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The Brendan Fevola Saga


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Scumbag Sheedy will be circling. How about we hear somthing about the Frankston footy club. Ohh thats right no wrong doing there.


Fevola is finished, gone, kaput. After the cancerous experiences of two clubs, no one will touch him with a barge pole, not even Sheedy at GWS. Time for Fevola himself to assume responsibility for his own actions and life, get his act together and rescue what he can out of it.

And I've had it with people who blame others, the "system" and everyone down to their first-grade school teacher for their lot in life.


Because firstly they already considered his position untenable once, and I doubt their memories are that short. He's been in the system for a lot of years now and never, at any stage, has he shown any signs that he might start acting like a responsible adult. He's now been dismissed from a second club for his behaviour - this was meant to be his fresh start in his career and his life. If he can't get it together in those circumstances, why would next time be any different?

You can't just keep tossing in these "if his head is right" clauses. The overwhelming evidence shows that as long as he's in the environment he's in, his head will never be right for long enough for sustained success. In order to really fix his head and his life, he has to be away from the public eye.

But he hasn't seeked help before, learning how to deal with something like depression you need professional help and you need rehab to really learn how to deal with it. If he can learn to deal with it get on his medication stay of the grog he is worth another chance.


Yeah, but not as an AFL footballer.

Why not, it is what he is good at. This guy has issues that he is addressing, he will have a number of steps he needs to take before even considering playing AFL, but if he can get through it he is a fantastic AFL footballer.


Fevola is finished, gone, kaput. After the cancerous experiences of two clubs, no one will touch him with a barge pole, not even Sheedy at GWS. Time for Fevola himself to assume responsibility for his own actions and life, get his act together and rescue what he can out of it.

And I've had it with people who blame others, the "system" and everyone down to their first-grade school teacher for their lot in life.

Agree entirely.

But he hasn't seeked help before, learning how to deal with something like depression you need professional help and you need rehab to really learn how to deal with it. If he can learn to deal with it get on his medication stay of the grog he is worth another chance.

He needs to demonstrate that he has indeed changed his ways. All he is doing is in "rehab" whatever that actually means. All you have provided are "ifs" for someone who has serious personal issues to the extent that football is a minor issue.He is a serial and destructive trouble maker that would need to make a huge quantum shift in his personal life. And they are not issues that are easily addressed in a short amount of time. He has also burnt so many bridges that many are not easily repaired and at 30yo......


Don't put it past GWS.

No other club in their right mind would take him. But if that's the case, GWS can approach him and say 'Train with us for the rest of 2011. Work your ass off. Prove to us you want to play in 2012. Then we'll pay you close to a minimum wage with a contract that specifies you're out after just one misdemeanour, at our discretion'.

Make it public. Put the pressure on him. If he gets it right (about as big an 'if' as there could be), GWS gets one of the five best forwards in the league (yes, even at 31). If it doesn't, they lose virtually no money and they're no worse off. What other options does Fev have? What has he got without football to keep him occupied?

It is Kevin Sheedy after all.


Why wouldn't they, Carlton are a key forward away from being a top 4 side and Sheedy will back himself to keep him on the straight and narrow. Plus you would get him for nothing. Carlton will put a huge positive spin membership will go through the roof. Give him 12 mths to get his life together, give him a training program to keep him fit and also exercise is great to help battle depression, it gives him something to do. He has still got 2-3 years in him as long as his head is right.

You are kidding aern't you??? Brendon is a recovering addict. His AFL career is done sadly.

I just hope the media leave him alone or else he won't make it.


Why not, it is what he is good at.

No he's not. He is not a team player, he doesn't train very effectively, he hasn't got his personal life together, he disobeys team rules, he constantly gets into controversy, he goes out on the p**s too often and he is an extremely bad influence on young players. Football is not just kicking goals.

Two teams have now realised it and I doubt there'll be a third.


As long as there is breath in Sheedy the GWS circus ringmaster , there will be hope for Fevola to get another gig .


Everyone is quick to judge. If he has been suffering from depression it does make you turn to things that make you happy to get this monkey off your back even if it is for a short fix. Drinking and punting may of given him an outlet from what was going on in his head. Once you accept that you can't keep hiding your illness and it is causing you to make very poor judgement calls and seek help you can get depression under control. There are Drugs to assist and constant councelling but if you admit you need help you can control the beast.

