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Bell as a Forward???


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From memory, I read that Bell played junior footy as a forward.

Thats right, as a junior in the 2002 U/18 champs he kicked 5 goals for South Australia in a best on ground performance.

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Thats right, as a junior in the 2002 U/18 champs he kicked 5 goals for South Australia in a best on ground performance.

Wellllllll...Goooooooollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee gee willerkers !!

Well that does it for me... hi didly oh de do.. he kicked some goals as a big kid...!!

Isnt it just a mite strange he never exhibited even the remotest such skill since.

Im thinking theres a good chance he might have found the goals a few more times before now if he had any real sense of them.

No Im sorry.. Bell needs to step up two steps ( let alone one ) if he's to retain any relevence to Melbourne. He's managed to keep a game with some very sporadic results in a team fall lof injury and depth decreption !!

if youre really any good..if youve really got any polish...you will stand out in a lowly team..Morton has.. Valenti shown a littel bit..( not a lot..but something ) Maric ..you notice ( for the right reasons ) ...and Bell..we still notice for the wrong reasons.

I'll wait for ol argument..oh he's in the back.. its hard when youre having the crap kicked out of you.. Strangely Garland got it together ( well definitely showing signs he can ) Martin ..who almost has no right beingout there.. is trying..and with results.. They manage to shine through...even on the darkest days..we know they are al lup against it.. Some manage to push back.

Better start ringing your Bell son !!...otherwise I can tell you for whom it tolls !!! ;)

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Exhibit A

from MFC....bold is translation from Footy Club Speak..into reality

Daniel Bell – The South Australian defender had a frustrating season.- He's really done nothing to write home about and we're 10 times more frustrated than him Despite recording career-best disposals and games in a season, Bell battled form and injury issues. - This is the best we can expect ?? He endured osteitis pubis and hamstring injuries, despite missing just four matches this season. - Well, well done son, you might have an excuse...you need an excuse.. next year we arent accepting excuses Still, the 23-year-old believes a redefined training program will help him going into the pre-season. - He knows he needs to deliver He faces an important year in 2009 – - No stuffing arounf from here on in his seventh-listed season at Melbourne –- are ya listening Daniel but still looms as a key part of the team's defensive unit. - Last chance cafe, no more loomers in 09,10 or any other year from now on !!

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Wellllllll...Goooooooollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee gee willerkers !!

Well that does it for me... hi didly oh de do.. he kicked some goals as a big kid...!!

Isnt it just a mite strange he never exhibited even the remotest such skill since.

Im thinking theres a good chance he might have found the goals a few more times before now if he had any real sense of them.

Just calm down on the sarcasm.

Those of us putting Bell forward are just trying an avenue for him to 'deliver.' We are not giving him a free pass, or being delusional as you imply.

The acid is on, but we all have to step up. I have to find my lucky hat that I lost around 2006, I swear I did. And you still need work on your sentence building. Because gramatically, wow. I get queezy reading it.

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You want to put Bell forward.. at who's expense then ?? we have other developing forwards. Bell will never be a KPP..so really what is the point I ask?..Me thinks Bell is just another also ran..times a ticking !!

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just a question to those considering throwing Bell forward.

Do you not think that possibly this hasnt crossed the minds of the Melbourne think-tank ? In all the matchups, intra club games and training he ( Bell) will have inevitably been given a role as a forward. Its all part of assessment and learning. Despite all his years at Melbourne..he hsnt been trialled in a forward role in real time.

What might this say ?

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I don't think he will play much senior footy next year, and we will then look to trade at seasons end.

The first part, I hope not, the second, I hope so... We will get more for him if he can play 22 rounds of solid footy next year a la 2007...

As for Bell as a forward, it's not as stupid as it sounds. He played forward as a junior, and he's been quoted as being interested in playing as a lead up 3rd option... He has a very straight kick, though I'm not sure about his credentials with set-shots. If his kick-ins are anything to go by, perhaps it's a bad idea... His pace on the lead would be considerable, as he's never had trouble getting a head of steam up in a straight line. He'd CERTAINLY be able to handle the buffeting, as the kid is an absolute axe...

My issue is that we already have 2 champion CHFs stuck in 6-foot frames in Sylvia and Robbo. Add to that Wonna, Robbo, Marric... Would there be room for him?

Maybe as a defensive forward? There again we have Petterd, Davey in those roles...

I think the main stumbling block would be the height issue. We don't need any more mid-sized forwards who MIGHT kick a couple. We need, first and foremost, a couple of KP forwards who will average 6 between them week-in-week-out. And then we need a pocket of Davey's class to fill the void left by Aaron moving up the ground. If that's the case, I'd rather recruit... well... the "other" A. Davey...

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i still think bell will have an important role at the club over the next 5 or so years. if we can get a good deal for him in a trade he will go, but he wont be delisted.

Absolutely he won't be delisted.

It has been my dream ever since I adopted Bell into my 'Love Child' brigade to see him play in the midfield. Injuries have stopped him from doing that, but I hope that maybe next year he can progress into that role. He has the advantage of being strong yet quick, and that is something we could use.

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In all seriousnes Jaded..and I ask this in good faith..Why do you think Bell can play the midfield..and where is this supposed "speed" coming from. On a good day he kinda handle his job down back..but he;d have far more averge to bad days there. He , to me has never exhibited the 6th sense techniques that a good midfielder has to create runs, initiate passages or other..He just manages defending..just.

possibly Ive been watching another Bell...yours is obviously resoundingly better !!:rolleyes:

Without doubt he has his moments..but he seems to me to have no chnage-up.

I suppose there may actually be two questions.. Could he play in our midfield as it is presently..Or is he true AFL standard for the middle ?? vastly different things...as our midlefield is extremely medicore currently..on most days !

