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U18 Champs Leader Board


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Ok I clearly have too much time on my hands.. but i thought some of you might find this interesting! You get an idea of some of the player's progress that have 'gone under the radar' so far but have been performing each week!

Here are the totals for each team from the match reports from the NAB Under 18 Championships

Note: I have only outlined multiple goal & best on ground winners



Queensland: Fowler 3, Hutchinson 2, Manzone 2, Dixon, Jamieson, Thompson

Queensland: Fowler 2, Bevan, Dixon, Lock, Magin, Manzone, Rees

Queensland: Joseph Daye 2, Jack Stanlake, Lewis Moss, Grayson McIvor, Gerard Moore, Cheyne Hutchinson

Queensland: Fowler 2, Thompson 2, McIvor, Thomas, Daye

Queensland: Pirika 3, Hutchinson 2, Fowler, Magin Milani

Fowler 8

Hutchinson 5

Thompson 3

Manzone 3

Daye 3

Pirika 3

Dixon 2

McIvor 2

Magin 2


Queensland: Harley, Hutchinson, Spring, Thomas, Thompson, Jamieson

Queensland: Thomas, Ramage, Magin, Lock, Grayson, Thomson, Smith

Queensland: Brad Rees, Damien Steven, Grayson McIvor, Troy Jamieson, Josh Milani

Queensland: Lock, Daye, Harley, Grayson, Fowler, Smith

Queensland: Fowler, Manzone, Pirika, Lock, Magin, Holland

Grayson 3

Lock 3

Fowler 2

Thomson 2

Thomas 2

Jamieson 2

Smith 2

Magin 2



NSW/ACT: Emery 3, Sargeant 3, McNeil 2, Sergrave 2, Camilleri, Duncan, Johns, Miles

NSW/ACT: Miles 3, Emery, Sargeant, Segrave, Tutt, Williams

NSW/ACT: Keiran Emery 4, Chaz Sargeant 2, Dylan McNeil 2, Ryan Bottin-Noonan, Kaine Stevens, Jason Tutt, Liam Johnson

NSW/ACT: Stubbs 2, Johnston, McNeil, Sargeant

NSW/ACT: McNeil 4, Emery 2, Stubbs 2, Duncan, Hancock, Langford, Sargeant, Tutt

Emery 10

McNeil 9

Sargeant 8

Miles 4

Stubbs 4

Sergrave 3

Tutt 3

Duncan 2


NSW/ACT: Williams, McNeill, Sargeant, Tutt, Lawton, Johns

NSW/ACT: Williams, Tutt, Johnson, Miles

NSW/ACT: Liam Johnson, Jordan Williams, Will Langford, Thomas Young, Dylan McNeil, Chaz Sargeant

NSW/ACT: Tutt, Duncan, McNeil, Stubbs

NSW/ACT: McNeil, Young, Stubbs, Kirkwood, Tutt, Lawton, Williams

Williams 4

Tutt 4

McNeill 4

Johnson 2

Sargeant 2

Young 2

Stubbs 2

Lawton 2



Tasmania: Archer 3, Boon 2, Crichton 2, Milne 2, Russell 2, Mott, Ponsonby, Symmons

Tasmania: Luke Russell 3, Rhys Mott, Joshua Green, Jeremy Howe, Joseph Groenewegen, Chris Taylor, Daniel Archer, Clay Hardy

Tasmania: Ryan Harwood 3, Rhys Mott 2, Luke Russell 2, Josh Green 2, Jeremy Howe 2, Daniel Archer 2, Sam Rundle, Tom Balcombe, Cameron Milne

Tasmania: Howe, Archer, Green

Tasmania: Archer, Boon, Green, Groenewegen, Mott, Rundle

Archer 8

Russell 7

Mott 5

Green 5

Howe 4

Milne 3

Harwood 3

Boon 3

Crichton 2

Groenewegen 2

Rundle 2


Tasmania: Russell, Crichton, Harwood, Archer, Milne, Boon

Tasmania: Luke Russell, Ryan Harwood, Cameron Milne, Joshua Green, Sam Rundle, Clay Hardy, Marcus Davies

