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Billy Baxter

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Lets start looking at the figures announced in the media.

PM was reported to have an annual salary of $450000, this would have been budgeted for last year when Harris was CEO.

If we paid him out $115000 for the rest of his contract and we dont have a salaried CEO till next year we are ahead money wise.

$450000[salary] divided by days in year 365 equals $1232 per day.

He has been in the job 108 days so 108 multiplied by $1232 equals $133150 already paid plus $115000 totals $248150.

If his contract was $450000 minus $248150[all ready paid] we are $201850 better off arnt we?

If the above totals dont make sense maybe thats why my wife handles all the money in our house.

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love it

so its unanimous.... he had to go!!

time is crucial and we dont have it!!!

great move MFC and lets make our final move a goodie and kik some ass!!

ps HIGH TOWER HAVE SOME FAITH MY MAN and for once get behind your club!!!

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As the new President Jim Stynes is entitled to recruit the people he wants. If he and Macca were having problems with conflicting agendas well then the CEO must go, as he was appointed by the Previous Board.

What i will say though is that. The CEO that fills that vacancy now Must be the Right one. Get it right Stynesy please, otherwise i believe we will be finished

Please Please get it right. We need the Gun CEO in Australia to work with the board.

The only thing I would say is that yes, he is the new president, but he was appointed, not elected. I am always a bit dubious when a president who hasn't faced his constituents takes over.

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Lets start looking at the figures announced in the media.

PM was reported to have an annual salary of $450000, this would have been budgeted for last year when Harris was CEO.

If we paid him out $115000 for the rest of his contract and we dont have a salaried CEO till next year we are ahead money wise.

$450000[salary] divided by days in year 365 equals $1232 per day.

He has been in the job 108 days so 108 multiplied by $1232 equals $133150 already paid plus $115000 totals $248150.

If his contract was $450000 minus $248150[all ready paid] we are $201850 better off arnt we?

If the above totals dont make sense maybe thats why my wife handles all the money in our house.

I thought he was only getting the 115K, so they had deducted his Wimbledon jaunt and were just paying him for days actually on the job, could be wrong though.

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ur odd high tower

jimmy and furious D spot on the money

and for those of you think that mcnamee was our only avenue to brown.. your retarded..

did any of you consider the connection between bailey and schwab with a man by the name of Pavlich.....

very interesting

Err Listen her....Goose

I don't mind the McNamee decision by Jimmy & the board. All I have said is that Schwabs record is tainted thats all. Look, if they he is one of two of the best credentialed CEO's out their looking for a job, sure interview them ...if they are interested.

Re: Pavlich thats just rumour mongering....

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ps HIGH TOWER HAVE SOME FAITH MY MAN and for once get behind your club!!!

I don't see how High Tower doesn't have faith. As I read it, he is simply expressing a preference for a replacement CEO and frankly I agree with him.

Schwab had a go, didn't work, got the sack, he is not the man.

High Tower, your heart beats true.

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The only thing I would say is that yes, he is the new president, but he was appointed, not elected. I am always a bit dubious when a president who hasn't faced his constituents takes over.

I think the President is elected by the Board. The Board is elected by the members. Under the Constitution, all appointed Board members are due to stand down at the next AGM and stand for re election. Given there is unlikely to be an alternative ticket to the current administration, they should be re-elected unopposed.

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love it

so its unanimous.... he had to go!!

time is crucial and we dont have it!!!

great move MFC and lets make our final move a goodie and kik some ass!!

ps HIGH TOWER HAVE SOME FAITH MY MAN and for once get behind your club!!!

I am behind the club, never said I wasn't. Look if it means "buttoning the lip" on little issues like "Schwabs" credentials....thats fine...I only have the clubs interests at heart!

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The only thing I would say is that yes, he is the new president, but he was appointed, not elected. I am always a bit dubious when a president who hasn't faced his constituents takes over.

So are you suggesting no action by the board until after an AGM to vote them in? Certain suicide. I agree its not ideal but they must act

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The only thing I would say is that yes, he is the new president, but he was appointed, not elected. I am always a bit dubious when a president who hasn't faced his constituents takes over.

