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I'd wager that on a day drawing 16,000 to the 'G, at least 33% of them sit in the MCC possibly more, even though it takes up about 20% of the ground.

I wonder if there's anyway to find out MCC attendance.

Basically our supporters need to not attack each other, or blame someone else for our low supporter base, and unite to build the base.

A bigger cheer squad would be a start of it.

I see what you mean Deanox, but isn't it something like 8000 of the 30,000 MFC supporting MCC members are also MFC members. That's over 25%, that's above the churn rate overall. I also feel the number is rising, but even so it's a decent number.

sorry i missed this post amidst high tower trying to cause arguments to boost his post count.

i agree with you that it is something that is improving, and i dont blame an mcc member for not wanting to fork out an extra $200.

my comment was in relation to the original comment, and it was a statement regarding what i feel to be the perceived beliefs. not about what is happeneing, not about what i think is happening, but about what i think other people think is happening.

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haha yes most of us are....but mainly cos most of our supporters just sit there and pretty much just...well...sit.

OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND SCREAM....scream anything...opposition, umpires, just anything. That's why when melbourne scores

a goal all u can hear are pathetic claps whilst hearing the crickets in the background

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:lol: Didn't know I was being a pain in the ass. My issue is with your initial post. I know you were referring to mcc members. I suggest you use a better choice of words. Such as what is highlighted in your latter post in italic. I don't mean to be rude but it is the attitude of some that suggest that mcc members "in general" don't support the mfc - that irks me (just so you know). Which is absolute crap!

I don’t mean to enter into this little person to person debate, however, do you actually have any figures on those MCC members who are MFC members? and I am not talking about the poultry $40.00 reciprocal membership crap, but actually those who are full members??

Because as long as we are talking in 'general' terms, I happen to know plenty of MCC members who aren’t prepared pay up to support the club that they supposedly love.

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sorry i missed this post amidst high tower trying to cause arguments to boost his post count.

i agree with you that it is something that is improving, and i dont blame an mcc member for not wanting to fork out an extra $200.

my comment was in relation to the original comment, and it was a statement regarding what i feel to be the perceived beliefs. not about what is happeneing, not about what i think is happening, but about what i think other people think is happening.

Thanks for clearing that up mate, it did sound like you were arguing something different initially.

R_K, I know probably twice as many non MCC members who do not sign up to their "beloved club" than MCC members who don't. It's a useless thing to say and doesn't prove anything.

The facts are they believe around 30,000 MCC members follow Melbourne. (Note: this is not LOVE mfc, this is not go every week, this is just a supported team).

Around 8,000 of these are MFC members from memory.

If our supporters base is around 200,00 that means MCC members take up about 1/7th of our total supporter base, and 8,000 of our 30,000 members are MCC members, totalling over 25%.

That means that 14% of a singular supporter base make up over 25% of our total membership.

I'd think twice before mindlessly having a go at MCC/MFC supporters, and not just place them all in the same category.

If you have issue with MCC members not becoming club members, then you should maintain that issue with the 150,000 other Melbourne supporters who aren't members.

We need to mend ties with the MCC, not attack segments of its membership when you know nothing of their back story.

Perhaps many of them only attend 1-2 games a year as a social exercise. Many other fans do the same and do not buy memberships, MCC members don't have to pay to get into the ground (over the extravagent amount they've already paid for membership) and they may not see the need for a membership, especially as it doesn't help get access to any other games).

It is unfair to place a singular group of supporters into one basket over any other group, especially as their input to the club already outweighs its statistical share, is on the increase (i believe) and probably containts many members who have contributed (large ammounts) to the Debt Demolition.

I'd like to know how many of the 21,000 other memberships our club has sold, would have been sold if they didn't grant access to any games

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I've been waiting to make a comment about something that's really been peeving me, so this seems as good a forum as any short of making a second thread.

I've been sitting near the cheer squad more and more this year (and considering joining, as I hate the stereotype of the non-vocal Melbourne supporter), and no offence to the people in here that more than likely are members theirselves, but the material used by our cheersquad is really poor. I'm talking banners, i'm talking pom poms, floggers you can't really go wrong with, but every time i get to a game involving some other scummy club, there are player banners and posters and against collingwood, partridges in pear trees.

