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Everything posted by thaipantsman

  1. take that trade but sadly for us won't happen
  2. IMO defenders we should keep Garlo Rivo Nico Frawlo I may have missed a couple! We need two more established player-Ingerson-Icke-Glendenning types join help out.
  3. Robbie's an absolute legend of the game. Captain of the Big V and could play in any position except the ruck:) Neitz is also a GREAT one...lets not argue
  4. I say yes. Never forget the day he charged the centre bounce in a game v Pies at the G. He splattered Buckley at a crucial stage of the match. Melbourne went on to win easily. Neitz gave Melbourne a presence something we badly lack now.
  5. Same for me and an extra membership for my Son. There's no other way!! While I'm openly far from convinced Neeld is the right thing for Melbourne I'll always be Melbourne.
  6. Williams was extremely sick early in season while recovering from a shocking back injury. Do your homework Lobster!
  7. boak, cloke and goddard..Melbourne needed to get one of these guys. No way maggies will let clokey go, boak's just re-signed and goddard will captain saints next year. scary times ahead.
  8. Good on you Big Kev!! Wish there was more posts like this!!!!!!
  9. some of the anti Jurrah sentiment floating about makes me feel I am in the wrong place here. I am encouraged to realise the silent majority wish him well and [censored] happens etc... Told my Son LJ left the club today. E's a great kid, apprentice plumber and also a gun footballer. First thing he said was "fair enough". Why are so many of you people harbouring such hatred and resentment towards Jurrah?
  10. Nico's also safe in the back pocket and Rivers will play another season
  11. Excellent points Romey! Moloney is most likely gone testing his luck with the free agency while given Melbourne's blessings. Worth noting Moloney is no Dud. Polled 19 brown low votes in a poor side in 2011. LJ is gone and was arguably our most exciting player. These types of Guys don't grow on trees contrary to the posts bandied about. Yes what indeed is enticing at Melbourne right now apart from Mitch Clark?
  12. Fev was on my wish list this year. Not a hope in hell Melbourne would go there.
  13. What is the indigenous "cause"?? What are the antics exactly? Nothing proved . Tell me what did Fevola do to progress the white man's cause? Would you like anymore examples. Perhaps the White Person doesn't need a cause cos he's shat all over Aboriginal culture, tradition and people for over 200 years. Still happening....
  14. I"m not a Neeld advocate. We missed the boat with Malthouse and will spend the next 3 years around 12-16 as a result. Lets hope there's more to Neeld than meets the eye. Anythings possible.
  15. Well he Aboriginal if that's what you mean. My impression is he is well over the wrist injury. He may not be the same. He will be better.
  16. The mere fact you're so upset reflects just how great Jurrah is. Contrary to what you say perhaps we didn't do enough to keep him.
  17. Why do you hope this of LJ? We'll never know the knitty grit ties of precisely why he left. I say good on him. If he plays for Port Adelaide then that's one for Dean Bailey!
  18. You all know he's my favorite Melbourne player. A sad day for me. He's not only a brilliant player when in full flight but an obvious drawcard for any SA club. I know he states Family as the main issue. Hope it's not the start of a trail of good needed players leaving the Dees. A Coach with more Charisma may have helped. What chance do we have of enticing Cloke, Boak or Goddard types not to mention the best young draftees. Bugger we missed the boat with Malthouse and Lyon.
  19. and I left out Hardeman..A state half back line Sullivan Hardeman Davis...Wells Flower Alves...Parke Dillon not to mention tough guys Biffen and Molloy, true blue rovers Callery and big Guys Ditterich and Keenan types... Is Melbourne is crisis or will we bounce back from this.
  20. couldn't be bothered to comment! Howe is How good anyone could be. Ultimately a key Forward would be ideal. In the Robertson mould but a little better.. Who was it that said Footy's played between the ears..Once Howe gets this right it's all the way with J Howe
  21. Well your name sake was pretty bloody good as well! What worries me is we were down for years with the likes of Sullivan, Davis, Wells, Alves, Flower, Ditterich, Keenan, Parke, Callery and Dillon. Dr. Gonz may be right then...who have we got now that could match it with those guys apart from Sylvia, Clark and Jones?
  22. Will do! Melbourne worries me ATM. For me the best thing I've seen all year was Mitch Clark stand up and say " I am Melbourne" and appear to actually mean it. Others need to stand up and say this or even better play it out on the field. My hope is for clever but subtle change some weeding and at least two boom recruits. Subtle enough?
  23. injury prone? do you mean Jamar...or Gawny.....You know Gonzo....I've only seen Gawn play 2 games v Bombers and Tigers...He looked young but effective. Agreed the knee is a worry.
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