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Older demon

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Everything posted by Older demon

  1. What is Eugene Arroca doinf he has heaps of experience with a club struggling to survive?
  2. No I am not the the older brother I just feel old and barracking for the Demons for 57 years will do that to you. Alleged call came after round 1 and cannot name source but rumour arose at launch of another league where one of the coaches works for the AFL (probably said too much). Same night was rumour that AFL would take over admin of Demons within a month unless things improved....they haven't
  3. And why would they want to leave? Not everyone has bought into the MN way and will the club discuss why the players called the AFL player welfare manager in? Neeld has issues with the way he treats the players and this isn't Barwon F.C. or some school. There is a disconnect between the playing group and the coach. Also ask who at the club authorised MN to come in and clean out the previous leadership group, appoint two rookie captains after he had 6 weeks to access the club and then at seasons end clear out 14 players. MN's plans had to be detailed, presented and authorised by the football department and then signed off by the board, there are a few culpable operators in this comedy of errors and all we ask is for someone to take responsibility or did the board abrogate all responsibility and let a rookie coach change everything without any checks and balances? Admit errors and try and fix them. I see NO inclination by MN to concede he made errors or a desire to change his style. A rebuild of a rebuild was always going to be a very risky strategy.
  4. Jamar back to Casey to get some confidence besides his hip will be sore from where Ryder kept using him as a step ladder to win the taps. 3 dropped marks indicate he is at rock bottom. Gillies is a problem as he is a mismatch for covering any resting ruckman Toumpas needs some time at a lower level. What we need Running midfielders, most teams use 10 in their rotations. Watts, McD and Gillies are too slow, we need run not mark and kick Another marking forward to work with Clarke. I will also defend Sylvia as I watched him thru the binoculars and he ran and put in but so often his leads were ignored and when he and Jones were in the middle was the only time we won some clearances.
  5. Correct! But we would have to cop it as we (the board) have put ourselves in this position. Rebuilding after Bailey was a very bad idea. Did Essendon throw everyone out after Knights? No. Did Adelaide throw every player and strategy out after Craig? No. So why did and overly confident, arrogant rookie coach think he could do so? Well the board gave him a mandate, he executed and the results are plain to see.
  6. The worst thing a coach can hear is that "He has the complete faith and trust of the board" so be very worried if the AFL say they trust the board and CEO. I applaud Rohan Connolly for his statement today that the board made a huge error asking/expecting a rookie coach to come in and change the culture. What were they thinking? That is passing the buck, getting someone else to do your dirty work. I have written to Don and said that I thought it was a seriously bad idea to rebuild on the rebuild and got no reply. Sydney and North would never bottom out as their assessment of the market was that their clubs would not survive that strategy. In my opinion Don and the board had no right to go back to scratch after we did the same under Bailey and expect the members to cop it. For that reason alone the board should be held accountable for trashing our brand and the current strategy with the FD and existing coach. To answer the question why should the AFL take over, well because the current board got it wrong and shows no indication that they know how to right the ship. Rebuild of a rebuild isn't working, bottoming out is a poor strategy and has not yielded any success. What is our 5 year plan or god help us the 10 year plan? We owe the AFL 500K, and from the number of posters on here and Facebook who are sending their memberships back, cancelling their auto renew and walking away only the most drastic of action will avert a total disaster. See how many turn up on Saturday.
  7. Will the AFL move in as administrator of the club and clear the decks if we continue to embarrass ourselves and tarnish the brand? We owe them $500K, membership is floundering and we appear to lack a clear direction and ability to improve. Top that off with the coach for now has decided to ignore all the comments and stick to his plan because he is always right. Be afraid.....