Where are the "'Green' Machine"'s, the "Our McLean is Showing", our "Aussie Rules", our "Nate Jones has big cohones"... well you get my drift.

After seeing some scum collingwood supporter make the effort to make a "Aussie Doesn't Rule" poster for QB this year, we should be making as much of a statement as possible next year.

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I don’t mean to enter into this little person to person debate, however, do you actually have any figures on those MCC members who are MFC members? and I am not talking about the poultry $40.00 reciprocal membership crap, but actually those who are full members??

Because as long as we are talking in 'general' terms, I happen to know plenty of MCC members who aren’t prepared pay up to support the club that they supposedly love.

I don't have any figures on MCC members that are full MFC members, you may want to try a search in relation to this. I'm sure there are MCC members that aren't prepared to pay, which is very unfortunate IMO. I'm sure Jim is working feverishly to weed out this issue and bridge the relationship between the two parties as evidenced by the recent offer sent out to all MCC members for MFC memberships with their renewal forms for the MCC.

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Thanks for clearing that up mate, it did sound like you were arguing something different initially.

R_K, I know probably twice as many non MCC members who do not sign up to their "beloved club" than MCC members who don't. It's a useless thing to say and doesn't prove anything.

The facts are they believe around 30,000 MCC members follow Melbourne. (Note: this is not LOVE mfc, this is not go every week, this is just a supported team).

Around 8,000 of these are MFC members from memory.

If our supporters base is around 200,00 that means MCC members take up about 1/7th of our total supporter base, and 8,000 of our 30,000 members are MCC members, totalling over 25%.

That means that 14% of a singular supporter base make up over 25% of our total membership.

I'd think twice before mindlessly having a go at MCC/MFC supporters, and not just place them all in the same category.

If you have issue with MCC members not becoming club members, then you should maintain that issue with the 150,000 other Melbourne supporters who aren't members.

We need to mend ties with the MCC, not attack segments of its membership when you know nothing of their back story.

Perhaps many of them only attend 1-2 games a year as a social exercise. Many other fans do the same and do not buy memberships, MCC members don't have to pay to get into the ground (over the extravagent amount they've already paid for membership) and they may not see the need for a membership, especially as it doesn't help get access to any other games).

It is unfair to place a singular group of supporters into one basket over any other group, especially as their input to the club already outweighs its statistical share, is on the increase (i believe) and probably containts many members who have contributed (large ammounts) to the Debt Demolition.

I'd like to know how many of the 21,000 other memberships our club has sold, would have been sold if they didn't grant access to any games

Thank you for bringing some balance (and sense) to this issue. I agree wholeheartedly.

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Right now i sit in the reserve area for all home games, believe me it makes me sick to see the tiny group behind the goals act as our cheer squad. When I go to an away game i try to convince my family to sit with me in the cheersquad section to bring up the numbers, but when we play at Telstra Dome it is THE WORST place to sit at any sporting event. You are looking directly into the sun and you can barely see to the other side of the ground.

Having made this thread, Demonizer, i will try to sit in those sections more. As for being vocal, if i was any more vocal i'd lose my voice before the opening bounce!

And on the subject of this rebel cheersquad, i have had enough of it. Our club is trying to rebuild itself, but how do we look when our supporters can't even get along. It's time to end the split, for the good of the MFC.

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I've been waiting to make a comment about something that's really been peeving me, so this seems as good a forum as any short of making a second thread.

I've been sitting near the cheer squad more and more this year (and considering joining, as I hate the stereotype of the non-vocal Melbourne supporter), and no offence to the people in here that more than likely are members theirselves, but the material used by our cheersquad is really poor. I'm talking banners, i'm talking pom poms, floggers you can't really go wrong with, but every time i get to a game involving some other scummy club, there are player banners and posters and against collingwood, partridges in pear trees.

Where are the "'Green' Machine"'s, the "Our McLean is Showing", our "Aussie Rules", our "Nate Jones has big cohones"... well you get my drift.

After seeing some scum collingwood supporter make the effort to make a "Aussie Doesn't Rule" poster for QB this year, we should be making as much of a statement as possible next year.

Speaking as a cheer squad member myself - come and join us. If you would like to run up a flag/banner/whatever for yourself, feel free. The club doesn't make these, individuals make their own.

Unfortunately, the 'split' spoken about was more to do with some clashing personalities - not something you can really do much about, and not something I'm interested in getting into.

