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OUT: Abbott IN: Turnbull


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Guilty unless you can prove your innocent, is that the modern legal system? Do any experts know? I am confused.

I remember in times past a women could be accused of being a witch and the test was to bind her feet and hands and throw her in a pond. If she drowned, she was innocent, if she somehow got free and surfaced she was obviously guilty and was dealt with. Is that the type of system we are looking at with these Royal Commissions?

And does anyone know what the Australian Crime Commission does with its resources and funding?

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Guilty unless you can prove your innocent, is that the modern legal system? Do any experts know? I am confused.

I remember in times past a women could be accused of being a witch and the test was to bind her feet and hands and throw her in a pond. If she drowned, she was innocent, if she somehow got free and surfaced she was obviously guilty and was dealt with. Is that the type of system we are looking at with these Royal Commissions?

And does anyone know what the Australian Crime Commission does with its resources and funding?

You are confused your argument is verging on idiotic.

You can do better than that can't you?

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Australia’s Marxists will gather at their yearly conference at Melbourne University at Easter. Some will drop their children off at the ”School for Rebellion”, run by the conference organisers to indoctrinate even five-year-olds:


Hmm. Marxist children demand everything be given to them free, and then they go out to play. Only force by their masters will make some work to provide what the others take.
That’s Marxism, kids. It’s amazing that after so many disastrous failures exactly like this in so many countries that your parents still believe this stuff. And, worse, that so many of their preachers work in universities, teaching the next generation how to destroy what works best.
What disgraceful behaviour by Marxists. I suspect a couple of you are symapthisers.
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The crux of the issue.

When someone tells you of 'illegal immigrants' and when Scott Morrison redefines the terminology for asylum seekers, this is the only thing you need to show them. Look at the 1956 UN convention on refugees that we are a signatory to. It's all in there.

But can rednecks read?

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How can you be sure?...remember their cone/code of silence.

Is he still on that 'no boats in x amount of time' line? I'm expecting him to say 'Polly want a cracker' next. It's like talking to a parrot.

I don't know why you bother, Hardtack. He and his grumpy old mate talk at you, not to you. They aren't interested in a conversation. Anything that is inconvenient to them they just dismiss and move back to their talking points.

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How can you be sure?...remember their cone/code of silence.

It sounds like part of you'd be happy to hear that there was so you'd have something to crow about.

Information is released as deemed fit. If there are people dying at sea it won't be hidden. What would be the point ? Importantly, even if some have died taking the perilous journey, clearly there are less and possibly there are none.

Some on the Left were happier with the old policy and 1200 dying at sea. The thought that Abbott and Morrison are succeeding cuts them to the quick. Labor and the Greens said it wouldn't/couldn't work and it is. Where is their apology ?

Good to see you're still reading me, Colin. ; )

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and you and hoody don't?

you are both as predictable as what i do first every morning

The difference is I don't sit there and just repeat the same thing over and over again without any stats. I have provided time and time again the actual numbers behind what I say (in link form but it's all there). You can check if you like.

Those two make unfounded assertions, ask for evidence regarding contrary views and then dismiss it out of hand once it's provided. Then it's back to making unfounded assertions. Wash, rinse, repeat.

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The difference is I don't sit there and just repeat the same thing over and over again without any stats. I have provided time and time again the actual numbers behind what I say (in link form but it's all there). You can check if you like.

Those two make unfounded assertions, ask for evidence regarding contrary views and then dismiss it out of hand once it's provided. Then it's back to making unfounded assertions. Wash, rinse, repeat.

big deal. so you trawl through the internet (selectively of course) to throw up some predictable little titbit every day and find time to also throw some poster abuse around

i'd say that was the predictable behaviour of a zealot and a cyber bully boy

​as i said before when you whined about certain posters - "and you dont?"

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big deal. so you trawl through the internet (selectively of course) to throw up some predictable little titbit every day and find time to also throw some poster abuse around

i'd say that was the predictable behaviour of a zealot and a cyber bully boy

​as i said before when you whined about certain posters - "and you dont?"