Tasmania: Ryan Harwood, Cameron Milne, Marcus Davies, Jesse Crichton, Josh Green, Daniel Archer

Tasmania: Crichton, Green, Harwood, Milne, Gelston, Barrett

Tasmania: Green, Davies, Milne, Rundle, Crichton, Mott

Milne 5

Harwood 4

Crichton 4

Davies 3

Green 3

Russel 2

Archer 2

Rundle 2



Northern Territory: May 3, T. Taylor 3, Ahmat-Watkins 2, Ah Chee, Cox, Jones, Lawler, Smith, Staunton, Wilson

Northern Territory: Dion Gordon 2, Dean Staunton, Jerry Wilson, Paul Cox, Scott Taylor

Northern Territory: Troy Taylor 3, Robert Hale 2, Curtly Reid 2, Roland Ah Chee 2, Steven May, Tim Kelly

Northern Territory: May, Staunton, T. Taylor, Reid, Ah Chee

Northern Territory: May 3, S. Taylor, Ah Chee, McAdam, Staunton, Heenan, Lawler

May 8

T. Taylor 7

Ah Chee 5

Staunton 4

Reid 3

S. Taylor 2

Lawler 2

Ahmat-Watkins 2

Gordon 2

Hale 2


Northern Territory: Ah Chee, M. Taylor, May, S. Taylor, Johnson, Liddle

NT: James Wray, Dean Staunton, Scott Taylor, Cameron Jones, Pierce Liddle, Lindsay Lawler

Northern Territory: Roland Ah Chee, Troy Taylor, Charlie McAdam, James Wray, Curtly Reid

Northern Territory: Gordon, S. Taylor, Heenan, McAdam, Ah Chee, Baxter

Northern Territory: Ah Chee, S. Taylor, Gordon, May, McAdam, Baxter

S. Taylor 4

Ah Chee 4

McAdam 3

May 2

Gordon 2

Liddle 2

Baxter 2



WA: Matera 4, Darling 4, Duncan 2, Houghton 2, Lucas 2, Morabito 2, Collica, Foster, Garlett

Western Australia: Joel Houghton 4, Mitch Duncan 3, Matt Fyfe 3, Travis Colyer, Brandon Matera, David Swallow, Anthony Collica, Mark Hutchings, Nicholas Winmar

Western Australia: Matera 4, Fyfe 4, Collica 3, Darling 2, Lucas 2, Luff, Neates, Winmar, Houghton, Duncan, Weedon

Western Australia: Darling 5, Matera 5, Hayward 2, Lucas 2, Cripps, Duncan, Swallow, Elari, Mason, Fyfe, Neates, Houghton, Winmar

Western Australia: Darling 3, Colyer 2, Morabito 2, Neates 2, Matera 2, Duncan, Hutchings, Cripps, Winmar, Fyfe

Matera 16

Darling 14

Fyfe 9

Houghton 8

Duncan 8

Lucas 6

Collica 5

Winmar 4

Morabito 4

Neates 4

Colyer 3

Hayward 2

Swallow 2

Hutchings 2

Cripps 2


WA: Swallow, Matera, Morabito, Darling, Lucas, Collica

WA: Mitch Duncan, Mark Hutchings, David Swallow, Chris Luff, Jamie Cripps

Western Australia: Wilson, Morabito, Swallow, Winmar, Darling, Donaldson

Western Australia: Matera, Lucas, Darling, Duncan, Swallow, Sheppard

Western Australia: Colyer, Swallow, Lucas, Morabito, Darling

Swallow 5

Darling 4

Lucas 3

Morabito 3

Matera 2

Duncan 2



SA: Panos 3, Giddings 2, Lycett 2, Tapscott 2, Carey, Silverlock, Sumner

South Australia: Scott-Collings 2, Silverlock 2, Trengove 2, Craig, Giddings, Hannath, Milera, Panos, Solly

