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Jack Watts


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Post by: LidsBling&Cotch

Re: Jack Watts?

« Reply #5 on: Today at 12:59:35 am »

he'll be a very decent player but something about the bloke sh!ts me. i used to bash little [censored] like him at middle brighton station station for fun just because they went to brighton grammar.

This post just eats at me, what a hero, might sign up as a forum member just so I can tell this guy what an absolute hero he is wanting to bash people for fun. What a [censored] and a weak weak comment to make. Glad he ripped your team a new one yesterday loser. Jack Jack Jacky!!


I bet that's what he wished he did, or if he did, he was prob there with 5 mates, pick on one, and this muppet would be the instigator, mouth piece who would duck out of the fight when it started.

I'd love to see this [censored] in the ring with no way out.


According to the AFL Match Centre, the whole team had 11 Goal Assists so ther might be a misunderstanding somewhere along the line.

Think he was involved in 11 goal involvements. Where he was part of the chain that led to a goal.

Goal assists are last person to pass it i think.


most the post were pretty positve about jack, theres always going to muppets in there that have no idea

True there was a lot of love for Jack on there, pretty good considering they would still be hurting badly. Very Very big future, this is the kid we want to hold onto at all costs. Imagine him in 2 or 3 years and 10kg of added muscle! Just so clean and silky for his size. Loving watching this story unfold.


I do agree with the comments that Richmond could become our big rivals, the vickery/watts, frawley/reiwoldt, cotchin, delidio, martin/ trengove, scully, gysberts will be great to watch over the coming years.


I love this kid he is getting better and better, people keep saying break out game, but i dont think he will....

When you keep improving on your last game every week there isnt a whole lot left to break out from, he might arrive officially when he kicks a bag of 5 but i will be just as happy if he improves half as much as he has this year over the next 10 rounds

The look on his face after he kicked the goal late in the third he was angry, he was serious, you can tell he wants it just as much as anybody on our team

He will be just as important as Frawley and Scully in 2-3 years


Love him.

However, hated the Melbourne supporters clapping him running to the bench after one contested mark and goal in the second quarter. It makes us look like a joke


Love him.

However, hated the Melbourne supporters clapping him running to the bench after one contested mark and goal in the second quarter. It makes us look like a joke


Other clubs clap players for doing even less than that. It happens all the time... you're just choosing to particularly focus on this incidence of it happening. If anything its great, because prior to this he had been getting more groans than claps.


Love him.

However, hated the Melbourne supporters clapping him running to the bench after one contested mark and goal in the second quarter. It makes us look like a joke

Yeah, we should give him the finger and tell him to turn around and get another one.

Honestly, we are a bunch of self-loathing tossers...

We take every criticism that opposition fans have of us and take it to heart.

The reason why people don't like Melbourne fans these days, and thank god it isn't just indifference, is not because we are soft, or not passionate, or too easily satisfied, but because they are scared sh!tless that our ruthless admin has built a team that will pillage the AFL and leave their teams in our wake - with their houses raised and their women taken.

Guest Rojik of the Arctic

Love him.

However, hated the Melbourne supporters clapping him running to the bench after one contested mark and goal in the second quarter. It makes us look like a joke

You think? The kid has had more venom spat at him than any other I can think of purely for being a young tall that needed time to develop into the sort of player he was earmarked for, and you think it is a bad thing for us to let him know he is a valued player at the MFC? I think it is a great thing that we close ranks for one of our own.



All the doubters can go take a long walk off a short pier.

Amen to that......


Did anyone see the picture of Jack Watts in the footy record on Saturday? He looked pencil thin. They say the camera adds 10 pounds!

Jack Watts has certainly developed in recent times.

Everytime he goes near the ball now i'm waiting for him to do something special rather than muck it up!

Well Done.


Is there a difference between goal assists and scoring assists? This could explain it.

That’s correct. The assist stats that were attributed to Watt’s were his scoring involvements, so his direct influence in a play that resulted in any score, not just goal scored. A nice way of keeping tabs on whose having an influence forward of the ball.

Doesn’t ignore good work leading to a score even if the player shooting for goal butchers it, which happened a fair bit in the third quarter. You think Wattsy just got sick of setting his teammates up (only for them to squander), and decided to just do it himself at the end of the third?


This Punt Rd thread is a great read.

I was pleasantly surprised with virtually all positive comments. Further most of the comments that were negative got stuck into him for being slow and soft. Neither of these things are true. JW, Chip, and Flash (in that order) are “officially” the fastest over the 40 meters at the MFC. Although JW use to be soft at times, this appears to have completely disappeared over the last 6 weeks.

What really surprised me was the number of tigers supporters who thought he was set for stardom.


When I read the papers waxing lyrical over Wattsy, I get extremely mad. I really want the journos to stab themselves in the eye that they apparently have on the game. These were the same journos that loved sticking it to him 2 years ago, to sell papers. Now, to sell papers, both Watts and Naitainui are going to deliver. Hamish Hartlett better get some protection for the knife that may get wedged in his back soon.

Jack has had to cop some absolute crap from sniper Lloyd, Lethal Leigh and many others.... all based on the fact he dared have potential. Mind you, some MFC supporters have been no better.

Then, he does what he was always going to do, and starts delivering based on experience, body, confidence, talent and chemistry of the side around him, and they're messing their pants all of a sudden.

They can all get stuffed.

Go Jack.

Go demons.


Then, he does what he was always going to do, and starts delivering based on experience, body, confidence, talent and chemistry of the side around him, and they're messing their pants all of a sudden.

They can all get stuffed.

Couldn't agree more. Well said.


Love him.

However, hated the Melbourne supporters clapping him running to the bench after one contested mark and goal in the second quarter. It makes us look like a joke

I understand what you mean to an extent. I was not at the Richmond game but at the Fremantle game every time a player came off the ground there was a round of applause, which is just silly.

On another note, great game again Jack, you are well and truly on the road to Super Stardom :)


Martin Blake at The Age needs to do a bit more homework. Referring to Luke Tapscott as a rookie... fair dinkum.

They're all the same. Whatever paper they represent.

Rookie doesn't necessarily mean "rookie-listed". I found "Joel McDonald" more annoying, personally. There's a missing 'a', and the 'D' should be little.


Rookie doesn't necessarily mean "rookie-listed". I found "Joel McDonald" more annoying, personally. There's a missing 'a', and the 'D' should be little.

I get that meaning Nasher. But would Blake refer to Trengove, Scully or Martin in the same light ?

I reckon he thinks he is a rookie. Could be out of my depth here, but it's more than a hunch.


Mind you, some MFC supporters have been no better.



Rookie doesn't necessarily mean "rookie-listed".

But he isn't a rookie...


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