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Everything posted by thaipantsman

  1. Well I'm going to have a glass of Red and have a think about it. My point is subtle change can sometimes work wonders and if subtle change is all that's needed then the list is arguably not that bad.
  2. Actually Pass..IMO Melbourne's list isn't poor. Not great but not poor. Put Goddard on a HBF, Boak in the Guts and Clokey down with Clark. Clark/Jamar and Gawny back not to mention LJ (fingers and toes crossed) all of a sudden the list looks more than OK.
  3. hei Why you!! Possibly Riddles but I haven't researched it. just lobbed into my brain and I chucked it out there. I asked the question because someone gave credit for Neeld for being in charge when Clark arrived so I thought to myself if Clark was one of our best...who would of been the worst recruit. Fair enough! Haven't moved off the couch for 3 hours after working all weekend!! Can someone help here? I did like Ridley. I was only a young kid but can still recall he had fire in the belly By the way during the last quarter of the Melbourne game v Lions round one practically the entire Members were bagging out on Clarky!!
  4. Ok Col....if you say 99% or perhaps 95-99% I'll go with it..I've actually seen Melbourne play quite a bit this year. Proof of the putting is in the eating and to give him 100% Mate...I wish you could of been my Maths teacher!!
  5. Seriously cannot understand the Anti Daniher blogs.. The same bloggers praise Neeld as if he's the best thing since sliced bread? To quote Manuel "I know noooothing"
  6. nice one BD. Agree. Play on at all costs. Very snappy and was great to watch.
  7. Can anyone remember Dennis Jones? He had lots of Spade work to do. Another trivia one. Without consulting your Footy Google. Who was or were the Coache/s in charge when the Club secured Barry Norsworthy and Diamond Jim Tillbrook?
  8. Ridiculous to blame the current predicament on Bailey. Neeld didn't get MC to Melbourne. $$$800, 000 a season did the job for him. Mitch would of played under a wombat for that sought of $.
  9. If there is any improvement next year it will be reflected by an overall improvement from the entire list. There will not be a mass cull as some are demanding. The list is too young. Am also expecting a bombshell or two, i.e., a Cloke Goddard or a Boak. Frawley, Watts, Clark, Jamar, Sylvia, Jones, Howe, Blease, Garlo, Gysberts, Trenners and Grimesy must all have a bumper year. Very possible given they will be into the second year of Neeld game style and more confident with this. (putting my faith in MN here)
  10. Almost gave this a "like" for sheer effort BH. You're opinion of Jack Watts will change when he matures. This will take time just the same as it will take time for Mark Neeld. References of what peoples "day jobs" are display you can't grip the discussion with relevant analogy. Do you think Jack's the only young player not to make a huge impact at the age of 21? Do you honestly believe Watts to quote you "hopes he won't get there".. Crazy comment. to quote our Coach MN ..."Take off your 7 day goggles". Watts will surprise you.
  11. Best Post yet. Agree we all "care" . One purpose of this forum is to discuss what irks.
  12. Will Magner stay a Demon? Seems to have had a great game.
  13. Range Rover Master Demon Members 4392 posts Gender:Male Favourite Player(s):Mitch Clark and Nate Jones Posted Today, 09:44 PM Born to Run, on 01 September 2012 - 09:39 PM, said: Happy to come back and comment on this at the end of next year. Fair to say 2012 has been as hard an introduction to coaching for anyone in the last decade for Neeld. Neeld deserves an opportunity to turn the list over. We are all hearing there were systemic issues within the club. Were there those similar issues at freo? No. Ross Lyon was handed a plate full of french cheeses and italian cold cuts. Mark Neeld was handed a plate full of wet dog [censored]. That's the difference. Massive clean-out coming. Minimum 10 to be axed.
  14. Sorry Robbie. How to make this clearer?? Neeld or Lyon? Support the players Robbie?? Read most of the Pro Neeld posts here and one consistency is every post bags out on the List. Off to bed now early start tomorrow. Melbourne continue to play absolute rubbish brand of football. Consistently worse than I ever saw under Bailey, Daniher or even Balmy. The style has been rubbish since round one. Sheer crap. Whether it's Neeld or a shock factor after Jimmy Stynes passing all will be unveiled in the first half of next year. New players will come in and Old one's will leave. Coach will be the same. Seriously shattered at how a club with so much to play for this year hardly gave a yelp? Gary should have called Ross!! Good night to you!! Look forward to 2013 to admitting I'm wrong but ATM am not convinced Neeld has it.
  15. lol! yes! Am merely a cog though. Try not to bag out on players with constant gusto like some. Bad worker blames his tools. An oldie but a goodie. Lets see how 2013 PANS out.
  16. I can. for one great to see Colin Sylvia's endeavour. He's a star and has proved this over the past 2 months. He does it all under extreme adversity. Jack Grimes and jack Watts continue to get better
  17. Slightly off topic how could anyone watch the 7 news? 7's good for the footy and that's about it...and aboiut a million zillion ads and adjectives
  18. If this is true then Neeld should have been onto it before round one.
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