I agree he needs to get over a lot of issues, but if he can I wouldn't write off him playing AFL again.


As long as there is breath in Sheedy the GWS circus ringmaster , there will be hope for Fevola to get another gig .

I don't think so. This would be the last thing the AFL would want for their new venture. They wouldn't want GWS to have him. At all.


I actually feel sorry for Fev.

Brisbane are the dogs here.

Thank god we didn't get Voss. How wrong was I with my strong advocacy of him to be our coach.

Both, they and he knew what they were getting with Fev. They gave away the house in what was the worst trade I reckon I've ever seen.

Now they are sacking Fev for effectively not much.

The Bignle pic? Is there proof it was him.

The flashing? No case to answer.

Gambling? Not on AFL, what's he done wrong here?

NY eve? Not good, but it was NY and had absolutely nothing to do with the club.

The lions have acted like 1st degree pr1cks here and that the AFL will help them is a load of dogs dirt.

Hope Fev sues the pants off them and wins!


Everyone is quick to judge.

Quick? It's been seven years since the 3am incident at Crown Casino, five since the barman assault in Ireland, three since the nightclub urination incident and nearly two since the Brownlow medal drunkenness debacle. After Fevola left Carlton, there's been the Bingle photo scandal, the flashing allegations, and the New Year's Day 2011 public nuisance charge.

We should be grateful that Melbourne is looking like a fine, upstanding club at the moment. Maybe it's luck, maybe it's because we've gone out of our way to select on character, and avoided or rid ourselves of misfits like Fevola (a certain backman comes to mind).


Quick? It's been seven years since the 3am incident at Crown Casino, five since the barman assault in Ireland, three since the nightclub urination incident and nearly two since the Brownlow medal drunkenness debacle. After Fevola left Carlton, there's been the Bingle photo scandal, the flashing allegations, and the New Year's Day 2011 public nuisance charge.

We should be grateful that Melbourne is looking like a fine, upstanding club at the moment. Maybe it's luck, maybe it's because we've gone out of our way to select on character, and avoided or rid ourselves of misfits like Fevola (a certain backman comes to mind).

Since he went to Brisbane what?

Two of the incidents you quote are irrelevant. Was there proof he distributed the photo? No.

Did anything AT ALL come out of the flashing investigation? No.

So it's just the NY eve incident.

Do you think your employer should have the right to fire you if you got into trouble for celebrating too hard on NY eve?


I agree Too C&B he who is without fault cast the first stone!

I just feel sad such a great talent has been wasted!

Hope he can gets his life in order for the first time!

Don't really blame the Lions they really in the end had no choice, it was a Voss based disaster.

God only knows why he thought it was worth all the trouble two years ago.

In the end it will probably cost him the job at the lions.

Because the "window was open" in Voss' mind. Can't help but think he'd still be on their list if that opinion hadn't changed...

Thank god we didn't get Voss. How wrong was I with my strong advocacy of him to be our coach.

Here here.


So it's just the NY eve incident.

No, the issue was how to judge someone's character. Most unacceptable behaviour doesn't require a criminal charge to indicate "character" is lacking. And these were only known incidents ... how he behaves around the club is unknown to most of us and would have influenced Carlton's and the Lion's decision.

Do you think your employer should have the right to fire you if you got into trouble for celebrating too hard on NY eve?

Depends on what job I had and what standards I was expected to uphold. And if I'm any sort of role model or the public face of an organisation, I don't think prancing around with a dildo in a public place would do my chances much good.


No, the issue was how to judge someone's character. Most unacceptable behaviour doesn't require a criminal charge to indicate "character" is lacking. And these were only known incidents ... how he behaves around the club is unknown to most of us and would have influenced Carlton's and the Lion's decision.

Depends on what job I had and what standards I was expected to uphold. And if I'm any sort of role model or the public face of an organisation, I don't think prancing around with a dildo in a public place would do my chances much good.

Again you are bringing up incidents from his time with carlscum.

Brisvegas knew what they were getting.

Those responsible for recruiting him behaved worse IMO. They should be fired first.


Quick? It's been seven years since the 3am incident at Crown Casino, five since the barman assault in Ireland, three since the nightclub urination incident and nearly two since the Brownlow medal drunkenness debacle. After Fevola left Carlton, there's been the Bingle photo scandal, the flashing allegations, and the New Year's Day 2011 public nuisance charge.

