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Robbo, Petterd OUT Jamar, Bell IN


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Bascically, except S. Johnson in 07' there hasn't been and IMO there isn't now, any player, from any team that still plays selfish footy, not for decades mabbe?


hahahaha are you serious? no afl player plays selfish football? lol

Also, Dean Bailey specifically claimed he DIDN'T drop Robbo cause of the STUPID (not selfish) incident, that BTW, not one Dees or any other media person has termed 'selfish'!

Read the Robbo thread if ya can, has all the for and against.

Robbos anything BUT selfish IMO.. but thats the good thing about opinions, there not right or wrong.. ;)

i realise DB claimed that. but what did he drop him for? taking the screamer? kicking the goals? being the most potent forward we've ad all year? DB didn't say why he dropped him because he wasn't hanging robbo out to dry. he had 5 marks, 9 disposals and kicked 2.3. he didnt have heaps of it, but his poor kicking for goal, and stuffing up that shot, while lying on the ground, as well as not centering to sylvia at another time, combined with lying on hands and knees instead of chasing, all add up to dropped for poor effort.

we'll never know the absolute reason why robbo was dropped, but i bet tanking has nothing to do with it, but you are right it is good that we can have opinions.

i just cant se why else he would have been dropped. do you have any ideas?

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hahahaha are you serious? no afl player plays selfish football? lol

i realise DB claimed that. but what did he drop him for? taking the screamer? kicking the goals? being the most potent forward we've ad all year? DB didn't say why he dropped him because he wasn't hanging robbo out to dry. he had 5 marks, 9 disposals and kicked 2.3. he didnt have heaps of it, but his poor kicking for goal, and stuffing up that shot, while lying on the ground, as well as not centering to sylvia at another time, combined with lying on hands and knees instead of chasing, all add up to dropped for poor effort.

we'll never know the absolute reason why robbo was dropped, but i bet tanking has nothing to do with it, but you are right it is good that we can have opinions.

i just cant se why else he would have been dropped. do you have any ideas?

Mabbe you had the answer in your statement all along. ..lying on his hands and knees instead of chasing.. -Mabbe its a fitness thing, that DB and the entourage mucked up.

Mabbe DB didn't wanna admit he brought him up from casey too early! He was kicking goals at casey, but was his fitness up whre it should have been?? ..and now he's back at casey to 'improve on some areas'..

I may have been [censored] an a little frustrated when i wrote my 1st post, but i just don't think DB is doing the best job. i think he is all for the 'lets win less than 4 games' scenario, a scenario that scares me and sh*ts me at the same time.

EDIT: oh yeah, how do we know that robbo even saw slyvia in the centre??

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Read the whole Robbo thread.. its interesting, ill give it that much.. Ive been unfortunately, fortunate enough (if u read the thread you'll understand,) to be in a position to see all AFL matches, Every round, for years..

Bascically, except S. Johnson in 07' there hasn't been and IMO there isn't now, any player, from any team that still plays selfish footy, not for decades mabbe?

Also, Dean Bailey specifically claimed he DIDN'T drop Robbo cause of the STUPID (not selfish) incident, that BTW, not one Dees or any other media person has termed 'selfish'!

Read the Robbo thread if ya can, has all the for and against.

Robbos anything BUT selfish IMO.. but thats the good thing about opinions, there not right or wrong.. ;)

What a load of bull-tish. Don't you remember the heat that Nick Dalsanto copped last year for being a selfish player? And how were the Saints going then? Surely you have heard of Stephen Milne too, Fev, Richo.....should I go on? There have been more than a few over the past decade.

Perhaps you didn't see all these players. Or is it, as I suspect from the quality of your posting, that it is because your head appears to be stuck up your arse?

The entire world knows why Robbo was dropped, and the message it sends to the rest of the team and the supporters. For our club it's a positive message.

What DB says to the press about the situation is simply to snuff out any inuendo. Why take the heat of the Tigers!

GO DEES - Bulding for the Future.

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yeah its another way of saying that word.. but you know, dont be too pedantic..

pedantic - theres another new word for ya to learn 45.. :unsure:

It's not another way of saying it, it is an incorrect way of spelling it.

You're the one who brought up their IQ of "126."

