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The Scullduggery Thread


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More evidence of the name springing so readily to your mind. It does.

It all depends on whether you believe the glass is half full or empty. Flooding the market with a name gets you recognition i agree. But that can also be negative. Fine line.
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no it doesn't! I renovated my entire apartment 4 yearss ago and made a point to not go anywhere near Nationnal Tiles!!

Dude , Frank Walker is not the issue here.I'm disappointed you went for tiles .

That rug ,as you know too well......

really tied the the room together .

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Wouldn't "Aussie Rules Supporters Entity" be a better title - the acronym works better.

Edit: curse you Biffen... you beat me to it! :-)

You are correct Hardtack-I am merely your sub-editor .

At least we will be an entity-and the Afl can eat our acronym or submit to our demands.

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The Scullduggery bandwagon moves on with a new report from former Bulldog and Swan, Neil Cordy in Sydney 's Daily Telegraph suggesting that the Swans thought Phil did a good job when he was a part time spotter for them - Swans give Phil Scully a glowing recruiting reference.

First, the small point. Cordy says Scully Senior was earning a "reported $10,000 per year" but Michael Warner's report from 16 November in the same paper stated it was "less than $10,000". My sources tell me it was quite a bit less than $10,000 but we'll let that one go to the keeper.

The main point is that it doesn't matter how good Scully Senior was at the job which former GWS CEO apparently kept secret from his board. The question is whether there was a connection between his employment with GWS (one that was offered in November 2010 and which was not advertised on the general recruiting market) and his son's contract. AFL salary cap investigator Ken Wood decided that there was such a connection and included Phil's remuneration in the GWS salary cap. That should be the end of it, so why come up with this pithy little story about the man who worked as a recruiting scout for the Swans during the 2011 football season notwithstanding that way back in November 2010 he was negotiating a recruiting position with another AFL club?

The Swans are obviously unconcerned about any conflict of interest that might have resulted and the risks that such a situation might have presented to their recruiting going forward beyond 2011. Especially if Scully was doing such important work for them.

All the Swans want to do is to tell the world that Phil was good at his job.

They could well be nice guys but the cynic might say they could be currying favour with the AFL and helping it out of a tight spot. And if you asked the cynic why would the Swans be doing that, then the response might be that the answer can be found at the end of Cordy's article.

My bet is that if Barry Mitchell gets a job in list management with the Swans, the AFL will correctly rule it to be kosher. After all, he has a long history in the sport that eminently qualifies him for the position.

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The Scullduggery bandwagon moves on with a new report from former Bulldog and Swan, Neil Cordy in Sydney 's Daily Telegraph suggesting that the Swans thought Phil did a good job when he was a part time spotter for them - Swans give Phil Scully a glowing recruiting reference.

First, the small point. Cordy says Scully Senior was earning a "reported $10,000 per year" but Michael Warner's report from 16 November in the same paper stated it was "less than $10,000". My sources tell me it was quite a bit less than $10,000 but we'll let that one go to the keeper.

The main point is that it doesn't matter how good Scully Senior was at the job which former GWS CEO apparently kept secret from his board. The question is whether there was a connection between his employment with GWS (one that was offered in November 2010 and which was not advertised on the general recruiting market) and his son's contract. AFL salary cap investigator Ken Wood decided that there was such a connection and included Phil's remuneration in the GWS salary cap. That should be the end of it, so why come up with this pithy little story about the man who worked as a recruiting scout for the Swans during the 2011 football season notwithstanding that way back in November 2010 he was negotiating a recruiting position with another AFL club?

The Swans are obviously unconcerned about any conflict of interest that might have resulted and the risks that such a situation might have presented to their recruiting going forward beyond 2011. Especially if Scully was doing such important work for them.

All the Swans want to do is to tell the world that Phil was good at his job.

They could well be nice guys but the cynic might say they could be currying favour with the AFL and helping it out of a tight spot. And if you asked the cynic why would the Swans be doing that, then the response might be that the answer can be found at the end of Cordy's article.

