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Everything posted by Soidee

  1. I'm excited and happy with our progress in 2016, not that flat about finals because simply we don't deserve to be in the 8. Our club now has talent and some talent from unexpected areas. Jayden Hunt to me is the surprise of the year, he can be anything this kid. We have Oliver, Petracca, Weideman, Brayshaw, and another surprise in OMac. another 18 months into these guys along with our other best listed players, the club must be expecting to go deep into finals by 2018. we do have the talent...we don't have maturity in the cranium department. My biggest disappointment is falling to teams such as Essendon, Carlton and St Kilda. We win 3 out if those 4 games we play finals. Our biggest archilles is getting the head right for games against teams we are expected to beat. This is the challenge for 2017, this club is expected to play finals next year and they must get their heads in the right place to take the next step. The talent is there, maturity must be developed ASAP. Finally, Proud of the club this year, but the bar is set, and next year It's on. Finals appearance expected or it's a fail next season.
  2. Some anonymous terd called AW after the game and said Hawthorn had met with Petracca 2 years ago and told him to wait and they would pick him up on big dollars. Not sure if this is just BS...however they are mercenaries and would not be surprised.
  3. Remember this date 6 August 2016. It is the date the MFC came out of its shell. We now have talent on our list, we have potentially 5-6 elite players over the next 3 seasons. We are on our way, and without doubt one of my proudest days been a member of the MFC. absolute Gold.
  4. Pedo and Clarry in. Dawes out never to return.
  5. Lucky we won....otherwise the melodramatic responses as u put it would be in meltdown. It was 2 points against a team missing most of their midfield. If we had lost, media would be killing us for lack of improvement. We got lucky today, it was a absolute garbage to watch.
  6. Apart from the 4 points, what a terrible day for supporters. Perfect weather, no reason for such putrid decision and skills. Vince has put in some great games wearing the Jumper, but he also goes off the radar too much lately. Was a very bad display of AFL football and frankly I am sick of the team over using the ball. When are the coaches going to coach this out of them? Absolute stinker of a game and really hope this team under Goodwin starts making the MCG our fortress. Surely there are better options than Dawes....he totally stuffs up our forward structure.
  7. Our Young brigade fills me with hope, however unless we can recruit some senior guys who have killer instinct, brains and skills we will lose these close games. Leadership again missing when we needed it. Having said all that, we came within a bees dick of beating that mongrel of a team. Their supporters have had it good for too long.
  8. That's the damn problem...Tommy no skills does play well almost every week, however his decision making with ball in hand is so poor that it costs us games. It simply cannot continue. The best teams have the most skilled players in defence, and the players in that part of the ground must be sound decision makers. Tommy boy does not lack effort, he lacks football smarts. The club must do something about it...bring in some smart thinking defenders. The judge is still out on Oscar, but what I've seen so far, his brain into gear matches his brothers, treacle like.
  9. How much is Tom worth? If he is holding out for more money, tell him to get stuffed. Turn over King of the AFL
  10. I don't care what anyone says, Tom McDonald for all his good points is the dumbest and brainless footballer on our list. His turnovers when not under pressure cost us games so often. I'm over him, he needs some good old fashioned tough love from the coaching staff. The umpires are just pathetic and almost corrupt at that ground, something needs to be said, however my anger is at McDonald and his brain fades....we cannot rely on him if we ever make finals FFS!!!!!
  11. Not bad if you can get it....holidays travelling the world on a squillion dollars!!! How much do do these guys get paid to do naff all? Poor sods, my heart bleeds for them.
  12. If you don't think leg speed is an issue you were not watching last weeks game. The run and spread of Saints made us look like molasses. The saints players ran fast to open spaces while our guys were 20-30 metres of the pace. Our team rarely spread, and rarely have the speed to get ahead of opposition players. It's an issue that cannot be ignored. Take a close look at this weeks game against the Eagles, they will out run us all day.