With that in mind, feel free to rewrite your sentences - don't, there's, you

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Im sick of my team being the f****** laughing stock of the competition- Im sick of the f****** lack of respect from the footy community in general -

Sorry Dan, but for the last couple of weeks, i've had people comment on my Dees jacket i wear around, talking about how close the Dees are to having a win, stating that we're playing good attacking football, and that as soon as there's some confidence, some experience and some skill improvements, the Dees will be winning quite a few games.

The time of the "hahahah, Melbourne suck" jokes are almost over.

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Go easy tiger, my IQs at 126 - the only time i drool is when Im spending time with your mother.. see, thats a proper insult.. mabbe you can learn from it.. I even wasn't going you, i was going DB.. so if you wanna start the insults..

haha easy up quoting the IQ scores mate -- i've been mesured at 154 and you'd never know by looking at my posts.

IQ tests aren't an infallible way of measuring intelligence and it says nothing about your football intelligence specifically.

Intelligence would also dictate that you'd know that sometimes you are wrong.

This is one of those times, I'm afraid.

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What a load of bull-tish. Don't you remember the heat that Nick Dalsanto copped last year for being a selfish player? And how were the Saints going then? Surely you have heard of Stephen Milne too, Fev, Richo.....should I go on? There have been more than a few over the past decade.

Perhaps you didn't see all these players. Or is it, as I suspect from the quality of your posting, that it is because your head appears to be stuck up your arse?

GO DEES - Bulding for the Future.

Milney, fair enough -thats 1 player, (there might be a couple that i can't recall) and again, it was nipped in the bud pretty quick.. the rest you mentioned, didn't hear about Dal Santo, Richo- that doesn't sound right.. and Fev, its his attitude thats the problem.

Why the insults? Can't you articulate what you're trying to say without them?

Seriously you're plankton mate. Post again when you learn how to spell pre-school words like "off" and "building." now tell me, wheres your head at [censored]?

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It's not another way of saying it, it is an incorrect way of spelling it.

You're the one who brought up their IQ of "126."

With that in mind, feel free to rewrite your sentences - don't, there's, you

I brought up my IQ cause some [censored] claimed I was 'drooling over my keyboard' implying stupidity, wouldn't you defend yourself?

'Mabbe' is like the slang way of saying 'maybe', i think that mabbe it started in the states. I think that mabbe your to stoopid to understand.. (oh, sorry.. stupid) <_<

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Milney, fair enough -thats 1 player, (there might be a couple that i can't recall) and again, it was nipped in the bud pretty quick.. the rest you mentioned, didn't hear about Dal Santo, Richo- that doesn't sound right.. and Fev, its his attitude thats the problem.

Why the insults? Can't you articulate what you're trying to say without them?

Seriously you're plankton mate. Post again when you learn how to spell pre-school words like "off" and "building." now tell me, wheres your head at [censored]?

Sorry for the typo. I will try to be more thorough in the future.

I don't need to insult people to help get my point across (I was being amusing), but, I will say, that from the quality of your posts, it seems you DO. Or is it that you can't articlulate and have to resort to insults (I am not sure). Either way I am happy to pick fight with you......just get back to me when your balls have dropped. (Now you might find this insulting but I bet the other posters reading this thread find it infinitely amusing). ;)

GO DEES (Sorry Demons. Sorry Melbourne Demons, Sorry Melbournefc Demons) Building (constructing) for the Future (not the past or present).

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Sorry Dan, but for the last couple of weeks, i've had people comment on my Dees jacket i wear around, talking about how close the Dees are to having a win, stating that we're playing good attacking football, and that as soon as there's some confidence, some experience and some skill improvements, the Dees will be winning quite a few games.

The time of the "hahahah, Melbourne suck" jokes are almost over.

Yeah but unfortunately it'll take more than a couple of weeks to shake! Glad to hear we're on the way tho!

Still if you ask the majority, esp having a 1 and 8 win/loss ratio, you'll prob get a response in the negetive.

Can't wait until we earn back the respect that every team deserves and that only 'our team' out of the 16, misses out on..

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EDIT: oh yeah, how do we know that robbo even saw slyvia in the centre??

Good question. He wouldn't. He never does see a player in a better position.

The number of people that have a habit of parading their apparent IQ are generally the worst advertisements for the integrity of the measure.

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DD, for a 6 week old poster you're sure throwing your weight around. That's not a newbies can't post comment either.

Passion is something us Dees fan in particular have in spades, nothing wrong with that.