My bet is that if Barry Mitchell gets a job in list management with the Swans, the AFL will correctly rule it to be kosher. After all, he has a long history in the sport that eminently qualifies him for the position.

What a farce! The more of these types of articles the better. The spin is so transparently lame it only serves to further damage the credibility of whoever is mentioned in them.

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Somethiing to keep in mind, possibly is the desire...no, NEED for the GWS to seem relevant to its adopted locale. Currently it really has none and until at least it kicks one ball in anger there is no substance. So in this sense it needs to keep its name out there. This PhilScull farce is just another paving stone in what teh AFL sees as a path to legitimacy in the eyes of its target prey , Western Sydney.

They probably dont expect anything to really happen but keep in mind its one bloke in a building making claims toward another bloke in a building.. the thing is..its the same building !!! This is ALL the AFL. Its all staged and choreographed for plebescite consumption. All brought to you by the AFL's SAMD.......Smoke and Mirrors Dept !!

We can all expect more silly stories to unfold between now and the Season's start, much of which is purely to keep teh idea that GWs is "something" as opposed to the nothing eveyone knows it to be.

Goebles would be impressed

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when the suns came in there was of course the poaching of Ablett Jnr but whether it was location or more likely, good management, the suns became just about everyones 2nd favourite club.

nobody likes gws...they had the same if not better opportunities that the suns had but instead of doing it the right way they put Sheedy in charge...SHEEDY! i mean, he spat in the face of an opponent while playing just to slow the play down. his reign at Essendon, while it supplied our recent heartbreak in 2000, was constantly surrounded by controversy as his charges got suspended for everything from tripping, striking and i think Fletcher even got suspended for wobbling a goal post! why would you put this man in charge of a brand new franchise full of u 20's??

alot of the nations talented youth is ending up in Blackhole Town, just hope they don't get too warped and twisted by a regime of coniving snake oil salesmen over the next 2 years

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I agree. I am genuinely happy he is no longer on our list - quite simply, I only want kids who are proud to play for this club and, once recruited, only want to play for this club.

And we got Mitch Clark as a result of Scully leaving. Happy about that too.

I've been invited to a corporate lunch with Sheeeeeeeds in early December. Table of 10. What questions would people here like me to put to him?

Ask him how important is personal integrity when considering contracting a player

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Had T$ informed the Dees that he'd decided to accept an offer from GWS when it appears that he had accepted an offer. And further, had he informed them that he was happy to play in the Casey 2nds, or work as a runner for the remainder of the 2011 season so as not to deprive another player of a chance to progress. I think most of us would have felt that he was an honest young man who had made an entirely understandable decision to make the most of his opportunities and wished him bon chance at the end of the season.

As it is, he might find as the years go on, that a good name is worth more than diamonds. I hope for his sake that he never finds himself in a witness box facing x-examination form a hostile SC....

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Yes Ivor interesting points you make. It was of no benefit for the MFC to play $cully after the deal was done, and if that was Oct. 2010 then that is a whole season. But without seeing any contracts we can merely speculate. But it is a reason for wanting answers even if that takes 5 years. I don't think this issue will just go away as i am sure the AFL had hoped.

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Was listening to a chat with Carowhine Wilson on 5aa radio this arvo.... The topic of $cully and his father, the baked crusader came up.... Caro was fairly scathing of the whole ordeal, saying that if the $cully family want Tom to be remembered as anything remotely resembling a footballer and not a mercenary, then there is only one thing they can do.... Phil has to resign from the position!

Normally I am not a fan of hers, but she is fair on the money here!

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Was listening to a chat with Carowhine Wilson on 5aa radio this arvo.... The topic of $cully and his father, the baked crusader came up.... Caro was fairly scathing of the whole ordeal, saying that if the $cully family want Tom to be remembered as anything remotely resembling a footballer and not a mercenary, then there is only one thing they can do.... Phil has to resign from the position!

Normally I am not a fan of hers, but she is fair on the money here!