South Australia: Panos 4, Trengove, Silverlock 3, Carey, Solly 2, Wilson, Tapscott

SA: Panos 5, Silverlock 3, Tapscott 3, Craig, Giddings, Goldsworthy, Jolly, Lycett, Scott-Collings, Wilson

South Australia: Tapscott 3, Jolly 2, Silverlock 2, Evans, Panos, Pitt

Panos 14

Silverlock 11

Tapscott 9

Giddings 4

Trengove 3

Solly 3

Lycett 3

Scott-Collings 3

Jolly 3

Carey 2

Craig 2

Wilson 2


SA: Trengove, Carey, Jolly, Panos, Wanganeen

South Australia: Carey, Keller, Potts, Evans, Trengove, Panos, Menzel, Tapscott, Jolly

South Australia: Trengove, Wanganeen, Jolly, Silverlock, Panos, Carey, Potts, Menzel

SA: Tapscott, Trengove, Panos, Jolly, Silverlock, Goldsworthy, Carey, Craig

South Australia: Jolly, Carey, Tapscott, Sumner, Trengove, Potts, Silverlock

Trengove 5

Carey 5

Jolly 5

Panos 4

Tapscott 3

Silverlock 3

Potts 3

Wanganeen 2

Menzel 2



Vic Country: Butcher 3, Cunnington 3, Keath 2, Lehman 2, Christensen, Martin, Page, Priest

Vic Country: David Astbury, Gary Rohan, John Butcher 2, Farran Priest, Jasper McMillan-Pittard, Russell Lehman, Brad Mangan, Dustin Martin, Nathan Vardy

Vic Country: Hooper 3, Cunnington, Astbury, Cowan, Mackenzie

Vic Country: Astbury 2, Hooper 2, Butcher 2, Christensen 2, McMillan-Pittard, Rohan, Martin, Cunningham, Garbowski

Vic Country: Butcher 2, Martin, Cunnington, Ko. Stevens, Bastinac, Rohan, Peters, Vardy

Butcher 9

Cunnington 6

Astbury 5

Hooper 5

Martin 4

Rohan 4

Lehman 3

Christensen 3

Vardy 2

Keath 2

McMillan-Pittard 2

Priest 2


Vic Country: Hooper, Martin, Ko.Stevens, Cunnington, Christensen, Butcher, Vardy

Vic Country: Koby Stevens, Andrew Hooper, John Butcher, Ryan Bastinac, Dustin Martin, David Astbury

Vic Country: Cunnington, Astbury, Hooper, Rohan, Peters

Vic Country: Christensen, Hooper, Butcher, Cunningham, Astbury, Bastinac

Vic Country: Martin, Cunnington, Rohan, Ko. Stevens, Bastinac

Hooper 4

Cunnington 4

Butcher 3

Stevens 3

Martin 3

Bastinac 3

Astbury 3

Rohan 2

Christensen 2



Vic Metro: Carlisle 2, Fitzpatrick 2, Hoegel 2, Moore 2, Hicks, McKenzie, Scott

Vic Metro: Griffiths 5, Gaff 3, Gysberts 3, Hicks 3, Moore 3, Hoegel 2, Ezard, Hartigan, Jacobs, Scott, Scully

Vic Metro: Hicks 4, Gysberts 2, Hoegel 2, Carlisle, Scully

Vic Metro: Moore, Hicks, Toy, Kennedy, Jones, Hoegel, Purcell, Ezard

Vic Metro: Carlisle 4, Fitzpatrick, Gaff, Hoegel, Moore, Scully

Hicks 9

Hoegel 8

Moore 7

Carlisle 7

Griffiths 5

Gysberts 5

Gaff 4

Scully 3

Fitzpatrick 3

Scott 2

Ezard 2


Vic Metro: Scully, Toy, Gaff, Shaw, Hoegel, Melksham

Vic Metro: Hoegel, Toy, Purcell, Gaff, Jacobs, MacMillan, Griffiths, Gysberts, Fitzpatrick

