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Everything posted by Soidee

  1. PJ is working his guts out to better this club, it's a pity his playing list continually let's all and sundry down. We are only 6 games into the season and Roos says the players are tired...WTF?
  2. Roosy will do it his way, however the club cannot escape the fact that the list contains too many who are not AFL standard. The longest rebuild in history.
  3. I would prefer Roos drops Dawes for next week because the dogs will belt us anyway. The guy needs to be sent a big message, and Roos needs to start getting tough on these non performers.
  4. Today was another putrid episode in the modern history of the MFC. I wrestled hard with the idea of maintaining my premium membership for the 37th consecutive year and kept the faith. It was not the 100 point loss that angered me, this putrid football belongs to the group of players whose attitude and self respect belongs in the toilet. Dawes is just one of this group who are getting a game purely on our lack of talent and depth. The only solution I can come up with in the short term is for the club to throw the chequebook at 2 or 3 superstars to keep this club relevant. I cannot see any other way of keeping members on board unless the club goes this way. Peter Jackson and the off field team are getting their job done, however Jacko needs to harness all his resources humanly possible to get A grade stars onto our list for 2016.
  5. I am realistic about the result however, I want to see some passion effort and leadership from our senior players. Dawes, Dunn, Grimes, Howe, and Lumumba. Some others who are playing for their careers include M Jones, and Bail. Actually it's time we stopped getting flogged by the Hawks!! It's time this club puts in a close competitive game against this mob.
  6. ND you are an inspiration and my heart goes out to you. You are one tough hombre mate and brought many a smile to my face during the finals in 2000.
  7. The biggest worry is our clear lack of depth when we have injuries. We still have to recruit mids and a ruck combination, however, the club must continue to de-dud our list cloggers who are still on the payroll
  8. Let's hope How and Dunn pull their fingers out this week and earn their spots. How in particular needs to do something other than flying for the occasional speccy.....our senior guys have been carried in recent weeks by the baby demons.
  9. I watched that on 360. Should have seen the look on Whatleys face...it was gold! Hird has now alleged ASADA of destroying evidence...why the hell would they even consider such a nonsensical idea? Hird just continues to go from bad to worse as a man with zero credibility in this whole saga. Gerard Whately is the only journo other than Caro to face him off. The rest belong in the boys club of AFL.
  10. Agree on our young listed players. We are building a talented young group. As for Howe.....if a club is happy to give him 600,000 then more stupid them. He is a one trick pony who is just another inconsistent AFL player on our list.
  11. We are back in our rightful place on the ladder...bottom 4! Wew! Got ahead myself early in the season.
  12. Honourable mentions to Salem, Brayshaw, Hogan and Tmac. As for the night at the football it was another night of garbage to watch. The MFC under PJ is trying their guts out to get the club on track including the Breast Cancer game as one of our nights as a club to put on a good show. The players once again for the 2nd week running served up appalling garbage to watch. The club is doing everything right it possibly can.....as for many on our list they just serve up dog shyte. We have some good young kids on our list, we still have far too many inconsistent senior passengers. It's getting harder to sit out a full game as every year goes by.
  13. Now dogs and Hitler are part of the debate!!! Wow!!
  14. Your just another apologist for tossers who want their 5 minutes of fame. I'm sick of people apologising for bad behaviour in society. Clarkson should not have to put up with this nonsense. Unfortunately the world is full of wannabes.
  15. Angry little man!!! I always laugh at this dumb comment.....what has size got to do with being angry? Besides your dumb comments, I am with Clarkson on this. No one should have to put up with drunks who hassle people. The wankers should have the phones shoved up their collective backsides. Tossers!!
  16. Anzac Day - Essendon &Collingwood The debate pros and cons will go on. For mine, it's a farce that these 2 teams, and especially Hubris Hirds mob have a monopoly on this great occasion. I have always advocated that this day should belong to the 2 sides who played off in the GF, this approach gives the opportunity for any team to play. This monopoly is outdated and needs review. As for the bombers....well what else can be said!
  17. Dawes played a handful of good games last year without being outstanding. I want to see a higher output from this guy on game day, however I am not filled with confidence he is going to produce. He has been around long enough and at an age where he should be at the top of his game. Perhaps he looked good in a premiership team with better mids around!!!! Jury still out on this monster who needs to lift and be consistent.
  18. It's all above the shoulders with this team. Too often, far too often. It's not fitness, it's weak heads and the sooner our leadership group start leading when things get tough the better. 9 goals just reinforces our inability to harden up when it's needed. No wonder every MFC member has no idea what to expect each time we turn up to a game. We are weak above the shoulders, and that still exists with a massive list turnover. It's got me stuffed!!!!
  19. Headline says it all!! Recreational drugs.....the drugs are illicit not some jellybean parade!!!! The use of the word recreational is simply giving the wrong message. No matter any of the arguments....this stuff wrecks lives and makes bad people rich.
  20. Oh Dear!!!!! Now good old Kevvy is now the latest in the propaganda conga line at essendrug. Pleeeeeeese pleeeeeeese Kevin.....give those of us with a bit of intelligence a fair go. Quite frankly, Essendon, some sections of the media and the AFL boys club believe when it comes to drugs in sport....they are different to the rest of the sports world and they also believe in being treated in a parallel universe on this subject. Sheedy mouthing off suggesting it's everyone else fault is just the latest example. Nothing BUT nothing will change my now held view that Hird and his comrades have forever stained the game through his win at all costs thinking. As for Essendon ...their biggest mistake was keeping him on.
  21. When does this team finally work out that embarrassing performances are no longer acceptable. Losing to the bombers was very very unacceptable. I listened to Peter Jackson at the AGM where he reinforced that football is their priority and winning games of football comes first. Losing to a VFL team is appalling and some senior players should hang their heads in shame. I was hoping to see around the corner in 2015 and get a view of a positive future. Setbacks like losing to a VFL team just make me angry at many on our list. Being embarrassed is part of a MFC supporters lot! However, I will still keep that blind faith.
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