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I give up. Please could everyone at the MFC just resign and walk out the door.

No doubt people from Demonland will then volunteer to run the club, win a premiership in a year or two and make millions of dollars.

Oh by the way, not one person nominated for the Board at the AGM a couple of months ago. However, I am sure there are many briliiant potential board members. just dying to volunteer and give money and have their reputations scorched by Demonland and the membership.

Come on suckers the line starts at the MFC front door.

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yep dead right fella, you either back the current board or get off your clacker and put your hand up. and there aint many in the line .

i will be in the southern stand on weekend to celebrate 4 points , your all welcome to join me. look for the weather beaten face with a moustache on it

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Because it was the right bloody thing to do, that way the Club doesn't get dragged into the mess, even though we have, you ask for good governance and then question it.........this is what I rail against

Where was the good governance when we initially dealt with the guy when he'd been give the arse by this previous 3 employers? Essendon have been roundly criticised for not checking this and we took up with him AFTER they sacked him!!!

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Because it was the right bloody thing to do, that way the Club doesn't get dragged into the mess, even though we have, you ask for good governance and then question it.........this is what I rail against

I don't wish to get into a slanging match but i find many of your post Satyriconhome frustrating in the extreme, such is their frequent lack of logic. I appreciate your passion for the club and i get you volunteer for the club but your blind faith and preparedness to bag posters who dare criticize the club (as if you have some personal connection that others don't) is worse than posters who are consistently illogically negative.

The right thing to do? Once again are you serious? They were embarrassed into cutting ties with Dank.For god sake the club doctor alerted Dank about the presser by text such was his connection! Lets be clear the right thing to do would have never to have any dealings whatsoever with Dank.

You do understand Essendon sacked him for being sketchy. You do understand that by the clubs own admission he sought employment at the club? Meaning they likely had his cv and employment history. DL applauded the good sense (and luck) we showed in rejecting him. Yet despite rejecting him for employment we continued to consult with him! Until we were shamed into cutting ties. A clearer failure of governance you could not see.

For god sake this is not the right bloody thing to do. Nor is lying to the AFL or members. If you can't see that - and you don't seem able to - i can simply not take anything you say credibly.

So rather than feel like banging my head into the table when i see your happy capping, nothing to see here palava i'm going to add you to my very small and select group of posters who i ignore. For context sake there are only 3 others and RR is not one of them!

Good bye and good luck with the membership drive.

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I give up. Please could everyone at the MFC just resign and walk out the door.

No doubt people from Demonland will then volunteer to run the club, win a premiership in a year or two and make millions of dollars.

Oh by the way, not one person nominated for the Board at the AGM a couple of months ago. However, I am sure there are many briliiant potential board members. just dying to volunteer and give money and have their reputations scorched by Demonland and the membership.

Come on suckers the line starts at the MFC front door.

I'm certainly not one for torching the board, but I'm also not that happy that our club continues to put a kick me sign on It's back. This was easily avoidable. Have Gold Coast or Brisbane been torched?

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Jackson, the former Essendon chief of 14 years, has insisted he would remain at the club only until the end of the 2013 season and help with the recruitment of a permanent CEO.

His appointment was ratified after a meeting this week with club president Don McLardy and his deputies Peter Spargo and Guy Jalland.

Melbourne has also officially seconded leading business figure Geoff Freeman onto the board with a view to moving him into the presidency over the coming year.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/jacksons-rescue-mission-20130418-2i31j.html#ixzz2QsY2qs1z

Seems like change is coming.

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Dr Mubutu when was the opportune time? Given it has blown up in our face. Your words. How could you possibly argue that it was the right decision?

I'm definitely NOT arguing that it was the right decision, in fact quite the opposite, but I can see why they may have approached it in the way they have.

Simply trying to approach it from another perspective.

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I'm definitely NOT arguing that it was the right decision, in fact quite the opposite, but I can see why they may have approached it in the way they have.

Simply trying to approach it from another perspective.

I'm sure there was some rationale, but whatever it was it was stupid.