  13. As I said, it helps some, my point is - the more I think of past glories, the more I think our mindset is stuck on those past glories. Actually, supporters should be telling the club how putrid it is to keep losing at Etihad...the club needs to know how jacked off we all are.
  14. Everyone is safe. Take a trip to the cinema or do something with your family, believe me you will feel much better.
  15. I love my footy club and have few fond memories but really!! Too many of us live on very long good memories and frankly it is a parallel universe in today's time and age. The supporter base needs to come into the 21st century and demand excellence from a club trying to climb to success. Talking about the past might help some, but to me it's in the past. I'm over the past, I want success and only think of the NOW!!!
  16. Spot on Stuie, Vogan Poetry is disrespectful of posters who have watched this side and supported them for decades. To be 17 points up and then just get belted in the next quarter on a ground we are putrid at is just hopeless. I believe in where the club is going but we need to win those games. We still have no respect in the competition and that makes me angry. To lose 14 times to a club is pathetic. Our senior players need to grow up quick and support the young guys, frankly they are embarrassing. Where is the killer instinct? Nate Jones sometimes is not producing leadership when we really need it, for example at Etihad. The Ox made some valid points, and all the soft flogs who think otherwise are disrespectful.
  17. We all agree that the club is in better hands, and is incrementally improving on and off field. Yesterday at that ground west of the city this club was again embarrassed and again beaten by a team that physically and mentally bullies us into submission. For me personally this was our worst defeat and performance barring the debacle against Essendon. Our shortcomings are crystal year, we still get bullied by the same teams over the past ten years, even with a different list we still have a soft underbelly and get beaten up. As a team we repeat the same mistakes every week, overuse the ball, handball skills are shocking and we almost regularly handball to a player who gets caught. This brings me to the third point. The team other than Hunt, moves like treacle. We get touched up on leg speed and cannot match speed of other teams. This list is better but our shortcomings are still serious and won't take us into September unless they are fixed. My family have vowed never to watch the MFC at Etihad again, it is just not acceptable anymore for supporters to turn up but the team does not turn up. Our leg speed, foot skills and decision making are still very poor for AFL level. The club still lets itself down against sides it should beat.
  18. I was metres away from the boundary today, and the defence were out of position endlessly. We will not play finals with unskilled players in defence. Sorry folks it's a pipe dream unless we get rebounding skilled defenders who can read the play. Apologies to Nev Jetta who plays his heart out. As for Rawlings...I've lost confidence
  19. Rawlings is doing wonders with our backline. Keep them all in so they can show off their skills in Perth.
  20. Agree. After today's garbage, I have no confidence this list can win another game this year. Too many holes in the list, too many passengers who do not improve. West Coast will brush us away with ease. Very sad this mob keep letting themselves and the heartland down.
  21. The problem with having a legit crack at Jonesy it upsets the precious types. He is a great servant of this club, but when he puts in a shocker he is not immune. This club unfortunately has zero backup in leadership when Jones goes missing. Several times I watched our backline totally crumble under pressure. FFS! Shouldn't we be getting past such juvenile performances? Enough is enough....I really am fed up with losing these games such as Saints. One leader can't do it on his own.....where are they come game day?
  22. It might be a stupid thread, but our lack of leadership today was bleeding obvious. why can't Jonesy and our senior players get over games at Etihad? There is something missing!!!!!! Whatever the leadership is preaching, it ain't working!!!!
  23. Thanks Grimesy for trying your best, there's just too many players we need to lift this side, and your best is just not cutting it.
  24. I will throw a party when this club stops making nonsense excuses after a loss like that. Roosy, Goodwin, Jackson and every other paid coach or footy dept person needs to spell it out that it's not acceptable. Don't give us supporters bulldust platitudes. This one today is bad, very bad.
  25. This is very true, we can all see it, the media all see it, and yet the players and coaches are incapable of doing anything to change it. This club lurches from wannabes to pretenders depending on who turns up each week. Totally over this nonsense. Today should have been a win full stop.
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