Trawl around the internet? That's rich. You have an interesting way of looking at actually staying informed. Why do that when you can repeat the same thing over and over again and not back anything up? What I provided were the raw numbers. Has anyone found anything to disprove anything I said? Anyone? Can you show me anything that disproves what I have said?

I also believe that the thread is 'Tony Abbott is an international disgrace'. I add news articles that relate to it. I believe that's called staying on topic. If people want to add news articles supporting Tony Abbott, they are more than welcome to (and RobbieF has).

If you want to throw your lot in with two people (one who says that people such as myself would prefer people to drown at sea than the coalition's border protection policies work and the other who has routinely been identified as a closed minded, cranky old man who blows an o-ring as soon as he is challenged), so be it. If that's the case, it would seem you are comfortable with them carrying on like absolute prats (I STILL have to read their posts when they are put in quotes) while anyone else who has anything contrary to say gets shouted down.

As for the zealot bit and cyber bully boy, I never started getting shirty up until later on in this discussion. At that point I realized there was no point in engaging in a discussion of numbers or facts and decided to treat those I was talking with with the same level of respect I was shown. And I will continue to show that level of respect.

You should know DC that I am respectful in my opinions unless someone goes beyond the pale.

Oh and as for the main point from a couple of posts back...

When Robbie pointed out the website regarding the numbers of boat arrivals under the regime of operation sovereign borders, I actually took the time to read it and genuinely thanked him for it. I pointed out that it still said there was a media blackout on all incidents at sea and I did an analysis of the numbers provided by using information provided from senate inquiries, testimony from Indonesian sources and the words of Scott Morrison. I did listen to what Robbie said and I rebutted it with countering information. Not my opinion, I provided facts. I didn't scream 'You are a socialist/BS artist/evil etc' Therefore, no I don't do what they do.

Edited by Colin B. Flaubert
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you need to tone down a bit colin if you want to be taken seriously

at the moment you sound hypocritical complaining about certain posters being so right wing and abusive whilst you act so left wing and abusive

of course you can't see that because you are so politically obsessed

fortunately politics in australia is not such a life and death issue as it is in many other places, though reading many political blogs in this country you would think it was

it seems the religious vacuum in this country is being consumed by the political idealogues and bored academics

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You are confused your argument is verging on idiotic.

You can do better than that can't you?

Thank God it is only pre season, last week my worst post ever, this week I am idiotic. I might still be up for round 1 though.

I was trying to be facetious, adding in some humour into the relentless to and fro of this argument.But forget that. Your every reply just goes on about the evils of unionists and they must be destroyed. I was pointing out these days there is a judicial process that has to gone through. But no matter. Lets have these Royal Commissions into every area of ALP and Union influence because that is a national priority, isn't it?

Now my points are:

The pink bats issue, it has been gone over by coroners and juicial inquests over and over. What will we now learn from a RC that we don't know already? Do you really think KR set out to set up unsafe workplaces? We have the possibility of cabinet documents being summoned for the inquiry within the 30 year embargo, something unheard of in 100 years of Australian politics. And for what gain? You do understand the precedence that this attack is setting up, don't you? If there is a workplace death involving a project funded by the current federal government in the future anywhere in Australia, well there is no question we will need a Royal Commission! Tony has set us all on a downward spiral to nowhere. Why wouldn't a future ALP government respond in kind and you know they will.

Your obsession with Julia Gillard, as you say the police are already tightening the noose so why the RC? The courts will deal with it all.

Your obsession with Craig Thomson, he is in court already! What more do you want?

Your other concern, union corruption, organised crime and union members being ripped off whatever. How do we deal with this most efficiently? Tony Abbott could instruct the Austalian Crime Commission, set up by Howard to investigate and prosecute where appropriate, to root out criminal behaviour in all all areas where they find it. The minister could direct the ACC to look into these area and give them more resources as required, much less than the $100 million needed for the RC. This is the most efficient way I would have thought. What are the ACC doing? Aren't they looking into these unions if it is such a problem? Or are they corrupt Robbie?

But of course the ACC works behind the scenes with little media exposure but its brief is to identify the bad guys and set them up for the courts to take action. Whereas Royal Commissions are about high profile media inquisitions into their pre determined targets. In this case it is five unions ( just in case the Herald Sun readers don't get the targets).This is the equivalent of a high cost show trial driven by politics, it is not about rooting out corruption as you may want.