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I don't wish to get into a slanging match but i find many of your post Satyriconhome frustrating in the extreme, such is their frequent lack of logic. I appreciate your passion for the club and i get you volunteer for the club but your blind faith and preparedness to bag posters who dare criticize the club (as if you have some personal connection that others don't) is worse than posters who are consistently illogically negative.

The right thing to do? Once again are you serious? They were embarrassed into cutting ties with Dank.For god sake the club doctor alerted Dank about the presser by text such was his connection! Lets be clear the right thing to do would have never to have any dealings whatsoever with Dank.

You do understand Essendon sacked him for being sketchy. You do understand that by the clubs own admission he sought employment at the club? Meaning they likely had his cv and employment history. DL applauded the good sense (and luck) we showed in rejecting him. Yet despite rejecting him for employment we continued to consult with him! Until we were shamed into cutting ties. A clearer failure of governance you could not see.

For god sake this is not the right bloody thing to do. Nor is lying to the AFL or members. If you can't see that - and you don't seem able to - i can simply not take anything you say credibly.

So rather than feel like banging my head into the table when i see your happy capping, nothing to see here palava i'm going to add you to my very small and select group of posters who i ignore. For context sake there are only 3 others and RR is not one of them!

Good bye and good luck with the membership drive.

I know you won't read this so hey who cares, when you come down from your pedestal and stop being so bloody sanctimonious, so everything you write is correct and everything I write is wrong, yeh cool

Did Essendon advertise that Dank was sacked, no, but we didn't employ him either

Maybe Bates who is the Club Doctor and is looking for new and innovative ways to treat high performance athletes thought there was some merit in what Dank was offering, so he investigated, doesn't mean he implemented

The Club did the right thing and cut all ties when the situation changed, they weren't embaressed into it, they took a decision, nice of you to twist it that way though

What logic, I don't need logic, I state facts, not half truths, rumours, innuendo

Did we lie to the AFL, you know for a fact do you, I suppose you have sighted any correspondence or listened into any verbal interchange, I doubt it

I really don't care whether you read my posts or not, my life does not hang on whatever you or other posters on here write, although that being said, being a public forum, if some poster puts in my opinion rubbish, then I will take the opportunity to step in and point it out

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Seems like change is coming.

It would appear the board has come to the realization that (like many on DL have been saying) there needs to be a clean out. They've sacked the CEO and if the report you cite is correct plan to install a new president.

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I give up. Please could everyone at the MFC just resign and walk out the door.

No doubt people from Demonland will then volunteer to run the club, win a premiership in a year or two and make millions of dollars.

Oh by the way, not one person nominated for the Board at the AGM a couple of months ago. However, I am sure there are many briliiant potential board members. just dying to volunteer and give money and have their reputations scorched by Demonland and the membership.

Come on suckers the line starts at the MFC front door.

I totally get where you are coming from. I have always been on the side of the argument that protects the volunteers who give, often selflessly, of their time to the club. I do not buy into the "I'm a supporter so I have equal say" argument.

However, the one rider I would put on that is that when people in positions of trust put truth to the side and act so recklessly, they need to move on. At the AGM, those in power had neither said they would not move to sack anyone, followed immediately by exactly that (after signing CS for 3 years), and then misleading the AFL on Danks. Perhaps there might have been an alternative ticket in that case.

I agree that there is no point saying move on if there is no-one to take up the mantle, but equally, it's not that easy for those who are so inclined to just form a credible ticket.

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Get a grip Satyriconhome. You jump onto your high horse so much I am surprised you don't have a constant nose bleed. You deal in facts yet just used a maybe scenario with the Doc. It is a shame that Binman has put you on ignore, but you really do post in the same style as those you rail against, just generally on a different side.

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The revelations about communications between Stephen Dank and the Melbourne Club Doctor, Dr. Dan Bates over its supplements programme does not constitute proof of any breach by the club of ASADA and WADA guidelines. The club has issued a statement into revelations on the subject which was aired on last night's ABC 7.30 Report and can be read here.

However, the response is totally unsatisfactory in that it does not address why members and supporters were misled about the club's association with Dank after the Essendon doping allegations came to light in February. At the time, the club informed the world that Dank had made an unsuccessful application for a position at the club. What we and apparently the AFL weren't told then was that an association nevertheless continued in some way through Dr. Bates which only came to an end when the Essendon bombshell was dropped.