  8. Neeld has an unshakeable belief in himself and his coaching and that it is his way or the highway . That is why he didn't see it coming. He is hurting our brand BIG TIME and we cannot afford him 4 years to build his master plan . West Coast sacked ken Judge because he was hurting their multi million dollar brand so it isn't just about on field performance. Pity the President is in New Zealand this week and a long way from the heat. Winning changes culture and perception and gets the press of your back but I fear we don't have a game plan that can do that
  9. The video was a carefully prepared edited, polished by the club product. I doubt it represents reality. Neeld came in and asserted his way on the club and now has the playing list he picked. The issue is "What if he is wrong" what if in his arrogance that he cannot see what is bleeding obvious to many of us, that the game style isn't working. What if alienating the leadership group last year was wrong? What if installing 2 young rookie captains was wrong? What if recruiting 5 cast off's was wrong (ask Michael Voss)? The group last year couldn't buy in or play his game style and this group doesn't appear to be able to either. He is quoted as saying "I didn't see this coming" well there are many who said they could. He has put processes in place that he assumes once ticked off will make us a better team. He crosses the T's dots the I's and has his elite training program but the disconnect is, can he take a group of men and make them play good football. The current answer is after 4 wins NO. Is he prepared to change? Does he have the smarts and insights to try something different? Can he turn around a lost group? Does he have a plan B? These are the questions that will be asked in the next month but given that he is single minded,pig headed, often angry and always thinks he is right, I doubt it.
  10. Isn't Kevin Sheedy out of a job at the end of the year????? While you are all still laughing just remember Junior Mac has been his assistant for 2 years now and may well want to return to MFC in a coaching capacity
  11. First of all it was wrong for the club to decide under Neeld that it would strip things back and throw all the Bailey years out with the bathwater and start again. Clubs like Sydney and North knew they could not afford to bottom out and get high draft pocks yet here they are diligently making subtle changes to their list and getting better. In retrospect Hawthorn is the only team that has really bottomed out got high draft picks and done that successfully. The club is paying a heavy price as supporters and sponsors have had enough and are proving exactly what Sydney and North feared, if you stay down too long you become irrelevant and just cannot get up of the canvas. As much as I dislike Neeld, all show and no substance who talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk, I cannot see any value in sacking him unless there is a Dennis Pagan like coach waiting in the wings to pick up the pieces as North did all those years ago pre season. The admin made a mistake, the wrong coach was selected, the strategy was high risk and has failed and the club has slipped back lower than pre Bailey all easy in hindsight, so we have to move forward and this year is going to be bad, really bad but wait till years end to make change at all levels! I would suggest a coach for the future though.. Junior McDonald, currently learning about the caper under Sheedy, in his second year as an assistant coach and a tough uncompromising leader who should never have been treated with such disrespect by the club.
  12. Get some run in the team, yesterday too top heavy and slow. Midfielders must pick up 20 quality possessions so that excludes Mckenzie, Rodan and Tapscott and tell Jamar to hit it to our blokes not his feet. Runners of the back flanks Watts, Tommy Mac and Dunne is too big and slow. Select 2 tall backs and a make the ruckman runs back and fill the hole, rest of the backline must be runners who can run 10 kick it 60 and hit a target (preferably left footers like malceski or birchall)
  13. To the President (and I am one of your fickle supporters whose letter you didn't respond to) Today the staff of the MFC disgraced their club and jumper, DO SOMETHING, DON"T THINK DO! It was embarassing and a disastrous way to start the season as you have effectively killed off all hope.
  14. Without picking a team I worry about the ones listed with Dunn, McDonald & Watts where is the pace and run out of the back line? If Garland and Frawley are down back I feel we are too top heavy. Successful teams have a runner with great kicking skills coming of half back. Yarran, both Shaw brothers, Suckling, Mattner or Malceski. Individually the names in the backline look good but it isn't what I would call a rebound defence, coupled with an average midfield means the ball will struggle to get forward. I can see Terlich, Jetta, Nicholson for his run not delivery playing down back and playing 1 less tall
  15. Do I feel sick? No. I expect to be bottom 4 and fighting with the Bullies for the spoon we are weak in the middle with jamar our only decent ruckman unless they plan to use Clarke in that position. Midfield lacks class and even if all the tall forwards are playing the ball wont get there. Not convinced the coaching strategy under neeld has got it right, sacking leadership group, 7 discards eagerly picked up bu other clubs and topping up with discards and money ball players. I have no expectation for this year and frankly don't even feel enthused to go and watch the carnage.
