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Training - Wednesday, 27th March 2019


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9 minutes ago, sue said:

agree.  The only possible criticism is that he should have taken responsibility to kick the goal rather than looking downfield to see if anyone was a better option.  And if there was someone there and he didn't pass it and then missed the goal, we'd never hear the end of it.

we arnt hearing the end of it ,imagine if it had have been dom tyson ,dl have gone into melt down

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2 hours ago, sue said:

Of course I do!  What has that got to do with examining why he dropped the mark and whether he squibbed, choked or whatever?    

You chided posters for being critical of Jones dropping the mark, whatever the reason, and dismissed it as "a mistake, that's all". Given it likely caused a 12 point turnaround and killed momentum at an important time in the game, I'd say posters have every right to make negative comments about the dropped mark. I don't think he squibbed it, but I'm not "amazed" that others could be thinking this. I do think it's another example that Jones fails to lift when we desperately need him to drag us over the line. That's part of a captain's role. I wouldn't be surprised if this is his last season, old man time is knocking on the door.

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1 hour ago, drysdale demon said:

I agree Baghad, the players and coaching staff do speak to supporters at training. Between 1987 and 1997 I rarely missed an in season training session and the players often spoke to me along with a few other supporters who regularly attended training. Among the 20 or so regulars was the Ox's Mother Mary who always spoke to everyone around, another Lady by the name of Marie was a regular attendee along with her daughter who later married one of the players { Todd McHardy I think was his name.}My daughter who attended together with me became one of the stats group for the under 19"s, reserves and seniors whilst Northey and Balme  were coaching and she was given knowledge that was not available to everyone as was I by some players.

who the hell is todd mchardy

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49 minutes ago, The Chazz said:

There is absolutely no reason why we shouldn't be thinking about winning a premiership this year.  It's absolutely possible that we can do it, and I would expect Jones to be part of the group that collect their medals on the day.  If he isn't, then I want it to be because someone has banged the door down at Casey, created their opportunity, then run with it all the way until the end of September. 

2020 is a different story, but I'm happy to trade in a player that can come straight in and impact until, again, a younger player bangs that door down again.

The interesting tidbit is this week's inclusion of Lockhart.  Is it at Jones' expense?  Will it be due to injury or form?  Time will tell.


Might surprise you that I agree. No reason at all...but only if we play with that intent and intensity.

Someone needs to flick the switch.

I too want to see players banging down doors to play.

Other things I like....marking....and goal kicking.

Here's to 2019. Let's not die not knowing how it might go....with effort and effect.

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26 minutes ago, Moonshadow said:

You chided posters for being critical of Jones dropping the mark, whatever the reason, and dismissed it as "a mistake, that's all". Given it likely caused a 12 point turnaround and killed momentum at an important time in the game, I'd say posters have every right to make negative comments about the dropped mark. I don't think he squibbed it, but I'm not "amazed" that others could be thinking this. I do think it's another example that Jones fails to lift when we desperately need him to drag us over the line. That's part of a captain's role. I wouldn't be surprised if this is his last season, old man time is knocking on the door.

sure, no issue making negative comments about the dropped mark.  It was a bad thing to do anytime and especially at that time.  But what annoyed me was some posters implied it was more than that.  A dropped mark is a mistake.  What else is it?  To say otherwise is to say it was dropped for some reason other than a moment of incompetence and such reasons usually imply failure of courage etc on the part of the player.  Clearly it was not that.

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6 hours ago, sue said:

I'm amazed about the negative comments about Jone's dropped mark.  Some posters are almost saying he squibbed it.  Seemed clear to me he took his eyes off the ball because he wanted to see who was downfield for a quick pass.  A mistake, but that's all.  

Don't worry Sue, they are comments from posters who were immaclate on the footy field, if they played at all, and never made a mistake, as if

8 hours ago, beelzebub said:

My god you are so wrapped up in your cozy little world you miss the obvious.

We seem good at getting players in tip top shape don't we. 

Maybe time to get new glasses. Your Rosey ones are deluding you Saty.

