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Older demon

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Everything posted by Older demon

  1. Just announced on SEN that Mike Fitzpatrick has told Jeff his services will not be required, but wait there is more. Journo's following up with Vlad have found that the AFL will determine the board content and chairman who we then get to vote for. It will not be Stockdale and it will not be Freeman according to KB. Any doubt that the MFC is in administration (not quite liquidation) with the AFL can now be dispelled. I heard this as rumour at the VAFA launch in March incidentally Peter Jackson was the guest as AFL consultant and now the coup d'etat is nearly complete. I wait with interest to see the size and make up of the new board ticket for us to vote on. In addition the AFL will allegedly offer the coaching role to Roos, it is there for him to accept
  2. Geelong rules for drafting. Pick the best footballer available who must put his head over the ball and win his own footy, don'r care who he is. Just do it!!
  3. Quote from Neeld at the presser "Viney's selections" not sure if he was having a go at Todd or praising him. If Todd spotted these players I would give him a tick, just need to polish their disposal skills
  4. Admire your optimism but we are a long way of the pace. I disagree with Neeld re third quarter as I thought we employed an old fashioned flood in order to limit the damage. The 2 goals we got were almost Pagans paddock like. The last quarter saw a more traditional man on man set up and we got smashed. 28 marks inside 50 good grief if they had kicked straight it would have been like Essendon.
  5. Yes I heard that throw away line "Viney's recruits" I would like somone to list all the Neeld quotes since he started as I think he has changed tack at least half a dozen times. I am unsure what he stands for and have stopped listening to his presser as I just don't believe him anymore
  6. I was very disappointed with the third quarter when I thought the coaching staff went to the Wallace flood. Most of that quarter was played in the Woods half and we had no one up forward. We got our 2 goals when the Woods turned over and let us run free into space al a Blease. I was worried that Neeld had gone into preservation mode to limit the margin. At least in the last we appeared to man up and re structure again. Same result another 5 goal quarter
  7. I noted today in the AGE the comparison between the recruiting of St Kilda compared to Geelong. Makes interesting reading and proves that Geelong are the masters of identifying talent. St KIlda have retained 5 out of 24 recruits since the 2008 season at a 20% retention rate, on the other hand Geelong is at 80 % and there are mainly in the 20 to 40 draft pick range. It makes a mockery of the value of top 10 picks and some of the heat our recruiters share should be sent to the Saints. Note that over the 4 years (08-11) there were NO trades for recycled players by Geelong. Recommend looking at the table and the names and the time frame in which they develop
  8. I read the article and found it balanced and without bias. As much as I don't like the current situation and the coach even less I can see why we should be patient and put all the processes in place. First priority is to set up the Footy manager who Neeld will report to then look at contracts and making offers to players to stay then worry about coach. If he is told at round 18 he is not required next year then he may walk who knows. As a frustrated supporter who feels powerless I just want something, some action that shows that someone in the club actually cares and shares our pain. To that end sacking the coach comes up because we want something to happen. Maybe waiting and ticking of the boxes in order is a more prudent approach. Kennet is correct in a way, that waiting till October/Novembers board meeting may be too late in the correct sequence of getting the club back on track.
  9. Agree last years VFL premiers Geelong had a number of players who benefited immensely from the finals experience. I think it treats Casey with disrespect to pull all our players out who got the team into the finals.
  10. I hope that the board takes time to reflect on PJ's report. I assume he will have made recommendations which the board having pre read should ask questions and rubber stamp, there should be NO surprises at the meeting today. Very pleased that for once we haven't leaked like a sieve. If the coaching structure is wrong then board members should be first to stand down as they gave the OK for a "Rebuild on a rebuild." Hopefully PJ will agree to stay on until the mess starts to sort itself out. Restructure FD and make decision on coaching by round 18 unless there are key personel who will not sign on for the future. The most important item I want the board to tend to is to ratify offering contracts of variable and suitable lengths to Watt's, Sylvia, Davey and other players deemed essential to us moving forward. The coach may or may not survive this year but a clear replacement plan is essential if a caretaker is installed (which I doubt). Note I saw Don and Russel Howcroft after the game yesterday and both were jovial and smiling. I certainly had no reason to share their mirth.
  11. The Hawks killed us with pace! Who are our speedsters? For the Hawks Hill, Smith and Puopolo are all so quick especially Puopolo he surprised me today and he keeps running. Then there is a bloke called Rioli to return. We have too many one speed players and the midfield is so slow and unable to run an overlap. Can we find some genuine quick runners please. Note for next year Dawes, Clarke, Hogan, Watts and Howe will be too slow we need some runners
  12. Back to Monday night! I thought that there was an interesting reference to the recruiting of Chris Dawes "On the Couch" and why with such a poor midfield group we went for another tall forward. Healy suggested that this was the cause of the conflict between Neeld and Viney with the latter thinking we didn't need another tall forward and that Neeld had exerted an unwanted influence on the recruiters to get Dawes and give away high draft picks and a huge contract. I am sure I heard Healy say that this decision is one that will cost Neeld his job.
