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Grandson of a gun

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So with the much publicised news of the three St Kilda players and the nude photos, where will the blame and chastisement be laid?

Will those who are always so quick to criticise footballers for their actions this time condemn the FEMALE taker of the photos in the same manner? Sadly i fear not.

The footballers will be blamed for putting themselves in that position and they should have known better etc etc.

It's the footballers who are always the predators and to blame, never would a female act in a predatory and deliberately misleading way........

It is clear that the photos were taken either in confidence in a private setting or they were taken without the footballers consent. Let's see the feminists and lead protagonists such as Robyn Riley, the Herald Sun and the centre for respect of women or whoever they are, actually come out and go after this female predator. After all, the manner in which she has been conducting herself, does nothing for the image of young women around footballers either......

Just looking for some equality in the community and for the AFL players who already have to be careful of where they go, who they associate with and who i'm sure have to deal with predatory females on a constant basis, to be seen as not always to blame in these circumstances...


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Will those who are always so quick to criticise footballers for their actions this time condemn the FEMALE taker of the photos in the same manner? Sadly i fear not. The footballers will be blamed for putting themselves in that position and they should have known better etc etc.

It would seem you have some issues with regards to females, but I would suggest before going off with such a diatribe, you read the article you are directing us to with that link.

Firstly it is stated that:"It is not clear who took the photo or under what circumstances."

and secondly: "The club can also confirm that the photo was not taken by the person responsible for posting it online and believes that it was obtained illegally."

Yes, someone with a grudge against them or the club has posted the photos, but she did NOT take them as you claim. There is absolutely no suggestion as to the gender of the photographer. And futhermore, I'm not saying that they deserve any blame and I have no idea what these images portray, but unless they are changing room shots or something in that situation, like that NRL player and the dog, for any participant in any sport at the top level to place themselves in such a position, is gross stupidity on their part.

Edited by hardtack
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If you have a few too many drinks and get caught in an uncompromising situation, do you have to give your consent for a photo or is your consent taken for granted? Who then owns that photo and what are their rights in distributing it?

Personally I think the St Kilda players should cop their right whack (excuse the pun) for being stupid, I'm all for the players to get some time and space away from the limelight but they have to realise the world they live in.

The girl needs some kind of help because she is obvious a very bitter individual to feel the need to publish these photos. I'm not sure she would benefit from learning her lesson via the courts, because really I doubt she has much to lose (financially or morally).

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It would seem you have some issues with regards to females, but I would suggest before going off with such a diatribe, you read the article you are directing us to with that link.

but unless they are changing room shots or something in that situation, like that NRL player and the dog, for any participant in any sport at the top level to place themselves in such a position, is gross stupidity on their part.

It took two posts for someone to turn it around.....

No issues at all with females in general. Love em all. I may have painted it in a harsh light but you have missed my point...

Think back to any "sex scandal" or situation where a female alleges something against an AFL/NRL footballer or The Footy Show-

Who is always willing to come out and blast them???

Who will always give their 2 cents on the issue and lay the blame fairly and squarley at the feet of the footballers with no regard for what actions the other party may have undertaken in the first instance.

Dare they ever stop and think that maybe, just maybe, blame or chastisement should be directed at the female party involved. Spider Everitt said as much and got lambasted by these same people but truth is he was right. Sometimes people just don't want to hear it...

Yes, someone with a grudge against them or the club has posted the photos, but she did NOT take them as you claim. There is absolutely no suggestion as to the gender of the photographer. And futhermore, I'm not saying that they deserve any blame and I have no idea what these images portray.

Having seen the photos, they are suggestion enough that the photographer was a female. As is the person publishing them. Don't be so ignorant or naive.

Young men being photographed nude. Silly yes. Just as silly as when young girls allow their boyfriends or partners to do same. As the female victims are rarely criticised in those cases, and instead the males parties persecuted (quite rightly), will the opposite be true in this case (as it should be). I fear not and that is the point. Double standards.

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Think back to any "sex scandal" or situation where a female alleges something against an AFL/NRL footballer or The Footy Show-

Who is always willing to come out and blast them???

Who will always give their 2 cents on the issue and lay the blame fairly and squarley at the feet of the footballers with no regard for what actions the other party may have undertaken in the first instance.

I'm a female and agree that in general, it takes two to tango. A girl who posts naked photos of footballers on her Facebook page is an attention wh*re and deserves some of the blame.

