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I love these threads where I can skip ten whole pages and I don't miss anything. The same ol crud by the same ol people. I'm right your're wrong

Hopefully we will all know in a day or two.....


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I love these threads where I can skip ten whole pages and I don't miss anything. The same ol crud by the same ol people. I'm right your're wrong

Hopefully we will all know in a day or two.....


Deejammin's post and Tim Lane's article were pretty good...

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.Neither one of us is clairvoyant and I have no idea how they would deal with the subject. It would probably be preferable for one of the Fairfax people who deals with legal issues to look into it - we'd probably get a balanced and informative article with which I would take no issue.

So you want to see more futile guesswork ? This is what I don't understand. These articles are little more than space fillers.

It's the findings that interest me, not some journalists 'take" on things. Although I acknowledge that we're all reading the speculation.

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So you want to see more futile guesswork ? This is what I don't understand. These articles are little more than space fillers.

It's the findings that interest me, not some journalists 'take" on things. Although I acknowledge that we're all reading the speculation.

Well if you put it that way, we might as well go back to reading DC Comics.
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So you want to see more futile guesswork ? This is what I don't understand. These articles are little more than space fillers.

It's the findings that interest me, not some journalists 'take" on things. Although I acknowledge that we're all reading the speculation.

Swap "articles" for posts, and "journalists" for Demonland posters and you're spot on.

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Ulysses Everett McGill: I am the only daddy you got! I'm the damn paterfamilias!
Wharvey Gal: But you ain't bona fide!
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou.

What drives Ben Hur? A Roman chariot? 'The tanking scandal'? Kate Upton's next photo-shoot? A Nero complex? An upcoming Moot Court presentation? Every time I come on here he is front and square, racking up the stats. It is a wonderment. PS does anyone know what Kate looks like without mascara. That would be interesting, and surely worthy of its own thread. There was an article (and pix) in The Age the other day about female celebs without make-up. I didn't believe it.

At the end of the day, we are all semi-mature posters, not unlike Gazza (and Caro) seeking our own credibility, if not contested footy, (yes, contested, Ben). The off-season has reminded us once again of its inadequacies, hence the over-pregnant postings of late. Feel-good training reports are but a placebo for the real-thing. If Melbourne sticks it to Port Adelaide Round One watch this voluminous correspondence slip down the charts. It just isn't the real thing, it isn't bona fide. Neither is the kite flying about fines, neither are C. Wilson's updates or her street-talk about our club's ethical standing, and neither is much of the anti red and blue commentary regarding the 2009 playing field we found ourselves on.

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Just watched Offsiders on iView. CW will soon win a gold medal for reverse cycling.

At bottom she is now saying that others tanked but you won't find evidence that others had a 'vault'-like meeting (which seems to be the only evidence she knows of).

Maybe you won't find it, but if you don't look, with or without coercive powers, you certainly won't find it.

Surely she must have more evidence than this (the CC 'zulus' comment).

She would have spoken to former players and officials; a source appeared to give her the inside story on the investigation, and she seems to have a contact with someone currently at the club, as she commented that the club is divided on fighting the charges in court. She is even getting frustrated at her inability to 'reveal all' (quote to Gary Lyon on Footy Classified - 'do you want me to name names?').

Whatever the outcome of the inquiry, she has done her job. Win, lose or draw, we will be scarred with this for a long time. CW, Dwayne Russell, Greg Denham and others will keep reminding us.

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Does anyone know when the OFFICAL result is going to be announced??????

Yeah, Caroline does. She answered this (definitively and officially) on the Footy Show, and the answer through her gritted lips to Garry was... (wait for it)... tomorrow (i.e. last Friday).

Wrong again? Nope, it was the AFL just dragging their feet, not a mistake by the all-knowing astonishing Infallible Woman. So! she simply made it up, fantasised over what she hopes is the best outcome for her, and wrote the two fanciful and incredibly nasty articles in Saturday's Age.

By contrast, the Herald-Sun is quite objective and honest:


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Surely she must have more evidence than this (the CC 'zulus' comment).

She would have spoken to former players and officials; a source appeared to give her the inside story on the investigation, and she seems to have a contact with someone currently at the club, as she commented that the club is divided on fighting the charges in court. She is even getting frustrated at her inability to 'reveal all' (quote to Gary Lyon on Footy Classified - 'do you want me to name names?').

