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Watts almost traded?


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The reality is that loads of 'required' players would be discussed during the trade period - very few players would probably be off limits from such discussions, at least in a hypothetical sense.

Doesn't mean the club receiving the offers for a 'required' player would actually wish to trade them, but I'd imagine it's hard to have sensible trade talks if 85% of each club's list is 'off limits' from being discussed and all such discussions are limited to the fringe players on each club's list.

That said, Denham is a fool - but I think we've established that.


It's not just Denham that is the problem here. I'm sick of him and Bartlett playing 'good cop bad cop' with Denham spewing hatred of the MFC (calling us the Bears?!!!!) and Bartlett pretending to defend us. Bartlett has never forgiven CS for sacking him as Richmond coach. It wouldn't surprise me if Bartlett is feeding Denham the lines.

I have to say I am also emotionally invested in Watts, but I must confess if a swap for Cotchin was on offer I would pack Watts' bags myself

And I reckon even Watts would probably think that's fair enough.

The reality is that loads of 'required' players would be discussed during the trade period - very few players would probably be off limits from such discussions, at least in a hypothetical sense.

Doesn't mean the club receiving the offers for a 'required' player would actually wish to trade them, but I'd imagine it's hard to have sensible trade talks if 85% of each club's list is 'off limits' from being discussed and all such discussions are limited to the fringe players on each club's list.

That said, Denham is a fool - but I think we've established that.

I agree with you RB. MN has no emotional attachment to JW. He didn't recruit him and in some respects he's not MN's type of player. That said, it appears that MN is comfortable to keep developing Jack. This is a big year for him.

I agree with you RB. MN has no emotional attachment to JW. He didn't recruit him and in some respects he's not MN's type of player. That said, it appears that MN is comfortable to keep developing Jack. This is a big year for him.

100% correct.

Gysberts was shown the door because he wasn't working hard enough to change his body shape.

JW is in the same boat and will have to have an extraordinary year if he is to stay on the list.

100% correct.

Gysberts was shown the door because he wasn't working hard enough to change his body shape.

JW is in the same boat and will have to have an extraordinary year if he is to stay on the list.

I cant believe some of the poop I read on here. Jack Watts is a star and before he got injured last year he was tearing it up. There is no way MN will get rid of Watts, he doesnt need an 'extraodinary' year or to change his body shape (wtf does changing your body shape mean?)

If you believe anything Denham says there's something wrong with you. Everybody knows Denham hates MFC and just makes up things to get a response from the supporters, the guy is actually worse than Wilson as a journo and thats saying something, he's lower than shark shyte

I didnt say i believed it, i actually said it was rubbish,.

I was just reporting it to my fellow Demonlanders.

I cant believe some of the poop I read on here. Jack Watts is a star and before he got injured last year he was tearing it up. There is no way MN will get rid of Watts, he doesnt need an 'extraodinary' year or to change his body shape (wtf does changing your body shape mean?)

Greater muscle definition and upper body strength that allows the players to compete without getting thrown off the ball like rag dolls.

Many D'landers ridiculously overestimate JW as a player - a star? I don't think so.


I have high hopes - and at this stage he is a star - twinkling every now and then from afar but alot of the time you gotta squint to see it.


Watts has never torn it up. He has shown glimpses, but ultimately has been pretty disappointing thus far as a #1 pick.

Still believe he will hit his straps soon, but it has been slow going so far.

Greater muscle definition and upper body strength that allows the players to compete without getting thrown off the ball like rag dolls.

Many D'landers ridiculously overestimate JW as a player - a star? I don't think so.

So adding muscle then, what do you expect him to be like? Give me a person who's body you would like Jack Watts to look like? Id lay off Watts mate, a lot more members of our squad in the firing line before him.

Oh and Ben Hur, I wouldnt go calling my post crap when the majority of the stuff you post is bagging our club and players.

Oh and Ben Hur, I wouldnt go calling my post crap when the majority of the stuff you post is bagging our club and players.

My preference is to be glowing about a club that has drafted well, developed well, coached well and made the most of their opportunities over the last 5 years, or so.