Vic Metro: Scully, Toy, Talia, Gaff, Hicks

Vic Metro: Scully, Toy, Hoegel, Melksham, Talia, Jacobs

Vic Metro: Scully, Jacobs, Talia, Carlisle, Gaff, Toy

Toy 5

Scully 4

Gaff 4

Hoegel 3

Jacobs 3

Talia 3

Melksham 2

Leader Board


Matera (WA) 16

Panos (SA) 14

Darling (WA) 14

Silverlock (SA) 11

Emery (NSW/ACT) 10

Butcher (Vic Country) 9

Tapscott (SA) 9

Fyfe (WA) 9

Hicks (Vic Metro) 9

McNeil (NSW/ACT) 9

Fowler (Qld) 8

Sargeant (NSW/ACT) 8

Houghton (WA) 8

May (NT) 8

Hoegel (Vic Metro) 8

Duncan (WA) 8

Archer (Tas) 8

T. Taylor (NT) 7

Russell (Tas) 7

Moore (Vic Metro) 7

Carlisle (Vic Metro) 7


Trengove (SA) 5

Swallow (WA) 5

Toy (Vic Metro) 5

Carey (SA) 5

Jolly (SA) 5

Milne (Tas) 5

Scully (Vic Metro) 4

Panos (SA) 4

Hooper (Vic Country) 4

Harwood (Tas) 4

Gaff (Vic Metro) 4

Cunnington (Vic Country) 4

S. Taylor (NT) 4

Ah Chee (NT) 4

Darling (WA) 4

Crichton (Tas) 4

Williams (NSW/ACT) 4

Tutt (NSW/ACT) 4

McNeill (NSW/ACT) 4

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I saw the Vic country v metro game and players that really caught my eye were Toy, Scully, Kobe Stevens and Gary Rohan.

- Toy: will be a very very very good footballer...at the gold coast. i wish he was eligible this year. would take him ahead of butcher in a heartbeat

- Scully: enough has been said about him. natural footballer

- Gary Rohan: his ranga hair certainly caught my eye! not much has been said about him, but i loved the way he attacked the contest, presented, disposal was fine - ticked all of my boxes

- Kobe Stevens: I think he is a pretty safe bet to be at least a good footballer.

I didn't have the list of player numbers on the day, so there were others i liked/didn't like but i just don't know who they were

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Crikey. Good work cooko.

haha thanks mate!

- Gary Rohan: his ranga hair certainly caught my eye! not much has been said about him, but i loved the way he attacked the contest, presented, disposal was fine - ticked all of my boxes

sounds like he would fit perfectly in our team considering we are collecting rangas! (Bate, Cheney)

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- Gary Rohan: his ranga hair certainly caught my eye! not much has been said about him, but i loved the way he attacked the contest, presented, disposal was fine - ticked all of my boxes

Just to look at him, he doesnt look like a footballer but the guy is a gun. The two things that stand out about him are his tackling, and his ability to keep his feet. He is a very strong player and some of the individual efforts I have seen from him this year have been very impressive.

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If i had to call it now with the little amount of info I have on all players I would say; Scully, Trengrove.

Yeah i agree JA. At first i was on the Butcher wagon, but i have jumped ship and im now on the Trengrove wagon. A goal kicking midfielder

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Guest Rojik of the Arctic
DAM!! just has a skim through...not eligible for this year. We will get him next year when we finish 16th.


Gold Coast can develop him and when he wants to come home he can play for us in a premiership team. :)

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Here is an idea on who is eligible for the 2009 DRAFT from cooko's leaderboard so far at the halfway mark of the U/18 Champs - I can't yet confirm for Jolly (SA) or Gaff (Vic Metro) whether they are eligible for this years DRAFT. Anyone else ?

Leader Board - how many times mentioned in best....


