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The Brendan Fevola Saga


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I think to play and train is ok.

But no socializing or after match functions for the Dees Players.

They must also be told not to go out at night with Fevola.

If Casey do this to us without any consultation then we have the right to pull our players back from any Casey functions or team bonding stuff.

Just Train and play on the day thats it!

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I think to play and train is ok.

But no socializing or after match functions for the Dees Players.

They must also be told not to go out at night with Fevola.

If Casey do this to us without any consultation then we have the right to pull our players back from any Casey functions or team bonding stuff.

Just Train and play on the day thats it!

Yeah, definitely.

If one of our players gets caught talking to Fev they should be immediately suspended for 2 weeks.

And he should have his own colour coded water bottles, so he doesn't share with the rest of the players.

Any legal eagles out there know if we'd be able to make Casey keep Fev in a cage when he's not playing or training?

I mean, I know there'd some sort of precedent...

At least some sort of ankle tag device to ensure he's never within 500m of any MFC players.

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Of course at Veefa level Fev would be better as a CHF leaving FF open for developing youth. Put the Sook there (chf) and he'll drag their best defender there too. It's not all doom and gloom ;)

One of FEV's biggest weeknesses, is the fact that till now, he has been a ONE Dimentional footballer. The Power forward with one position, Was, the way to go. Not any more. So, it would be in Fev's interest to learn & Prove, he can play other posts, at a pinch.

It would be good for his resume', to show he Can play other posts, as well as attack. I don't know if they will endeavour to try to teach him some new tricks for his Kit, but to me, it woulld be in his own interests, especially with the reduced interchange...

This could be a very intersting season for Fev, Casey & Us.

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Yeah, definitely.

If one of our players gets caught talking to Fev they should be immediately suspended for 2 weeks.

And he should have his own colour coded water bottles, so he doesn't share with the rest of the players.

Any legal eagles out there know if we'd be able to make Casey keep Fev in a cage when he's not playing or training?

I mean, I know there'd some sort of precedent...

At least some sort of ankle tag device to ensure he's never within 500m of any MFC players.

Ha ha love it!

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''An alignment assumes an alignment of values and ideals and this is clearly outside of our expectations.'' - Cam Schwab

That says it all really. Some rocky times head in the MFC-Casey relationship.

Terrible, short-sighted decision IMO.

Yes we have not heard the last of this, there are 9 other Victorian clubs who are today breathing a sigh of large relief.

I always knew this AFL/VFA alignment was a flawed plan for these exact reasons. Casey & MFC have different agendas & this one is a biggy.

Fev is going to use that forward line to re ignite his career, we need that forward line as a learning Curve.

Would be interesting hearing the "Loud" Conversations coming from AAMI Park & the MCG Offices today.

This Casey Allignment is Bullshite now sadly...

Bring back the 2's

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But no socializing or after match functions for the Dees Players.

They must also be told not to go out at night with Fevola.

That's good. Lets not talk to them between quarters either. :rolleyes:

Telling them not to go out at night with Fevola is as effective as telling footbsllers not to go to nightclubs.

If Casey do this to us without any consultation then we have the right to pull our players back from any Casey functions or team bonding stuff.

Just Train and play on the day thats it!

You will find MFC have already being doing that.

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well it will... that's the issue

hopefully he gets a career ending injury first training session

What a great bloke you are.

I'm amazed at all the people who are now boycotting Casey games. The MFC is trying hard to build a partnership with these guys and now we have people on here encouraging other posters to send boycott messages to the Scorpions. I bet you all never went in the first place.

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What is done is done.

It looks as if Fev will be coming to play for the Scorps. At present, there is obviously a big beat up about how this is upsetting the relationship between Melbourne and Casey, and the media will probably keep sucking as much as they can from the story, (Especially because of Fev being involved).

i would almost bet that the MFC will make a statement in the next day or so stating that although they were initially not wrapped in the idea, they will now be doing what they can to embrace Fev, and wish him, as well as the Scorpions the best for 2011. Probably also state that the MFC relationship with Casey is very strong and will be supporting the Scorpions in every way we can.

It is a story that will grow longer and longer legs if the types of opinions, such as in this thread are continually voiced in the public.

It is therefore, much more benificial to the MFC to accept and embrace Fev into Casey, and therefore lessoning the impact of the media frenzy that will follow the story.