However, it is NEVER the female's fault if she has been sexually assaulted. Ever. And it's because there are still people out there who feel that some blame should go onto the female, that there are so many sexual assault cases which go unreported. A female should never have to take the blame if a male has done something to which she did not agree, no matter how slutty she came across, or how much he thought she wanted it.

Some footballers, and some men for that matter, seem to think that if they got the green light at one point, than a female has no right to change her mind. That is no excuse, never has been an excuse and will never ever make it OK for a male to go against the wishes of a female in that situation.

The St Kilda players involved are sadly lacking brain cells, and it is their fault for being stupid enough to get those sorts of photos taken by someone who clearly wasn't trust worthy. The idiot who published them is no better.

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It took two posts for someone to turn it around.....

Turned it around? In what way? I merely suggested that your diatribe indicated that you may have some issues... I was not coming out in support of either male or female... you even admitted yourself you may have been a bit harsh:

Having seen the photos, they are suggestion enough that the photographer was a female. As is the person publishing them. Don't be so ignorant or naive.

My suggestion was no more ridiculous than you simply suggesting that the pictures appear to have been taken by a female... not having seen the images myself, and having to rely on your rather vague assessment/assumption, would you care to elaborate?

Young men being photographed nude. Silly yes. Just as silly as when young girls allow their boyfriends or partners to do same. As the female victims are rarely criticised in those cases, and instead the males parties persecuted (quite rightly), will the opposite be true in this case (as it should be). I fear not and that is the point. Double standards.

I would suggest that those comments are way off the mark. I would argue that in the example you cite here, the male usually comes of as being a hero among his mates and the female as some sort of easy target. However, regardless of who instigates it, as was stated above, all parties are fools.

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However, it is NEVER the female's fault if she has been sexually assaulted. Ever. And it's because there are still people out there who feel that some blame should go onto the female, that there are so many sexual assault cases which go unreported. A female should never have to take the blame if a male has done something to which she did not agree, no matter how slutty she came across, or how much he thought she wanted it.

Some footballers, and some men for that matter, seem to think that if they got the green light at one point, than a female has no right to change her mind. That is no excuse, never has been an excuse and will never ever make it OK for a male to go against the wishes of a female in that situation.

Agree entirely. You are 100% right and that wasn't what i was saying. I never said anything about it being the female's fault if she was sexually assaulted. I used the term, sex scandal which the commercial papers and wider media openly apply to just about any situation that has some form of sexual connotation...if you mistook it that way then that was not my intention or point.

Turned it around? In what way? I merely suggested that your diatribe indicated that you may have some issues... I was not coming out in support of either male or female... you even admitted yourself you may have been a bit harsh:

No i said i painted it in a harsh manner...bluntly if you will.

My suggestion was no more ridiculous than you simply suggesting that the pictures appear to have been taken by a female... not having seen the images myself, and having to rely on your rather vague assessment/assumption, would you care to elaborate?

Sexually explicit and suggestive poses........I'm sure your imagination can fill in the rest.

I would suggest that those comments are way off the mark. I would argue that in the example you cite here, the male usually comes of as being a hero among his mates and the female as some sort of easy target.

How? I said the males in those cases should be rightly criticised. But shouldn't the same be true of the females who do the same thing? What if Lara took one of Fev? Would she be attacked in the same manner as him for that incident? I don't know how i can make that point any clearer for you???

However, regardless of who instigates it, as was stated above, all parties are fools.

Yep. For sure. But are ALL parties always painted as fools? Or just some?

And what message does that send to young impressionable females? That it is ok to go after these players in a predatory manner because if anything comes out it will ALWAYS be their fault...

Edited by Grandson of a gun
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How? I said the males in those cases should be rightly criticised. But shouldn't the same be true of the females who do the same thing? What if Lara took one of Fev? Would she be attacked in the same manner as him for that incident? I don't know how i can make that point any clearer for you???

This will be my last comment, but.... you actually said the males ARE criticised (not SHOULD be):

Just as silly as when young girls allow their boyfriends or partners to do same. As the female victims are rarely criticised in those cases, and instead the males parties persecuted (quite rightly)...

I made the point that the opposite is true... that the males are lionised by their mates and the females regarded as an easy target.

My question asking you to elaborate on the photos was not about the poses etc... it was asking you to elaborate to the point of explaining how it was apparent that they had been taken by a female as opposed to a male.

