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The Scullduggery Thread


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All Demetriou has done here is make himself look the fool. Everyone can see right through his "stroke of genius" statement.

Yeah, can see right through it to the core of his arrogance.


I think when Dimwit said it was a stroke of genius, he was refering more to the fact that, with Phil's signing, he (Dimwit), would no longer be the fattest tool in the AFL.


What concerns me is why the MFC have remained silent?

I just think if this was the filth player Eddie would be making noise!

I know it want change anything but at least show some anger!

There is ZERO to be gained by Melbourne complaining bitterly to the AFL.

They still control the pursestrings to some extent

Schwab was on the committee that approved the rules.

We got maxim compensation allowable

We arguably didn't do our homework on the bogan money grubbing family

Revenge is best served cold.


I think he was never part of MFC, who knows, maybe he was already contacted by GWS then, or at least, he was interested in the money he thought he could make with the introduction of the 2 new clubs!!

This is the first time I've read a comment along these lines and I agree with it completely. Whereas most new draftees always seem happy to be a part of an AFL club Tom never seemed happy at MFC. Constantly gloomy etc. Maybe the comment above is right and he was only ever with us because AFL rules require draftees to receive a 2 year contract.

To revisit a quote from the MFC when he walked "A black cloud has moved on". Currently stuck somewhere in the west of Sydney.

From another point of view I would love our tax commissioner to come out and advise that they would begin an investigation into tax evasion. I've worked in tax for a long time and income splitting (in respect of income earned from personal excursion, i.e. wages) is highly frowned upon. Now I know the answer is that Snr is being paid as a recruiter. That's like all the spouses of all thoses clients who are paid as administrators but never get near the front door. Plus we keep hearing the AFL and GWS say that the money would have been earned by Tom had they not contracted Phil.

I know it's petty but I calculate that the Scully's will short change the Australian public more than $120K over the 6 year contract period, all based on Snr being able to access the various marginal tax rates whereas if the income was returned by Tom he would be taxed on the highest marginal rate for all the income. Petty yes, but it would be lovely to watch.


Leaving aside Scully's comments which are reflective of his lack of maturity and his naievity, Demetriou's statement is a complete disgrace and unbecoming of a CEO of what should be the most prestigious organisation in Australian sport. Truly appalling.

What's worse is he's just behaving like our alot of today's corporate crowd. Money dominates to such an extent that to them any means to make it or appear powerful is not only ok but respected amongst their peers.


Did anyone else notice how quickly he gave his answer and then he's like yeh next question. The kid is a ****. I knew he would leave, when I saw him in Round 2 outside the ground I said, I even started a thread on it, he looked like he didn't wanna be there signing jumpers at the membership stall just didn't look interested anyhting, could care. I knew he would leave, thats what convinced me. I hope his career turns to **** next year when his knee fails him. Ahaha, Tom Scully, I think he is up there with the most hated in the AFL atm.


I think he was never part of MFC, who knows, maybe he was already contacted by GWS then, or at least, he was interested in the money he thought he could make with the introduction of the 2 new clubs!!

I agree. I am genuinely happy he is no longer on our list - quite simply, I only want kids who are proud to play for this club and, once recruited, only want to play for this club.

And we got Mitch Clark as a result of Scully leaving. Happy about that too.

I've been invited to a corporate lunch with Sheeeeeeeds in early December. Table of 10. What questions would people here like me to put to him?


Everyone I speak to thinks the Dees were given a massive leg up in getting the priority pick through allegedly tanking (even though Carlton did much the same the year before).

Scully defecting, and the manner in which it played out, is so appalling that people now feel that we have been dudded. Completely correct view to have IMO.

But I'm happy about that, because the reality is we only have one first draft pick on our list - and any success that comes our way will not be the result of being gifted number one draft picks. And IMO this grubby affair has helped to kill that perception.


I still wait to hear the MFC's side to the story. Once that has been told to the members we can then close the book on this sordid matter. But NEVER forget it.


He's gone!

Get on with this group who want to play with us.

Unleash hell in Round 13.


I agree. I am genuinely happy he is no longer on our list - quite simply, I only want kids who are proud to play for this club and, once recruited, only want to play for this club.

And we got Mitch Clark as a result of Scully leaving. Happy about that too.

I've been invited to a corporate lunch with Sheeeeeeeds in early December. Table of 10. What questions would people here like me to put to him?

How about this one. Kevin, how would you feel if Patton walks out on you in two years for a return to Melbourne and you find out he signed a year earlier.


Ron ask kevin what are his deep seated reasons for resenting the MFC? I have heard others speak of it, but i would like to hear it from kevin'$ mouth.


He's gone!

Get on with this group who want to play with us.

Unleash hell in Round 13.

Yes but i want to know ALL the facts so this decietful operation can never be used on the MFC again.

Ron ask kevin what are his deep seated reasons for resenting the MFC? I have heard others speak of it, but i would like to hear it from kevin'$ mouth.

Perhaps I'll just introduce myself as an extremely passionate MFC supporter (not many of us in Sydney), and then observe his reaction.


Perhaps I'll just introduce myself as an extremely passionate MFC supporter (not many of us in Sydney), and then observe his reaction.

Good place to start for sure.

