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AFL Officials in Trouble


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Neither you nor I know how far down the track this is.

Which I believe is also one of the points Rhino was making.

The point...the simple point is, by almost every observers' deduction one Stephen Dank would be the most pivotal of persons in all of this. That he hasnt been brought in to date suggests to this reader they arent nearly as far down that track as they would need to be.

All roads may lead to Rome but all fingers point to Dank

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The Hird camp continues to apply the pressure in the HUN - James Hird's advisers lash AFL, ASADA as Chip Le Grand adds to the AFL hierarchy's woes - Pressure on Hird to change contract

Apart from here, when was the last time you heard "integrity" and "the AFL" referred to in the same sentence?

The writing was on the wall when the AFL selectively beat Melbourne across the head with a tanking enquiry that should have covered the entire competition and not just the one club. The outcome of that was a debacle but this is becoming a humiliating sideshow to what eventually will come to pass when the full force of the anti doping authorities comes down on the AFL and Essendon. Demetriou, Fitzpatrick, Evans, Little and Hird - they all deserve to wallow in this.

Hird must have some serious dirt on Essendon for them to acquiese to continue paying him a $Million per year for a contract when he surely must be in breach of (by not being able to provide coaching services from his end). I cannot believe that even Essendon would have signed a contract for $1Million per year with the option of provision of (coaching) services from the other party (Hird). This is a complete travesty, especially in the light of the AFL's double standards on this matter as W_J points out above. The AFL claim that they are giving us some assistance by facilitating Roos and Jackson yet they decline us PPs in a year when we win only two games (in the first un-compromised draft for three years)!

Demitriou must be sacked for his categoric statement on 3AW denying that Hird was being paid by Essendon. He was either lying or he has no idea about the enquiry outcome, both reasons for getting rid of him.

Edited by CBDees
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Hird must have some serious dirt on Essendon for them to acquiese to continue paying him a $Million per year for a contract when he surely must be in breach of (by not being able to provide coaching services from his end). I cannot believe that even Essendon would have signed a contract for $1Million per year with the option of provision of (coaching) services from the other party (Hird). This is a complete travesty, especially in the light of the AFL's double standards on this matter as RL points out above. The AFL claim that they are giving us some assistance by facilitating Roos and Jackson yet they decline us PPs in a year when we win only two games (in the first un-compromised draft for three years)!

Demitriou must be sacked for his categoric statement on 3AW denying that Hird was being paid by Essendon. He was either lying or he has no idea about the enquiry outcome, both reasons for getting rid of him.

"LIKE"....Tend to agree...something nasty is kept in a box somewhere. That Hird rules the roost and now has the club scapegoating Robinson is quite frankly amazing.

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Now run along and pretend you're clever to others, some here arent so fooled

I try to understand the process and latest developments and Rhino's post makes interesting points.

Then along comes 'Bub (it didnt stop him) with half a dozen outraged and confident posts full of Pi$$ and wind.

Please put a sock in it.

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seems to me that if he is being paid by the club then he is employed by the clubof course if a third party is actually doing the paying i don't think there is much can be doneplus he has already signed a contract with essendon for post "suspension" coachingpretty good for hird - get paid, do nothing, plus get your expensive business development course paid for whilst your job is held for you by contractsounds more like a paid sabbaticalsome "punishment" - must be really hurting himonly in the afl

There are other ways around this. For instance they might be getting a wealthy backer of the club to be paying Hird his salary and the cost of his studies. Then they could say they are not paying him. They do NOT need to do it directly, but the reason for the payment are directly linked to his long term connection to the club. This is a technique other clubs have used, particularly the wealthy backers of the Blues.

All is often not what it seems

I think this is also what is annoying the AFL so much, and I am sure to article in today's Age re Hird allies targeting senior AFL figures in an effort to get rid of them has more than a grain of truth in it.

Hird is playing a very dangerous game. In a fight to the death between Hird & EFC, and the AFL and Demitriou'i know who I would back, and it ain't Hird.

Good riddance I say.

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A clean out of Senior AFL figures is a good thing. The $500,000 fine to the MFC was a bad joke.

Personally I have very little time or respect for either MessyDrugs or the AFL. Both groups should have been charged with bring the game into disrepute IMO.

But I guess the motto of the AFL is "Show me the money!"