In reality, I think that the hyped up crap that follows this bloke around in whatever he does is probably a bigger issue than Fev himself. Which is what the MFC was no doubt more concerned about in the first place.

On a personal note, I look forward to watching Fev run around for the Scorpions this season, and I hope he can have a big impact on their success. I also wish him all the best and hope that this can turn into a feel good story for the club.

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well it will... that's the issue

hopefully he gets a career ending injury first training session

You are a complete [censored] to wish that on anyone grow up, the decision has been made and everyone should just get on with it. Or do some of you lot want the club to abandon Casey altogether and lose a complete growth area, gee that would help the MFC long term plans to survive.

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Guest Thomo

I think that Cam Schwab has made such a strong statement to reassure sponsors and members that this is not a MFC decision or the culture that the MFC is building.

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I think that Cam Schwab has made such a strong statement to reassure sponsors and members that this is not a MFC decision or the culture that the MFC is building.

That is exactly the problem....This decision is out of our control, which is why we must work towards rebuilding our own Reserves side.

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JCB you often miss the wood for the trees but you have missed the forest here by a mile.

He is a proven and perpetual cancer to young players at 2 clubs. For all his talent he is trucculent and selfish forward that so often at Carlton played for himself and not the team. We have coaches to teach positional roles not social wingnuts like Fevola.

And FWIW, Betts was not assisted by Fev at Carlton particularly off the field. And further while no where near the behaviour galaxy of Fev, Nick Saunter was an extremely selfish forward that did little to assist and blocked the Melbourne's development of younger forwards

Firstly welcome back-I actually thought you may have left all together. Secondly,thank God we differ in our opinions.Anyhow it seems we will be able to judge the outcome at end of the year.Also I believe I have two strong allies-Jim Stynes & Gary Lyon.And may I suggest strongly that you read my post/s before you go off on a different tangent. I was referring to Betts as an example that Fevola may assist Wona-naturally on the field -not off it as you state above.

Edited by jayceebee31
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What is done is done.

It looks as if Fev will be coming to play for the Scorps. At present, there is obviously a big beat up about how this is upsetting the relationship between Melbourne and Casey, and the media will probably keep sucking as much as they can from the story, (Especially because of Fev being involved).

i would almost bet that the MFC will make a statement in the next day or so stating that although they were initially not wrapped in the idea, they will now be doing what they can to embrace Fev, and wish him, as well as the Scorpions the best for 2011. Probably also state that the MFC relationship with Casey is very strong and will be supporting the Scorpions in every way we can.

It is a story that will grow longer and longer legs if the types of opinions, such as in this thread are continually voiced in the public.

It is therefore, much more benificial to the MFC to accept and embrace Fev into Casey, and therefore lessoning the impact of the media frenzy that will follow the story.

In reality, I think that the hyped up crap that follows this bloke around in whatever he does is probably a bigger issue than Fev himself. Which is what the MFC was no doubt more concerned about in the first place.

On a personal note, I look forward to watching Fev run around for the Scorpions this season, and I hope he can have a big impact on their success. I also wish him all the best and hope that this can turn into a feel good story for the club.

Pretty much my sentiments as well.

And at least this has put the Scully non-story onto the back burner.

Gees I wish the season would start soon.

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That is exactly the problem....This decision is out of our control, which is why we must work towards rebuilding our own Reserves side.

Cost/benefit analysis. To justify the significant increase in cost it would have to have a significant benefit. Without looking in to a huge amount of detail, I only see very small benefits - 1%ers if you will - but nothing worth the expenditure. I'd suggest there's a very good reason why the vast majority of the clubs see themselves better off with alignments rather than standalone teams.

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Out of popcorn.

Best of luck to the big man, Casey, and the MFC.

The crowd, & the Media, at the Casey Scorpions tonight, makes this decision appear a winner already. If Fev draws attention,,, for the right 'reasons', to the Casey team,,, then as an extension, Fev,,, to yourself, then it will be a mutual benefit.

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Guest Rojik of the Arctic

Yeah, definitely.

If one of our players gets caught talking to Fev they should be immediately suspended for 2 weeks.

And he should have his own colour coded water bottles, so he doesn't share with the rest of the players.

Any legal eagles out there know if we'd be able to make Casey keep Fev in a cage when he's not playing or training?

I mean, I know there'd some sort of precedent...

