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do it 4 robbie

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if he admits he "was trying to push on a pressure point behind the ear with his thumb" should the tribunal not charge him with misconduct (eye gouging or unnessecary unreasonable contact to the face) (which is a specific offence in the 2009 tribunal dbooklet), citing contact to the head, intentional and low impact as the level of offense?

6 activation points, 325 demerit points or 3 weeks provided no prior tribunal record.

a) this shows that judd should go because there is a specific offence relating to what he did (unreasonable and unnessecary contact to the face)

B) this shows the tribunal system is a farce, that someone can technically get 3 weeks just for touching someone regardless of impact etc

Interesting, Deanox. Very interesting. Still think nothing will happen, though. Rischitelli will probably say nothing happened to clear him.

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Let me start by saying that Judd is one of the best footballers I have seen. He would also be generally accepted as a ball player. However the anger on this site directed towards him I believe comes from his turning his back on the Dees and taking the bucks offered by my most hated team, clearly not because he is a "dirty player".

Obviously Dees fans have long memories, though I suppose it wasn't actually that long ago that he shunned us.

He has been accused on this thread of being an eye gouger, a pressure point manipulator, a liar, a mercenary, a participant in salary cap rorting etc.

Do you think that we should all just wait for a few hours to see what the Match Review Panel do and given all of the publicity, one would think they will do something.

Then maybe we should all draw breath and accept the fact that he is a great player and that he has the right to take the best offer and secure his future just like every other sportsman or employee.

PS. I was also extremely disappointed he chose them over us, but I believe that the side effects of that decision will ultimately work in our favour. We did not lose any high draft picks or top players getting him. IMO that will work in our favour. Also if he played for us this year and last would we be looking at 1 & 2 this next draft day?

no youre wrong. my anger comes from a seeing a dog eye gouge another bloke while he is on the ground, the match before the 04 GF big tough J Brown runs in to the melee , grabs someone in a head lock from behind, then flips them to the ground and lands his 100 kilo frame on top . could of done serious damage to the blokes neck. got off on `cant be rough play because play had stopped tecnicallity [censored]`, AFL never had the balls to overturn the decision. if you want to take someone out hit them with a fair bump or hard tackle. both are not worthy of rolemodels

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Judd given 2 weeks for "making unnecessary and unreasonable contact to Rischitelli's face". If he fights it - he risks 3 weeks.

Fair enough I say, wasnt "eye gouging" - but shouldnt & didnt need to have his fingers in the players face like that.

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no youre wrong. my anger comes from a seeing a dog eye gouge another bloke while he is on the ground, the match before the 04 GF big tough J Brown runs in to the melee , grabs someone in a head lock from behind, then flips them to the ground and lands his 100 kilo frame on top . could of done serious damage to the blokes neck. got off on `cant be rough play because play had stopped tecnicallity [censored]`, AFL never had the balls to overturn the decision. if you want to take someone out hit them with a fair bump or hard tackle. both are not worthy of rolemodels

Must dissagree with you there, would have J. Brown in a MFC jumper in a blink of an eye if it was possible. I would be more than happy to have my children have J.Brown as a rolemodel - yes, he may have done some things he shouldnt have done - but, havnt we all???

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It's now what he did, but how he did it.

He is a self-serving, manipulative ass who wasted the time of 3 clubs in an effort to bump up his own price. The way he conducted himself is a disgrace, and what he did on the field on Saturday is also a disgrace.

The subsequent decision of the MRP is unlikely to be reflective of his actions on the field. It hardly ever is in most cases.

He is a bloody good player, one of the best, but his reputation has really been tarnished since moving to Victoria IMO. He could have ended his career as the next Hird. Instead he'll probably end up being seen in the same light as Buckley. Both champs, but one was hated and one was loved.

And if he had chosen Melbourne, would he still be a manipulative ass, a disgrace and hated?

PS. The subsequent decision of the MRP "is" reflective of his actions if the 2 weeks suspension quoted is correct.

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He has been accused on this thread of being an eye gouger, a pressure point manipulator, a liar, a mercenary, a participant in salary cap rorting etc.