Just don't let the green eyed monster take control. That's what Mondays are for .. :)

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I brought up my IQ cause some [censored] claimed I was 'drooling over my keyboard' implying stupidity, wouldn't you defend yourself?

'Mabbe' is like the slang way of saying 'maybe', i think that mabbe it started in the states. I think that mabbe your to stoopid to understand.. (oh, sorry.. stupid) <_<

I never implied stupidity..... Merely implied that I believe you drool a lot whilst typing your posts ;)

I do not need you to tell me your IQ.... It matters little to me.... The way you portray yourself on this forum has given me a more than adequate idea of the type of supporter you are.....

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heads up demondan... you''re losing the fight the way you're carrying on.

and to claim that richo and fev aren't/haven't been selfish is a joke.

Mate.. again to anyone interested.. BIG PICTURE.. LOOK AT IT..

Richo and Fev are in the same crappy position as Robbo. They've had no support in the forward-line, let alone the way the ball is delivered to them from upfield. It may be interpreted as some as selfish from the outside and its those people who don't watch the game properly and forget about the big picture.

Deanox, who in the last.. say.. 5 yrs, has even looked like kicking goals or a winning score for their team at carlton -besides fev? At Richomond - besides richo? (Even during last years new and improved, up the ground richo), or at the Dees, besides robbo? (pre injury) -You think Im losing the fight?

Mate, i laid in bed an watched games over and over. Robbo isn't even a KPP and he's still OUR Fev or Richo.. single-handedly held our forward-line together and the only one to kick a decent bag over the course of a season, for years, even when the mighty neita was there next to him.

Robbo, Fev, Richo -they HAD to kick the goals. How we're quick to forget that they did! Not selfish, necessity.. Big Picture peoples..

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Good question. He wouldn't. He never does see a player in a better position.

The number of people that have a habit of parading their apparent IQ are generally the worst advertisements for the integrity of the measure.

Sounds a bit biased to me, thats just a stupid comment.

Robbo has given so much to this club and to all of a sudden attack him now wile his down, well.....

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Go easy tiger, my IQs at 126 - the only time i drool is when Im spending time with your mother.. see, thats a proper insult.. mabbe you can learn from it.. I even wasn't going you, i was going DB.. so if you wanna start the insults..

Don't feel sorry for me mate worry about yourself and Yeah, Ive seen our team and every team, every game for the last 2 yrs and 11 months.. and pretty much the same before that as time allowed.

DB is nothing special, couldn't be already in such a short time in footy, this comment exemplifies how little YOU know about footy.

I have been a member here for a long time..... I have also seen blokes like you come and go..... I would be interested to know if you could give me the name of the cemetery you were spending time with my mother in????? Huh????

Just a word of advice..... Think before you type! And you gotta earn your stripes here mate , before you can go and make a fool of yourself <_<

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Good question. He wouldn't. He never does see a player in a better position.

The number of people that have a habit of parading their apparent IQ are generally the worst advertisements for the integrity of the measure.


Don't come in half way thru an arguement and get put in your place again rhino!!

Someone challenged my intelligence mate, wouldn't you defend yourself if someone challenged yours?

read the post one or two up from this one, was probably the 1st time that someone has actully been there to support him, for ages, let alone give him an option to pass to..

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Mate.. again to anyone interested.. BIG PICTURE.. LOOK AT IT..

Richo and Fev are in the same crappy position as Robbo. They've had no support in the forward-line, let alone the way the ball is delivered to them from upfield. It may be interpreted as some as selfish from the outside and its those people who don't watch the game properly and forget about the big picture.

Deanox, who in the last.. say.. 5 yrs, has even looked like kicking goals or a winning score for their team at carlton -besides fev? At Richomond - besides richo? (Even during last years new and improved, up the ground richo), or at the Dees, besides robbo? (pre injury) -You think Im losing the fight?

Mate, i laid in bed an watched games over and over. Robbo isn't even a KPP and he's still OUR Fev or Richo.. single-handedly held our forward-line together and the only one to kick a decent bag over the course of a season, for years, even when the mighty neita was there next to him.

Robbo, Fev, Richo -they HAD to kick the goals. How we're quick to forget that they did! Not selfish, necessity.. Big Picture peoples..

i have never said that he hasn't been a great player for the club. i have always been an advocate of the fact that robbo is played out of position (in a side with a genuine FF and CHF he would've been an even better player). but just because there are no other name players to list, it doesn't mean they aren't selfish. the three players you listed are more interested in the glory than the hard work. im not saying robbo doesn't bleed red and blue, nor that richo isn't the heart and sole of richmond but what you have just described is exactly the kind of selfishness im talking about.