Not something many want to deal with..but thats the long and the short of it.

So what does Daniel really bring to this party...anything we havent already seen ?? just curious. Be great if there was.

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In all seriousnes Jaded..and I ask this in good faith..Why do you think Bell can play the midfield..and where is this supposed "speed" coming from.

Initially Bell was recruited with a midfield role in mind. The hope was to get McLean, Sylvia, Bell and Moloney to become the nucleus of our midfield for the future. Clearly that plan bombed, however Bell does have midfield credentials.

Secondly, Bell has extremely good pace. He is one of the fastest players at the club, however his long struggle with injuries, especially an ongoing groin complaint, have really stopped him from developing and understanding how to best use his run.

Whether he can or can't play as a permanent midfielder successfully I don't know. I don't have a crystal ball and I don't predict the future very well, however it is certainly worth trying him out.

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Personally, I don't think he has what it takes for the midfield IMO. But, by all means throw him in the deep end and see if he'll sink or swim. I don't think he has the engine and after 5 minutes in there he would look pedestrian. On occassions in the back line when fatigued he looks slow.

He has a turning circle like the Queen Mary.

He does have bursts and looks strong, but he takes too long when in possession and has a tendency to get caught alot through lack of vision, and that IMO is why he won't cut it in the midfield. Because Bailey will not want turnovers.

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Initially Bell was recruited with a midfield role in mind. The hope was to get McLean, Sylvia, Bell and Moloney to become the nucleus of our midfield for the future.

Who had this hope?

Clearly that plan bombed, however Bell does have midfield credentials.

At what level were these midfield credentials?

I've read that he was a forward when drafted.

Whether he can or can't play as a permanent midfielder successfully I don't know. I don't have a crystal ball and I don't predict the future very well, however it is certainly worth trying him out.

I think he got a run in the midfield versus Richmond.

While Bell might have some attributes that are handy in a midfielder, one of his biggest weaknesses seems to be getting run down. This would probably be exacerbated if he was in the heavy traffic of the midfield. Having pace is a great asset for a Dees midfielder atm, but you need to be a quick decision-maker too.

It's not impossible, but I think a forward role seems more likely.

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Well..maybe we may see this trialled next year in NAB !! HT ..I concur.. i dont think hes got it..whether this was his intended role or otherwise. You need sound legs and big engines for the middle.. that would be an X and an X for Bell id think :mellow:

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Having pace is a great asset for a Dees midfielder atm, but you need to be a quick decision-maker too.

While Bell might have some attributes that are handy in a midfielder, one of his biggest weaknesses seems to be getting run down

This would be my greatest concern.,. that he would be like a Deer in the headlights.. get done most of the time.

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Which of course never happens to Buckley or Jones :unsure:

without doubt..something they need to work on too....and youre suggesting a third complicit in this weakness ? :)

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Just because it happens to other players, doesn't mean it's not a weakness.

The positive for Bell over Jones is that Bell is quick enough to get around them if he can improve them, Jones either tries to barge through and gets caught, or tries to get rid of it too quickly and turns it over.

I don't understand the amount of negativity around Bell. He has his flaws, but there's enough there to make a very solid player out of and I believe Bailey is a good coach who will get it out of him. I'd like to see him as more of an attacking defender, it could be a way to help improve his confidence.

Perhaps stints in the Forwardline wouldn't be too bad for him, but I'd prefer him to settle as a solid defender who can use the ball coming off the back flank.

Can't wait forever for confidence to shine through though i suppose

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, but I'd prefer him to settle as a solid defender who can use the ball coming off the back flank.

Id certainly settle for that. Still, is going to be an interesting preseason..and comp :)

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Who had this hope?...

I've read that he was a forward when drafted.

im pretty sure it was a widely held hope around here, search for 'four horsemen' and see if you find anything...

as for the forward part, that is something i have read around here recently but cant remember ever seeing in any official report.

in fact i thought he wasw a defender playing in country SA who had never had a proper coach until he got to the mfc...i could be wrong bu i would love to read something official.

has anyone got a wisby report?

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Just because it happens to other players, doesn't mean it's not a weakness.

Of course it doesn't.

I was just pointing out that Jones and Buckley are regarded around here as future key midfielders, and they both lack smarts and awareness at times. So to simply dismiss the idea of Bell playing in the midfield (not referring to you) based on the fact that he gets caught a lot (he doesn't by the way, it's just that when he gets caught in the backline the cost is magnified and so it seems he does it more often than not), is silly.

IMO Bell's disposal is better than Jones' and Buckley's and he wouldn't struggle in a foot race against Buckley.

With Davey, Aussie and Maric I think we have enough medium/small forwards, but we could really use some more pace in the middle

has anyone got a wisby report?

Tried finding one for ages, but couldn't.

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He lacks vision, can make mistakes with the ball, and doesn't zone off his man as well as Rivers or Petterd. Doesn't bode well for HBF.

But he does have pace, a strong core, is ferocious in close, and has great tackling technique.

I just don't think we should delist a 23 year old with commitment that has the aforementioned skills. Hope he finds his place, I think as a defensive forward to push Davey onto a wing, but if he doesn't he is capable depth.

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I still have plenty of faithe in Bell. Injuries have held him back from reaching his peak. If he can get his body 100% i have no doubt he can become a very valuable member of the team. Saying bell has no vision is one of the biggest fads going around amongst our supporters. While his vision is not great its certainly not as bad as everyone makes out. More importantly its just one aspect of his game....no one ever talks about the good parts of his game such as his speed, team play, courage, ability to take on the game and ability to run straight at the ball and attack a contest.

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