I personally think the problem with our low membership has something to do with the cost. It costs $35 extra to join the cheer squad. You get nothing for this but the right to sit in the cheer squad area (when Redheads were our sponsor we all got a shirt and a cap which helped to present that uniform image - but the current sponsor has not seen fit to do this). Most other clubs are a lot cheaper, so that probably contributes to their higher numbers. $35 on its own isn't a huge amount (although it is for some), but if you are bringing your family - it adds up pretty quickly. It has been suggested to the club in the past that they could drop the price of cheer squad membership, but to no avail. I would be happier to have more people sitting with us - and at the G you can usually do so. At the dome there are less seats allocated to us, so there may not be so many spares, but if you want to come and sit with the cheer squad, so long as you are wearing red & blue you are usually welcome. The more people, the more noise, which is the whole point really.

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Speaking as a cheer squad member myself - come and join us. If you would like to run up a flag/banner/whatever for yourself, feel free. The club doesn't make these, individuals make their own.

Unfortunately, the 'split' spoken about was more to do with some clashing personalities - not something you can really do much about, and not something I'm interested in getting into.

I personally think the problem with our low membership has something to do with the cost. It costs $35 extra to join the cheer squad. You get nothing for this but the right to sit in the cheer squad area (when Redheads were our sponsor we all got a shirt and a cap which helped to present that uniform image - but the current sponsor has not seen fit to do this). Most other clubs are a lot cheaper, so that probably contributes to their higher numbers. $35 on its own isn't a huge amount (although it is for some), but if you are bringing your family - it adds up pretty quickly. It has been suggested to the club in the past that they could drop the price of cheer squad membership, but to no avail. I would be happier to have more people sitting with us - and at the G you can usually do so. At the dome there are less seats allocated to us, so there may not be so many spares, but if you want to come and sit with the cheer squad, so long as you are wearing red & blue you are usually welcome. The more people, the more noise, which is the whole point really.

So, clashing personalities are the reason. They should be locked in a room and told not to come out until sorted out. <_<

Thanks for the information Suzanna. How many numbers does the cheer squad have by the way? What price do other clubs have for cheer squad membership in comparison?

If it is cheaper at other clubs, perhaps the mfc should follow suit, it may increase numbers.

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So, clashing personalities are the reason. They should be locked in a room and told not to come out until sorted out. <_<

Thanks for the information Suzanna. How many numbers does the cheer squad have by the way? What price do other clubs have for cheer squad membership in comparison?

If it is cheaper at other clubs, perhaps the mfc should follow suit, it may increase numbers.

I really couldn't tell you total numbers, different people turn up at different times, and not all of them might be cheer squad members. I know at finals time (not this year unfortunately) there has to be a ballot for seats as the AFL allocate less cheer squad seats in finals than during the season, but I don't know what the allocation number is - only that we have more members than finals seats.

You could probably find out different subscription fees by checking out club websites. I don't mind paying the $35 as my daughter no longer comes to the footy and hubby can only make it on odd occasions so is no longer a cheer squad member, so I only have to pay the one. But when there were three of us, $105 was a lot extra to find on top of our membership fees. That was what I meant about families - the cost may be a deterrent to joining.

But anyway, I enjoy where we sit. I like sitting behind the goals. If our boys just started moving the ball through the centre of the ground rather than the long way around (chipping around the wing) - I would get to see a lot more!

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I sit in the Redlegs for all home games - a fantastic atmosphere up there on L2. Anyone else up near N6?

Would be nice to sit with all and any Melbourne supporters on the Away games, whether at the MCG or other grounds. I'd be in that foresure!

Strength in numbers I say!

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I sit in the Redlegs for all home games - a fantastic atmosphere up there on L2. Anyone else up near N6?

Would be nice to sit with all and any Melbourne supporters on the Away games, whether at the MCG or other grounds. I'd be in that foresure!

Strength in numbers I say!

yep i sit up there too...we probably sit next to each other most weeks lol

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I sit in the Redlegs for all home games - a fantastic atmosphere up there on L2. Anyone else up near N6?

Would be nice to sit with all and any Melbourne supporters on the Away games, whether at the MCG or other grounds. I'd be in that foresure!

Strength in numbers I say!

our group of 6 are Redlegs and sit on level 2. Great spot and we definately have fun.

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