At least some sort of ankle tag device to ensure he's never within 500m of any MFC players.

Shame I detected sarcasm there otherwise it would have been a good post.

I think we have to put a bit of faith in our player to do the right thing when (if?) he starts going flaky. The ones that don't would probably find a reason to act like idiots with or without him.

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i can't believe this decision by Casey, it shows how much they listen to their AFL affiliate club. In my eyes this is purely a dollars decision and not a footy decision

Fev is a cancer

JCB you often miss the wood for the trees but you have missed the forest here by a mile.

He is a proven and perpetual cancer to young players at 2 clubs. For all his talent he is trucculent and selfish forward that so often at Carlton played for himself and not the team. We have coaches to teach positional roles not social wingnuts like Fevola.

Slack descriptive writing there fella's. Poor terms when 'bad influence' will suffice.

FWIW, and it's bugger all really, Brendan comes home to an area familiar and one that he spent his childhood, the years before alcohol and the punt etc took precedence. Just maybe that might help the guy.

And what is so wrong with that? The moral compass surely allows for redemption? Besides the moral and ethic standards/codes, whatever, that he has breached. Who are you/we/I all to judge?

He plays football. His let those football clubs down in many ways but so did they let him down by condoning his behavior due to his talent.

So are football clubs as selfish as Fev, when it comes to their 'talent'?

His wife and children are owed plenty by him. I'm sure he is not the only AFL player who is having marital problems. Are they all lost causes?

I live in the Casey area and some of the short sighted comment in this thread is just plain ignorance and moral chest beating. The MFC have done the right thing for the club and it's sponsors by distancing themselves from this. That is all they have to do, it is then simply a decision for Casey.

Yes, it is frustrating that developing forwards may get stymied by Fevola's presence, I'll give that, but whoever it is Cook, Howe etc, if they are good enough they will find room anyway.

Whether at Casey or at Melbourne.

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Cost/benefit analysis. To justify the significant increase in cost it would have to have a significant benefit. Without looking in to a huge amount of detail, I only see very small benefits - 1%ers if you will - but nothing worth the expenditure. I'd suggest there's a very good reason why the vast majority of the clubs see themselves better off with alignments rather than standalone teams.

Interesting this whole idea of alignments...I know the Aints are far from happy with the sandringham arrangement, i cannot comment on the others as i do not know.

It will be interesting to see what the MFC do long term with this. As our list matures, those 1 %ers you rightly speak of just might be the difference between Cups or nothing.

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Interesting this whole idea of alignments...I know the Aints are far from happy with the sandringham arrangement, i cannot comment on the others as i do not know.

It will be interesting to see what the MFC do long term with this. As our list matures, those 1 %ers you rightly speak of just might be the difference between Cups or nothing.

It'll be interesting what the 'Aints do when there up and fully functional at the new facility. especially as the frankston team is struggling so much.

The saints have done nothing to work in with the Zebs, from what I've heard. I get the feeling thay could just walk out on them and start up alone. This could disenfranchise 2 VFL sides even more.

The AFL had better be carefull how they treat the VFL supporters. We could weaken our very own game.

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It'll be interesting what the 'Aints do when there up and fully functional at the new facility. especially as the frankston team is struggling so much.

The saints have done nothing to work in with the Zebs, from what I've heard. I get the feeling thay could just walk out on them and start up alone. This could disenfranchise 2 VFL sides even more.

The AFL had better be carefull how they treat the VFL supporters. We could weaken our very own game.

Yes i firmly believe the AFL should subsidize a full reserve competition....but they won't do it (yet) as they are too greedy at present.

But i think by the end of the decade, they may have to as the alignments are just not workable.

A VFL player taking a position of an AFL player is just not on, in terms of elite sport. No offence to Casey, but that is what will happen this year,

And it's why Geelong/The Filth & soon the Aints wish to be alone, so they can dictate how their own (well paid) players are used.

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Greed is not the motivation - it is expansion to ensure the future strength of the game.

If you're not moving forwards, you're going backwards, etc.

I think the detriment to our young forwards' development will be minimal, while the as yet unmentioned benefit will be that Fev draws so much attention, he will have already alleviated some of the spotlight unfairly applied to young Scully.

This wouldn't have the same affect if Fev had have signed with another VFL club.

If he is at Casey, I understand it's not ideal, but it's far from a disaster.

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