Caro has become a real crusader on this issue. I give her credit, we need a voice it is important.
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Was listening to a chat with Carowhine Wilson on 5aa radio this arvo.... The topic of $cully and his father, the baked crusader came up.... Caro was fairly scathing of the whole ordeal, saying that if the $cully family want Tom to be remembered as anything remotely resembling a footballer and not a mercenary, then there is only one thing they can do.... Phil has to resign from the position!

Normally I am not a fan of hers, but she is fair on the money here!

Phat chance.

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Guest oldman emubitter

when the suns came in there was of course the poaching of Ablett Jnr but whether it was location or more likely, good management, the suns became just about everyones 2nd favourite club.

nobody likes gws...they had the same if not better opportunities that the suns had but instead of doing it the right way they put Sheedy in charge...SHEEDY! i mean, he spat in the face of an opponent while playing just to slow the play down. his reign at Essendon, while it supplied our recent heartbreak in 2000, was constantly surrounded by controversy as his charges got suspended for everything from tripping, striking and i think Fletcher even got suspended for wobbling a goal post! why would you put this man in charge of a brand new franchise full of u 20's??

alot of the nations talented youth is ending up in Blackhole Town, just hope they don't get too warped and twisted by a regime of coniving snake oil salesmen over the next 2 years

wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing was a ploy by sheedy +/or co. to create an "us against them" thing. maybe sydney folk hate victorians more than the afl.

re.comments on and by young tom.

it was a "stroke of genius" to get slim! on board to encourage young tom across. gws management said 'makes sense to have dad onboard wih son', yet dad did't tell son. son didn't know 'bout dad till after he signed contract with afl franchise.

hope sellar takes off; was behind rutten,bock and davis at adelaide.

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when the suns came in there was of course the poaching of Ablett Jnr but whether it was location or more likely, good management, the suns became just about everyones 2nd favourite club. nobody likes gws...they had the same if not better opportunities that the suns had but instead of doing it the right way they put Sheedy in charge...SHEEDY! i mean, he spat in the face of an opponent while playing just to slow the play down. his reign at Essendon, while it supplied our recent heartbreak in 2000, was constantly surrounded by controversy as his charges got suspended for everything from tripping, striking and i think Fletcher even got suspended for wobbling a goal post! why would you put this man in charge of a brand new franchise full of u 20's?? alot of the nations talented youth is ending up in Blackhole Town, just hope they don't get too warped and twisted by a regime of coniving snake oil salesmen over the next 2 years

do you think sheedy was the reason Fletcher wobbled the goal post?

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do you think sheedy was the reason Fletcher wobbled the goal post?

while he may not have sent the runner out with explicit instructions, its widely accepted that most ex-player coaches train their charges to play in their own style...e.g chris scott adding a hard edge to the cats or the lions being overhyped under voss lol

sheedy was a dirty player who turned into a dirty coach who teaches young players to play the game dirty...still get angry when i talk about michael long running through troy simmonds in the gf and just have to hope that the youngsters who make a break for freedom back to vic are able to do so without any permanent hang ups

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wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing was a ploy by sheedy +/or co. to create an "us against them" thing. maybe sydney folk hate victorians more than the afl.

re.comments on and by young tom.

it was a "stroke of genius" to get slim! on board to encourage young tom across. gws management said 'makes sense to have dad onboard wih son', yet dad did't tell son. son didn't know 'bout dad till after he signed contract with afl franchise.

hope sellar takes off; was behind rutten,bock and davis at adelaide.

good point, they might be taking a page out of collingwoods book...no middle ground either love em or hate em and its gotten the pies 70k+ members last season and 50k in 2010 so i guess if you're willing to cop the slings and arrows there are rewards to be had

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Agree with you all the way 'Chippy'. Moderators, close off this thread which is no longer relevant to the MFC.

Couldn't disagree more.

We're over the fact that Scully's done a runer but that doesn't mean these grubs should be let off the hook.

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