We're obviously carrying a truck load of injury. Some planned convalescence possibly...some seems in the 'we'll play it week by week"

To be fair that might be the only practical way for some but it also screams to some we really don't have a good enough handle on some aspects. Are we unique and alone in the football World ? Highly doubt it. Not interested in other club's problems.

How any club can stump up that dross in round one with a far from fit team beggars belief in 2019.

So yes Saty some of us look straight at those in charge.

Stick to your camera mate.


It is an opinion like yours, unfortunately you don't agree so resort to being derogatory,  which is normal for you

The fitness staff tell Goodwin all players selected are fit and have done the necessary loads, doesn't stop them putting in a collective shocker

We were outplayed all across the field, not because of individuals

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Just now, Satyriconhome said:


We were outplayed all across the field, not because of individuals

Yes and no

Some were hobbling...some unable or not keen on running...or possibly watchful of pushing 'injuries'into relapse.

I don't talk to players..or coaches... hardly ever. You see they are all conflicted and infected with footy-speak,much like yourself.

Some, myself among, watch...take note...and look to that little thing called a scoreboard.

It's far more truthful.

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9 minutes ago, beelzebub said:

Yes and no

Some were hobbling...some unable or not keen on running...or possibly watchful of pushing 'injuries'into relapse.

I don't talk to players..or coaches... hardly ever. You see they are all conflicted and infected with footy-speak,much like yourself.

Some, myself among, watch...take note...and look to that little thing called a scoreboard.

It's far more truthful.

It was a flat performance nothing to do with injury

I don't put some things I'm told becuase I'm told not you, of course if we were all as infallible as yourself and correct in every opinion you state well..............

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4 minutes ago, beelzebub said:

Yes and no

Some were hobbling...some unable or not keen on running...or possibly watchful of pushing 'injuries'into relapse.

I don't talk to players..or coaches... hardly ever. You see they are all conflicted and infected with footy-speak,much like yourself.

Some, myself among, watch...take note...and look to that little thing called a scoreboard.

It's far more truthful.

Well if all you did last week BB was look at the scoreboard, you therefore wouldn't be taking  into account expectations of how poor Port is compared to us etc etc.  Then you'd have to say we ran them pretty close.  But no one here feels that, do they.   The scoreboard does not lie, but it doesn't tell the whole truth.

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33 minutes ago, beelzebub said:

Might surprise you that I agree. No reason at all...but only if we play with that intent and intensity.

Someone needs to flick the switch.

I too want to see players banging down doors to play.

Other things I like....marking....and goal kicking.

Here's to 2019. Let's not die not knowing how it might go....with effort and effect.

Something that some of the kids we brought in were incapable of doing on Saturday too.

Interestingly, you're keen to hang Jones for dropping a mark.  He took 6 others for the day, kicked a goal with his 19 possessions in what we are calling a poor performance by our skipper.

Compare that to two of our kids, Sparrow (14 possessions, 1 mark, 1 goal) and Wagner (14, 4 and none).

Nah, let's keep blooding the youth at the expense of the Jones types. ?

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1 hour ago, The Chazz said:


Like who?

We should be serious flag threat this year, and players like Jones generally perform consistently well.  Yes they have their "off" moments/games, but they are generally reliable.

Trying to blood a kid  will see far greater inconsistencies, and will impact our ability to win a premiership this year.

The more simpler way of saying it - we have a greater chance of winning a flag this year with Jones in our side, as opposed to the kid that you are wanting to replace him with, unless that kid is banging the door down at Casey, which at this stage isn't happening.

Lockhart, Maynard, Stretch, Baker, Bedford etc......I understand what your saying but unfortunately the writing has been on the wall for Nathan for a little while now & you only have to delve into his stats to realise that. Anyone with any football brain would know that lists have to be turned over & new players have to be exposed to gain valuable experience & I would rather see the young players elevated where they will show more endeavor, accountability  & enthusiasim than a player that's playing a selfish survival game........

That's all.....& only my opinion.

& the Melbourne Football Club wants/needs sustained success, not just for season 2019 but for many years ahead, hence the reason to blood the young players & not always playing the coaches pets, who for some reason believe they have an absolute right to play!

