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Bomber Thompson ... Lets Get Him?


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Ok so I did some digging and apparently he got really friendly with Kingsleys girlfriend or something similar...

I dont care, I want to win...

Also to suggest that he didnt drive the premierships and development of the players is silly, he initiated leading teams and set the tone for the club.

And despite the fact Geelong won the premiership under Scott, Mark Neeld could have coached them to win the flag... All on the back of what Bomber built.

If he is that much of a poisen let give it a miss, as mentioned above PJ would of known about the rumours / truths of what happened and I know for a fact he approached Bomber in the smallest of ways to gauge his feelings on it... What I was trying to say is IMO we should make a hard play for him like we are for Roo's.

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Consider the state MFC is in, and how important this new appointment will be for the future of the club.

Do you really think we should be selecting a coach, who:

A. Doesn't want to do it, and has stated that.

B. Is currently under the cloud of a serious ASADA investigation at the club where he is a senior assistant and largely culpable.

C. Has precious few people willing to give a glowing reference from his former club.

D. Has all sorts of salacious rumours floating around about him, some of which I know to be true.

E. Has a history of being abrasive and petulant towards some of his players.

F. His only success has been at a club where it is well known that the recruiter, CEO, Football Manager and President were all regarded as league-best standard.

G. A first time senior coach was able to step into his shoes and immediately win a flag, such was the state of the rest of the club.

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Ok so I did some digging and apparently he got really friendly with Kingsleys girlfriend or something similar...

I dont care, I want to win...

Also to suggest that he didnt drive the premierships and development of the players is silly, he initiated leading teams and set the tone for the club.

And despite the fact Geelong won the premiership under Scott, Mark Neeld could have coached them to win the flag... All on the back of what Bomber built.

If he is that much of a poisen let give it a miss, as mentioned above PJ would of known about the rumours / truths of what happened and I know for a fact he approached Bomber in the smallest of ways to gauge his feelings on it... What I was trying to say is IMO we should make a hard play for him like we are for Roo's.

But he is 110% not interested. Unlike Roos who is working in media and the swans academy and has never really said never Bomber is not at all interested. Plus the rumours say he is on nearly 1mil at Essendon and was rewarded well at Geelong. We simply can not offer him enough money for motivation. Roos on the other hand will consider the job if it's offer for good money but will be motivated by coaching not that money. Remember he played in the era which saw players get played some reasonable money especially towards the end of his career. He then coached a senior coaching gig for 11 years and since then got a pay rise to be an assistant and have half the stress and working hours.

You'd have to offer 2million plus I'd say to get Bomber to even start listening and without our own VFL team and a gun recruiter like Steven Wells it will be for nothing.

We don't need a saviour in one person. We just need continued smart choices throughout the club.

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Consider the state MFC is in, and how important this new appointment will be for the future of the club.

Do you really think we should be selecting a coach, who:

A. Doesn't want to do it, and has stated that.

B. Is currently under the cloud of a serious ASADA investigation at the club where he is a senior assistant and largely culpable.

C. Has precious few people willing to give a glowing reference from his former club.

D. Has all sorts of salacious rumours floating around about him, some of which I know to be true.

E. Has a history of being abrasive and petulant towards some of his players.

F. His only success has been at a club where it is well known that the recruiter, CEO, Football Manager and President were all regarded as league-best standard.

G. A first time senior coach was able to step into his shoes and immediately win a flag, such was the state of the rest of the club.

You could stop at point A, that is why this whole debate is ridiculous. There is not a chance that Bomber will be our coach.

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No Thanks

Whether its fact or fiction anything Essendon is stained

Until Paul Roos categorically says NO to the MFC then why do we want second best

There is much work to do for Jackson to tick the required boxes for any incoming coach let alone Roos

It also could determine how much of the cash we asked for we actually get

Priority pick would be another matter and with this next draft containing so many good midfield prospects it would be a huge bonus

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He's an arrogant [censored]. I'll never forget that day Steven King kicked Jeff White's face in, and Bomber joked that White put his face in the wrong place and deserved to be suspended. At that stage White had been rushed to hospital intesne surgery as his face was caved in. [censored].

There's a reason he's not spoken about in the same vein as Leigh Mathews, Paul Roos, Mick Malthouse etc. It's because even though he coached Geelong to a few flags, it was mainly player driven, and everyone inside the footy world acknowledges this.
Then you have the issue of his off field discretions, getting involved with players girlfriends, wives, etc and being out on the [censored] and reportedly experimenting with drugs also. Now he's involved in the Essendon drug scandal too and says he wouldn't go near a Melbourne coaching job on AFL 360 the other night. He wouldn't be welcome here anyway. The guy is a scumbag.