Accused? He's come clean on applying his thumb to apply to a pressure point behind the ear...........Judd spoke of this - as his intention. It's fact. There is no accusing him of doing it.

Edited by High Tower
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Accused? He's come clean on applying his thumb to apply to a pressure point behind the ear...........Judd spoke of this - as his intention. It's fact. There is no accusing him of doing it.

There is nothing inconsistent there. You can accuse somebody of something among a number of accusations and they can admit to one or more of them. To then say they were accused is still correct even if they have admitted it.

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AFL site says he has got 2 weeks with early plea. And is eligible for both this year and next Brownlow.

What a turkey with his story about pressure points. I thought he was smart but you have to wonder.

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And if he had chosen Melbourne, would he still be a manipulative ass, a disgrace and hated?

It is irrelevant who he chose, what is relevant is that he wasted our time and that of Essendon and Collingwood when in reality he had already made a deal with Carlton months before, for a deal that is hardly legal. What he did was as self absorbed and as arrogant as it gets. He made himself bigger than four other clubs, which he isn't. While he didn't want to screw over his old club, he was quite happy to screw around three other clubs, knowing full well that his future belonged to those who could give him the biggest pay packet. To then have the audacity to come out and say he chose Carlton because of a young exciting list and facilities, is an even bigger joke, when both Collingwood and Essendon were as well, if not better placed than Carlton. He has been caught lying before, and is now a two-time eye gouger as well.

In hindsight I'm glad we didn't get him. It means we would have missed out on Morton, and probably Watts and Scully as well, since we would have struggled to finish bottom with less than 4 wins with Judd in the team. Plus, the pleasure I'm going to get when we beat Carlton in finals now will be infinitely better.

As they say, karma is a [censored] and what goes around comes around. I firmly believe that those who put themselves ahead of all others, and those who chase money in pursuit of happiness suffer in the end. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

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It is irrelevant who he chose, what is relevant is that he wasted our time and that of Essendon and Collingwood when in reality he had already made a deal with Carlton months before, for a deal that is hardly legal. What he did was as self absorbed and as arrogant as it gets. He made himself bigger than four other clubs, which he isn't. While he didn't want to screw over his old club, he was quite happy to screw around three other clubs, knowing full well that his future belonged to those who could give him the biggest pay packet. To then have the audacity to come out and say he chose Carlton because of a young exciting list and facilities, is an even bigger joke, when both Collingwood and Essendon were as well, if not better placed than Carlton. He has been caught lying before, and is now a two-time eye gouger as well.

In hindsight I'm glad we didn't get him. It means we would have missed out on Morton, and probably Watts and Scully as well, since we would have struggled to finish bottom with less than 4 wins with Judd in the team. Plus, the pleasure I'm going to get when we beat Carlton in finals now will be infinitely better.

As they say, karma is a [censored] and what goes around comes around. I firmly believe that those who put themselves ahead of all others, and those who chase money in pursuit of happiness suffer in the end. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Totally, totally agree - could not have it said better myself.

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He has been accused on this thread of being an eye gouger, a pressure point manipulator, a liar, a mercenary, a participant in salary cap rorting etc.

I haven't accused him Redleg but I will as he is clearly all those things

First "eye gouger", Campbell Brown admitted it happened and that he lied to get Judd off. GUILTY

"pressure point manipulator", Judds own admission. GUILTY

"liar", he's human isn't he? GUILTY

"mercenary" he plays for carlton. GUILTY

"participant in salary cap rorting", please explain to me how his "visy environmental ambassadorship" is anything other than blatant salary cap rorting. GUILTY

You're missing the point Redleg. If he chose us he'd be our eye gouging, pressure point manipulating, mercanary liar and we'd love him and defend him. But he didn't, he chose carlton, so we rightly revile and despise him. :D

Oh and he wouldn't be rorting the salary cap with us because we don't have the money or the corporate criminals running our club

Edited by furious d
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A low act. There's no possible way it can be justified or explained away or turned a blind eye to, no matter how great a player he is. I'd be absolutely disgusted in any Dees player who indulged in this sort of garbage, and in a club with any backbone I'd expect there to be a club-based sanction on some level (a la Colin Sylvia).