My point is these wall to wall Royal Commissions are politically driven, designed to seriously weaken the LNP's opponents, maybe by finding people culpable. but remember a RC can not lay charges. It is not a court. This is all about guilt by association and let's drag this out for as long as possible.

I don't usually go into this boring level of detail but it seems necessary in this case and notice I have avoided any personal abuse! Maybe you and Hadrubal could take that thought on board.

Edited by The Hood
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you need to tone down a bit colin if you want to be taken seriously

at the moment you sound hypocritical complaining about certain posters being so right wing and abusive whilst you act so left wing and abusive

of course you can't see that because you are so politically obsessed

fortunately politics in australia is not such a life and death issue as it is in many other places, though reading many political blogs in this country you would think it was

it seems the religious vacuum in this country is being consumed by the political idealogues and bored academics

To be honest, DC, I don't care if people who disagree with me take me 'seriously'. I'm not here to win a popularity contest or be showered with praise for sounding moderate for moderate's sake. You will find that I don't comment too much on political matters on this board. However, you will find that I do comment a lot on matters regarding asylum seekers as quite frankly, if you look at the actual numbers (numbers I have raised consistently in this discussion) I believe it's difficult to come to any other conclusion on asylum seeker policy. If people can find any other statistics (and as I said before, Robbie tried), I'm happy to go through them.

I would also ask when I have been abusive. I have been sarcastic with Robbie when I asked him to come up with a better nickname after he tried to dub me 'Homer' and when he repeatedly called the statistics I cited 'boring' but I don't believe I have resorted to insult as a first line of defense. I did make some cracks about grumpy old men but keep in mind that was after I was called a blowhard and a fraud. I also tried to extend an olive branch to said abusive poster which was promptly ignored.

As far as politically obsessed, the answer is no. I don't give a s**t which party (be it Labor, Liberal or Greens) wins and loses. I have made a point not to align myself with any party. I learnt a long time ago that political parties are mostly interested with power and the perks it brings. As far as I am concerned, this shouldn't be a left versus right issue (asylum seekers). It's a human decency issue.

I will add that I do believe that Tony Abbott is an international disgrace. I consider myself a 'Malcolm' (Turnbull/Fraser and you could even add a little Ted Baillieu) liberal. Unfortunately in the right wing world that makes me a leftie.

Edited by Colin B. Flaubert
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God these blokes are absolute debate cowards. They can be as petty and abusive as they like and will call you idiotic, stupid and moronic but if you dare say anything that goes against their waffle then you are mocking them and being impolite.

No wonder these blokes hated Keating. He basically called them out for what they are without being apologetic about it. It's all fun and games when they get to hop into migrants, welfare recipients, single mothers and people from the LGBT community but when the shoe is on the other foot then we need to call up the war crimes commission in the Hague 'cos that is unacceptable.

Edited by Colin B. Flaubert
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To be honest, DC, I don't care if people who disagree with me take me 'seriously'. I'm not here to win a popularity contest or be showered with praise for sounding moderate for moderate's sake. You will find that I don't comment too much on political matters on this board. However, you will find that I do comment a lot on matters regarding asylum seekers as quite frankly, if you look at the actual numbers (numbers I have raised consistently in this discussion) I believe it's difficult to come to any other conclusion on asylum seeker policy. If people can find any other statistics (and as I said before, Robbie tried), I'm happy to go through them.

I would also ask when I have been abusive. I have been sarcastic with Robbie when I asked him to come up with a better nickname after he tried to dub me 'Homer' and when he repeatedly called the statistics I cited 'boring' but I don't believe I have resorted to insult as a first line of defense. I did make some cracks about grumpy old men but keep in mind that was after I was called a blowhard and a fraud. I also tried to extend an olive branch to said abusive poster which was promptly ignored.

As far as politically obsessed, the answer is no. I don't give a s**t which party (be it Labor, Liberal or Greens) wins and loses. I have made a point not to align myself with any party. I learnt a long time ago that political parties are mostly interested with power and the perks it brings. As far as I am concerned, this shouldn't be a left versus right issue (asylum seekers). It's a human decency issue.