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SO with recent admissions by Jobe Watson surely heads will roll at Essendon.

I don’t expect Hird to get the boot, but I think assistants and definitely medical staff will be looked at closely.

While he has said he doesnt want to coach again at all, I think a call from PJ (much similar to his call to Paul Roo's) wouldn’t be a waste of time.

He is on mega bucks at EFC, I think we could match if not top those dollars.

Besides the obvious fact that he coached Geelong into and through a golden era, people often forget the scrutiny he received before the era began.

He was under the pump in a big way but still produced, he also galvanized the playing group to a level not seen in the AFL which has now become the benchmark.

He made players out of people like Enright, Corey, Bartell, Taylor and no one can doubt his input into recruit at the cats...

All in all should be as wanted by the MFC as Paul Roo's and definitely a better option than Mark Williams... IMO


He's in my top 3 choices... Roos/Matthews...... then 'Bomba'... to me, top tier, after roos/matthews.

after that, all you've got are the budget types, eades, williams, knights, et al...

If we miss out on roos/matthews,,,,, then offer him big bickies over 3 yrs, with Ling as his deputy. 'Bomba' to mentor Ling, a coach in waiting. (no promises eddie)

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I would be concerned that Thompson could be more deeply involved in all this mess than even Hird and Dank.

Am I right in thinking that Dank somehow was involved at Geelong during Thompson's tenure?

One would need to do a lot more due diligence than we have done with anyone to date.

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He's an arrogant [censored]. I'll never forget that day Steven King kicked Jeff White's face in, and Bomber joked that White put his face in the wrong place and deserved to be suspended. At that stage White had been rushed to hospital intesne surgery as his face was caved in. [censored].

There's a reason he's not spoken about in the same vein as Leigh Mathews, Paul Roos, Mick Malthouse etc. It's because even though he coached Geelong to a few flags, it was mainly player driven, and everyone inside the footy world acknowledges this.

Then you have the issue of his off field discretions, getting involved with players girlfriends, wives, etc and being out on the [censored] and reportedly experimenting with drugs also. Now he's involved in the Essendon drug scandal too and says he wouldn't go near a Melbourne coaching job on AFL 360 the other night. He wouldn't be welcome here anyway. The guy is a scumbag.


he said King could have broken his leg. menawhile White has a caved in face now full of plates.

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Consider the state MFC is in, and how important this new appointment will be for the future of the club.

Do you really think we should be selecting a coach, who:

A. Doesn't want to do it, and has stated that.

B. Is currently under the cloud of a serious ASADA investigation at the club where he is a senior assistant and largely culpable.

C. Has precious few people willing to give a glowing reference from his former club.

D. Has all sorts of salacious rumours floating around about him, some of which I know to be true.

E. Has a history of being abrasive and petulant towards some of his players.

F. His only success has been at a club where it is well known that the recruiter, CEO, Football Manager and President were all regarded as league-best standard.

G. A first time senior coach was able to step into his shoes and immediately win a flag, such was the state of the rest of the club.

... what an AFL coach or player committing adultery???? who'd of thought! & what about the girls, adultering back? welcome to the elite end, of ultra competative beings... born to challenge, & born to Win...

we better make up our minds IF,,, we want a best mate, or a winning figurehead?

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I would be concerned that Thompson could be more deeply involved in all this mess than even Hird and Dank.

Am I right in thinking that Dank somehow was involved at Geelong during Thompson's tenure?

One would need to do a lot more due diligence than we have done with anyone to date.

if he is, then he won't be coaching..... & it will also drag the Cats history into things, so I doubt that will happen.

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If you don't realise by now that bomber Thompson is the single entity that connects this drug saga with ess & danks then you truly have your head in the sand. He was the single biggest reason that Ablett left Geelong ....& aka Kennett with the melb presidency tilt ....can't believe you are serious about Thompson.. This belongs in the "get L.Matthews thread....just simply "ridiculous!!!

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Time will tell how much damage he has done to the EFC.

The MFC should have a policy for recruiting a senior coach of No DH need apply.

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If you don't realise by now that bomber Thompson is the single entity that connects this drug saga with ess & danks then you truly have your head in the sand. He was the single biggest reason that Ablett left Geelong ....& aka Kennett with the melb presidency tilt ....can't believe you are serious about Thompson.. This belongs in the "get L.Matthews thread....just simply "ridiculous!!!

bomba thompson started danks???