'they HAD to kick the goals' is the [censored] poor arguement that allows them to play selfish, instead of giving off when they should, or taking the higher percentage option rather than the spectacular. how many times have you seen richo blast teammates instead of running to support? how many times have you seen robbo try and take a speccy and lose his feet, only to allow the ball to be cleared? both selfish acts.

Sounds a bit biased to me, thats just a stupid comment.

Robbo has given so much to this club and to all of a sudden attack him now wile his down, well.....

i disagree. everyone has always been a big fan of robbos strengths and outspoken of his failings at the same time. if he had of curtailed his selfishness he could have been an even greater player. he may have lost some of his 'spark' moments ie some big speccies etc but he would have been a more valued team member.

i don't think attitude towards robbo has changed, but it is emphasised more now that he is 'the' senior player, who is expected to lead by example or get out of the way. the supporters are sick of that style of me first play. it nearly got us a flag in 2000, but nearly is still only a loser. the club needs a culture of team first. robbo is not exhibiting it. at times slyvia hasn't exhibited it. when other players do the same they get blasted. we expect more from robbo, but he just doesn't deliver, time after time.

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Good question. He wouldn't. He never does see a player in a better position.

The number of people that have a habit of parading their apparent IQ are generally the worst advertisements for the integrity of the measure.


Don't come in half way thru an arguement and get put in your place again rhino!!

Someone challenged my intelligence mate, wouldn't you defend yourself if someone challenged yours?

read the post one or two up from this one, was probably the 1st time that someone has actully been there to support him, for ages, let alone give him an option to pass to..

I would not brag about an IQ score. Most people can work out the accuracy of it by the way you post.

You had no reason to repeat a post that was not worth writing the first time. You might actually watch alot of footy but you come across as someone who misses alot of what actually goes on.

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DD, for a 6 week old poster you're sure throwing your weight around. That's not a newbies can't post comment either.

Passion is something us Dees fan in particular have in spades, nothing wrong with that.Just don't let the green eyed monster take control. That's what Mondays are for .. :)

True mate. I've actually been reading here for years without posting.

I'm trying to hold back!! Been dealing with assholes sh*tting on my team and players for ages and i'm just perturbed to find it going on so much here. (I'd have a piece to say to Yze magic too, bagging out bruce constantly.)

I've got absolutely nothing against anyone personally.. everyones got there own opinion an that, which is cool, i guess i just didn't expect it.. i guess im still in 'defensive mode' ;)

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i have never said that he hasn't been a great player for the club. i have always been an advocate of the fact that robbo is played out of position (in a side with a genuine FF and CHF he would've been an even better player). but just because there are no other name players to list, it doesn't mean they aren't selfish. the three players you listed are more interested in the glory than the hard work. im not saying robbo doesn't bleed red and blue, nor that richo isn't the heart and sole of richmond but what you have just described is exactly the kind of selfishness im talking about.

'they HAD to kick the goals' is the [censored] poor arguement that allows them to play selfish, instead of giving off when they should, or taking the higher percentage option rather than the spectacular. how many times have you seen richo blast teammates instead of running to support? how many times have you seen robbo try and take a speccy and lose his feet, only to allow the ball to be cleared? both selfish acts.

No.. Read the bold.. that is the point..

WHO wasn't still bolting from upfield, after flooding to try to stop another 10 goal loss, that was in or near the FL, able to offer support, often enough. Who else has kicked goals, who else has been there to support him?

WHO did he have to pass it to that WAS good enough to beat their opponent, to give a viable option to Robbo in the past?

not a [censored]-poor arguement.. Fact! (again IMO..)

To say Richo is more interested in Glory than hard-work is ridculous. Richo runs ALL day for his team all over the place. Thats Hard Work ain't it?

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I would not brag about an IQ score. Most people can work out the accuracy of it by the way you post.

You had no reason to repeat a post that was not worth writing the first time. You might actually watch alot of footy but you come across as someone who misses alot of what actually goes on.

eh.. you're generalizing..

...wasn't bragging, 'cards' or.. someone, can't find the bloody post, has an IQ of 150 something- thats an number to brag about! could be in MENSA- top 2 or 3 % in the country!

c'mon rhino you can do better than this..

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