But I have an overwhelming desire to keep things real. I have a desire to call it as I see it. You may think that constitutes "bagging', where I see it as an objective assessment. The reality is we have the second worst drafting record since 2,000, are the laughing stock of the competition, and perform dreadfully on the field, with only the two new clubs saving us the embarrassment of collecting more wood-work.

That said, I could direct you to my "Blue Sky" thread, which is evidence that I see good times just around the corner.


So adding muscle then, what do you expect him to be like? Give me a person who's body you would like Jack Watts to look like? Id lay off Watts mate, a lot more members of our squad in the firing line before him.

Oh and Ben Hur, I wouldnt go calling my post crap when the majority of the stuff you post is bagging our club and players.

Take it easy, Jonesbag...be more objective.

Watts is in the firing line too, if you want to go down that path. Frawley arrived at the club having pretty much the same build as Watts, yet he has completely reshaped.


People seem to get outraged about a proposition (trading Watts)when its actually all about price(2nd Round). If you quickly and honestly throw together the most valuable players now and over the next few years you may find Jack isnt actually in the top 5. Jones Frawley Clarke Grimes Blease Trengove Howe McDonald Watts Sylvia say...

If you then examine the 6th/7th (or 9th even) at a comparable club, you dont get much.

And BTW Watts is about 4 for me. But then I thought Trent Ormond-Allen was going to be a star.

Take it easy, Jonesbag...be more objective.

Watts is in the firing line too, if you want to go down that path. Frawley arrived at the club having pretty much the same build as Watts, yet he has completely reshaped.

Im sick of the Watts bashers. Hes one the most scructinised players in history and has the unrealistic expectation placed on him by supporters.

Ill take it easy when people recognise that from where he started to now that he has made a drastic improvement. You guys get stuck into him because he doesnt have the rig like Travis Cloke or Jono Brown. FFS give him a break and just let him develop.

Oh and Ben Hur, I wouldnt go calling my post crap when the majority of the stuff you post is bagging our club and players.

I can't agree with this. Ben speaks his mind and 99% of his posts are informative and to-the-point. I believe he has a genuine love for the club and only wants us to thrive.

Hes one the most scructinised players in history and has the unrealistic expectation placed on him by supporters.

You talk about "unrealistic expectations" yet in the same breath on this very page you say, "Jack Watts is a star", when he clearly isn't.

You have to think things through more clearly.


There is also nothing wrong with people advocating in the ridiculous hypothetical scenario of a Watts-Cotchin trade that they would keep Watts over Cotchin.

Maybe in the alternate universe that this trade might happen - Watts is better than Cotchin...

You talk about "unrealistic expectations" yet in the same breath on this very page you say, "Jack Watts is a star", when he clearly isn't.

You have to think things through more clearly.

Why because my opinion of Watts is different to yours so I have to think more clearly? Hows Sylvia going? Hows Trengove going? Watts is better than those two. He is our most important player in the defence and no one in our team has the skills that Watts has. Im hearing Toumpas has got great skills but I havent seen him play so im leaving that out.


When you finally come around and see that Watts is a star come find me in the bar, ill be waiting with a jug of draught and the phrase 'I told you so'

Take it easy, Jonesbag...be more objective.

Watts is in the firing line too, if you want to go down that path. Frawley arrived at the club having pretty much the same build as Watts, yet he has completely reshaped.

Haha! What?!

Here's Chip from the start of 2008, check out the neck, and arms. Same was Watts? Reshaped?! Give me a break.



Scary but i'm turning into a Watts fan boy. Watts will be a star and become as good a player as Cotchin.

Comparing the two is like a Rolls Royce versus top of the range Holden. I'll take the Roller.

If a player is committed to the club i hate to see them being traded. I know in the real world trades happen but for mine a big price is paid for cutting players who have ebeen loyal servants and that price has to be factored into any trade. I wonder the impact on Collingwood of trading out a popular and loyal player in Dawes.

In terms of where Watts sits at the dees as i have said previously i really believe that this year he will prove to be close to our most important and influential player.


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