The withholding of this information from members and supporters is totally unacceptable and it is imperative that those responsible be relieved of their duties at the club as soon as practicable.

While we can't be certain that the association between Dank and Bates is in any way responsible for the team's poor form to date this season, it would be fair to say that by "coming clean" and taking full responsibility, the powers that be at the club would set an example to the playing group of the respect their supporters, who can only stand by and watch the events unfold with increasing bewilderment, deserve from the club. Only if this is done, can the club expect their loyalty in return.

And if there is any doubt about where the chain of responsibility ends, I direct you to the sign that once sat on the desk of United States President Harry S. Truman and read, "The Buck Stops Here".

My thoughts exactly WP. Enough is enough.

As you say it is bewildering.

Our apparently very talented and well credential board and club admin, when discussing their approach, after the essendon thing blew up, came up with "Let's lie to the AFL"


And this after the tanking debacal is truly unbelievable.

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I totally get where you are coming from. I have always been on the side of the argument that protects the volunteers who give, often selflessly, of their time to the club. I do not buy into the "I'm a supporter so I have equal say" argument.

However, the one rider I would put on that is that when people in positions of trust put truth to the side and act so recklessly, they need to move on. At the AGM, those in power had neither said they would not move to sack anyone, followed immediately by exactly that (after signing CS for 3 years), and then misleading the AFL on Danks. Perhaps there might have been an alternative ticket in that case.

I agree that there is no point saying move on if there is no-one to take up the mantle, but equally, it's not that easy for those who are so inclined to just form a credible ticket.

The problem though Choco is that many on the forum probably have given a fair bit of time and money to the club. They just don't advertise it. Someone who has turned up year after year in my view also deserves a medal. Those who buy a membership year after year but, don't have large incomes also in my view deserve credit. Where do we draw the line in the some are more equal than others idea?

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If there is no one to take DM's place then we are truely sunk.

We should hand back the keys now and save 3- 4 years agony.

old dee, there will be a replacement. Szondy unseated Gutnick, Gardner unseated Szondy, Stynes/McLardy unseated Gardner, and so too will someone unseat McLardy. Tickets won't form until someone sees a need to form one. I would be staggered if nobody in a position to help saw the need to do so this time around.

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If there is no one to take DM's place then we are truely sunk.

We should hand back the keys now and save 3- 4 years agony.

Never give up Old Dee, no matter how bad things seem

Take the pain and hang in there

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Good grief man. The club was dragged into this mess the moment they found out about the issues at Essendon at the hand of Dank.

One club hired an outsider to perform a transparent internal investigation and the other tried to cover up its association hoping the matter would never reach the surface.

One club is inept. Guess which one ?

Ridiculous, idiotic comment unless you really think Essendon hasn't been inept over their supplements programme?
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You say that like we have a choice PSD

We do Old Dee Red & Blue till death, the future will decide which one goes first me or the club!

On a good note going to see a Top of the table clash tomorrow at Claremont oval where the Mighty Cardies take on the Tigers. Both undefeated

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Get a grip Satyriconhome. You jump onto your high horse so much I am surprised you don't have a constant nose bleed. You deal in facts yet just used a maybe scenario with the Doc. It is a shame that Binman has put you on ignore, but you really do post in the same style as those you rail against, just generally on a different side.

OH hello you again, thought I was on your ignore list as well, I didn't say that was a fact, I was surmising, you the pedantics sheriff then, same don't read it,...........told you before don't read some posters posts myself......back on the thread, like to discuss anything else I wrote.....no, really........

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old dee, there will be a replacement. Szondy unseated Gutnick, Gardner unseated Szondy, Stynes/McLardy unseated Gardner, and so too will someone unseat McLardy. Tickets won't form until someone sees a need to form one. I would be staggered if nobody in a position to help saw the need to do so this time around.

I offered to be President and nobody called me.

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We do Old Dee Red & Blue till death, the future will decide which one goes first me or the club!

On a good note going to see a Top of the table clash tomorrow at Claremont oval where the Mighty Cardies take on the Tigers. Both undefeated

I am with you in spirit

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