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Everything posted by thaipantsman

  1. Why Neeld in Caps? Melbourne's worry is the exodus of arguably our best players for the reason of discontent. Rivers(looks gone), Moloney and Jurrah just to name 3. It's speculation but others will follow. "Neeld can mould into his thinking". What does that mean? Apart from "rejects" and some young draftees, i.e. Viney, who is coming? To compound the worry is who would want to come in this climate? Sellar types aren't going to get us up the ladder. Would be better off keeping Rivers(our best defender) and letting Sellar go. Problem here is obvious. No other team would touch Sellar with a barge pole.
  2. Jason Taylor or Riley?? Can't have both! Comments please...
  3. just send him to "Riley". All will be sorted! He's a star.
  4. There are only three guys in the Melbourne team that don't need "Rielly" Clarke, Sylvia and Jamar. Send the rest to Rielly please
  5. Jack will be more than alright. Don't you worry about that:)
  6. how do you draw the conclusion Jurrah is worth nothing? If this was truly the case then there wouldn't have been countless inflammatory comment directed at him after the announcement of his departure. No one would of cared. Jurrah is still young and huge on skill and a knack for goals. Melbourne always looked a chance when he was on the field.
  7. Any chance of Melbourne picking up Jurrah again as a rookie??
  8. two years is a long time in footy! perhaps Wellingham can be the new pendels in 2014!
  9. exactly! but even then he wasn't that bad.
  10. agree he's no better than a Sylvia or Jones. If he's as good that's good enough..get him!
  11. Whether he's worth it or not is not the question here. The point is we need him. Obviously we'll have to offer more than he's worth or he's off to the Blues or Freo. Huge coupe for Neeld and Melb if Cloke signs.
  12. who's critical of Jones? did you have a bad dream?
  13. hi hyl, do you recall a melb v hawks match in the reign(playing days) of Matthews. was at the G at we were behind by 47 points at around the 17 minute mark of the final term. We won! Was one of the best Melbourne comebacks of all time.
  14. Hawkers to draw away and win by 49 points.
  15. Could create exactly the same argument for the contrary re: Wellingham. First insticts are to go to Swann, Pendel, Beams. Without these guys Wellers may well stand up. He's be good for Melbourne.
  16. IMO either Cloke, Tippett or Goddard at least one of is essential for the mighty Dees. If Neeld can't coax any of the three then we need the NBT. While Cloke didn't seem to have a massive year I feel his best is still ahead of him. The more Gun forwards, i.e., Clarke etc the more the mids will lift. Goddard would be a great general across the backs.
  17. Jamar has carried injuries right through 2012. He did look very slow. Very strong and determined will have a much better 2013 and hopefully re-establish himself. IMO he's not far behind Jolly.
  18. Dawes !!!?? Wellingham might be ok. You must remember Wellingham is next in line to the elites of the competition, Pendels, Swannette and no 17 with the Tatts. Wello's would get the opportunity to be a number one premium mid at Melb.
  19. on this subject and apologies if it's posted elsewhere (before the trolls come down on me) if it came down to Tippett or Cloke which are both possibilities (though Malthouse is keen on Cloke) who would be best for Melbourne?
  20. Jack will play where he's most needed. No need to think so hard about it now. Would be nice to see him blossom as a forward.
  21. Melbourne need a BIG announcement to stay to be credible. Name a superstar in the competition that would be willing to join Melbourne and be lectured to like a High School Kid. This is the dilemma for us.
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