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Our best team 2012?


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Fb- tapscott, garland, rivers

Hb- grimes, frawley, blease

C- scully, moloney, davey

Hf- Sylvia, watts, green

Ff- wona, jurrah, Howe

Fol- jamar, jones, trengove

Int- jetta, bennell, bail, pettered

Gysberts, mckenzie, bartram

Looks like a ripper team.

All we need is a top line coaching department.

We should be definitely aiming for finals.


Far too early for a topic like this. we have trade week and a couple of drafts coming up, anything can happen in those weeks


Looks pretty good, but needs a power forward and one more hard bodied mid. Need to be aggresive during trade week and then i think that we could be a real finals force.

Oh and of corse a new experienced coaching staff.


Looks pretty good, but needs a power forward and one more hard bodied mid. Need to be aggresive during trade week and then i think that we could be a real finals force.

Oh and of corse a new experienced coaching staff.


Ff: wona, fevola, jurrah


Bail Frawley Garland

Blease McDonald Grimes

Scully Moloney Sylvia

Tapscott Watts Howe

Green Fitzpatrick Jurrah

Jamar Trengove Jones

McKenzie Petterd Martin Rivers Gysberts Bennell Bartram Davey


Fb- tapscott, garland, rivers

Hb- grimes, frawley, blease

C- scully, moloney, davey

Hf- Sylvia, watts, green

Ff- wona, jurrah, Howe

Fol- jamar, jones, trengove

Int- jetta, bennell, bail, pettered

Gysberts, mckenzie, bartram

Looks like a ripper team.

All we need is a top line coaching department.

We should be definitely aiming for finals.

Gysberts and McKenzie are ahead of Jones and Davey for mine. While the rest of the interchange (except Bartram) seems fine. Of course, you're missing Martin who should definitely be in there. Naturally, I'd also look to be getting a key position forward and push LJ into the pocket (leaving Aussie out for Howe). I'd also look at getting an experienced, hardened body into our midfield. On Davey's form this year and most of last, he shouldn't be making the team next year (unless he manages to reinvent himself in a new role). If we're to improve, Jones and Bartram should also be struggling to get games. Finals should certainly be the aim next season.


Howe and Martin both need to be in there


Fb- tapscott, garland, rivers

Hb- grimes, frawley, blease

C- scully, moloney, davey

Hf- Sylvia, watts, green

Ff- wona, jurrah, Howe

Fol- jamar, jones, trengove

Int- jetta, bennell, bail, pettered

Gysberts, mckenzie, bartram

Looks like a ripper team.

All we need is a top line coaching department.

We should be definitely aiming for finals.

Where is Cale?


Fun but ludicrous. Can't resist.

B: Tapscott Garland Rivers

HB: Grimes Frawley(VC) Blease

C: Scully McKenzie Bail

HF: Sylvia Watts Jurrah

F: Petterd Martin Howe

Foll: Jamar Trengove© Moloney

I/C: Jones Green Gysberts Jetta

Coach: Malthouse Asst coach: Viney

Does anyone have any idea what will +/- should happen as far as the line coaches go?


Mine would be

Taspcott Frawley Garland

Blease Rivers Grimes

Scully Trengove Gysberts

Sylvia Watts Petterd

Howe Martin Jurrah

Jamar Moloney McKenzie

Jetta Jones Green


Bail Bennell Nicholson


FB: Garland, Frawley, Bail

HB: Grimes, Rivers, Blease

C: Trengove, Moloney, Scully

HF: Jurrah, Watts, Petterd

FF: Martin, Fevola, Davey

FOLL: Jamar, Gysberts, McKenzie

INT: Green, Jones, Sylvia

SUB: Tapscott

EMERG: Howe, Jetta, M. Sewell

As you can see I've included two players I'm hoping Melbourne look at drafting. Travis Tuck is another mature aged inside midfielder I wouldn't mind us looking at.

Haven't included Nicholson in this team as I'm assuming he'll still be on the rookie list next year and I've resticted the team to players I believe will be on our senior list.