Whatever the outcome of the inquiry, she has done her job. Win, lose or draw, we will be scarred with this for a long time. CW, Dwayne Russell, Greg Denham and others will keep reminding us.

Her contacts in the AFL dried up when Adrian Anderson left.

As for Wilson, Russell & Denham, who cares. I'll just get more pleasure every time Richmond fail.

And to cheer things up, here's Eddie's take on it (& he's probably more influential than those others):

Collingwood president Eddie McGuire this week urged the AFL to accept some blame for the controversy over tanking.

"Why did you ignore everyone that has got a scintilla of knowledge of football and has been telling you for years that priority picks (provided an incentive to tank)?" McGuire asked on Triple M.

He said the AFL should go easy on Melbourne, considering the incentives to finish last.

"I'd have loved the AFL to come out and say 'no one won out of this, it's a nil-all draw'," McGuire said.

"Just leave it behind."

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Yeah, Caroline does. She answered this (definitively and officially) on the Footy Show, and the answer through her gritted lips to Garry was... (wait for it)... tomorrow (i.e. last Friday).

Wrong again? Nope, it was the AFL just dragging their feet, not a mistake by the all-knowing astonishing Infallible Woman. So! she simply made it up, fantasised over what she hopes is the best outcome for her, and wrote the two fanciful and incredibly nasty articles in Saturday's Age.

By contrast, the Herald-Sun is quite objective and honest:


Yeah that HS article brought a smile to face this morning. Nice to know we are ready to fight if needed.

Hopefully all will be finalized before Christmas!!

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Surely she must have more evidence than this (the CC 'zulus' comment).

She would have spoken to former players and officials; a source appeared to give her the inside story on the investigation, and she seems to have a contact with someone currently at the club, as she commented that the club is divided on fighting the charges in court. She is even getting frustrated at her inability to 'reveal all' (quote to Gary Lyon on Footy Classified - 'do you want me to name names?').

Whatever the outcome of the inquiry, she has done her job. Win, lose or draw, we will be scarred with this for a long time. CW, Dwayne Russell, Greg Denham and others will keep reminding us.

What was her job?

If it was to get it right she has failed, she has changed her tune several times and backtracked from her original position that the Club would be charged, CS and CC would be sacked and we would lose draft selections.

She is now thrashing about trying to get back in the game by making more predictions that are seemingly incorrect.

If I did my job that badly I'd have to close up shop.

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talking of angry anderson. how come no "journo" has picked up on his "resignation" and his role in the inqiisition as a story worth investigating

oh thats right they don't do investigative journalism anymore. too costly and time consuming and besides they'd have to find a real journo

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What was her job?

If it was to get it right she has failed, she has changed her tune several times and backtracked from her original position that the Club would be charged, CS and CC would be sacked and we would lose draft selections.

She is now thrashing about trying to get back in the game by making more predictions that are seemingly incorrect.

If I did my job that badly I'd have to close up shop.

I think her job..her mission...was to single us out as the worst culprit in this saga. Better still, let's make us the only culprit. Think tanking, think Melbourne.

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Surely she must have more evidence than this (the CC 'zulus' comment).

She would have spoken to former players and officials; a source appeared to give her the inside story on the investigation, and she seems to have a contact with someone currently at the club, as she commented that the club is divided on fighting the charges in court. She is even getting frustrated at her inability to 'reveal all' (quote to Gary Lyon on Footy Classified - 'do you want me to name names?').

Heresay is not evidence.

And quoting off the record chats will likely end her career, such as it is.

Whatever the outcome of the inquiry, she has done her job. Win, lose or draw, we will be scarred with this for a long time. CW, Dwayne Russell, Greg Denham and others will keep reminding us.

Bollocks, unless you consider carrying out an absurd, obsessive smear campaign on a club and individuals is her job.

And no, we won't be scarred for life.

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Tim Lanes article is a well thought and articulate piece that looks at why individuals and institutions do unsavoury things in sport and comes to the conclusion

"while teams taking advantage of bad rules and fixtures can't be condoned the context can't be ignored in any judgement of their actions"

I believe this is where it sits, in isolation Melbourne are and probably should be found guilty, but in the context of the rules and the state of the competition they were a part of, ie the context, it becomes quite cloudy.

CW is only interested in isolating Melbourne and she constantly throws out the "context" of the issue.