I will add that I do believe that Tony Abbott is an international disgrace. I consider myself a 'Malcolm' (Turnbull/Fraser and you could even add a little Ted Baillieu) liberal. Unfortunately in the right wing world that makes me a leftie.

The Monk is the Australian Version of G.W Bush Jnr and IMO calling him an international disgrace is such an understatement.

These types of guys are not only incompedent but they are very dangerous.

NEVER underestimate extremists where ever they are, right wing, left wing, Christian, Jewish or Muslim.

IMO the Monk is the wrong man for the job of PL as he is untrustworthy, no real leadership skills, clearly put in power by hidden power brokers and such bad communication skills. His self interest is very obvious and his legacy will be one of division and discontent instead of unity for the average Australian.

IMO the sooner he goes the better.

Oh I think Ben Her and Robbie are big boys and should be able to take back some of the things they dish out to others.

I love Colins and the mysterious Hoods work.

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Oh I think Ben Her and Robbie are big boys and should be able to take back some of the things they dish out to others.

I love Colins and the mysterious Hoods work.


When have I complained about the robust debate, or what someone has called me ?

If you can find an utterance where I'm aggrieved by all means share it.

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The Monk is the Australian Version of G.W Bush Jnr and IMO calling him an international disgrace is such an understatement.

These types of guys are not only incompedent but they are very dangerous.

NEVER underestimate extremists where ever they are, right wing, left wing, Christian, Jewish or Muslim.

IMO the Monk is the wrong man for the job of PL as he is untrustworthy, no real leadership skills, clearly put in power by hidden power brokers and such bad communication skills. His self interest is very obvious and his legacy will be one of division and discontent instead of unity for the average Australian.

IMO the sooner he goes the better.

Oh I think Ben Her and Robbie are big boys and should be able to take back some of the things they dish out to others.

I love Colins and the mysterious Hoods work.

Thanks Frog,

Let's celebrate with a gif!


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Thank God it is only pre season, last week my worst post ever, this week I am idiotic. I might still be up for round 1 though.

I was trying to be facetious, adding in some humour into the relentless to and fro of this argument.But forget that. Your every reply just goes on about the evils of unionists and they must be destroyed. I was pointing out these days there is a judicial process that has to gone through. But no matter. Lets have these Royal Commissions into every area of ALP and Union influence because that is a national priority, isn't it?

Now my points are:

The pink bats issue, it has been gone over by coroners and juicial inquests over and over. What will we now learn from a RC that we don't know already? Do you really think KR set out to set up unsafe workplaces? We have the possibility of cabinet documents being summoned for the inquiry within the 30 year embargo, something unheard of in 100 years of Australian politics. And for what gain? You do understand the precedence that this attack is setting up, don't you? If there is a workplace death involving a project funded by the current federal government in the future anywhere in Australia, well there is no question we will need a Royal Commission! Tony has set us all on a downward spiral to nowhere. Why wouldn't a future ALP government respond in kind and you know they will.

Your obsession with Julia Gillard, as you say the police are already tightening the noose so why the RC? The courts will deal with it all.

Your obsession with Craig Thomson, he is in court already! What more do you want?

Your other concern, union corruption, organised crime and union members being ripped off whatever. How do we deal with this most efficiently? Tony Abbott could instruct the Austalian Crime Commission, set up by Howard to investigate and prosecute where appropriate, to root out criminal behaviour in all all areas where they find it. The minister could direct the ACC to look into these area and give them more resources as required, much less than the $100 million needed for the RC. This is the most efficient way I would have thought. What are the ACC doing? Aren't they looking into these unions if it is such a problem? Or are they corrupt Robbie?

But of course the ACC works behind the scenes with little media exposure but its brief is to identify the bad guys and set them up for the courts to take action. Whereas Royal Commissions are about high profile media inquisitions into their pre determined targets. In this case it is five unions ( just in case the Herald Sun readers don't get the targets).This is the equivalent of a high cost show trial driven by politics, it is not about rooting out corruption as you may want.