  16. No Still too early and I am yet to see what I call our definitive game plan. It appears that the addition of Clark, Dawes, Sellar and Pederson up forward suggests Neeld wants it longer into the forward line and as yet I haven't determined how the coaching panel plan to move the ball out of defence. Last season was a nonsense and no judge. Will Neeld be innovative like Clarkson and have different games styles. Does he have Malthouses ability to design a defensive game plan around the personel he has? Will we mimic the defensive overlap style of Adelaide under Craig? This season will tell us part of the story and then we can decide how bright the future is. Personally I don't like the current chip chip chip around the boundary stuff shown in the NAB cup and worry when we will ever see Clarke and Dawes operating together.
  17. Great question. I couldn't help but admire Geelong in the NAB cup saturday when it got tight. Instinctively they played to a plan and knew were to run as they moved the ball up the middle of the field. The secret I believe is in how many games you can get into the young players when they arrive at the club in the seconds. Thats right in the 2's learning the game style so they react instinctively when they make the ones. In the 80's at the Hawks it was not uncommon to play 50 games in the seconds before making your senior debut (Michael Tuck) and now Geelong have a core of young players to bring on who have played 2 seasons in the 2's even the great Gary Ablett, Enright etc played a seconds grand final which they won. Collingwood is currently developing its second stringers at their 2nds. Contrast this to MFC and casey where we wont let our players play finals at Casey and look to get as many games into you in your first year. Thank goodness Viney got to spend a year at casey as will Jessie Hogan there is NO quick fix to team culture!!!
  18. Who would want to be a backman in this team? We get smashed out of the middle consistently and the ball heads into our forward line at a million miles an hour. It would do anyones head in and make them indecisive. Similarly you need mids who run and spread so the backs have someone to kick to and can play an attacking game. Jamar got 35 hit outs against NO opposition (McEvoy and Hickey not playing) and we still lost the clearances, who the hell was he hitting it too? Look at the tackle count , how much pressure did we apply? None. Don't blame Chip, look at the midfield personnel and game plan. Fix that and things will improve. And to anyone who says it was only a practise game read Barassi and his quote on practise to be perfect, you train how you play and the practise form does not inspire hope for a season any better than the last.
  19. Re Beamer & Martin and even Gysberts I care because they were all victims of coach Neeld. We have all forgotten how he sacked the old leadership group including Rivers at the start last year and cleaned out the club so he could get his players in and play his style of football. We all have short memories of his arrogant uncompromising attitude and angry manner (just ask players and staff around the club). There are 7 former players deemed good enough to get a game at other clubs that is an extraordinary number Well now part of his assessment this year will be the performance of the team he has built as well as the players he discarded. Our ruck stocks are thin and I certainly didn't agree with giving Martin away. It is only February but he will be judged this year and remember how we all couldn't believe how the team could go from 8 and a half wins in 2011 and hope for improvement that led to a bottom 4 spot in 2012.
  20. Could not agree more. Why then did we give away Martin? Potential to get smashed at the clearances again and again
  21. Need more run out of defence and flankers who kick long and penetrate downfield. Malceski, Yarran, Birchal, Enright, are the play makers we need to emulate
  22. From the vision I think Dunn pushed Vickery into the contest slightly resulting in Vickery copping a falcon ie hit in the head with the ball. He may have thought that Dunn hit him. The umpires mike also came across asking Dunn to stop using his elbows. poor Tyrone he must bruise easily
  23. Apple TV lets you stream your ipad video thru home wifi to TV
  24. Class teams have a plan and deliver the ball to advantage, we have a long way to go to get there. Bombing to the goal square worked for Brisbane but they had Lynch and Brown and a host of talented forwards to mop up the crumbs just as Geelong now have Hawkins & Pods with some fairly talented support staff...we don't. Hogan is only 17 but the type you build a team around but that is 4 years away. I know it is February but we are talking about the same ball butchers as last year so I don't expect they will ever improve (sorry Geordie u are killing us). My son is a kangas supporter and he was rapt with Gysberts game and laughed that we traded him for Pederson I know who will benefit from that deal.
  25. Gee we butcher the ball! And it is the same culprits all the time, mentioned in pre season training and the same again in NAB cup. Still unable to nut out what our game plan is, North constantly transferred play to open up other side of ground. We try and turn it over.
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