Swallow (WA) 3 - eligible 2010 DRAFT

Trengove (SA) 3 - eligible 2009 DRAFT

Carey (SA) 3 - eligible 2009 DRAFT

Jolly (SA) 3 - eligible for the Gold Coast to select; otherwise to the 2010 Draft

Panos (SA) 3 - eligible 2009 DRAFT

Hooper (Vic Country) 3 - eligible 2009 DRAFT

Toy (Vic Metro) 3 - eligible for the Gold Coast to select; otherwise eligible for 2010 Draft

Gaff (Vic Metro) 3 - eligible 2010 DRAFT

Scully (Vic Metro) 2 - eligible 2009 DRAFT

Butcher (Vic Country) 2 - eligible 2009 DRAFT

Morabito (WA) 2 - eligible 2009 DRAFT

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Trengove is the best SA kid from everything I have heard and read, by a mile. If (probably not if but when) Port finish in the bottom five they would love to get him, but if he has another cracking two months, he might be heading to Melbourne or Perth. But all things considered, it's most likely that he will go to the SA team that has the highest pick, so will probably go top-6 or top-8 to Port. Meh, just my thoughts.

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Here is an idea on who is eligible for the 2009 DRAFT from cooko's leaderboard so far at the halfway mark of the U/18 Champs - I can't yet confirm for Jolly (SA) or Gaff (Vic Metro) whether they are eligible for this years DRAFT. Anyone else ?

Leader Board - how many times mentioned in best....


Swallow (WA) 3 - eligible 2009 DRAFT

Trengove (SA) 3 - eligible 2009 DRAFT

Carey (SA) 3 - eligible 2009 DRAFT

Jolly (SA) 3 -?

Panos (SA) 3 - eligible 2009 DRAFT

Hooper (Vic Country) 3 - eligible 2009 DRAFT

Toy (Vic Metro) 3 - eligible for the Gold Coast to select; otherwise eligible for 2010 Draft

Gaff (Vic Metro) 3 - ?

Scully (Vic Metro) 2 - eligible 2009 DRAFT

Butcher (Vic Country) 2 - eligible 2009 DRAFT

Morabito (WA) 2 - eligible 2009 DRAFT

Swallow is not eligible for the 2009 draft.

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Trengove is the best SA kid from everything I have heard and read, by a mile. If (probably not if but when) Port finish in the bottom five they would love to get him, but if he has another cracking two months, he might be heading to Melbourne or Perth. But all things considered, it's most likely that he will go to the SA team that has the highest pick, so will probably go top-6 or top-8 to Port. Meh, just my thoughts.

He is the talk of the time down here, well not quite but I have heard big raps on him. Will get more media attention the closer to draft time.

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Hooper will be an interesting one too. someone described him as looking like one of those stocky, rough country football who'd give you one in the guts behind play. Certainly doesn't look like a 17/18 from afar, and is a short guy, but really dominated the game i saw.

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Swallow is not eligible for the 2009 draft.

Cheers mate. Typo. Also now have the answers for Jolly & Gaff. I've added in Matera from WA and Ben Cunnington from Vic Country who is apparently ferocious around stoppages.

now edited: -

Here is an idea on who is eligible for the 2009 DRAFT from cooko's leaderboard so far at the halfway mark of the U/18 Champs - I can't yet confirm for Jolly (SA) or Gaff (Vic Metro) whether they are eligible for this years DRAFT. Anyone else ?

Leader Board - how many times mentioned in best....


Swallow (WA) 3 - eligible 2010 DRAFT

Trengove (SA) 3 - eligible 2009 DRAFT

Carey (SA) 3 - eligible 2009 DRAFT

Jolly (SA) 3 - eligible for Gold Coast to select; otherwise eligible for 2010 Draft if not picked up

Panos (SA) 3 - eligible 2009 DRAFT

Hooper (Vic Country) 3 - eligible 2009 DRAFT

Toy (Vic Metro) 3 - eligible for the Gold Coast to select; otherwise eligible for 2010 Draft if not picked up

Gaff (Vic Metro) 3 - eligible 2010 DRAFT

Scully (Vic Metro) 2 - eligible 2009 DRAFT

Butcher (Vic Country) 2 - eligible 2009 DRAFT

Morabito (WA) 2 - eligible 2009 DRAFT

Cunnington (Vic Country) 2 - eligible 2009 DRAFT

Another which has caught the eye: -

Brandon Matera (WA) 1 - eligible for Gold Coast to select; otherwise eligible for 2010 Draft if not picked up.