My point is these wall to wall Royal Commissions are politically driven, designed to seriously weaken the LNP's opponents, maybe by finding people culpable. but remember a RC can not lay charges. It is not a court. This is all about guilt by association and let's drag this out for as long as possible.

I don't usually go into this boring level of detail but it seems necessary in this case and notice I have avoided any personal abuse! Maybe you and Hadrubal could take that thought on board.

Sorry if I've upset you Hoody, you aren't too bad a person so I'm happy to withdraw my nasty comments.

The purpose of a RC is to find out how the system failed and why it continues to fail. There is no point in getting the ACC involved and charging those that have committed offences only to find the next lot that come through do exactly the same. They need to have checks and balances and systems in place so they stop the endemic corruption in the Union ranks.

This has been going on for years and only of a handful of the more blatant offences are prosecuted; if they can ensure that they can't do it anymore then the Union Members will at least know that when they contribute their subscriptions that they will be used for the purpose intended. If they can cut out the Union Chiefs getting their Holiday homes renovated or built by major contracting companies, then maybe we will see some honesty in the building industry.

Prosecuting a few miscreants will never achieve that they need to get rid of the rats under the rug.

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Wouldn't you know old Claude, who pretends he's more to the right, would trot out the ABC's mantra on boat policy. Who'd have thought.

But as Bolt correctly points out, the ABC and their comrades are cut to the quick that Abbott's policies are working. They can handle the dead at sea under Labor, but not the lives saved under Abbott.

Read on...

ABC obsessed with boat policies only now they work

Andrew Bolt





Boat people policy, Media

It is June 22, 2012. About 60 boat people a day are arriving illegally, and dozens more have just drowned at sea, lured to their deaths by Labor’s weak laws.

Here are the questions asked by the ABC of Jason Clare, the Labor Minister presiding over this disaster:

SABRA LANE: Mr Clare, good morning and welcome to AM. What is the latest? What can you tell us about the rescue operation for these people?

SABRA LANE: You’ve got two navy vessels there now. You’ve got a number of merchant ships there as well. You’re expecting more boats to join the location this morning?

SABRA LANE: And the weather prospects there, is that good for these people who are in the water?

SABRA LANE: You’ve just given a chronology of when Australia first learnt that this boat was in distress, it appears it called Australian authorities 10pm Tuesday night, but that there was no location and Australia told Indonesia that there was a boat in distress. It appears that Wednesday morning very early, 1.30 in the morning, that you were alerted to its location. What happened then?

SABRA LANE: A surveillance aircraft saw it on Wednesday afternoon and it appeared to be not in distress at that point. But you’ve said that you received more calls yesterday morning which alerted you to the fact that this boat was in trouble. What were the nature of those calls?

SABRA LANE: There are reports that Indonesian authorities say that they were first alerted to this on Sunday and that they were quite confused, saying that they received a number of telegrams from Australia and that they believed that there were two boats out there in distress.

SABRA LANE: Minister, the Australian Christian lobby says it’s time for both major political parties to put aside their differences on this issue, to stop playing politics and to sit down and devise a bipartisan solution.

SABRA LANE: Minister, thanks for joining us this morning.

Note the ABC’s almost complete lack of interest in Labor’s responsibility for luring yet more people to their deaths. Note the ABC’s failure to ask a single question about the inhumanity of Labor’s laws, given these consequences. Note the absence of any sign of hostility to the Minister presiding over these catastrophic policies.

It is June 10, 2013. Nearly 90 boat people are now landing every day, and dozens more have just drowned. lured to their deaths by Labor’s weak laws. ABC PM raises the issue of the day:

ASHLEY HALL: The Customs and Border Protection Service has intercepted another suspected asylum seeker boat carrying 30 people off Christmas Island. It follows the decision to call off the search for survivors of another boat that sunk off the island at the weekend.

Customs also decided not to try to recover bodies from that boat, to allow it to respond to others that may need help. One expert on the law of the sea says there is no obligation under international law to recover the dead from the water.

Notice the ABC’s complete lack of anger at Labor’s catastrophic laws. Note the complete lack of anger at the ghastly consequences - a death toll now above 1000.

It is February 16, 2014. No boat has arrived for more than eight weeks. No one has drowned. The new Abbott Government’s policies to stop the boats, stop the drownings and gradually empty the detention centres are clearly working.

