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Everything posted by Soidee

  1. I expect to go to an AFL game that I pay good money for and see players effort, skills and standard that is top level. I do not expect to watch D grade skills and garbage at the highest level.
  2. It would be really good if the club decided to hold an extraordinary members meeting at this point of the season. I'm guessing there would be a huge turnout with some very lively discussion. But...sadly these meetings are always held in the off season when dust is settled and no one gives a toss or yelp. After the St Kilda dross, most members have had a gutful and the club goes into hiding. Have the guts to hold a members meeting now and hear what people have to say about this insipid group of footballers and unwatchable game style.
  3. It's time a serious debate/discussion was held between various membership groups of the MFC and the club. Since 2006 the club has been deplorable onfield. Off field things are getting done and Jackson is passionate about the direction of the club, however ask most supporters and they will say watching this team is not an enjoyable experience. After this seasons snail pace like improvement I am in no doubt that membership will decrease next year, no matter what spin some will put on it. Roos has had clear air for long enough now to get more from this list on game day. On game day in 2015 this group has been carried by the likes of Brayshaw, Hogan, Vince, Jones and McDonald. Most of the others on the list are at best ordinary footballers who are terribly inconsistent and not buying into any game plan that is put in front of them. This equates to more aggressive recruiting next year and beyond, thus leaving the club 3 or 4 years away from a possible finals appearance. The garbage football that this club produces is turning people away from games and trust continues to be a big issue with membership. Convince me otherwise....that membership will decline on the back of this garbage we are watching.
  4. Time for Roos and the club please explain to the tired and angry supporters.
  5. Roos along with most other AFL coaches have turned a brilliant sport into a unwatchable sport that is rubbish. Turning thousands off on a weekly basis. Game in decline......
  6. My family and I did a first today. We walked out halfway through the 3rd QTR reeling from another putrid performance by this team. Right from the get go I sensed this group was going to serve up another compelling reason not to renew costly memberships next year and they did not disappoint. If the MFC believes it will attract new members to this club they have their collective heads up their rear ends. The brand of football is putrid, I challenge anyone to say its enjoyable, and unless there is a massive change in AFL football we are not going anywhere folks. This situation onfield for the MFC happens far too often and too frequent for any hardened supporter. The football is rubbish to watch but even worse for MFC supporters who pay to watch this rubbish far too often. This club needs a revolution or die.... I feel for the kids, and fully understand why they would go and play soccer, this rubbish served up by this club does nothing for the game I love.
  7. It's an absolute indictment on this club that see us without a flag for 51 years. Since Daniher we have been irrelevant with a glimmer shining through the glass at the moment. The club is still hopeless with self promotion and all the talk by Bartlett has come to zilch so far with getting our profile out of the toilet. Roos and Jackson need to land a A Grade fish or 2 before their tenure is up, our club profile still stinks.
  8. No doubt the win is good for spirit and all of us. Beats a loss any day...BUT let's not kid ourselves this game was not enjoyable to watch after half time. It was damn woeful and shocking brand of football on a perfect weather day. The custodians of the game except for Hawthorn are destroying the game I love. Players are like robots and stoppages are an ulcer on the backside of Australian rules football. Anyway a win is a win....
  9. As it stated in the paper today, this club has achieved nothing since Neale Daniher. I expect nothing from this team anymore, last weekend was the last straw. All talk no walk!!!
  10. What the hell is Dawes giving us? He can't take a grab and is not a reliable kick. Why not bring in pencil and leave him in the goal square .....he can take a grab
  11. Well folks it's July again......we are stuck on 4 wins since starting in April. Nobody who cares about the Dees are surprised we still languish in the bottom 4 of the competition. This is the point of the season that the MFC becomes irrelevant to the competition because we are where everybody expected us to be. The loss to Essendon could of elevated this club out of the bottom 4 and kept some light on us as a club, but noooooo that's too much to expect......once again the fragility of some on our list buckled to a team under extreme pressure. Let's call it now......this team are and continue to be poorly led by its leadership group when it counts. This team are weak minded and don't appear to have any killer instinct when it counts. This team have everything at their disposal in the football department and led by a very very experienced coaching group. Just pause for a second and think what Lyon, Neitz and Schwartz at the Junction oval compared to what the current list have. Yes it's July 2015 and I'm guessing most MFC supporters are once again not enjoying their football. We are all sick to death of losing and reaching July where we as a club become irrelevant.
  12. Actually whilst Roos has good credentials you make a good point. He is on a squillion dollars and money in the bank. No doubt he is trying his best with a rabid losing club, however we are all fed up and sick of losing games. If we cannot drag ourselves out of the bottom 4 this year, the club can go looking for others to pay their bills. I've forked out thousands over 3 decades and patience is defiantly at the crossroads.
  13. Sheedy and Hird will be out tonight toasting and boasting at the expense of our club yet again.....when is this going to stop?
  14. We have not improved and that's that.....we are still bottom 4 and lose games we should win. Roos is on a million dollars and I am getting impatient.
  15. Post of the year!!! On top of that comment I do not want to hear any [censored] comments coming from players or coaches at this club. Shameful and embarrassing. Might as well have lost by 100 points FWIW.
  16. No excuses at all. This was ours to win, and the players again stuffed it up badly. It is appalling that this is still happening in games we should win. This club is bankrupt without any credibility
  17. This club can always be relied upon to screw its supporters to the wall then throw excrement and then rub it in our noses. Round 15.......4 wins, still bottom 4. Lose to a team who are rock bottom, FFS!! Roos out coached again, this time by Smug Hirdy boy, and Neeld!!! Hope? There's no effing hope when this type of rubbish is dished up year after year. Here's a reminder to those supporters who think we are on the improve........4 wins.....round 15 Makes me sick
  18. I will spew up if arrogant self obsessed Hird sings the song after the game
  19. This is a line in the sand moment for this club starting this week. The players must be switched on and aware of the significance of the next month. Most pundits will have this list falling over against a weak bombers, and it's time our club made a statement onfield. Anything less than a win this week will be shameful.
  20. I know Toumpas is a slow developer sadly....but he at least gives effort. The same thing can't be said for Howe!!!! Why is Howe still being gifted games? Makes me angry that this half rsed one trick pony gets a game before many others who are deserving.
  21. Why would these idiots bring Stephen Dank to talk at a club function? I guess clubs are paying this [censored] to talk when he is on the speaking circuit. I am just gob smacked that anyone in football land would pay him to talk at functions, let alone a club coached by Dean Wallis. Simply mind boggling
  22. Out - Howe, Howe Howe.....how many non effort games does he need before he is dropped
  23. Disposal is putrid......either improve this part of your game Tom or you will be another MFC player lost and forgotten about.
  24. Get a young 190cm mid and move this one trick pony on somewhere else
  25. Yes agree about Howe....clean your locker out, his effort is PW. We are the whipping boys for WCE....it's like playing Hawthorn, why bother even watching.
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