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Everything posted by Clark_Kent

  1. I think he has been playing with an injury for a large portion of the season, his game on the weekend was very good and I think he is just getting back to full finess. Jump on in DT if you haven't already got him he is dirt cheap. Unless you are in the Demonland Rookies league in which case don't as I will be versing you.
  2. Absolutely!! If he can't at least get his tank up to a level to be a decent in and under midfielder who floats forward then I really don't see what he brings to the table. He is nowhere near quick enough for a small forward and not tall enough to just play as a lead up forward. I really hope the next coach tells him to work his A$$ off to play midfield a lot more.
  3. Yeah I got that BB59 I was more referring to people who say "oh we should offer pick 2 for Wines". Unrealistic
  4. I think trying to get Wines is a bit of an impossible fantasy. First of all why would Port trade him for pick 2? They've already put a year into him and he's shown to be a very good player. And secondly why would he want to come to Melbourne? Just because he was friends with Viney doesn't mean he would just leave the Power(who look like playing finals).
  5. Could it be that we have been training for more coninuous running rather than short bursts due to the interchange cap they are looking to bring in? The short bursts work well when the interchange rate is high meaning players can run for 2 minutes then come of for 1 minute or something like that. With the new cap players will have to stay out on the ground for longer therefore continous running will be required to get to more contests. Just a thought.
  6. Gary Ablett Jnr squibbed a contest very early in his career would you call him a squib now?
  7. I agree with this statement. I lived in Perth my whole life up until 5 months ago when I moved to Melbourne. Other than the warm weather (which becomes really annoying after the 20th straight day over 35) Perth really has nothing much going on. The lifestyle in Melbourne is so much better and there is way more going on. Also you don't have to put up with al the Eagles supporters who are my most hated team by far.
  8. From watching the U18 comp and the discussions on here I would say Sheed and Dunstan are the two most "AFL ready" mids going, possible also Scharenberg but he didn't play a lot of midfield in the champs. If we do end up getting two early pick I'd say we will go for a sure thing like Sheed and then a prospect like Aish, that's if we don't trade one of those picks. If we don't get that then it will be interesting to see which way they go.
  9. Having seen a photo of him today playing aginst the Cats he seems to be getting a lot bigger already and he looks very strong through the legs and hips which is a very good thing (see Ablett jr). I personally think he has the potential to be as damaging as a Griffen or Dangerfield once he gets more power through his legs. I wouldn't be surprised if we see a dramatic rise in his output next season similar to Chad Wingard this year. Very excited about this one though don't want to jinx him.
  10. It is pretty depressing but I think we are finally turning the corner. It's just a very very long way back from where we've got to.
  11. I think we also need to remember that GWS will be needing to cu down their list and will likely have a few very capable young mids leaving. We should be looking to them for possible targets for midfielders. I think we should keep Fitzy and continue to develop him and if we ever get to the stage where we are challenging for top finals spots and we still have a surplus then we can look at trading one of them for a GUN mid. He hasn't reached his full potential yet so we likely would't get a GUN at the moment just a good mid which isn't going to help us all that much in the short term.
  12. No offence but that would never happen and I doubt many supporters would want him back, no matter how well he is playing at the moment.
  13. I would say Yes. Kane Cornes has wound back the clock this season so there is no reason why Cross couldn't as well. At the very least would bring some experience and help the youn mids. Give a one year deal and there isn't much risk.
  14. Anyone who thinks first of all Sydney would give up Mitchell and secondly that he would want to come to the Demons is delusional. He is genuinely a future star and he is playing in one of the best sides in the comp. Come on guys lets get serious.
  15. It's also worth noting that there's a lot of older players i.e O'keefe at 32 in career best form. Now I'm not saying he will ever perform the same as O'keefe, but he could still potentially have 5 years left in him. Do we just want to get rid of all players once they hit 27 and above?? We NEED to keep Sylvia.
  16. I meant they would ask for one of our picks not the other way round. I would trade Jamar plus a pick around 30 for Adams.
  17. That is interesting. I think at the moment where we are at we should look at these types of positives. And that's not saying it is ok to lose, but these are positives we can take moving forward. I would rather we played teams like Sydney, Geelong and Hawthorn every week and lost honourably than play the Dogs and GWS and win. The players must learn so much from playing against quality sides.
  18. Jamar has been working closely with our young rucks though. If they were offering something subsantial such as Adams or Shiel for Jamar and probably another pick then we would be stupid not too. But if they aren't offering much we should hold onto him as that teacher role. Be interesting to see what happens.
  19. I don't know how he could rate him higher. Hogan has kicked 30 goals playing VFL against MEN not boys. I would personally have Hogan ahead due to this fact.
  20. I think Grimes should come in for Dunns spot, I prefer him across half back picking up possies and taking intercept marks. He can also rotate through the midfield as well. I'd go with: Garland Frawley Terlich Grimes McDonald Clisby
  21. I think if it's pure mid we suely couldn't go past Sheed, Aish or Dunstan. Half back we are fairly well stocked in so I doubt Scharenberg will be on our radar. Also Billing's seems to be a half forward which again we have covered with Watts, Howe and Sylvia if he stays. We have to get a ball magnet and for min Sheed has the runs on the board averaging 28 possessions a game which is very good at that level.
  22. That is what he is saying. There is not a lot of midfield talent up for offer and they are about the best available.
  23. Should we just let all recruiting decisions be made by Hogan? Maybe he should also double as CEO. I would not be against it.
  24. Haha that's awesome. Yep make it happen. Midfielders who can kick 50m on either foot are very rare.
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