Here are the questions the ABC’s Insiders asks of Scott Morrison, the Minister presiding over this success:

BARRIE CASSIDY: How many Australian naval ships entered Indonesian territorial waters in December and January?

BARRIE CASSIDY: Do you know the answer to the question?

BARRIE CASSIDY: Why can’t you tell us now?

BARRIE CASSIDY: But why would that piece of information be in any way, why would it compromise the Government’s position?

BARRIE CASSIDY: How much of that report then will be released?

BARRIE CASSIDY: Will it explain how it happened and why it happened?

BARRIE CASSIDY: And it will explain how it happened?

BARRIE CASSIDY: Will the unclassified section of that report explain to the Australian people how this happened, why it happened and why it won’t happen again?

BARRIE CASSIDY: And then we can back that judgment. The Indonesian Navy report argued the incursions may have been intentional, said in this era, navigation equipment is very sophisticated.

BARRIE CASSIDY: What’s false about that?

BARRIE CASSIDY: And what satisfied you of that?

BARRIE CASSIDY: There is a suspicion clearly in Indonesia that it was intentional. How will you disabuse them of that notion?

BARRIE CASSIDY: And do you think based on what you already know they will be satisfied with what you have to say, that without question, it was not intentional?

BARRIE CASSIDY: The Indonesian Navy report that I referred to had a photograph of burn wounds on a hand and it said, and this is the quote, “Resulting from being forced to hold onto the ship’s engine by the Australian Navy.” Does it concern you that an official Indonesian Navy report would make such an assertion?

BARRIE CASSIDY: Can you though dismiss just as lightly a report from the Indonesian Navy as you can a report from an asylum seeker?

BARRIE CASSIDY: How again will you disabuse the Indonesian Navy of their notion?

BARRIE CASSIDY: And you’ve established the facts, of course, without speaking to the person who made the allegations?

BARRIE CASSIDY: But you describe it as a normal process, wouldn’t a normal process, as part of that wouldn’t you talk to the person making the allegations?

BARRIE CASSIDY: What are the factors at work there? Clearly it’s the monsoon season, that’s one factor. How much credit would you give to the previous Government over its PNG (Papua New Guinea) solution?

BARRIE CASSIDY: But the PNG solution wasn’t in place this time last year.

BARRIE CASSIDY: The Indonesian Foreign Minister has, talking about the turn-back strategy, quote, “It threatens the negotiation of a code of conduct designed to repair the relationship.” Clearly he’s offended by the policy.

BARRIE CASSIDY: You are being true to yourself and true to your policy, as you say, but nevertheless it does seem to be offending the Indonesians, to the point where they’re now going to raise this issue with the US Secretary of State, John Kerry.

BARRIE CASSIDY: What do you think John Kerry would do about it anyway, even if he does regard it as a global issue?

BARRIE CASSIDY: And the other issue that they seem to displease them is the lifeboats issue and they say that that’s more severe than towing back boats; “We strongly protest.”

BARRIE CASSIDY: So you will go on utilising these lifeboats?

BARRIE CASSIDY: Well we’ve seen a video of those lifeboats.

BARRIE CASSIDY: Three days ago an Indian student took his own life at a detention centre in Melbourne. He was in that centre because he overstayed his visa. Could that have been avoided?

BARRIE CASSIDY: Is there a better way to deal with a student who overstays his visa?

BARRIE CASSIDY: So you’re saying there are factors at work here that go beyond the sort of conditions and stresses that come with being in a detention centre?

BARRIE CASSIDY: OK. Now on Friday at a Senate hearing there were 16 denominations, churches, who talked about the Government’s position on the migration act. You want to change it to give you more discretionary powers. Now they said, they say that would allow you to play God.

BARRIE CASSIDY: A former minister though, Chris Evans, said that it gave him too much power, the workload was too great and the churches are saying the taskforce, that if the minister gets it wrong there could be dire consequences for the individual.

BARRIE CASSIDY: Now just finally a report in The Australian yesterday, the Government is considering spending $3 billion to buy giant unmanned drones to patrol the borders that would be used, at least in part, to track asylum seekers and illegal fishermen. Is that under consideration?

