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Everything posted by thaipantsman

  1. Hei Bush D, Cheers for the post! Surprised to see it on Demonland given not even sure if Ray's a Member? BDemon is correct. Ray lives Melbourne FC or at least he did when I last saw him some 25 years back. Loved his Pies and Beers and yes a game of Pool at Rocky's, Jolly 3 and the Swan. All Springy Haunts back in the 70's for all you Demonlanders who might be wondering who the hell is Ray?? Greats to be able to Air this sought of stuff in Demonland. All the replies are extremely heartening. OK BD am just off the plane and will catch up with Ray tomorrow in Alfred. Wouldn't be much good to him tonight.
  2. Very sad for Ratten. Extremely hard call for us Demonlanders to comment. We don't know all the little intricacies. My guess is the post is correct and Blues are going for Malthouse. Will Ratten be head coach elsewhere??
  3. Brent Moloney IMO didn't quite make it to the heights of what we thought he was capable. I wouldn't be perturbed if he stayed or went though if fully fit would prefer the stay option. An observation is he seems to have built up so much to the extent has lost some flexibility. Similar bulild to Tappy.
  4. would this be the same source that spread Buddy on 3 strikes?
  5. don't get too excited or depressed at this stage. Neeld's keeping his hand close to chest and throwing out some red herrings in the process. Just the way the game should be played.
  6. Watts is one that requires more time. Listen to your Coach... 7 day googles....will take time in other words. Another two years. Watts will be better than Hurley. NIc Nat...he's another story. This guy is awesome.
  7. These polls are carefully worded to suit the poller's own opinion or agenda. For example his Neeld Poll asks us if we support Neeld to Coach in 2013 only and not unconditionally or to his Contracts end. Love me or Hate me most know IMO Neeld is not NBT for Melbourne but I do support Neeld in 2013. We all have to. I also hope Neeld warms into the job. Of course I voted Yes for Neeld.
  8. Nice conspiracy theory. I'll go with it. As you say seems to happen often enough. Most likely more the case we all follow Melbourne more closely than the other teams and don't notice when it happens to them.
  9. will be very interesting (off topic) if Melbourne still goes for Cloke given his current form. Should get RR to do a poll?
  10. 2004 25,252 7th 2005 24,220 8th 2006 24,698 5th
  11. Hypothetical= If Ratten's contract was finished would the loyalty concept still apply? Would Malthouse be an obvious choice? Surely any team would go for him. Don't forget G. Lyon went for Malthouse first after Melbourne sacked Bailey. Wish Melbourne would have got Malthouse or Ross Lyon....dream on..................Loyalty to Ratten? Sure I agree that Ratten deserves his last year. Problem is will Malthouse still be available? When does loyalty count? Was Melbourne "Loyal" to Bailey? Melbourne weren't "loyal" to Green by not at least giving him a second year as Captain. Football is a business and loyalty doesn't count anymore. If bad loyalty "rebounds" then Melbourne certainly wore it this year.
  12. Ross Lyon is a brilliant coach. He's not about to drop a game V Melbourne for any reason. Melbourne would be higher on the tree if G. Lyon had picked up the phone.
  13. Walker is also a MOngrel type which is what Watts need to install in his game.
  14. Geez Ben Hur we need you to rev the boys up a bit. That was some speech and a lot of hard truths (though don't know much about Ben Hogan). Watts will improve vastly with some mentoring...don't worry. He does have the talent. He's actually a big Unit and can play small. Good things take time and nothing is immediate unless you go for an established Big guy like Merrett or Brown/Cloke type. Patience...
  15. like this! Watts is faster in fact. Can mark well. Needs to beef up a little and learn to box. Confidence player and he's coming!!
  16. best post yet!! the signature is really in poor taste and uncalled for. It suggests Neeld is under threat which is clearly not the case. To be fair to RR he has taken the time to run the poll so good on him for that. NNat is an absolute freak and IMO will be the one of the greatest AFL talents ever seen. He was also taught where to run and how to play. Whether he would of developed at Melbourne we'll never know. Watts will be a star no doubt about it and doubters need to "take off their 7 day goggles". Will be fun watching the two develop over the next 5 years. Watts may well be right up with him some day.
  17. yet another deep and meaningful poll. next poll ....will the sun come up tomorrow!
  18. agreed Jonesy's good but the matchstick philosophy and grand 5 year plan doesn't convince me. If there was an inkling of something tangible happening my feelings would be different. Players don't seem to have heart, will or determination to play. The Coach always gives the impression he's like a rabbit blinded by car lights. Hardest team to play against...seven day goggles.... The list may not be the most promising in the comp as Voss and Malthouse have suggested but certainly is not the worst.
  19. bring back robbie flower-oh forgot wouldn't fit into your "tree trunk policy"
  20. That's a little harsh on the poor old goldfish!
  21. "just another battler" RR needs to take off his "7 day glasses".
  22. Hi Why you little! What you say is clearly not the case. Please read this post as confirmation. There is many more like it. Nothing! Clearly Jack Trengove is extremely promising and IMO is better than Scully. (not that Scully is bad) Range Rover, on 26 August 2012 - 06:35 PM, said: I see nothing special in this guy at all. Nothing.
  23. Repeat guys get off his case! Our matriarch chose our Captain and rightly so our matriarch chose to play him in the one's not drop him to the Magoos. If you both (the two previous posts) truly believe in Neeld then you would support our Captain through the hard times !
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