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Good raps on this Panos kid, If west tank eagles get pick 2 and pick up butcher, panos might come into consideration for pick 3 as he is a key forward.

if wce pick up butcher with pic 2 id defo go a midfielder with our next pic.

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Hooper will be an interesting one too. someone described him as looking like one of those stocky, rough country football who'd give you one in the guts behind play. Certainly doesn't look like a 17/18 from afar, and is a short guy, but really dominated the game i saw.

I heard he has really impressed a few recruiters so far this carnival. Given last year most would have thought because of his build he was no chance of being drafted.

I've seen him play a few times early this year and he turned over the ball over alot by foot on one of those occasions.

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Yeah i agree JA. At first i was on the Butcher wagon, but i have jumped ship and im now on the Trengrove wagon. A goal kicking midfielder

I'm starting to join the 2 Mids Bandwagon. After seeing the game evolving recently, & watching the other "New Teams" strutting their stuff on the big stages, I think we're further off, In the midfield, than I previously had thought.

The young Carlton team & Essendon, Bulldogs, are all going to be hard running teams with flair.

The Saints were lucky the other night & Carlton are young & still with a lot of improvement to come as their bodies mature.

We don't have the required Run, Speed & Mobility, in our on-ball brigade, & so IMO, we need to grab not only 2 elite mids with our first 2 picks (1&2/1&3/1&4), but 2 mids who have decent Run & Speed.

I don't know yet if Trengove is quick enough but he does sound a topline player, but we don't need more like Mclean & Jones. But rather we need to compliment those boys with some inside quick ball winners.

Scully sounds right, + we need another, (? Christensen?/Bastinac?/Stevens?/Lucas?/Morabito?/Martin?/..this is the way I now hope we go.

Butcher will be a good player, I'm sure, but we don't want to find ourselves in Richmonds '09 position in a couple of years where we have most of the parts in place, Yet we can't reach the elusive elite Mids from that dreaded 9th Place on the ladder.

The time is Now to top off Our Midfield on-ballers with the Class that we need, (that which Carlton allready possesses). We'll get a tall forward with our 2nd rounder, & another if we wish.

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I'm starting to join the 2 Mids Bandwagon. After seeing the game evolving recently, & watching the other "New Teams" strutting their stuff on the big stages, I think we're further off, In the midfield, than I previously had thought.

The young Carlton team & Essendon, Bulldogs, are all going to be hard running teams with flair.

The Saints were lucky the other night & Carlton are young & still with a lot of improvement to come as their bodies mature.

We don't have the required Run, Speed & Mobility, in our on-ball brigade, & so IMO, we need to grab not only 2 elite mids with our first 2 picks (1&2/1&3/1&4), but 2 mids who have decent Run & Speed.

I don't know yet if Trengove is quick enough but he does sound a topline player, but we don't need more like Mclean & Jones. But rather we need to compliment those boys with some inside quick ball winners.

Scully sounds right, + we need another, (? Christensen?/Bastinac?/Stevens?/Lucas?/Morabito?/Martin?/..this is the way I now hope we go.

Butcher will be a good player, I'm sure, but we don't want to find ourselves in Richmonds '09 position in a couple of years where we have most of the parts in place, Yet we can't reach the elusive elite Mids from that dreaded 9th Place on the ladder.

The time is Now to top off Our Midfield on-ballers with the Class that we need, (that which Carlton allready possesses). We'll get a tall forward with our 2nd rounder, & another if we wish.

I'm not convinced yet for 2 mids with first two picks - If pick 1&2 or 1&3. Although I see you're thinking and you may have swayed me a little.

However, I'm still keen on 1 mid/1 KPF. Riewoldt keeps reminding me of it.

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