Guest Jackie

Those who are sick of the Scully Saga and wish it to go away should think again. Thats what GWS, the Scully's and Vlad want desperately. The longer the story goes more of the truth gets drip fed and the more embarrassing it becomes for them. Recent loose comments by Tom and the extraordinary outburst by Vlad indicate they are under pressure and maybe not in full control. It must be hard for Vlad being used to arrogantly sweeping success before him having to constantly fend off scandal at his pet club. I hope he is coming to the realisation he may have made a horrible mistake in rolling out GWS, anointing the ridiculous sum of money frittered away on the Scully deal and the loss of goodwill and trust for the AFL. I would not be surprised if he is under pressure within the AFL also. I want to see this saga continue till the full truth gets out. There is more to come. And if it drives the Scully's and Vlad crazy then all the better. There is a lot of payback outstanding. And it's still a long way before real footy starts again.


Those who are sick of the Scully Saga and wish it to go away should think again. Thats what GWS, the Scully's and Vlad want desperately. The longer the story goes more of the truth gets drip fed and the more embarrassing it becomes for them. Recent loose comments by Tom and the extraordinary outburst by Vlad indicate they are under pressure and maybe not in full control. It must be hard for Vlad being used to arrogantly sweeping success before him having to constantly fend off scandal at his pet club. I hope he is coming to the realisation he may have made a horrible mistake in rolling out GWS, anointing the ridiculous sum of money frittered away on the Scully deal and the loss of goodwill and trust for the AFL. I would not be surprised if he is under pressure within the AFL also. I want to see this saga continue till the full truth gets out. There is more to come. And if it drives the Scully's and Vlad crazy then all the better. There is a lot of payback outstanding. And it's still a long way before real footy starts again.

Very well said...Don't let the Bastards get away with it...


It must be hard for Vlad being used to arrogantly sweeping success before him having to constantly fend off scandal at his pet club.

Vlad will not let GWS fail. The shonkiness of their operation must gall him, but that is short term. In the end, he will win.

His mistake was installing Grubby Allen. If you lie down with dogs you get up with fleas: old jungle saying.


Those who are sick of the Scully Saga and wish it to go away should think again. Thats what GWS, the Scully's and Vlad want desperately. The longer the story goes more of the truth gets drip fed and the more embarrassing it becomes for them. Recent loose comments by Tom and the extraordinary outburst by Vlad indicate they are under pressure and maybe not in full control. It must be hard for Vlad being used to arrogantly sweeping success before him having to constantly fend off scandal at his pet club. I hope he is coming to the realisation he may have made a horrible mistake in rolling out GWS, anointing the ridiculous sum of money frittered away on the Scully deal and the loss of goodwill and trust for the AFL. I would not be surprised if he is under pressure within the AFL also. I want to see this saga continue till the full truth gets out. There is more to come. And if it drives the Scully's and Vlad crazy then all the better. There is a lot of payback outstanding. And it's still a long way before real footy starts again.

What a sad post. Not worrying about strangers is not the same as allowing corruption. You can pay attention to the news (the guys who actually 'drip feed' us the information) and even care about it intensely, but you don't have to continually complain about how ripped off you were and how screwed we all are because of it.


What a sad post. Not worrying about strangers is not the same as allowing corruption. You can pay attention to the news (the guys who actually 'drip feed' us the information) and even care about it intensely, but you don't have to continually complain about how ripped off you were and how screwed we all are because of it.

Well ... to me it's your post that's sad and unfortunately, far too reflective of the views of many Melbourne people who are only too glad to bury their heads in the sand and walk away when their club has been screwed by the shonks in charge of the game because "there's nothing we can do about it so let's move on". That's usually a prelude to your club getting screwed over next time as well when the Chooks of this world will shake their heads and say, "let's move on".

For the record, the Scully thing is over and I'm glad he's gone and taken his thirty pieces of silver with him. I'm grateful that Garry Lyon came along and installed a new coach who looks like he knows what he's doing and is setting us up for the future. Scully doesn't figure in those plans and is now redundant as far as our club is concerned. Good for him and his family and I trust he enjoys playing in front of empty stands at Skoda Stadium. The trouble is that Demetriou and his yes men in the media remain and the culture they've set up is going to do more damage to the fabric of our game. The only difference is that the next victim of this insidious system will be Essendon/St. Kilda/North Melbourne or perhaps Collingwood. Take your pick.

Caroline Wilson nailed it and exposed the lies and the hypocrisy exactly for what they were. We shouldn't be shamed out of discussing this important issue.


Caroline Wilson nailed it and exposed the lies and the hypocrisy exactly for what they were. We shouldn't be shamed out of discussing this important issue.

You're not discussing anything. You're complaining. I read Caro's article too, but I didn't start whingeing about the implications of what she described, nor did I bury my head in the sand about it. As far as I'm concerned, people like Caroline Wilson - who actually do discuss the issue - are more than welcome to continue doing so, since it is important. What I'm against is the idea that everyone with a mouth and ten fingers should feel compelled to spout conspiracy theories and generally over-blow the facts, which really only clouds the issue further.

TLDR: Caroline Wilson is discussing the issue, but you're not.


You're not discussing anything. You're complaining. I read Caro's article too, but I didn't start whingeing about the implications of what she described, nor did I bury my head in the sand about it. As far as I'm concerned, people like Caroline Wilson - who actually do discuss the issue - are more than welcome to continue doing so, since it is important. What I'm against is the idea that everyone with a mouth and ten fingers should feel compelled to spout conspiracy theories and generally over-blow the facts, which really only clouds the issue further.

TLDR: Caroline Wilson is discussing the issue, but you're not.

Come now. All you're doing is trying to use semantics to justify your pitiful views.

What I'm discussing is those people who are so blind that they are in denial about the conduct Wilson and others are exposing.


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