In this case, it seems that the character of the player is a perfect fit for the character of the club.

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It is irrelevant who he chose, what is relevant is that he wasted our time and that of Essendon and Collingwood when in reality he had already made a deal with Carlton months before, for a deal that is hardly legal. What he did was as self absorbed and as arrogant as it gets. He made himself bigger than four other clubs, which he isn't.

If he was indeed 'bigger than the Clubs' then it wasn't he that made that so, but the Clubs themselves.

Anyway, if he was already a dead certainty to go to Carlton it's disappointing he wasted our time.

However, I don't hold it against him for simply choosing another Club over Melbourne.

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However, I don't hold it against him for simply choosing another Club over Melbourne.

Neither do I, which is why I've mentioned his [censored] spin about facilities and success. Fair enough we have poor facilities and were at the start of our rebuilding phase, but Carlton were not in better position to Collingwood and Essendon (and their new facilities at Princess Park will be finished at around the same time as we move to the Bubbledome).

Clubs were always going to fall over themselves to secure his services, he knew that, and he purposely and manipulatively "shopped" himself around (at rich clubs like Essendon and Collingwood no less) to try and perhaps extract more money out of Carlton, who had already secured his services. He was never going to go to any club based on success, facilities or sentiments. He was following the money, pure and simple.

If he was at least honest about it, we would have said he has the right to do what his best for him, but that he tried to put a spin on it in an effort to leave himself squeaky clean, is just pathetic. Kind of like the "pressure point" defence. Nobody buys it and you just end up looking like a bigger dick and a liar.

If there is any justice in this world, neither him nor Carlton will win a premiership anytime soon.

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Must dissagree with you there, would have J. Brown in a MFC jumper in a blink of an eye if it was possible. I would be more than happy to have my children have J.Brown as a rolemodel - yes, he may have done some things he shouldnt have done - but, havnt we all???

yes we have all done stupid things, mostly when we are younger, at some stage we grow up, Judd is a repeat offender, of a low low act. J Brown`s attacking the bloke from behind is also low. he had the option to run in and pull blokes away. if your life is in danger do what ever is necessary to win but this is a game of football FFS.

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He was following the money, pure and simple.

From what I caught of the half time interview with Juddy, he seemed to admit this - said something like "wasn't thinking about playing finals when he decided to go to Carlton"?!?!?!

If he wasn't thinking of playing finals then it must just have been the facilities - I hear VISY put on a great morning tea for their ambassadors!

2 weeks. please let us play carlton round 1

Would be nice. What are the odds of a Lions-Blues rematch in round 3?

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I thought he was smart but you have to wonder.

I've always thought Judd's "intelligence" was a myth. Have you heard the bloke speak? & what about that weird new-age stuff that he used to write for the Sunday Age? Think the pressure point story says it all.

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Obviously Judd has succombed to the Fevola virus and turned into a feral d!ckhead too. Thats the only explanation as to why an otherwise talented player turns to filthy tactics.

No longer Judd the Stud.....hes now the Dudd Crud !!

He got off lightly for mine...disgusting...both the act itself...and the disengenous attempt to explain it away. <_<

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Previous Judd form....little known. While at Caulfield Grammar,playing v. St Kevins, Judd deliberately stomped on that Demon Irish rookie, Murphy's abdomen, and twisted his stops around.(so Murphy told me at a sponsors' night, before Judd was drafted.)

When I hear news reports of thugs kicking heads and ribs of victims already on the ground, I wonder about the mentality of the perpetrators. What sort of person does that?

But broken ribs and bumped heads get better in time. Eyes are incredibly delicate organs. The consequences of damage are permanent and debilitating.Is Judd too thick to know that? I don't think so. He just has that vicious streak that normal people can't understand.

2 weeks is ludicrously lenient for such a heinous crime.

Yes, I wanted him at Melbourne. I wish he played for us. I'd be deeply ashamed of him if he did that while playing for our Club.

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