We should be grateful that Melbourne is looking like a fine, upstanding club at the moment. Maybe it's luck, maybe it's because we've gone out of our way to select on character, and avoided or rid ourselves of misfits like Fevola (a certain backman comes to mind).

Agree on both counts. And they are incidents that have got public. There are others.....

Again you are bringing up incidents from his time with carlscum.

Brisvegas knew what they were getting.

Those responsible for recruiting him behaved worse IMO. They should be fired first.

They have been. The Chairman, one Board director and the CEO at the time have gone. Voss has burnt huge credits. The error of Brisbane in no way mitigates the multiple failings of Fevola.


Again you are bringing up incidents from his time with carlscum.

Correct. I was replying to drdrake's assertion that "everyone is quick to judge". I simply responded that people have been able to judge Fevola from incidents as far back as 2004 or earlier. Whether they were at Carlton or the Lions, the time is irrelevant to the assertion.

Brisvegas knew what they were getting.

Those responsible for recruiting him behaved worse IMO. They should be fired first.

Indeed, it was very bad recruiting and totally foreseeable. But the Lions gave him a second "major" chance after a host of transgressions at Carlton. Why should they be sacked only for that?

Fevola is the one who blew it. There's a behavioural clause in the standard AFL contract that says something about "not engaging in serious or wilful misconduct". A player's contract can be terminated for "persistent breaches of his obligations as a player". It doesn't say anything about these being limited to proven criminal or summary offences.


I'm not sure what Brisbane has done wrong.

I certainly think that Fevola has problems - the arguments will continue endlessly as to whether he is unable to control his behaviour due to depressionor other mental illness or we want to go with "he should just take responsibility for his own actions" argument.

Either way, the club has a responsibility to not only Fevola but the other players on the list and having this sort of behavioural problems within a GROUP is unacceptable.

The Lions have not said you are fired and on your own sport - they have said they will continue to support his recovery and rehabilitation but he cant play for the team anymore.

He may well recover and be productive and not cause disruption but they have a whole group of other players to think of.

For this reason I did not like the idea of us recruiting Cousins or a Carey or other troubled souls. Do they deserve a second chance ? Do they deserve help getting back on their feet ? Sure. Do I want their second chance to be a risk to another 40 odd footballers. Nope.

It is not a god given right to play AFL and when you have damaged the club as he has for whatever reason, certainly you may have a responsibility to help him get back on his feet but not to the possible detriment of 40 other players on the list.


Do you think your employer should have the right to fire you if you got into trouble for celebrating too hard on NY eve?

Most aren't in the position to bring the employers brand bad publicity .

He's a Dick'Ed , On NY eve he was walking down the middle of the street .

Cop asks him to get off the road .

Instead of saying "No worries copper." , he offers to punch his head in .

No sympathy here , for Fev or the Lions .


Quick? It's been seven years since the 3am incident at Crown Casino, five since the barman assault in Ireland, three since the nightclub urination incident and nearly two since the Brownlow medal drunkenness debacle. After Fevola left Carlton, there's been the Bingle photo scandal, the flashing allegations, and the New Year's Day 2011 public nuisance charge.

How long since the university stunt with Lappin and the fire extinguishers ... 10 ?

Yep , long history of F... ups has Fev .


The thing that annoys me is the AFL approved cheating to allow the bears to dig themselves out of this hole.

They should have to wear his entire salary in the cap. Recruiting Fev is one of the biggest recruiting blunders in the history of the game, certainly in the draft era. They took on a salary they clearly couldn't afford for a 29 year old well documented culture sore. Black an Power have apparently had to take pay cuts and Brennan and Rishitelli, not to mention Bradshaw, have walked. All for a player they didn't even need, the Brown, Bradshaw combo worked pretty well.

Brisbane have been looking for an excuse to boot him since they realised their monumental blunder by mid season last year. As RGRS said he hasn't done that much wrong at Brisbane and they don't, imo, have a valid reason to sack him, but the AFL want's him gone and they always get their way.


Special circumstances.

I think it's ridiculous to not afford Brisbane this small concession.

Essendon received exactly the same for Lovett.

It is not a unique case of the AFL favouring one team over all others.


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