisherman's bend development (which Covid seems to have stopped in its tracks) would provide an opportunity to build a purpose built football oval and training facilities, with community amenities such as those at Arden Street.  

And would be much easier i would have thought to get State government financial support. A win win, as they will need parks, playing fields and community spaces in that area - unless of course they want to build the docklands mark 2. 

But its not in the G vicinity binman!

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1 hour ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

... most guys in their early-mid 20s would choose the central location over the outer suburbs every day of the week.

I don't agree. 

Good clubs keep their good players (in a general sense)  The players are out at Casey a fair bit as it is.  And I've outlined some of the logistical issues in earlier posts

There's 3 choices as I see it ...

A new inner City facility (highly doubtful in my view) Gut feeling is that it won't happen (at least in the next 3-5 ,years)

Leave it as it is (Gosch's & AAMI) ... an unsatisfactory ongoing arrangement (are we the new Fitzroy?)

Casey but not all-in (but only if the State & Federal Governments come to the party with a large majority of the funding)

And Casey might be the only choice with regards to having a State of the Art facility that we can call our own

What's your outcome in the near future and what about long term?

Got a reasonable alternative?

I drive past Gosch's Park occasionally and when we are training on those occasions the whole thing looks amateurish.  Like a suburban club but surrounded by 2 of the busiest roads in Melbourne. 

Can you imagine if we're still there in 5 or 10 years time? 

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14 minutes ago, Macca said:

I don't agree. 

Good clubs keep their good players (in a general sense)  The players are out at Casey a fair bit as it is.  And I've outlined some of the logistical issues in earlier posts

There's 3 choices as I see it ...

A new inner City facility (highly doubtful in my view) Gut feeling is that it won't happen (at least in the next 3-5 ,years)

Leave it as it is (Gosch's & AAMI) ... an unsatisfactory ongoing arrangement (are we the new Fitzroy?)

Casey but not all-in (but only if the State & Federal Governments come to the party with a large majority of the funding)

And Casey might be the only choice with regards to having a State of the Art facility that we can call our own

What's your outcome in the near future and what about long term?

Got a reasonable alternative?

I drive past Gosch's Park occasionally and when we are training on those occasions the whole thing looks amateurish.  Like a suburban club but surrounded by 2 of the busiest roads in Melbourne. 

Can you imagine if we're still there in 5 or 10 years time? 

Agree wholeheartedly.

I don't think we will have a facility within 5 years, not within the city/MCG precinct.

We don't have the supporter base and therefor power to make something happen

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4 minutes ago, BW511 said:

Agree wholeheartedly.

I don't think we will have a facility within 5 years, not within the city/MCG precinct.

We don't have the supporter base and therefor power to make something happen

A  will and a way is far more important than a:supporter base for this to happen

In other words you are saying Bartlett ( and Pert)  are feedIng us porkies or just plain BS?

Reckon you have to give the Committee handling this the benefit of the doubt until proved impossible.

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6 hours ago, BW511 said:

Think the MCG Precinct and inner city mentality is probably detrimental to the club in the long term.

With the spread of our population away from the inner metro area, why focus on an area which has zero growth.

We are a club that has a small membership base and attracts very few supporters to our games, we need to be creative with our membership and keeping them engaged. Where the players want to live should rank very low down on the priority list.

How do Dogs  Saints Roos manage  the same complex we are contemplating.  In 2017/18 we were in the top 6 for attendances ( and probably 3 in 2018  if you add our Finals attendances ) so we can attract crowds at the G and interstate when our:side plays good football or contends.

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9 minutes ago, 58er said:

A  will and a way is far more important than a:supporter base for this to happen

In other words you are saying Bartlett ( and Pert)  are feedIng us porkies or just plain BS?

Reckon you have to give the Committee handling this the benefit of the doubt until proved impossible.

What they are trying to achieve is very difficult make no mistake. Better them than me.

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10 minutes ago, 58er said:

A  will and a way is far more important than a:supporter base for this to happen

In other words you are saying Bartlett ( and Pert)  are feedIng us porkies or just plain BS?

Reckon you have to give the Committee handling this the benefit of the doubt until proved impossible.

Reads like a Towkay infused haiku

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7 minutes ago, 58er said:

How do Dogs  Saints Roos manage  the same complex we are contemplating.  In 2017/18 we were in the top 6 for attendances ( and probably 3 in 2018  if you add our Finals attendances ) so we can attract crowds at the G and interstate when our:side plays good football or contends.

So once in every how many years?


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23 minutes ago, 58er said:

Reckon you have to give the Committee handling this the benefit of the doubt until proved impossible

I've been patient but it's getting harder to keep the faith 58.

GB will need to resign if there isn't movement before the next AGM. 

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Sheish!!!! Who'd want to be a voluntary MFC Board member answering to you lot. 

A social club and footy facilities within the MCG heartland would be unbelievable for the future of the Club compared to anywhere else. There's clearly some chance of it happening. I personally am happy to wait for however long it takes to either make it happen or know everything humanly possible was done before they cave in to some far more inferior site. And any site away from the G will be vastly inferior. 