For mine:

FB Grimes Frawley Garland

HB McDonald Rivers Bail

C Blease Jones Green

HF Sylvia Watts Tapscott

FF Jurrah Howe Petterd

Fol Jamar Moloney Trengove

Int Scully Martin McKenzie Gysberts

plus Jetta Bennell Davey

Macdonald Bartram Morton


Watts has already been told it's 'his' forward line, he is getting better at his body work and is learning how to be that forward we want.

And so we are going to plonk a 31 year old FF there for two years?


Interesting that 5 posters have listed their team and each has included Scully without commenting about whether he'll be available or not. Blind faith? Optimism?



Interesting that 5 posters have listed their team and each has included Scully without commenting about whether he'll be available or not. Blind faith? Optimism?

He is a Demon until he says he isn't.

The more outlandish addition would Fevola or Sewell from the VFL.


Watts has already been told it's 'his' forward line, he is getting better at his body work and is learning how to be that forward we want.

And so we are going to plonk a 31 year old FF there for two years?


Is that an inside word or something I missed? He seems to be playing in a few different positions, which is strange if he's been given that message... Has anything been said about Jurrah's role in the fwd line?


Garland Frawley Bail

Blease Rivers Grimes

Trengove Moloney Bennell

Green Watts Petterd

Jurrah Martin Sylvia

Jamar Jones McKenzie

Scully Tapscott Howe McDonald Bartram Wonaemirri Gawn

Too early obviously but a bit of fun.



Is that an inside word or something I missed? He seems to be playing in a few different positions, which is strange if he's been given that message... Has anything been said about Jurrah's role in the fwd line?

Mentioned by Watts himself in an interview on the website (I can't remember when).

He's the future of the forward line and he is the smartest player we have - it makes sense to revolve it around his strengths.


FB: Garland - Frawley - Blease

HB: Tapscott - Rivers - Grimes

C: Trengove - Scully - Davey

HF: Sylvia - Watts - Petterd

FF: Jurrah - Green - Howe

R: Jamar - Moloney - Jones

I: Martin - Bail - McKenzie

S: Jetta

E: Bennell - MacDonald - Bartram


Interesting that nobody has Fitzpatrick in there. I'm looking forward to them putting him in the goal square next year.

I had him in mine early in the thread. Given another pre season to bulk up he has all the attributes were after- tall, quick (and hopefully) strong. Not too many full backs would be able to handle a 200cm bloke who is extremely quick and able to take a grab!


I've done something different. I've divided the list into squads... and put in order of preference for each role that I see them playing in 2012. From that I have selected my team.

Key Defender - Frawley/Garland/Rivers/Macdonald/Warnock/McDonald

Rebounding Defender - Grimes/Bail/Blease/Nicholson/Evans

Centre Square - Moloney/Trengove/Scully/Gysberts/McNamara

Wings - Jones/Davey/Bennell/Morton

Tagger - McKenzie/Bartram

Crumbing Forward - Wonaeamirri/Maric

Key Forward - Watts/Jurrah/Howe/Green/Petterd/Dunn/Bate

Midfield/Forward - Sylvia/Tapscott/Jetta

Ruck - Jamar/Martin/Gawn/Spencer/Newton.

Injured/Untried - Strauss/Fitzpatrick/Cook/Davis/Lawrence/Campbell/Johnson

FB: Garland - Frawley - Grimes

HB: Blease - Rivers - Bail

C: Jones - Moloney - Davey

HF: Sylvia - Watts - Howe

FF: Petterd - Green - Jurrah

R: Jamar - Trengove - McKenzie

I: Martin - Scully - Tapscott

S: Bennell

E: Gysberts - MacDonald - Bartram - Jetta

Obviously this will change pending the outcome of trades and delistings... but from our current list, I think this is our best and most balanced line-up


Looks pretty good, but needs a power forward and one more hard bodied mid. Need to be aggresive during trade week and then i think that we could be a real finals force.

Oh and of corse a new experienced coaching staff.

We've got all the hard bodied mids we need, far too many, we are slow, hands feet and minds.


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