The competition should be based on fairness and equity however it appears to be more not greed and stupidity focused.

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ASADA willdo the local stuff, running around, the gathering of statements and boxes of records ( should they exist ) . WADA is only the global master looking over shoulder. Given that the EFC's involvement is only part of it and that together with the NRL's side of this scandal that this would be the biggest scandal to hit Aussie sport youd think this would be a bit further down the track. If Dank hasnt been interviewed and by all accounts he hasnt then they are being tardy to say the least.

Don't agree at all. It is true ASADA has limited resources and this is an extremely complex investigation covering the AFL and the NRL. Danks was also involved in both codes. The sensible thing to do would be for ASADA to gather all the evidence and then interview Danks. He is the common link.

Based on the speed of these sorts of investigation offshore, I would not be at all surprised if we did not see the final findings of ASADA until 2015, and if there is attempted political interference (and from what Brandis has said so far on this it seems the Abbott Government does not have the same appetite to get to the bottom of these issues as the previous administration) then WADA will become involved and if there are in their eyes light penalties handed out then it will go through international arbitration which could take another year.

There are no quick fixes here, but I think there are enough safe guards built into the system for the truth to eventually come out and appropriate penalties will be forthcoming.

It won't happen tomorrow!

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This is really sounding like Hird has so much dirt on Essendon, that he has them by the throat and they will do whatever he wants. Being paid while suspended and getting a 2 year contract extension, immediately after being suspended for his part in the doping scheme, lends support to this theory and is just disgraceful.

For those doubters, Chip Le Grand said on 3AW that he has absolute proof that Hird is being paid by the club directly. They have not denied it and Hird's lawyers have basically admitted it. They say it is not specifically prohibited in writing.

I know that several major donors to the Bombers have had enough and demanded that Hird never coach them again or they are out and so is their money.

Essendon will no doubt pay out his 3 years left on the contract. It is just disgusting. This could be the price for his silence.

Hird at the February Press conference said he took full responsibility and since then has taken none. It seems to many that the number 1 priority for Hird is Hird, the players and club come a long way behind him.

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Someone on here said that our footy has gone from a sport to a business.

Business is about money and sport is about fair competition.

The AFL is no longer about sport and all about business.

Pity for all of us that are football fans.

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13C Failure to comply with disclosure notice

Failure to give information or produce documents in time

(1) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the person is given a disclosure notice; and

(b) the notice requires the person to:

(i) give information; or

(ii) produce documents or things;

of a kind specified in the notice; and

© the person fails to comply with the notice within the period specified in the notice.

Civil penalty: 30 penalty units.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the person gives the CEO a statutory declaration stating that:

(a) the person does not possess the information, document or thing; and

(b) the person has taken all reasonable steps available to the person to obtain the information, document or thing and has been unable to obtain it.

Note: A person bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in this subsection: see section 73R.

Failure to attend interview

(3) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the person is given a disclosure notice; and

(b) the notice requires the person to attend an interview to answer questions; and

© the person fails to comply with the notice.

Civil penalty: 30 penalty units.

Failure to answer questions

(4) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the person is given a disclosure notice; and

(b) the notice requires the person to attend an interview to answer questions; and

© the person refuses or fails to answer a question.

Civil penalty: 30 penalty units.

One paper reporting that is is a $5100 fine per day, for disobeying an interview directive.

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Yep James Turd has Essendrug completely under the thumb.

Other club officials took the sword and walked the plank, James "make sure it's the good stuff we are playing Carlton this week" Turd is demanding full pay.

How nice for you James.

For the AFL to not have all this in writing is just incredible.

Sit back and watch the show kiddies...

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Hird must have some serious dirt on Essendon for them to acquiese to continue paying him a $Million per year for a contract when he surely must be in breach of (by not being able to provide coaching services from his end). I cannot believe that even Essendon would have signed a contract for $1Million per year with the option of provision of (coaching) services from the other party (Hird). This is a complete travesty, especially in the light of the AFL's double standards on this matter as W_J points out above. The AFL claim that they are giving us some assistance by facilitating Roos and Jackson yet they decline us PPs in a year when we win only two games (in the first un-compromised draft for three years)!

Demitriou must be sacked for his categoric statement on 3AW denying that Hird was being paid by Essendon. He was either lying or he has no idea about the enquiry outcome, both reasons for getting rid of him.