.... and I thought all along, it was hird that introduced Danks to 'Bomba', when he was at the Cats... hird I thought was getting help with his foot injury, help I thought from Danks??

wonders never cease...

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bomba thompson started danks???

.... and I thought all along, it was hird that introduced Danks to 'Bomba', when he was at the Cats... hird I thought was getting help with his foot injury, help I thought from Danks??

wonders never cease...

Completely wrong.

Hird was associated with Shane Charter.

Dank & Dean "The Weapon" Robinson worked together previously in the NRL.

Robinson is on record when at the cats saying he often sought advice from Dank, although he was not officially an employee.

There were a lot of phone calls between the 2.

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Time will tell how much damage he has done to the EFC. The MFC should have a policy for recruiting a senior coach of No DH need apply.

That's the same stupid policy we had with players, Martin and Darling to name a couple we passed up.

I don't think we should be slagging bomber off so much, regardless of the players he has had to work with. He's done pretty well for himself in terms of on field success.

In saying that I don't think he's the right candidate for us nor is there any realistic chance he'd end up at the Dees.

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Thompson has a nice cushy job back amongst his people. Lots of money, not as much gameday worry .

Would be perfect for him.

Happy for him to stay there.

Win win ;)

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i'd love to have him as our coach, but when Roos left the door open about coaching melbourne they asked Thompson too and they hadnt even finished their question and he was already saying no, so very little if any chance of him even considering it. I think he would want to finish up at the bombers

You are omitting a line he said, Young Dee. He also said that Melbourne wouldn't want him. At the time, I found it a very unusual comment to make, thinking why wouldn't we want him. But, with the few posts on here indicating his out-of-the-coachs-box antics are questionable, it probably explains why he made that comment. It is a generaly consensus that the MFC don't like people on their payroll that aren't 100% straight, so perhaps this was the angle Thompson was taking when he said we wouldn't want him.

It is so frustrating that the GFC have been so successful. If they weren't, I could write a novel, providing examples, on how toxic their culture is (and that wouldn't include the Thompson chapter/s!), but luckily for them, they have premierships to shut down any critic.

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That's the same stupid policy we had with players, Martin and Darling to name a couple we passed up.

I don't think we should be slagging bomber off so much, regardless of the players he has had to work with. He's done pretty well for himself in terms of on field success.

In saying that I don't think he's the right candidate for us nor is there any realistic chance he'd end up at the Dees.

Oh well time will tell what damage has been done to the EFC.

Personally I feel it will be hugh as the MFC got $500,000 for the actions of its employees with regards to tanking.

What will be the penalty for allowing players to take drugs?

It was also my understanding that Thompson recommended Danks to the EFC.

Oh well one less FC to worry about next season.

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You are omitting a line he said, Young Dee. He also said that Melbourne wouldn't want him. At the time, I found it a very unusual comment to make, thinking why wouldn't we want him. But, with the few posts on here indicating his out-of-the-coachs-box antics are questionable, it probably explains why he made that comment. It is a generaly consensus that the MFC don't like people on their payroll that aren't 100% straight, so perhaps this was the angle Thompson was taking when he said we wouldn't want him.

It is so frustrating that the GFC have been so successful. If they weren't, I could write a novel, providing examples, on how toxic their culture is (and that wouldn't include the Thompson chapter/s!), but luckily for them, they have premierships to shut down any critic.

So , you must be 100% straight to get a job with the MFC ? ? I guess that rules out Ricky Martin as a Wild Card .

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He's an arrogant [censored]. I'll never forget that day Steven King kicked Jeff White's face in, and Bomber joked that White put his face in the wrong place and deserved to be suspended. At that stage White had been rushed to hospital intesne surgery as his face was caved in. [censored].

There's a reason he's not spoken about in the same vein as Leigh Mathews, Paul Roos, Mick Malthouse etc. It's because even though he coached Geelong to a few flags, it was mainly player driven, and everyone inside the footy world acknowledges this.

Then you have the issue of his off field discretions, getting involved with players girlfriends, wives, etc and being out on the [censored] and reportedly experimenting with drugs also. Now he's involved in the Essendon drug scandal too and says he wouldn't go near a Melbourne coaching job on AFL 360 the other night. He wouldn't be welcome here anyway. The guy is a scumbag.


Hit the nail on the head! bravo

Edited by dazzledavey36
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