It's a uniquely difficult thing to pull off. No existing land available. Olympic Park organisation, local Council, State Govt, Fed Govt, AFL, MCC to pool together to make it happen. Perty has dealt with everyone of these organisations successfully to get the Olympic Park facilities built for Pies. There couldn't be anyone better to try to make it happen. 

Have a bit of patience. Yeh, I'm as frustrated as anyone about how long it's taking but lets not all play the blame game and cartwheel the Club into a crisis by attacking the Board.

If the team's crap this year and not a competitive finalist it's a different story as far as the football dept is concerned but as far as facilities I'm taking a deep breath. 



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3 minutes ago, It's Time said:

Sheish!!!! Who'd want to be a voluntary MFC Board member answering to you lot. 

A social club and footy facilities within the MCG heartland would be unbelievable for the future of the Club compared to anywhere else. There's clearly some chance of it happening. I personally am happy to wait for however long it takes to either make it happen or know everything humanly possible was done before they cave in to some far more inferior site. And any site away from the G will be vastly inferior. 

It's a uniquely difficult thing to pull off. No existing land available. Olympic Park organisation, local Council, State Govt, Fed Govt, AFL, MCC to pool together to make it happen. Perty has dealt with everyone of these organisations successfully to get the Olympic Park facilities built for Pies. There couldn't be anyone better to try to make it happen. 

Have a bit of patience. Yeh, I'm as frustrated as anyone about how long it's taking but lets not all play the blame game and cartwheel the Club into a crisis by attacking the Board.

If the team's crap this year and not a competitive finalist it's a different story as far as the football dept is concerned but as far as facilities I'm taking a deep breath. 



Finally some common sense It's like our flag it's got to be 2021 or 22 !!! Can't wait !

we are an impatient lot with very little common sense. This search has not gone on for 57 years like our flag hunt. It takes 5/8 years to build a team sometime and I feel that we are getting closer with our list. Time to back in the Coaches Inc. Choco snd Ooze. and  our list Getting deeper each year with some real talent and X factor stRting out on the journey to unite with the existing talent Ready to fully blossom.

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As for the criticism Bartlett is getting for not looking the part well enough and not doing enough so sack him. I'd much rather have a low profile "President" who's set a long term strategic plan and focusing on it no matter how hard, than a few of the high profile alternatives like Eddie "Proud" or Jeffrey "Tassie Hawks" or Kochie etc etc.  I like the Board stability over the past couple of crap years. I like there hasn't been a traditional MFC knee jerk Coach sacking through a very difficult time.

I believe on the back of Goodwin's coaching  in 2018 there's justification to think he and the team might turn it around this season. If not then he's obviously gone. And frankly, probably so am I for a while.  But it's not round 1 yet and like every year of my definition of insanity MFC supporting career I am still eternally optimistic until the final siren ends round 1. 

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4 minutes ago, 58er said:

Finally some common sense It's like our flag it's got to be 2021 or 22 !!! Can't wait !

we are an impatient lot with very little common sense. This search has not gone on for 57 years like our flag hunt. It takes 5/8 years to build a team sometime and I feel that we are getting closer with our list. Time to back in the Coaches Inc. Choco snd Ooze. and  our list Getting deeper each year with some real talent and X factor stRting out on the journey to unite with the existing talent Ready to fully blossom.

To borrow from Martin Luther King. "I had a Dream."  

I was talking to a mate the other night and mentioned that someone asked about building something over the train tracks. That's been talked about for more than 30 years Probably more. 

We started thinking. Imagine if they built over Brunton Ave (which they've already partly done) across to the Tennis Centre and towards the City. Get the State Govt engaged by building a massive car park to service the MCG and get cars off Yarra Park forever for MCG games. It would be in walking distance to the City if people stay off public transport post Covid. It would service the Tennis and AAMI. A great addition for every stake holder. Build a state of the art sports facility in that space that MFC need but which the Aus Open could use. Have the MCC affiliated with it and contribute to it so there could be access to the gym and other facilities for MCC members with a new premium membership.  It could have squash courts, basketball courts, which could cross over for indoors training for MFC. etc etc. And on top a Social Club for MFC that could be taken over by the tennis during the Aus Open etc etc. 

How good would that be. We have no idea what they're working on. Wouldn't that be worth the wait. No naysayers please. Leave me to my fantasy. 

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48 minutes ago, 58er said:

Finally some common sense It's like our flag it's got to be 2021 or 22 !!! Can't wait !

we are an impatient lot with very little common sense. This search has not gone on for 57 years like our flag hunt. It takes 5/8 years to build a team sometime and I feel that we are getting closer with our list. Time to back in the Coaches Inc. Choco snd Ooze. and  our list Getting deeper each year with some real talent and X factor stRting out on the journey to unite with the existing talent Ready to fully blossom.

What a load of rubbish...we've been more than patient.

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