Yep. For sure. But are ALL parties always painted as fools? Or just some?

And what message does that send to young impressionable females? That it is ok to go after these players in a predatory manner because if anything comes out it will ALWAYS be their fault...

Celebrity will always attract undue attention and often unfair criticism... so in that respect you are probably right, which is why they should never ever allow themselves to be put into a compromising situation.

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I made the point that the opposite is true... that the males are lionised by their mates and the females regarded as an easy target.

No you misunderstood, yes there may be some stupid idolization by their mates but when found out by the community they are rightly chastised.

My question asking you to elaborate on the photos was not about the poses etc... it was asking you to elaborate to the point of explaining how it was apparent that they had been taken by a female as opposed to a male.

My reply did answer that.

Celebrity will always attract undue attention and often unfair criticism... so in that respect you are probably right, which is why they should never ever allow themselves to be put into a compromising situation.

Yep. And I guess I'm just arguing against the 'norm'.

[censored] I'm beginning to sound like a lawyer.... now that is a group I do have issues with!

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I reckon the cop will have a field day with this one. She is comming of as a right #$%#

Does she have any credibility left after this?

She sounds like a very very screwed up girl who probably needs some parental intervention... or a good slap to the face.

Clearly she's seeking attention and using sex to get it. Very sad.

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Completely, 100% different situation.

how do we know?

sexual assault is still sexual assault. and everyone is innocent until proven guilty. including lovett. they may all well be 100% innocent and infact victims. we, the general public, have no idea.

im more making the point that the saints treated lovett badly...although it probably cost them a flag in the end...

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However, it is NEVER the female's fault if she has been sexually assaulted. Ever. And it's because there are still people out there who feel that some blame should go onto the female, that there are so many sexual assault cases which go unreported. A female should never have to take the blame if a male has done something to which she did not agree, no matter how slutty she came across, or how much he thought she wanted it.

Some footballers, and some men for that matter, seem to think that if they got the green light at one point, than a female has no right to change her mind. That is no excuse, never has been an excuse and will never ever make it OK for a male to go against the wishes of a female in that situation.

I agree to this entire statement, however I'm uncertain how it applies to this particular situation. This girl is a sexual predator. She stalked these poor dumb bastards, initiated contact, lied about her age, shagged them and then tried to make money out of the situation. When that failed she tried to make money off naked photos of their teammates.

Yes, the players were idiots for allowing themselves to be put in this situation, but don't think the girl is a victim. What she is is a disgrace to the species.

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how do we know?

sexual assault is still sexual assault. and everyone is innocent until proven guilty. including lovett. they may all well be 100% innocent and infact victims. we, the general public, have no idea.

im more making the point that the saints treated lovett badly...although it probably cost them a flag in the end...

Still don't see how the two situations are connected...aside from the club and the sexual nature of the controversy.

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So with the much publicised news of the three St Kilda players and the nude photos, where will the blame and chastisement be laid?

Will those who are always so quick to criticise footballers for their actions this time condemn the FEMALE taker of the photos in the same manner?  Sadly i fear not.  

The footballers will be blamed for putting themselves in that position and they should have known better etc etc.

It's the footballers who are always the predators and to blame, never would a female act in a predatory and deliberately misleading way........

It is clear that the photos were taken either in confidence in a private setting or they were taken without the footballers consent.  Let's see the feminists and lead protagonists such as Robyn Riley, the Herald Sun and the centre for respect of women or whoever they are, actually come out and go after this female predator.  After all, the manner in which she has been conducting herself, does nothing for the image of young women around footballers either......

Just looking for some equality in the community and for the AFL players who already have to be careful of where they go, who they associate with and who i'm sure have to deal with predatory females on a constant basis, to be seen as not always to blame in these circumstances...


I assume you're comparing this with the Fevola/Bingle thing?

Big difference.

Bingle didn't want the photo taken, let alone released to the public. You can see in that picture she is taken by surprise and trying to cover up. Fevola took the photo, Fevola spread it.

The Saints players are posing for the shots in all their homoerotic glory and stark nekkid. The girl that released them didn't take them, and I'd guess the one with 2 of the players in it was taken by another player. So then you gotta wonder how it got out.

There's no doubt this chick is a trouble maker, I doubt anyone is on her side for what she's doing and rightly so.

But the players are still idiots and have themselves and history to blame.

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