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Everything posted by thaipantsman

  1. Stuie? Now the time Mate. If they want Viney the have to grab him. Dawes will be a done deal. No other team would want Dawes. Having said all that who knows..maybe he can be the "transformer" and we sure need some toughness.
  2. not a bad prediction Chook!! What ya reckon??...with Boak, Cloke and Goddard..
  3. Best reason I can think of would be to get reunited with your childhood. Revisit the days the Head teacher would bring out Big Bertha and deliver the cuts for talking in class.
  4. If Melbourne sign Dawes it will be Templeton Mk 11 but worse because Dawes wasn't as good as Templeton. Obvious fatal error .. he will get in Clark's way and be a hindrance.
  5. you're right Roost. don't thank God though! Something real please Tough call on Rivo? NQR??? Has given tremendous service and had rarely put a foot wrong. Played out of position much of this year when nothing would have been lost blooding Watts forward more often. Rivers is a good solid back man. Am right with Stuie re his comments on Clark and Rivers.. Again some respect called for for Jared Rivers.
  6. Cudi.. Dawes is not up to it. Rather go the youth path. Perhaps I've missed something with Dawes?
  7. Yes agree Bubsy re: Howe. Not a crumber but has potential to do anything and other things not just taking screamers. Imagine Lynch and Clark(if his foot is ok) with Howe around a bouts? A Lynch type presence will transform Davey and definitely prolong his career. Hope we get Lynch
  8. youth policy is great but all out youth policy not great. takes 2 years to develop then in the current climate change of club is inevitable. i.e., Scullywag. balance is the key here. iPod at the Cats is a great example and they're going to do it again with Rivo(who I hope we keep). If Rodan's knee is ok and if not too expensive he might be good.
  9. Folks!!! If we got Lynchy then the crumbers we thought never existed all of a sudden exist. Mids will lift, Jamar can run back and defend more instsead of pushing forward. The whole game changes Didn't notice crumbers because 2012 was a bum fight to get the ball oft the opposition. J. Howe can then play a different role and vets like Davey will instantly have a new zest for footy..
  10. Lynch has got to be a massive bonus. Also take pressure off Watts. Those who expect Watts to be the burst through, break up packs type player then think again. It's not his go and I hope he's not forced into playing that role. Watts is the silky skill type guy and we need him to stay on the track. QL on the other hand can play that role and it's go Dees charge toward the 8 if we pick him up!!
  11. here's an idea and think about it seriously. how about we make Lynch exempt from the Cuts .
  12. Dr. Gonzo=corrrect Sir not much respect to be gained from losing every week. I think we should aim to be the hardest team to play against. As you say not necessary to win to gain respect. Quite happy to be Zip and 11 and the halfway mark. So long as we are respected. Good call Gonzo.
  13. Lot will depend on how Gold Coast and GWS come on. Last is a distinct possibility. There will be not much improvement. This year we started badly and finished worse. The trolls of Demonland will come down on me but have to say straight out the Coach is a worry. IMO he's wrecked what was a promising young list. He seems listless and his addresses to players resemble a Teacher laying down the law to a pack of naughty children who aren't listening. Prediction 13th if Clark stays on the Park. Bring back Denis Jones.
  14. Much happiness all round if we got him. Doubt if Eagles will let him go though. He's better than Clokey IMO>
  15. "Hopefully" I hope as well but must tell you... You're dreaming binman!
  16. Who cares if you back Neeld's judgement? Facts are we are losing our best players and no prominent replacements on the horizon. Very sad to say but things are looking like a train wreck for 2014.
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