BARRIE CASSIDY: If you were to invest that sort of money though in unmanned drones that would suggest you’d think this problem is going to be around for a long time yet?

On ABC AM and Radio National Breakfast this morning there is more extensive questioning of the Abbott Government’s successful policies - how they are offending Indonesia, how there are reported escapes from the Manus Island detention centre, how it’s mean to have people in detention there, how we need to resettle them, how PNG won’t accept any boat people as permanent residents, how we are sending unaccompanied children to Nauru.

It is impossible not to see a bias here. The ABC seemed indifferent about Labor policies which brought in more than 50,000 illegal immigrants, lured more than 1100 to their deaths, filled detention centres to overcrowding and cost Australians perhaps $10 billion. It seemed very unwilling to hold Labor responsible for the terrible consequences of its policies.

Yet the ABC seems obsessed with - and hostile to - the Coalition’s successful policies, which have stopped the boats and the drownings. It seems to take offence on Indonesia’s behalf and gives massive coverage to any grievance or claim of cruelty.

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    Last Saturday’s crushing loss to Fremantle, after being three goals ahead at three quarter time, should be motivation enough to bounce back for this very winnable Round 5 clash at Windy Hill. A first-time venue for the Melbourne AFLW team, this should be a familiar suburban, windy, footy environment for the players.   Essendon were brave and competitive last week against ladder leader Adelaide at Sturt’s home ground. A familiar name, Maddison Gay, was the Bombers best player with

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    AFLW Melbourne Demons 33

    BLOW THE SIREN by Meggs

    Fremantle hosted the Demons on a sunny 20-degree Saturdayafternoon winning the toss and electing to defend in the first quarter against the 3-goal breeze favouring the Parry Street end. There was method here, as this would give the comeback queens, the Dockers, last use of the breeze. The Melbourne Coach had promised an improved performance, and we did start better than previous weeks, winning the ball out of the middle, using the breeze advantage and connecting to the forwards. 

    Demonland |
    AFLW Melbourne Demons

    GETAWAY by Meggs

    Calling all fit players. Expect every available Melbourne player to board the Virgin cross-continent flight to Perth for this Round 4 clash on Saturday afternoon at Fremantle Oval. It promises to be keenly contested, though Fremantle is the bookies clear favourite.  If we lose, finals could be remoter than Rottnest Island especially following on from the Dees 50-point dismantlement by North Melbourne last Sunday.  There are 8 remaining matches, over the next 7 weeks.  To Meggs’

    Demonland |
    AFLW Melbourne Demons

    DRUBBING by Meggs

    With Casey Fields basking in sunshine, an enthusiastic throng of young Demons fans formed a guard of honour for the evergreen and much admired 75-gamer Paxy Paxman. As the home team ran out to play, Paxy’s banner promised that the Demons would bounce back from last week’s loss to Brisbane and reign supreme.   Disappointingly, the Kangaroos dominated the match to win by 50 points, but our Paxy certainly did her bit.  She was clearly our best player, sweeping well in defence.

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    AFLW Melbourne Demons 4


    In keeping with our tough draw theme, Week 3 sees Melbourne take on flag favourites, North Melbourne, at Casey Fields this Sunday at 1:05pm.  The weather forecast looks dry, a coolish 14 degrees and will be characteristically gusty.  Remember when Casey Fields was considered our fortress?  The Demons have lost two of their past three matches at the Field of Dreams, so opposition teams commute down the Princes Highway with more optimism these days.  The Dees held the highe

    Demonland |
    AFLW Melbourne Demons 1

    ALLY’S FIELDS by Meggs

    It was a sunny morning at Casey Fields, as Demon supporters young and old formed a guard of honour for fan favourite and 50-gamer Alyssa Bannan.  Banno’s banner stated the speedster was the ‘fastest 50 games’ by an AFLW player ever.   For Dees supporters, today was not our day and unfortunately not for Banno either. A couple of opportunities emerged for our number 6 but alas there was no sizzle.   Brisbane atoned for last week’s record loss to North Melbourne, comprehensively out

    Demonland |
    AFLW Melbourne Demons 1
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