  13. If I can get to a game I will but on T.V. like yesterday that game style is impossible to watch. So rather than throw things at the screen I just turn it off as sometimes they are unwatchable
  14. Excellent post and great info gathering leading to interesting discussion. Rather than decide who goes I like the idea of seeing who is available and where they could fit in. This is how Sydney built their list with Kennedy, Mumford etc and really is Moneyball
  15. Everyone talks of culture. Well forget about the personalities involved and whether or not you like Jack, a good culture DOES NOT GIVE AWAY ITS CORE PLAYERS and a good culture DOES NOT LOSE PLAYERS to other teams. Jack's confidence is shot and he is too scared to do anything because of the way he is treated (I cannot name my source as it will compromise their position in the club) so what sort of culture denigrates its players. What culture belittles a leadership group when you have been in an organisation for a week. Ask the board member who let it be known that the coach has had a blue with every member of his staff. Good culture don't leak like a sieve. PJ needs to send a message that we don't give up on our players, we don't treat them like dirt and we value their contribution and efforts and we want them to stay and improve. Fix the FD first and do it yesterday. I want Chip, Sylvia, Watts, Davey and Gawn all to stay because we will miss them when they are gone.
  16. Neil McMullin had his jaw broken by Mathews in only his first or second game and he retired at the end of the season and went to the amateurs I think and decided to be a surgeon. Giles was hit and both Steven Smith and Alan Jarrott descended on Mathews and he didn't like those odds. Then there was the time Phil Manassa cleaned Mathews up can anybody remember that??
  17. Greg Wells Geelong recruiting manager has 10 rules but I can only remember rule 1 "Must put head over the ball to get it" not negotiable. Wonder how a few of our draft picks in recent times would fit that? Viney certainly does Aha just remembered rule 2 "Must be able to win his own ball"
  18. You have to go back a long time but Steven Febey was the man. In his best season he lead the league for kick ins to maintain possession
  19. I like Davey today it was like going back in time. He is without doubt the best deliverer of the ball to position. Magner added grunt and ball winning ability The Jones boys give their all The lesson to learn "Gut busting running" there were 2 players today Ellis and Vlastuin who showed just what is required at this level. When was the last time a Melbourne player accumulated 39 possessions? Still a long way to go and i fear that if Richmond had kicked straight, 14 more shots on goal, it could have been a different tale
  20. At the moment Jordie has not come into the team with any sort of form. He is struggling to keep pace with some of the elite mids he has to tag and is fumbling and turning the ball over. He will never kick it more than 20 if he cannot handball. Is he under instruction to not kick? He is really struggling in the midfield at center bounces. I always thought him the logical replacement for junior and to be no 1 tackler but he hasn't been able to rise to the challenge. What to do?
  21. And that is why the Board or whoever decided on this strategy GOT IT WRONG!. The market place is too competitive and cutthroat to go back to scratch and start again. If it was Scwhabs plan then he has gone and Neeld will follow. The new coach will try and work with what he has and shore things up but MFC will cease to exist if we start again. For the record I don't think Neeld has any idea how to rebuild his greatest asset is his ability to talk the talk. I am yet to see him walk the walk
  22. Current Trend in AFL with Geelong, Collingwood, Carlton, Freo and Hawks is to have lots of small forwards . Dawes Clarke Hogan Watts and How seems a little top heavy to me. Christensen, Motlop, Stokes, Smedts and Duncan are much more mobile and leave Pods and Hawkins to take the marks. Move Harry up forward if a grab is needed. Yarran, Garlett, Betts, Milne Rioli, Puopolo, Zaharakis, Davey (other one) are all goal kicking small forwards we need small quick blokes. West Coast is the exception with their monster forward line but Natanui and Cox are the ruckmen who can play forward. Structure is vital
  23. Darren Jolly has 2 flags to his name and it was between him and Jamar who would take over from Jeff White
  24. If what Barret said is true then Neeld's biggest weakness is his lack of perception and dealing with reality. If he expects to be there to see out his 5 year plan he is delusional. If his original plan was to take us to the disgustingly low level he has overseen, why not tell us so? All we have heard about fitness levels, performance etc have been HIS OPINION and I have no respect for his opinion any more. "Didn't see it coming" and "It is what it is" show he is a one trick pony with 1 plan and when it isn't working he has no plan B. He cannot even admit he maybe wrong. Another Barret quote "I will not changer anything I am doing" Arrogant pigheaded and WRONG. No self respecting Football department would accept a rebuild that took a club to the depths of despair. I dare him to back up "This is what I expected" with what he presented to the board and if they accepted this why FFS did they think it OK to disenchant every single supporter and sponsor and the AFL. As I repeatedly say the Swans and Kangas declared in the market place they can never bottom out as they don't think they will survive and I fear we won't without the AFL coming to our rescue!!!
  25. I don't think any action will be taken on the coaching front for at least the next month or before the bye. We face 4 finals aspirants and not the ideal time for a caretaker to come in and take the reigns. PJ is way too smart for that. Also listening to all the names bandied around it struck me that you don't appoint someone on their name or reputation but on their skills and attributes and how they fit your organisation. If PJ says the FD is badly structured and in need of reform then he will fix that area first, then find a coach that fits. Not Vice versa IMO. Neeld came in and tried to change an organisation and threw the baby out with the bathwater and that reflects his inexperience and Craig was employed to be his mentor. Neeld also moved on all the coaches except Royal. What I am saying is he has tried to reform the club to his ideal when I think the coach we should have employed should have been a fit for our needs and strengths and we got it wrong. The next month may be ugly on field but the FD needs fixing before the coaching does. Then as I suspect Neeld will not be there next year work out who is the best fit for what we want and throw everything at him....
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