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45 minutes ago, The Chazz said:

Something that some of the kids we brought in were incapable of doing on Saturday too.

Interestingly, you're keen to hang Jones for dropping a mark.  He took 6 others for the day, kicked a goal with his 19 possessions in what we are calling a poor performance by our skipper.

Compare that to two of our kids, Sparrow (14 possessions, 1 mark, 1 goal) and Wagner (14, 4 and none).

Nah, let's keep blooding the youth at the expense of the Jones types. ?

Gee whiz comparing a player with 265 games to players who had zero and two respectively isn't a strong position. 

But OK lets compare Jones, Sparrow and Wagner's other stats.

Jones:  19 poss, 3 (ie16%) contested; 5 clangers; 1 tackle; one 1%.  Effective possessions: 12

Sparrow:  15 poss, 6 (ie 40%) contested; 2 clangers; 3 tackles; zero 1%.  Effective possessions: 13

Wagner:  14 poss, 8 (ie 57%) contested; 3 clangers; 4 tackles; zero 1%.  Effective possesisons: 11

So, the main thing Jones performed better on were the number of marks (which were largely uncontested). 

The lack of contested possessions, tackles and 1% by Jones highlights his lack of physicality and pressure.  That is hardly a good performance or captain's game in a team crying out for physicality and leadership.  I know I will be crucified for this comment but on those stats Jones was on light duties.

I'm not saying kids should be preferred ahead of Jones, yet; just saying the kids are doing their bit and Jones' last week does not compare well imv.

Edited by Lucifer's Hero
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1 hour ago, beelzebub said:

Yes and no

Some were hobbling...some unable or not keen on running...or possibly watchful of pushing 'injuries'into relapse.

I don't talk to players..or coaches... hardly ever. You see they are all conflicted and infected with footy-speak,much like yourself.

Some, myself among, watch...take note...and look to that little thing called a scoreboard.

It's far more truthful.

In the end bb the scoreboard is the determinar. Port won we lost, they get the glory and we get the well deserved scorn. 

Edited by old dee
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1 hour ago, Satyriconhome said:

Don't worry Sue, they are comments from posters who were immaclate on the footy field, if they played at all, and never made a mistake, as if

It is an opinion like yours, unfortunately you don't agree so resort to being derogatory,  which is normal for you

The fitness staff tell Goodwin all players selected are fit and have done the necessary loads, doesn't stop them putting in a collective shocker

We were outplayed all across the field, not because of individuals


images (5).jpg

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1 hour ago, Satyriconhome said:

It was a flat performance nothing to do with injury

On that one sentence alone you are hereafter dubbed King of the Koolaid.

If you can't see injury played its hand...then you see nothing at all 

Nice pix though ;)

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16 minutes ago, beelzebub said:

On that one sentence alone you are hereafter dubbed King of the Koolaid.

If you can't see injury played its hand...then you see nothing at all 

Nice pix though ;)

It's an opinion oh Mighty One, I watched Viney and Jones get througj a full training session the Wednesday before the game, .neither had a limp, a lisp or a slightly awkward way of expressing themselves, can only assume Viney left the limp in the cupboard so it would be fresh for Saturday

Watched him do a full session this Wednesday without approaching the fitness and medical staff or consulting with his personal gait advisor 

Edited by Satyriconhome
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2 minutes ago, Satyriconhome said:

It's an opinion oh Mighty One, I watched Viney and Jones get througj a full training session the Wednesday before the game, .neither had a limp, a lisp or a slightly awkward way of exprezsing themselves, can only assume Viney left the limp in the cupboard so it would be fresh for Saturday

Watched him do a full session this Wednesday without approaching the fitness and medical staff or consutong with his personal gait advisor 

How do we know this isn’t just more fugazi and that the club has actually told you the truth about injuries but sworn you to secrecy? 

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2 hours ago, Gawn's Beard said:


Did we work out how training went?

I wrote something factual about it about 4 pages back, not much detail but since then it’s been 4 pages of bashing Jones or Saty, Strange! 

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