I've also found it interesting how many media people and maybe to some degree the AFL itself have tried to make Essendons drug issue a "wider" AFL issue. It took Buckley to come out and say "hey were not all taking drugs here yet we all seem to be implicated." The AFL hasn't come out strongly to suggest that this is not AFL wide it is only an Essendon issue, yet throughout the "tanking" saga its only Melbourne their interested in when everyone knows it was a common practice for teams who's season was shot, it was a "wider" issue.

I believe Melbourne has every right to argue and legally defend its actions and in turn be exonerated from any charges, but I also believe "we took advantage of bad rules."

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talking of angry anderson. how come no "journo" has picked up on his "resignation" and his role in the inqiisition as a story worth investigating

oh thats right they don't do investigative journalism anymore. too costly and time consuming and besides they'd have to find a real journo

Exactly, it's quite amazing that there has been no follow up. What is he doing now? I mean, if you resign from such a plum job, surely you'd have something to walk into. It's getting on to 10 weeks since he resigned.

It's like Angry has completely disappeared. I know this might sound too obvious, but maybe Vlad 'Let him go' because he was leaking stuff to the media. That, and the fact that he was largely responsible for this investigation starting in the first place.

This whole thing took a turn when the club engaged Ray Finkelstein. From there the AFL knew they had a fight on their hands. Angry departs, Haddad and Clothier start looking at the Richmond game in a desperate measure. The Schwab ashen face farce. Fumbling. What a joke.

If we get off with nothing more than the equivalent of a rap on the knuckles, the media in this town are going to look like a bunch of amateurs. If they had of taken a more balanced view from the start then it may not look so embarrassing for them now. Some are getting in for their chop now to save face. It's taken a while though.

Caro went so hard that she now has no room to move. Her credibility has to take a downward turn from all this. Her 'real' football knowledge has always been negligible. If this were Patrick or Robbo I feel our wrath would be so much stronger. Likewise for Sheahan (who called our team pathetic and disgusting last season)

As it is, it looks like the AFL may have possibly leaked the latest bit of information. It's like they're saying "This is what we'd like to do to them but legally we may not be able to". If the penalties are light or negligible, some in the media might point out that we only got off due to 'legal reasons.'

Edited by Macca
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Heresay is not evidence.

And quoting off the record chats will likely end her career, such as it is.

Bollocks, unless you consider carrying out an absurd, obsessive smear campaign on a club and individuals is her job.

And no, we won't be scarred for life.

I hope you are right. Comments on Bigfooty suggest otherwise. Be interesting to hear what the tiger supporters have to say this Friday night at Etihad.

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Her contacts in the AFL dried up when Adrian Anderson left.

As for Wilson, Russell & Denham, who cares. I'll just get more pleasure every time Richmond fail.

I'm convinced that Caro forced this investigation not Brock McLean. Caro went to the AFL with a brief of 'evidence' from a disgruntled ex-employee. Its why she has run so hard with the story. AA was running it and I have no doubt was her liaison but the leaks as we are seeing them are actually her repeating the 'evidence' that was told to her.

There is no other logical reason she has carried on the way she has.

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Surely she must have more evidence than this (the CC 'zulus' comment).

She would have spoken to former players and officials; a source appeared to give her the inside story on the investigation, and she seems to have a contact with someone currently at the club, as she commented that the club is divided on fighting the charges in court. She is even getting frustrated at her inability to 'reveal all' (quote to Gary Lyon on Footy Classified - 'do you want me to name names?').

Whatever the outcome of the inquiry, she has done her job. Win, lose or draw, we will be scarred with this for a long time. CW, Dwayne Russell, Greg Denham and others will keep reminding us.

Hardly ---------If she had more evidence she would have used it before now. The only information she has lead has been the "Connolly gaffe" from her "infamous vault meeting" ......... and that was hearsay from someone now outside the club>

What is pathetic now is that she is using the "go easy on the weak club line" to justify herself." I was right - Melbourne tanked - the AFL know Melbourne is guilty - they have just taken pity on that weak club"

She is just plain dishonest

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I hope you are right. Comments on Bigfooty suggest otherwise.

There's only a handful of them, the usual suspects. In reality, it has been remarkably subdued over the last week or so in the sense that the tanking discussion has not been the most active thread by a long shot. And as with everything on the net, it's a self-selecting group.

Depends what the AFL says, and also depends how we go on the field IMO.

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