It does seems as though the AFL made a mistake not specifically writing in the condition that Hird should not be paid by Essendon while he's suspended - they mistakenly thought that Essendon wouldn't be brazen enough to do that - naive really after all that's happened, but hardly a firing offence. I'm amazed that Essendon would do such a provocative thing and further aggravate their relationship with the leagues governing body. They should be trying to build a bridge.

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It does seems as though the AFL made a mistake not specifically writing in the condition that Hird should not be paid by Essendon while he's suspended - they mistakenly thought that Essendon wouldn't be brazen enough to do that - naive really after all that's happened, but hardly a firing offence. I'm amazed that Essendon would do such a provocative thing and further aggravate their relationship with the leagues governing body. They should be trying to build a bridge.

As Rhino would say "sage advice":


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It does seems as though the AFL made a mistake not specifically writing in the condition that Hird should not be paid by Essendon while he's suspended - they mistakenly thought that Essendon wouldn't be brazen enough to do that - naive really after all that's happened, but hardly a firing offence. I'm amazed that Essendon would do such a provocative thing and further aggravate their relationship with the leagues governing body. They should be trying to build a bridge.

At the same time though why should Essendon care?

The AFL have fined them and that's that, nothing the AFL can do now - should have put it in writing. Also this way Hird, who will most likely end up wearing all this including a shortened career, gets paid and keeps quiet.

I don't particularly agree with this view, and Essendon are hedging their bets because if ASADA/WADA come down tough with player sanctions their sponsors, players and most importantly supporters will go... then they will be back at the AFL HQ asking for aid.

Don't bite the hand that will probably end up feeding you!

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At the same time though why should Essendon care?

The AFL have fined them and that's that, nothing the AFL can do now - should have put it in writing. Also this way Hird, who will most likely end up wearing all this including a shortened career, gets paid and keeps quiet.

I don't particularly agree with this view, and Essendon are hedging their bets because if ASADA/WADA come down tough with player sanctions their sponsors, players and most importantly supporters will go... then they will be back at the AFL HQ asking for aid.

Don't bite the hand that will probably end up feeding you!

I agree PJ they are digging a big hole.

If things go south they are going to struggle to find a friend in the AFL circle.

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I agree PJ they are digging a big hole.

If things go south they are going to struggle to find a friend in the AFL circle.

especially if there were to be a clean out of the 'bridge' also

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I agree PJ they are digging a big hole.

If things go south they are going to struggle to find a friend in the AFL circle.


The last person to cross Vlad was Evans (remember the investigation tip off? Vlad tipped of Evans, Evans told everyone at the emergency meeting Vlad called him, Hird's PR camp, most likely, leaked it later)... a couple of days after that was leaked Evans quit.


Me thinks not.

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Remind me, who does the fixture?

Already been done for next season.

Not to mention the EFC still makes them more profit than other teams like us and the Bulldogs + imagine the pro-EFC stuff the club will have the media pushing through... "they are deliberately discriminating against us, we've got our penalties, they are trying to run us into the ground blah blah blah".

Would draw unwanted drama to Vlad when he is trying to repair the ALF's and his image.

It's aggressive view which I don't like and a move which the club pre-Little wouldn't have done.

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Hird at the February Press conference said he took full responsibility and since then has taken none. It seems to many that the number 1 priority for Hird is Hird, the players and club come a long way behind him.

Don't forget Red, poor old Hirdy felt pressured by Evans or Robson (can't recall which) to say he took full responsibility when he actually didn't think and still doesn't believe he or the club has done anything wrong.

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Don't forget Red, poor old Hirdy felt pressured by Evans or Robson (can't recall which) to say he took full responsibility when he actually didn't think and still doesn't believe he or the club has done anything wrong.

I seldom use this word but it fits here.


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Don't forget Red, poor old Hirdy felt pressured by Evans or Robson (can't recall which) to say he took full responsibility when he actually didn't think and still doesn't believe he or the club has done anything wrong.

Very Lance Armstrong!

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The point...the simple point is, by almost every observers' deduction one Stephen Dank would be the most pivotal of persons in all of this. That he hasnt been brought in to date suggests to this reader they arent nearly as far down that track as they would need to be.

All roads may lead to Rome but all fingers point to Dank

Me thinks they do Not want to open up the Hornets nest?

but stop the supplements from continuing beyond this investigation.

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