The BIGGEST problem with our club is the pesimistic, sour, depressed supporters who always find a reason to complain, its amazing, i bet when we win a flag you blokes will still find an issue somewhere along the line.

Choko save your calls for the Power my man - lighten up and get on board

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I don't see how High Tower doesn't have faith. As I read it, he is simply expressing a preference for a replacement CEO and frankly I agree with him.

Schwab had a go, didn't work, got the sack, he is not the man.

High Tower, your heart beats true.

Thankyou Iva Worn Smith! At least someone can read!

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Err Listen her....Goose

I don't mind the McNamee decision by Jimmy & the board. All I have said is that Schwabs record is tainted thats all. Look, if they he is one of two of the best credentialed CEO's out their looking for a job, sure interview them ...if they are interested.

Re: Pavlich thats just rumour mongering....

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The BIGGEST problem with our club is the pesimistic, sour, depressed supporters who always find a reason to complain, its amazing, i bet when we win a flag you blokes will still find an issue somewhere along the line.

Choko save your calls for the Power my man - lighten up and get on board

I reckon that is you Jimma! You even use the same vocabulary............Go Dees!

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I was appalled when I read about the seemingly heedless and certainly wasteful sacking of Paul McNamee by the new "President for life" and his board.

Whilst I am not party to their reasons for this decision, I cannot help but think that, as one poster has already pointed out, McNamee could not be worse that an "interim" CEO, and $115,000 for nothing is an inexcusable kick in the guts.

I am willing to concede that McNamee's appointment might not be optimal in the new climate given that there seems to be an overlap in functionality between him and Stynes (i.e. they are both high-profile types who deal with media and attract sponsors) however I refuse to beleive that McNamee had so little to offer that it was worth throwing away $115,000 to get rid of him.

So far there has been a strong reek of nepotism from the Stynes camp and this is all the more alarming in light of the cloak and dagger style tactics that they seem to prefer in their business dealings.

However despite these concerns, what worries me more than anything is the preponderance of comments like these:

if you cant back jimmy stynes then who the hell can you back???

open your eyes some of you

The same poeple who call for patience in the assemssent of Stynes bay for the blood of a CEO with 106 days in the job, 40 of which were under an unsupportive administration.

The same people who cite the need for change at the club forget that the previous board installed a new coach, CEO and Operations Manager with this in mind.

The same people who laud the new administration as being more representative of the interests of "real footy fans" convieniently forget that the new board were not democratically elected.

The same people who praise Jim for raising our membership to record levels forget that the majority of these memberships came on the back of last years record number.

The same people who consider "debt-demolition month" to be anything more than an unrepeatable charity stunt, defend the new board even as they fritter away $115,000.

The call for level-headed fans who are capable of critical thought to "open (their) eyes" is the ultimate irony. This is a platitude of Orwellian absurdity. You would not have me "open (my) eyes" but rather shut them in imitation of the blind faith that you espouse.

Some of you seem to think that being a good footy player makes you a good footy manager. Perhaps Jim shares this view and this might provide an alternative explanation for what otherwise looks like an alarming slide into back room deals, jobs for the boys and ego-driven management. Others of us have not been blinded by the glint of a Brownlow medal and we will rightly feel at least as wary about the current administration as we did about their predecessors.

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I don't have a problem with your scepticism Hazy but it's clear that PMac was not on the same page as anyone else at the club.

5mill for 5 years for a great but aging player whose ability to influence a game in 3 years, when our young list matures, will be questionable at best. All I've heard from anyone else is youth.

Then there's the bright idea of trying to sell ourselves as elitist, non inclusive snobs. Great future in that. Nothing I've seen or heard from McNamee in the past 4 months has impressed me much.

I don't think it's blind faith, it's just hope. These are dark days hazy, the club was crying out for someone to put their hand up. Gardner had pretty much stated he didn't have the time to devote to us that was necessary. Jim stepped forward and I don't see too many other options for us at the minute, other than give the new board a chance to get it right. I just hope like hell that they do.

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Look a lot of you guys are missing the point Here. Macnamee was appointed by the previous board. Stynes has the full right to choose his own CEO. As does a new Prime Minister pick his Front Ministerial Bench. Macnamee was Gardiners man .Q.E.D.

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